15-06-2014, 11:46 AM
Open Letter to His Excellency Mr. Vladimir Putin - President of the Russian Federation
Published: 28 March 2014 |
With the kind permission of the initiator of this open letter, Mr. Jochen Scholz, Lieutenant Colonel of the Open Letter to Mr. Vladimir Putin will be published here and desirably on many other blogs.
The letter was the e-mail and by courier
Embassy of the Russian Federation
in the Federal Republic of Germany
Unter den Linden 63-65
10117 Berlin
At the same time this Open Letter was sent to the members of the German Bundestag as well as the listed media company.
Consequently, each reader has the opportunity to check yourself which media reports about the letter-writing campaign - and who conceals that matter!
In addition, the open letter was also embedded in a youtube clip, which makes sure the acknowledgment and Weiterverbeitung.
"Dear Mr. President!
In your speech to the State Duma They asked for understanding from the Germans.
We are German citizens who have experienced the post-war majority in the western half of Germany. When the Cold War in 1990 ended and our country was united, a sigh of relief went through the world, because the ever-looming threat of a nuclear military conflict seemed spellbound that would have pulled the entire globe affected.
Germany would have been wiped out.
, the decisive contribution to the liberation Europe from Nazism, has done under incomparable sacrifice, the Soviet Union. Nevertheless, it was in 1990 ready to support the German reunification in 1991 to dissolve the Warsaw Pact and community to accept NATO membership the whole of Germany. This was not honored by the West.
The then U.S. Ambassador in Moscow (1987 to 1991), Jack Matlock, has confirmed a few days ago in the Washington Post that President Bush had agreed to the generosity of President Gorbachev not to take advantage. The expansion of NATO into former Soviet republics, the establishment of military bases in former Warsaw Pact states and the establishment of a missile defense shield in Eastern Europe with a simultaneous termination of the ABM Treaty by the United States are not only blatant word breaks.
These measures can be understood by us only as a power projection of Western power, which are directed against the run of you state and economic consolidation of your country after you took office in 2000. Keir A. Lieber and Daryl G. Press in 2006 In addition, in "Foreign Affairs" with her ​​article " The Rise of U.S. Nuclear Primacy presented "convincing that the missile defense shield should allow a nuclear first strike nuclear neutralization of Russia.
This history in concise form reflects the background against which we judge the events in Ukraine since November 2013. It is now well documented that the U.S. has exploited the legitimate protests of the Ukrainian people for their own purposes. The pattern is familiar from other countries: Serbia, Georgia, Ukraine in 2004, Egypt, Syria, Libya.
The confounders European Union and OSCE were post haste, turned off within twelve hours after negotiated by the foreign ministers of the Weimar Triangle peaceful transition of power with the help of fascist forces. Who is behind the current coup government in Kiev, show the partner on the website of the Open Ukraine Foundation of the incumbent Prime Minister.
The intra-and international legal issues for secession of the Crimea will be answered differently. We do not want legal but purely political evaluate and classify the events here. Against the background of developments in Europe since 1990, the deployment of some 1,000 U.S. military bases around the world, the control of the Straits by the U.S. and the outgoing of the perpetrators of the Maidan threat to the Russian Black Sea fleet, we see the secession of the Crimea as a defensive measure with a simultaneous message: this far and no further! The crucial difference to the declaration of independence of Kosovo is that this international law with the air war of NATO - unfortunately with the participation of Germany - until the condition has been created.
Dear Mr. President, you referred before almost four years for an economic community from Lisbon to Vladivostok. You would be the economic basis for the "common European home". Ukraine could play a perfect bridge for future cooperation between your intended Eurasian Union and the European Union, not least culturally. We are convinced that the massive influence of the USA had the goal off this bridge function. In the EU Commission, those forces have enforced that support the U.S. policy toward Russia. The speech of the Executive Secretary General of the European External Action Service, Pierre Vimont, on March 14 this year is so far unique (EurActiv, "EU shunned from US-Russia meeting on Ukraine").
