24-10-2014, 07:26 PM
I'm surprised CT'ers don't catch on quicker to the fact Commander Pitzer captured Horne's pre-autopsy on his remote filming equipment. Researchers should be quicker to realize that the entry wound to the temple and rear exit wound that Pitzer showed film examples of to Dennis David is proof that Pitzer filmed JFK prior to the official autopsy. The only place he could have done that was at the covert pre-autopsy where they altered those wounds. If you think about it Pitzer had to not only film those incriminating wounds but also the criminal alteration of those wounds that the pre-autopsy was intended for. You can see what a danger Pitzer and his film was. It is understandable that CIA asked Dan Marvin to assassinate him considering what a danger he was to them. I can't understand why this doesn't click with the assassination community. It basically cracks the case.