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Mind Boggling: Secret Service breakdown or worse...
Something doesn't smell right about this event. I remember some other attempts of persons to go over the fence around the White House and all were immediately apprehended. There must be a variety of detectors and other security measures. The fact he got to the White House, into the White House and half way through it is more than amazing....but smells of a pre-planned event. Well, if Obama wasn't on 'notice' before - he is now. While he has been playing mostly by the rules of the rulers for whom he is but a puppet 'face' for the secret government - while playing totally by their rules on 'National Security and War' issues, he has slightly strayed IMHO on domestic and social issues...and might have been in need of a warning along those lines...just speculating. The head of the SS has now resigned - the first female...another possible motive was just to remove a female head of the SS..... Any which way one cuts it, it doesn't seem like an honest 'mistake' (lapse in security). I'm sure that anyone making it to the White House without permission is usually faced with deadly force on the shoot first, ask questions later level......
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Messages In This Thread
Mind Boggling: Secret Service breakdown or worse... - by Peter Lemkin - 02-10-2014, 10:06 AM

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