Dear Mr. President, we trust that your historic speech in 2001, will continue to form the basis for your actions against the EU and Germany in the German Bundestag. The latest polls show that the majority of Germans does not want any confrontation with the Russian Federation and applied understanding of Russia's reaction to the events in Ukraine. We do not underestimate the difficulties faced by a member of the EU and NATO in relation to Russia, the German policy, they are also known to you. However, at least we expect the Federal government to operate in the old Roman legal principle audiatur et altera pars. This was omitted in connection with the neighborhood policy of the EU in the case of Ukraine.
Russia has its-down during World War II killed 27 million people are not exploited politically, even in the Cold War against Germany. This inner size alone deserved a different quality in the relations between our countries. People in Germany for this purpose have a fine sense: As in 1994, the "Group of Soviet Forces in Germany" with a performance of her music corps on the square in front of the Art and Exhibition Hall in Bonn adopted from Germany, moving scenes between the numerous spectators and the musicians played from. In this context, we notice to news reporting and commentary on the German media only an apt adjective in the English language: disgusting .
Dear Mr. President, with our modest means as a simple citizen, we will help to ensure that the intended division of Europe does not succeed, but the ideas of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz be brought back to life. We are convinced that only if the states and peoples of the Eurasian continent double their affairs peacefully with each other, respectful, cooperative, on the basis of law and without outside interference, this will also radiate to the rest of the world. We understand in this sense as an ally.
For your present, and hopefully the next term, we wish you strength, stamina, intelligence and skill.
Yours faithfully "
Jochen Scholz, Lieutenant Colonel
Volker groom journalist
Wolf Gauer, filmmaker / journalist
Andreas Hauss, historian, journalist
Regine Näckel, editor
Dr. Ludwig Watzal, journalist and editor, Bonn
Stefan Siegert, illustrator, author
Peter Kleinert, journalist, documentary filmmaker, editor of the Neue Rheinische Zeitung
Günter Schupp, retirees
Ulrich Sander, Journalist, national spokesman of the Association of Victims of the Nazi Regime / Association of Anti-Fascists
Evelyn Hecht-Galinski , journalist and author
Benjamin Hecht
Peter Lommes, Immobilienkfm.
Wilfried Rühe, pensioners, captain retired the NVA, Chairman of the Community of size 13 eV
Claudia Karas, Coalition for a Just Peace in Palestine, peace activist
Peter M. Richter, lawyer
Antje Richter, diploma librarian
Tilo Schoenberg, editor of the information portal 0815 -info.com
Hartmut Barth Engelbart, writer, comedian, songwriter, historian
Günter Schenk, you Collectif Judéo Arabe et Citoyen pour la Palestine, Strasbourg membre
Wolfgang Jung, editor of AIR MAIL
Ulrich Geller man, editor of the Rational Gallery
Tim groom, Account Manager
Rainer Rupp, journalist
Winfried Belz, graduate theologian, hospital psychologist iR
Friedrich Gentzsch, Dipl.-Ing . Architect
Birgit Gentzsch, teacher iR PRO
Harri Grünberg, Chairman of the network Cuba, Member of the National Committee of the Left Party
Dr. Werner Boll village, historians, itself Retired banker
Thomas Immanuel Steinberg, retired
Fritz Reichert, physicist
Dr. Manfred Lotze, Doctor
Annette Klepzig, MTA retired, member of Pax Christi
Dr Dieter Weber, historian and archivist
Dr. med Jens Wagner, assistant physician, IPPNW
John Klier, musician
Ingrid hacker Klier, translator
Norbert Bragoner, pensioners
Dr Albrecht Jebens, editor, lecturer and author
Samy Yildirim, Phys.
