04-02-2015, 06:12 PM
David Josephs Wrote:Albert Doyle Wrote:Being in close proximity would allow the controllers to test the viability of the operation and tweak it. Remember, at that date the feasibility of the operation was still optional and didn't have the huge consequences it would after the coup. If the program was intended for foreign espionage it would be less likely the Soviets would have access to American school records. Bringing the two operatives close to each other would allow the controllers to see if it worked. To see if people could immediately detect the ruse or any other operational nuance.
You make a great point Albert.... today we can access most any info in a minute... at that time and for the purposes outlined (create plausible backstories for CIA assets) we simply do not know what the "plan's" ultimate purpose was...
When a cursory look is done we find a normal child turned into a disgruntled communist for a number of reasons. Whether our Oswalds were to spy on us or them or allow LEE to move about more freely we simply do not know.
One thing is for sure though, the evidence gathered from 1952 on highly suggests the existence of two separate people performing activities at the same time but in different places.
If anyone can explain the thinking of JJ Angleton, have at it - Hoover and his FBI had no choice but to cooperate.. it is only after Oswald becomes the patsy that his earlier life's records need to be removed
Why does Hoover send 2 FBI agents to Stripling to TAKE Oswald's Jr High record - on Saturday Nov 23rd? and question Pfisterer's personnel that next week when he needs to run the investigation ino JFKs death?
cause something is just not right
Ya this is a huge hint that the FBI knew there were two LHO. Wonder how Judy explains this. Because she cannot, nor can anyone else except to admit that there were two and the FBI knew it.