19-07-2009, 03:23 PM
Charles Drago Wrote:If we accept that magic -- in the sense that Giordano Bruno, Mircea Eliade, Ioan Culianu, and Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier, among others, would use the term of art -- has been and continues to be employed as a key element in the manipulations of our perceptions, then perforce we must conclude that Z-film alteration was intended to accomplish far more than disguising the source and number of gunshots fired at the limo and the nature of its occupants' wounds.
One example: How anesthetized we have become to the butchers' gruesome work as a result of our repeated viewings of frame 313 (is this number merely an accident?).
They've made our horror disappear.
Precicely the reason I stay away from this entire area of the case. First of all the conspirators did not count on Zapruder being there. Secondly Time Life and our invisible government of conspirators could never have expected the actions of Robert Groden, a man who turned 18 on 11/22/63 and managed to get his hands on this valuable film and make it the masterpiece it is today. (The first time I ever saw the Z film was in Miami at the Dem. convention in '72 and it was such a bad copy I did not know what I was even seeing). In '73 my friends the Assassination Information Bureau began touring the country with excellent footage of this film, thanks to Bob Groden. If it IS a fake why on earth leave frame 313 in there? Sorry, I see this as a waste of time issue, just one more thing to bog us down in arguments. And, as CD pointed out, we have ample evidence of conspiracy without the film. Although I must confess that frame 313 IS incredibly powerful and shows darlin' arlin to be the liar that we all know he is.