Maria Pauli, craftswoman
Kurt Wirth, Dipl.-Kfm./Rentner
Elisabeth Wöckel, theologian, lecturer i Brazil, Syria, Sri Lanka, Emeritus
Dr. Dirk-M. Harmsen, physicists, line circuit Forum Peace Ethics (FFE) in the Evangelical Church in Baden
Flora Erler, pensioner
Irma Dillmann, pensioner
Jürgen Rose, Lieutenant Colonel, retired, member of the Working Group Darmstadt signal
Karl-Heinz Walloch, documentary filmmaker
René Pauli, police officer
Esther Thomsen , graduate theologian
Prof. Dr. Werner Ruf, a political scientist
Wolfgang Reinicke-Abel, MA phil.päd., cultural manager
Christine Reinicke, MA, Principal
Dr. phil. Tatjana Weber, graduate teacher of Russian history and
Erasmus Schoefer, 'writer, Cologne
Peter Bautsch, retirees
Gudrun Rafeld, retired
Dr. Izzeddin Musa, geologist, retired, chairman of the Society for Humanitarian Support of Palestinians eV Dr.-Ing . Dietrich Schulze, Advisory Board Member natural scientists peace initiative Tobias Ganietz, carpenters Hans Christian Ange, graduate lawyer, retirees, DIE LINKE Prof. Dr. Frank-Rainer Schurich, publicist Dr. Hassan Swelim, physicist Alexander Bese, nurse Olga Bese Betriebswirtin Frank Skischus, Federal Friedensratschlag, Kassel Renate Schoof, writer Ursula veil doctor iR Thomas Gotterbarm, Med documentary / translator Rudolf Reddig, historian Wolfgang Behr, cartographer Dr. George Alfred Kouchakji, Retired Medical Microbiologist Frank Skischus, Federal Friedensratschlag, Kassel Mary of Choltitz, Oberstudienrätin aD, Alliance 90/The Greens, daughter of the conqueror of the Crimea and the savior of Paris from destruction by Hitler Dr. Wolfgang Bittner, author Dietrich Schulze, Dr. Almuth Benzel, Karin Hamacher, Volker O'Barden, Tobias Gdanietz-carpenters, Dr. Bernd Bornemann Gerhard Dümchen Rev. iR Ole Chmilewski Heinz Brüggemann Günther Wilke, journalist Marianne Wilke Erica Warncke Marlen Goischke, retirees Maaten Slooves, retirees tungsten Jasker Irmgard Jasker Helga Meyer Brigitte von Winterfeld, pensioner Rainer flour, retired butcher Gesa Inge Lüers Valentin Bese , Bürokaufmann Jochen Vogler, retired, national spokesman for the VVN-BdA NRW Edgar Fries, Dipl . City Planner / pensioner Karl Schmidt, pastor iR Helmut Jaskolski, teachers, retired, member of Pax Christi Hanna Jaskolski Michael Poost, copywriters and programmers Dr Peter Kern, a professor retired Andreas Winterhalder, teachers Frithjof Newiak, graduate State University Kharkov / Ukraine Sonja Newiak, former students in Kharkov / Ukraine Hans-Günther Schramm Christoph, Paschke, IT manager Mario Swiss, technical business administration Susanne Wiesinger, translator Jochen Adolff, graphic designer Carsten Wolk, retired Jessica Mayer, mother and housewife Dr. Rudolph Bauer, Prof. em. Dipl.-Psych. Marianne Sorensen Bauer, psychotherapist Florian Finke, a prospective student Wolfgang Ney Willy choice Publisher d internet blogs Seniora.org Margot choice Klaus H. Jann, Red Reporter Dr. Bernd Bornemann, art historians, cultural workers Dipl . Ernst Dokter, VDI Hans-Ulrich Bunger, graduate social landlord, retiree Michael Poost; Journalist Sybille Maggraf, literature teacher Holger Platta, author and science journalist Edgar Fries Anita Binz (Switzerland) Ursula veil Dr. theol. Holger Müller, pastor, in charge of the Evangelical Church in Baden for the Council of Constance anniversary Angelika Wolfrum-Daub, physiotherapist Peter G. Spengler, Editors Studies of Current Affairs Professor Dr. Hans-Christian Günther, University of Freiburg Ulrike Schramm, pediatric nurse Werner Schramm, educationalists Manfred host - Willmann, self- Heinz A. Schammert, education consultant Brigitte Brecht opera director Katharina Bachmann, Chairman Friends of Nature OG Schopfheim eV Stefan Pertschi, Dessinateur Udo Stampa, Judge at the Social Court of Werner Heinlein, judicial officer iR Hans Christian In Inge Baumgart, pensioner Christa Willich-Klein, Psychologist Christine Ehrlenspiel, Oberstudienrätin iR Dieter Anschütz, a senior teacher iR Dr. Theresa Sauter Bailliet, retired Dr. med Frank Baum, Specialist in General Medicine, Clinical Geriatrics (IPPNW, club Democr. doctors and physicians, Verdi ) Michael Schoof, pensioners Dr Jürgen Koch Uta chef Rainer Kluckhuhn, teachers retired Dipl.