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Can't find diagram of shots to jfk from conspiracy point of view?
Drew Phipps Wrote:In the interest of covering new ground instead of stuff we've already covered:

1. Where was the microphone?

2. Please describe the trajectory of the bullet fragment that you say missed Connally's torso but managed to hit his thigh, which I'm supposing you will conceed is below and forward of his torso.

When the goons in the US gov't discovered that the audio evidence existed as Bugliosi said the HSCA was abuzz when Prof Barger said the audio recording had evidence there might be as many as six shots. There are several things that would be true if sounds of the shots were recorded:

1. The gunfire in Dealey Plaza would produce echoes and the recording would produce spikes each time an echo arrived at the microphone. Because the motorcycle was moving, each of the shots would be recorded at a different location. The acoustical experts had some experience with using a technique called echo correlation analysis which compares recorded test shots to the actual recording. A statistical match proves the sounds were produced by gunfire.

2. The time between shots in seconds could be determined. If the time between shots is the same in the two ways we have to measure them, then that also proves statistically the sounds of the shots were recorded.

Professor Barger chose to use echo correlation analysis as the method he was going to hang his hat on. The first shooting experiment produced statistically significant results such that the echo pattern matches were above 50/50 that they were produced by gunfire. Barger wanted to do another shooting experiment with the microphones closer together but the HSCA said they were out of money and one of the biggest questions in American history was not answered! By this time, the lies were so big that the US government could not let the little people know they were lied to.

The results with the widely spaced microphones:

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6332&stc=1]

As can be seen from this table, the widely spaced microphone array showed statistical correlation above 0.5 for some of the shots from both the grassy knoll AND the TSBD! The shooting experiment Prof Barger proposed was to determine if the sounds from experimental recordings reasonably matched the actual recording. With this information, the government goons whose job it is to HIDE THE TRUTH could not let another shooting experiment be performed or else it would have removed all doubt.

So how did they hide 4.8 seconds between shots in BOTH the acoustical evidence and the Zapruder film? If you look at shot #2, you'll notice that it has 3 statistically significant microphones from the TSBD and one from the GN. Shot #3 has only one from the TSBD. Knowing that there were three shots fired from the TSBD, the HSCA audio experts picked #1, #2 and #5 from the grassy knoll. That hid the 4.8 seconds from the public!

But that alignment is ridiculous because the time between shots #1 and #2 was 1.7 seconds which is not sufficient time for the gunman in the TSBD to fire 2 shots. The only possibility for the first two shots from the TSBD is for shots #1 and #3 to be from the TSBD, and shot #2 from somewhere else!

But look, we got statistically significant matches from different microphones and different shooting places for some of the shots! To resolve this dilemma, you have to use BOTH the Zapruder film and the audio evidence to determine what happen and use other constraints such as the TSBD rifle's minimum shooting times between shots. When you do that, you get a unique shooting scenario that can be used to explain all of the wounds at when each of the five shots was fired: Z178, Z202, Z224, Z313 and Z325.

But to answer your question: None of the microphones was located exactly where the motorcycle was when shots were fired. The data was too poor and the US gov't would not let them do more shooting experiments. Shot #2, for example, could NOT have been fired from the TSBD (it was only 1.7 seconds after the first TSBD shot) and the grassy knoll view meant that shooter could not have fired either. Therefore you have to use other information to determine where the shooter of shot #2 was located!

CE840: three bullet fragments were found under Nellie's seat

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6333&stc=1]

Because the wounds at shot #1, #2, #4 and #5 allow only some of the wounds to be tied to those shots, a fragmented shot #3 must explain the rest AND the some of the evidence is very consistent with that happening:

1. John Connally's left thigh wound was caused (per Dr. Robert Shaw) by a bullet fragment, not a bullet
2. The wound to JFK's back (5.5 inches below his collar) when probed with both a finger and a surgical instrument showed no point of exit (i.e. it was a shallow wound that had no track toward the neck as the SBT fairy tale demands).
3. Multiple Witnesses saw something hit the pavement about this time

Connally was a tall man with little space for his legs. The 3rd shot from the TSBD hit a branch, fragmented with fragments going under Nellie's seat, and one hit Connally's left leg at Z224.

If you look at CE567, you'll see it was a metal jacket bullet but if CE399 was planted on a stretcher at Parkland to allow the shooting to definitely be tied to the TSBD rifle, then one of the shots had to have been fired differently to allow the truth to be hidden. Those guys were not complete idiots, they just assume the citizens are fools.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6334&stc=1]

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6336&stc=1]

Connally at z225 is looking to his right, at Z230 he has snapped his head toward the left even though he said in every interview I've ever seen that he thought the sound of the shot came from back toward his right which is were he turns AFTER he looked to his left. WHY toward his left? Because his left thigh had been hit by a bullet fragement. His left leg (thigh) was turned toward Nellie's seat.

Now when you look at Z273 it will make more sense:

Connally has no blood on his shirt
He has no exit wound on his chest about the size of a baseball
He can turn around in his seat because he is not shot in the back until Z325 when the force of the bullet to his back bent him over

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6337&stc=1]

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6338&stc=1]

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Bill Charleston

All these years have gone by and it never occurred to me that Connally was shot after JFK's fatal head shot. Once you're walked through it, it's immediately evident that that's exactly what happened. It all fits! It's the ONLY thing that fit's. It's amazing work. You're the VERY first person to put this all together. Congrats!! Watching your video was like putting glasses on correctly after wearing them backwards for years without realizing it. A surprised viewer

Messages In This Thread
Can't find diagram of shots to jfk from conspiracy point of view? - by William Charleston - 27-09-2014, 04:33 PM

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