15-09-2014, 04:05 AM
Chris Davidson Wrote:Hi Bill,
I hate defending Myers, it's the last thing I want do. But, his multi-film sync study shows:
The Dorman frame you have chosen (approx 308) as one of the sync points is, according to Myers, approx 1.74 seconds before Z133 starts.
The little girl is at the end of the "wall" with 11.58 seconds before the JFK head shot (according to Myers). That is before the Z film starts with the limo moving at Z133. But Myers says that the JFK head shot occurred when a man steps on to the curb which does not match the timing of the Dorman film and the Zapruder film as I show below.
Time for little girl to run about 40 feet where she was at Z178 for first shot: about 5 seconds
Time from 1st shot to JFK head shot (4th shot) = 1.7 + 1.1 + 4.8 = 7.6 seconds per acoustical analysis.
Adding those figures together gives the time to JFK's head shot which roughly agrees with Myers' figure of 11.58 seconds.
1) Little girl at end of wall: about 12 seconds before JFK head shot
2) Little girl stops running immediately after first shot (shot #1 at Z178 per acoustical analysis) (7.6 seconds before JFK head shot)
3) Man steps on curb in Dorman film (about 6 seconds after little girl at end of wall) (about 6 seconds before JFK head shot)
4) Shot #3 fired at Z224 (immediately after Connally emerges in Z film from behind sign (4.8 seconds before JFK head shot)
5) First see the motorcycle policeman's shadow in Dorman film, 4 seconds before Z313 JFK head shot
6) Shot #4 fired at Z313
The acoustical evidence analysis indicates the motorcycle would be rounding the corner about the time shot #3 is fired. It would have about 4 seconds to arrive IN THE AREA of the most probable microphone for shot #4. As shot #4 and shot #5 are 0.7 seconds apart per the acoustical evidence, those two microphones are very close together.
As you can see, starting with the little girl at the end of the wall on the sidewalk and giving her time to run to the place in the Zapruder film where she can be seen stopping immediately after the acoustical evidence shows the first shot was fired (Z178) shows that the motorcycle was at approximately correct position predicted by the acoustical analysis.
If you look at Dale Myers' detailed, erudite analysis; he starts and stops various films including the Dorman film in his analysis! Myers can therefore claim that events are later in time than the simple film timeline shows.
Elsie Dorman couldn't aim the camera but did she shot/start filming while she was watching the limo? According to Dale Myers, she did stop and start filming in the seconds she could see the limousine. That is how Myers "proved" the acoustical analysis is invalid. According to the acoustical analysis, she did not stop the camera.
How does this affect my work which shows the time between shots is the same in the Zapruder film and the acoustical analysis?
I have shown that the time between several shots is the same in both the Zapruder film and the acoustical evidence. For three shots, this is easy to show:
Z224 John Connally makes his first reaction to a shot right after we see him emerge from behind the sign (he received a minor wound to his left thigh from a bullet fragment). Time to another shot (Z313) is {(313 - 224)/18.3} = 4.8 seconds
The next movement John Connally makes when he might have been shot per my work is Z325, the shot to Connally's back. That is 0.7 seconds AFTER the JFK head shot.
Looking at the acoustical analysis we see the acoustical experts by analyzing the echo patterns of test shots and the actual recording of the Dallas police radio they came up with the following shooting sequence (and modified to correct one of the significant mistakes made by the HSCA).
Taking the acoustical evidence AND the Zapruder film together, it destroys the majority of the books, documentaries and guesses made on the JFK assassination. All of this fits together to show many things:
The doctors at Parkland were right, there was a massive wound in the rear of JFK's head (shot #4 was fired from right front).
The observations of a small entrance wound to the throat is consistent with shot #2 in the acoustical evidence. No test shot was fired from the correct location by the HSCA in the acoustical analysis.
The US government forged the autopsy photographs and the autopsy report to hide the truth.
You no longer have to believe the laws of conservation of energy and momentum were not applicable when JFK was shot.
John Connally is bent over in the Zapruder film exactly when the last shot is fired from the TSBD per the acoustical evidence. The US government and their useful fool supporters have worked very hard to hide the next sequence of cropped Zapruder frames from you. Even though the Zapruder film is one of the most viewed/analyzed films in history, few looked past the JFK head shot because most thought that was the last shot fired. The acoustical analysis proves the last two shots were BANG-BANG, just like the dozens of witnesses who said they heard that. The government said those sounds were echoes.
The US government ignored Connally when he said the force of the blow to his back bent him over..... He was bent over after the JFK head shot as the acoustical evidence indicates.
Bill Charleston
All these years have gone by and it never occurred to me that Connally was shot after JFK's fatal head shot. Once you're walked through it, it's immediately evident that that's exactly what happened. It all fits! It's the ONLY thing that fit's. It's amazing work. You're the VERY first person to put this all together. Congrats!! Watching your video was like putting glasses on correctly after wearing them backwards for years without realizing it. A surprised viewer
All these years have gone by and it never occurred to me that Connally was shot after JFK's fatal head shot. Once you're walked through it, it's immediately evident that that's exactly what happened. It all fits! It's the ONLY thing that fit's. It's amazing work. You're the VERY first person to put this all together. Congrats!! Watching your video was like putting glasses on correctly after wearing them backwards for years without realizing it. A surprised viewer