-Biol . Doris Grunert, Specialist in Human Genetics, University of Bremen Albert Haller Dipl.-Ing . Wolfgang Herzig, Retired Colonel Helmut Roessler, pensioners Jens Loewe, entrepreneurs, company Bormann & Loewe GbR Gerhard Zwerenz, writer Ingrid Zwerenz, author Doris Schilling, entrepreneur Sebastian Zachow four-Rath Elke Minx senior member of the Left Horst Müller, civil engineer. Eva Maria Müller , graduate lawyer Udo Meurer, industrial mechanic Dr. Vera Hartlapp, psychiatrist iR Brigitte Rauscher Peter Rauscher, retired Dr. Hamid Reza Yousefi, University of Trier Günter Schroth, adult educators iR CLAUDE GREGOIRE, Luxembourg citizen Christa Oppermann, pensioner Dietrich Hyprath, Dipl.-Ing . iR Josef Gottschlich, teacher and speaker for primary school in the IRP Freiburg Klaus-Dieter Mudra Jörg Spanbauer, an independent movie theater operators Ernst Albers-Buttstaedt, specialist nurse for Social Psychiatry iR Stefan Buttstaedt, File Clerk iR Dr. med BG John Heinzow, doctor / Environmental Medicine Wolfgang Eschenbach, macro analyst Andreas Gaube, graphic Dipl Ing Dusan, Radakovic, retired Peter Bäß, pastor iR Tatjana Hess, private Seniorenbereuerin Gudrun Fenten, chemical technician retired Klaus Fenten, architect retired Anke Wetekamp, ​​teacher Walter Mayer, Karlsruhe / librarian retired Professor Hermann Kendel, Linden Avenue 32, 14050 Berlin Dipl.-Kfm . Christan Ottens, kaufm. Employee Christine Green-Ottens, Dioplom social worker Dr. Christian Fischer, consulting engineer, publicly appointed and sworn expert
Published: 28 March 2014 |
With the kind permission of the initiator of this open letter, Mr. Jochen Scholz, Lieutenant Colonel of the Open Letter to Mr. Vladimir Putin will be published here and desirably on many other blogs.
The letter was the e-mail and by courier
Embassy of the Russian Federation
in the Federal Republic of Germany
Unter den Linden 63-65
10117 Berlin
At the same time this Open Letter was sent to the members of the German Bundestag as well as the listed media company.
Consequently, each reader has the opportunity to check yourself which media reports about the letter-writing campaign - and who conceals that matter!
In addition, the open letter was also embedded in a youtube clip, which makes sure the acknowledgment and Weiterverbeitung.
"Dear Mr. President!
In your speech to the State Duma They asked for understanding from the Germans.
We are German citizens who have experienced the post-war majority in the western half of Germany. When the Cold War in 1990 ended and our country was united, a sigh of relief went through the world, because the ever-looming threat of a nuclear military conflict seemed spellbound that would have pulled the entire globe affected.
Germany would have been wiped out.
, the decisive contribution to the liberation Europe from Nazism, has done under incomparable sacrifice, the Soviet Union. Nevertheless, it was in 1990 ready to support the German reunification in 1991 to dissolve the Warsaw Pact and community to accept NATO membership the whole of Germany. This was not honored by the West.
The then U.S. Ambassador in Moscow (1987 to 1991), Jack Matlock, has confirmed a few days ago in the Washington Post that President Bush had agreed to the generosity of President Gorbachev not to take advantage. The expansion of NATO into former Soviet republics, the establishment of military bases in former Warsaw Pact states and the establishment of a missile defense shield in Eastern Europe with a simultaneous termination of the ABM Treaty by the United States are not only blatant word breaks.
These measures can be understood by us only as a power projection of Western power, which are directed against the run of you state and economic consolidation of your country after you took office in 2000. Keir A. Lieber and Daryl G. Press in 2006 In addition, in "Foreign Affairs" with her ​​article " The Rise of U.S. Nuclear Primacy presented "convincing that the missile defense shield should allow a nuclear first strike nuclear neutralization of Russia.
