28-11-2014, 04:41 PM
I am waiting for Jm's book to see not only the fingerprint discussion but also other discussions about Mac Wallace. The english version of Kill JFK will be issued no later than July 15. In the book, we discuss when Billie Sol Estes learned of Wallace's involvement in the assassination. It did not occur until his second time in prison contrary to what has been written in other books. After our first book came out, I was in continuous contact with BSE and after his death with his daughter, Pam, and his brother. BSE was more forthcoming especially in late night phone calls to me after the book was published. Calls that I recorded. The brother in particular shed more light as he finally felt free to talk. We are not relying on the fingerprint to prove that Wallace was part of the assassination team. Any one who believes the BSE story in its entirety has been mislead. Regrettable, our first French book added to his legend as it was written more to tell the story from his viewpoint.
Ahimsa….may you live in a world of non-forcefulness.