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Can't find diagram of shots to jfk from conspiracy point of view?
Bob Prudhomme Wrote:RichardExcellent argument and, surprisingly, one that I never thought of. Yes, why would only one of the three shots produce an echo, if they were all from the same origin?WilliamI'll go even one better. Why not three shots within the .7 second period, assuming there was some form of coordinated fire taking place? I say this because there would appear to be two entrance wounds on JFK's skull (one in the right temple and one just to the right of the external occipital protuberance - coincidentally, exactly where the large blowout was observed at PH) and one wound in JBC's back. Although the ear witnesses only heard two shots close together, evidence of the "firecracker" sound of the first shot, back near the Stemmons Freeway sign, is a strong indication that at least one of the rifles in Dealey Plaza was equipped with a suppressor.Would a "firecracker" noise be audible over the sound of two unsuppressed rifle shots?From the WC testimony of Roy Kellerman, Secret Service:"Mr. KELLERMAN. Yes. Good. There was enough for me to verify that the man was hit. So, in the same motion I come right back and grabbed the speaker and said to the driver, "Let's get out of here; we are hit," and grabbed the mike and I said, "Lawson, this is Kellerman,"--this is Lawson, who is in the front car. "We are hit; get us to the hospital immediately." Now, in the seconds that I talked just now, a flurry of shells come into the car. I then looked back and this time Mr. Hill, who was riding on the left front bumper of our followup car, was on the back trunk of that car; the President was sideways down into. the back seat."Would two shots qualify as a "flurry"?
YOU ASKED: "Why not three shots within the .7 second period?"The autopsy information with the head wounds along with the information from the witnesses at Parkland Hospital suggest that more than two shots hit President Kennedy in the head. So why not two or more?It turns out there is additional evidence that also shows the last two shots were fired a split second apart. The first shot was fired from the right front and the second shot was fired from behind the limousine. Taken together with other information, it is quite damning.[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6198&stc=1]The average JFK "researcher" has been brainwashed to believe that the audio recording of the Dallas police radio channel does NOT contain the sounds of the shots. As I have show in great detail, this is OBVIOUSLY not true, the sounds of the shots were recorded and the government is terrified you will finally see what happened when JFK was shot.First, let's see how the audio evidence fits the Zapruder film's timing. In the film, we see first JFK shot in the head at Z313 then 0.7 seconds later begining at frame Z325, we see John Connally thrown forward as the bullet strikes him in the back. After Connally is bent over forward by the force of the bullet as it hits him in the back, we then see him being pulled over into Nellie's lap. The work done by the audio experts shows that the Z313 shot was fired from the grassy knoll (right front of JFK) which knocked him violently back and to the left. The last shot was fired from behind which missed JFK's head and hit John Connally in the back, exited his chest and then struck his right wrist as the bullet traveled forward toward the front seat.[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6199&stc=1]You probably notice a big problem with that scenario. All of Connally's wounds could NOT have been caused by the bullet at Z325, the angle was too shallow to have gone down and hit Connally in the left thigh. And this is the main reason that every one of the JFK "EXPERTS" has bought the lie that Connally could NOT have been struck later than about Z frame 240. The reason they think that is that everyone knows that all of John Connally's wounds were caused by ONE BULLET.[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6200&stc=1]If Connally was not wounded in the left thigh at Z325, when was he wounded there? It turns out there is an easy answer to that question but one you will not find in any book or documentary. I am the only one who describes the correct sequence:John Connally made TWO radical movements exactly when the audio evidence shows shots were fired.1. 4.8 seconds BEFORE the JFK head shot, John Connally throws up his hands, snaps his head TOWARD his left and then shortly thereafter, he starts to turn his whole body toward the right to look over his right shoulder which is exactly what he says he did.2. 0.7 seconds AFTER JFK is shot in the head, Connally is bent over violently forward as a bullet fired from behind knocks him forward[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6201&stc=1]As you look at the Zapruder film from Z224, 4.8 seconds BEFORE JFK head shot to Z325 0.7 seconds AFTER JFK head shot, you'll notice John Connally turns to his right to look back toward where he thought the shot came from. After the shot hit him in the back, John Connally had an exit wound in his chest about the size of a baseball (described by Nellie Connally). If Connally was struck in the back before Z325, where is the blood on his white shirt? How could he turn to look over his right shoulder with a massive wound to his chest?
.bmp   ZCLOSEB272.BMP (Size: 1,012.55 KB / Downloads: 1) The obvious answer is that John Connally was not struck in the back until he is bent over (starting at Z325) which is what he said happened. The other obvious thing that must be true is that he was not wounded in the left thigh at Z325, he was wounded in the left thigh when the Z224 shot was fired. The wound to his left thigh was caused by a bullet fragment, not a bullet. Connally's lead surgeon called the wound "trivial" and it was caussed by a bullet fragment yet the WC crowd says the bullet came out of the wound and was found on a stretcher. Surely you have seen Daryl Tomlinson (the orderely who found the bullet on a stretcher) say the stretcher was NOT Connally's stetcher. But the Warren Commission chose NOT to believe him :-)This lie has lived so long because it is easy to fool Americans, convince the press and they will hammer the public into believing anything necessary to protect the government's lies. This next presentation on the NON-HISTORY CHANNEL showed Connally describing his wounds and they did a decent job on aligning his description with the Zapruder film. Then the typical journalists jump back to showing President Kennedy shot in the head even after they showed earlier that John Connally was bent over AFTER JFK WAS shot in the head. And how did they get away with it? They zoomed in to show Connally bent over and then they go back to show JFK shot in the head afterwards. you want to know more to make it even clearer the gubermint lied and forged to hide the truth, simply ask. When you know how to prove what happened during the shooting, the previously hard answers become ridiculously simple to figure out what actually happened. But don't ask Dale Myers, Vince Bugliosi or the History Channel, they still don't have a clue that the gubermint made fools of them.You probably need to know and understand more before all of this makes sense. The keepers of the big lie have relied on you just getting pieces of the big picture to keep you in the dark. At this point it should be reasonable to you but it still might not rise to the level of proving that the SOB's killed JFK and then forged and lied. The information is available but we humans have to learn one step at a time.Bill Charleston

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Messages In This Thread
Can't find diagram of shots to jfk from conspiracy point of view? - by William Charleston - 27-08-2014, 05:21 PM

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