This history in concise form reflects the background against which we judge the events in Ukraine since November 2013. It is now well documented that the U.S. has exploited the legitimate protests of the Ukrainian people for their own purposes. The pattern is familiar from other countries: Serbia, Georgia, Ukraine in 2004, Egypt, Syria, Libya.
The confounders European Union and OSCE were post haste, turned off within twelve hours after negotiated by the foreign ministers of the Weimar Triangle peaceful transition of power with the help of fascist forces. Who is behind the current coup government in Kiev, show the partner on the website of the Open Ukraine Foundation of the incumbent Prime Minister.
The intra-and international legal issues for secession of the Crimea will be answered differently. We do not want legal but purely political evaluate and classify the events here. Against the background of developments in Europe since 1990, the deployment of some 1,000 U.S. military bases around the world, the control of the Straits by the U.S. and the outgoing of the perpetrators of the Maidan threat to the Russian Black Sea fleet, we see the secession of the Crimea as a defensive measure with a simultaneous message: this far and no further! The crucial difference to the declaration of independence of Kosovo is that this international law with the air war of NATO - unfortunately with the participation of Germany - until the condition has been created.
Dear Mr. President, you referred before almost four years for an economic community from Lisbon to Vladivostok. You would be the economic basis for the "common European home". Ukraine could play a perfect bridge for future cooperation between your intended Eurasian Union and the European Union, not least culturally. We are convinced that the massive influence of the USA had the goal off this bridge function. In the EU Commission, those forces have enforced that support the U.S. policy toward Russia. The speech of the Executive Secretary General of the European External Action Service, Pierre Vimont, on March 14 this year is so far unique (EurActiv, "EU shunned from US-Russia meeting on Ukraine").
Dear Mr. President, we trust that your historic speech in 2001, will continue to form the basis for your actions against the EU and Germany in the German Bundestag. The latest polls show that the majority of Germans does not want any confrontation with the Russian Federation and applied understanding of Russia's reaction to the events in Ukraine. We do not underestimate the difficulties faced by a member of the EU and NATO in relation to Russia, the German policy, they are also known to you. However, at least we expect the Federal government to operate in the old Roman legal principle audiatur et altera pars. This was omitted in connection with the neighborhood policy of the EU in the case of Ukraine.
Russia has its-down during World War II killed 27 million people are not exploited politically, even in the Cold War against Germany. This inner size alone deserved a different quality in the relations between our countries. People in Germany for this purpose have a fine sense: As in 1994, the "Group of Soviet Forces in Germany" with a performance of her music corps on the square in front of the Art and Exhibition Hall in Bonn adopted from Germany, moving scenes between the numerous spectators and the musicians played from. In this context, we notice to news reporting and commentary on the German media only an apt adjective in the English language: disgusting .
Dear Mr. President, with our modest means as a simple citizen, we will help to ensure that the intended division of Europe does not succeed, but the ideas of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz be brought back to life. We are convinced that only if the states and peoples of the Eurasian continent double their affairs peacefully with each other, respectful, cooperative, on the basis of law and without outside interference, this will also radiate to the rest of the world. We understand in this sense as an ally.
For your present, and hopefully the next term, we wish you strength, stamina, intelligence and skill.
Yours faithfully "
Jochen Scholz, Lieutenant Colonel
Volker groom journalist
Wolf Gauer, filmmaker / journalist
Andreas Hauss, historian, journalist
Regine Näckel, editor
Dr. Ludwig Watzal, journalist and editor, Bonn
Stefan Siegert, illustrator, author
Peter Kleinert, journalist, documentary filmmaker, editor of the Neue Rheinische Zeitung
Günter Schupp, retirees
Ulrich Sander, Journalist, national spokesman of the Association of Victims of the Nazi Regime / Association of Anti-Fascists
Evelyn Hecht-Galinski , journalist and author
Benjamin Hecht
Peter Lommes, Immobilienkfm.
Wilfried Rühe, pensioners, captain retired the NVA, Chairman of the Community of size 13 eV
Claudia Karas, Coalition for a Just Peace in Palestine, peace activist
Peter M. Richter, lawyer
Antje Richter, diploma librarian
Tilo Schoenberg, editor of the information portal 0815 -info.com
Hartmut Barth Engelbart, writer, comedian, songwriter, historian
Günter Schenk, you Collectif Judéo Arabe et Citoyen pour la Palestine, Strasbourg membre
Wolfgang Jung, editor of AIR MAIL
Ulrich Geller man, editor of the Rational Gallery
Tim groom, Account Manager
Rainer Rupp, journalist
Winfried Belz, graduate theologian, hospital psychologist iR
Friedrich Gentzsch, Dipl.-Ing . Architect
Birgit Gentzsch, teacher iR PRO
Harri Grünberg, Chairman of the network Cuba, Member of the National Committee of the Left Party
Dr. Werner Boll village, historians, itself Retired banker
Thomas Immanuel Steinberg, retired
Fritz Reichert, physicist
Dr. Manfred Lotze, Doctor
Annette Klepzig, MTA retired, member of Pax Christi
Dr Dieter Weber, historian and archivist
Dr. med Jens Wagner, assistant physician, IPPNW
John Klier, musician
Ingrid hacker Klier, translator
Norbert Bragoner, pensioners
Dr Albrecht Jebens, editor, lecturer and author
Samy Yildirim, Phys.
Maria Pauli, craftswoman
Kurt Wirth, Dipl.-Kfm./Rentner
Elisabeth Wöckel, theologian, lecturer i Brazil, Syria, Sri Lanka, Emeritus
Dr. Dirk-M. Harmsen, physicists, line circuit Forum Peace Ethics (FFE) in the Evangelical Church in Baden
Flora Erler, pensioner
Irma Dillmann, pensioner
Jürgen Rose, Lieutenant Colonel, retired, member of the Working Group Darmstadt signal
Karl-Heinz Walloch, documentary filmmaker
René Pauli, police officer
Esther Thomsen , graduate theologian
Prof. Dr. Werner Ruf, a political scientist
Wolfgang Reinicke-Abel, MA phil.päd., cultural manager
Christine Reinicke, MA, Principal
Dr. phil. Tatjana Weber, graduate teacher of Russian history and
Erasmus Schoefer, 'writer, Cologne
Peter Bautsch, retirees
Gudrun Rafeld, retired
Dr. Izzeddin Musa, geologist, retired, chairman of the Society for Humanitarian Support of Palestinians eV Dr.-Ing . Dietrich Schulze, Advisory Board Member natural scientists peace initiative Tobias Ganietz, carpenters Hans Christian Ange, graduate lawyer, retirees, DIE LINKE Prof. Dr. Frank-Rainer Schurich, publicist Dr. Hassan Swelim, physicist Alexander Bese, nurse Olga Bese Betriebswirtin Frank Skischus, Federal Friedensratschlag, Kassel Renate Schoof, writer Ursula veil doctor iR Thomas Gotterbarm, Med documentary / translator Rudolf Reddig, historian Wolfgang Behr, cartographer Dr. George Alfred Kouchakji, Retired Medical Microbiologist Frank Skischus, Federal Friedensratschlag, Kassel Mary of Choltitz, Oberstudienrätin aD, Alliance 90/The Greens, daughter of the conqueror of the Crimea and the savior of Paris from destruction by Hitler Dr. Wolfgang Bittner, author Dietrich Schulze, Dr. Almuth Benzel, Karin Hamacher, Volker O'Barden, Tobias Gdanietz-carpenters, Dr. Bernd Bornemann Gerhard Dümchen Rev. iR Ole Chmilewski Heinz Brüggemann Günther Wilke, journalist Marianne Wilke Erica Warncke Marlen Goischke, retirees Maaten Slooves, retirees tungsten Jasker Irmgard Jasker Helga Meyer Brigitte von Winterfeld, pensioner Rainer flour, retired butcher Gesa Inge Lüers Valentin Bese , Bürokaufmann Jochen Vogler, retired, national spokesman for the VVN-BdA NRW Edgar Fries, Dipl . City Planner / pensioner Karl Schmidt, pastor iR Helmut Jaskolski, teachers, retired, member of Pax Christi Hanna Jaskolski Michael Poost, copywriters and programmers Dr Peter Kern, a professor retired Andreas Winterhalder, teachers Frithjof Newiak, graduate State University Kharkov / Ukraine Sonja Newiak, former students in Kharkov / Ukraine Hans-Günther Schramm Christoph, Paschke, IT manager Mario Swiss, technical business administration Susanne Wiesinger, translator Jochen Adolff, graphic designer Carsten Wolk, retired Jessica Mayer, mother and housewife Dr. Rudolph Bauer, Prof. em. Dipl.-Psych. Marianne Sorensen Bauer, psychotherapist Florian Finke, a prospective student Wolfgang Ney Willy choice Publisher d internet blogs Seniora.org Margot choice Klaus H. Jann, Red Reporter Dr. Bernd Bornemann, art historians, cultural workers Dipl . Ernst Dokter, VDI Hans-Ulrich Bunger, graduate social landlord, retiree Michael Poost; Journalist Sybille Maggraf, literature teacher Holger Platta, author and science journalist Edgar Fries Anita Binz (Switzerland) Ursula veil Dr. theol. Holger Müller, pastor, in charge of the Evangelical Church in Baden for the Council of Constance anniversary Angelika Wolfrum-Daub, physiotherapist Peter G. Spengler, Editors Studies of Current Affairs Professor Dr. Hans-Christian Günther, University of Freiburg Ulrike Schramm, pediatric nurse Werner Schramm, educationalists Manfred host - Willmann, self- Heinz A. Schammert, education consultant Brigitte Brecht opera director Katharina Bachmann, Chairman Friends of Nature OG Schopfheim eV Stefan Pertschi, Dessinateur Udo Stampa, Judge at the Social Court of Werner Heinlein, judicial officer iR Hans Christian In Inge Baumgart, pensioner Christa Willich-Klein, Psychologist Christine Ehrlenspiel, Oberstudienrätin iR Dieter Anschütz, a senior teacher iR Dr. Theresa Sauter Bailliet, retired Dr. med Frank Baum, Specialist in General Medicine, Clinical Geriatrics (IPPNW, club Democr. doctors and physicians, Verdi ) Michael Schoof, pensioners Dr Jürgen Koch Uta chef Rainer Kluckhuhn, teachers retired Dipl.-Biol . Doris Grunert, Specialist in Human Genetics, University of Bremen Albert Haller Dipl.-Ing . Wolfgang Herzig, Retired Colonel Helmut Roessler, pensioners Jens Loewe, entrepreneurs, company Bormann & Loewe GbR Gerhard Zwerenz, writer Ingrid Zwerenz, author Doris Schilling, entrepreneur Sebastian Zachow four-Rath Elke Minx senior member of the Left Horst Müller, civil engineer. Eva Maria Müller , graduate lawyer Udo Meurer, industrial mechanic Dr. Vera Hartlapp, psychiatrist iR Brigitte Rauscher Peter Rauscher, retired Dr. Hamid Reza Yousefi, University of Trier Günter Schroth, adult educators iR CLAUDE GREGOIRE, Luxembourg citizen Christa Oppermann, pensioner Dietrich Hyprath, Dipl.-Ing . iR Josef Gottschlich, teacher and speaker for primary school in the IRP Freiburg Klaus-Dieter Mudra Jörg Spanbauer, an independent movie theater operators Ernst Albers-Buttstaedt, specialist nurse for Social Psychiatry iR Stefan Buttstaedt, File Clerk iR Dr. med BG John Heinzow, doctor / Environmental Medicine Wolfgang Eschenbach, macro analyst Andreas Gaube, graphic Dipl Ing Dusan, Radakovic, retired Peter Bäß, pastor iR Tatjana Hess, private Seniorenbereuerin Gudrun Fenten, chemical technician retired Klaus Fenten, architect retired Anke Wetekamp, ​​teacher Walter Mayer, Karlsruhe / librarian retired Professor Hermann Kendel, Linden Avenue 32, 14050 Berlin Dipl.-Kfm . Christan Ottens, kaufm. Employee Christine Green-Ottens, Dioplom social worker Dr. Christian Fischer, consulting engineer, publicly appointed and sworn expert
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"
Joseph Fouche
Joseph Fouche