15-02-2015, 03:53 PM
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:http://www.ctka.net/2015/HSCA.htmlJim, I am on slide 25, can you clarify a point. I have the understanding that the CIA from it's inception had been granted immunity from prosecution for perjury citing national security to trump all other governmental powers. The fact that Phillips lied or did not disclose information could have no ramifications other than the realization that the CIA was guilty by association. The HSCA had no power over the CIA, nor does any other agency or branch of the government. The White House published the fact that the CIA could no longer be controlled even by the President, shortly before KENNEDY was assassinated.
Len Osanic is doing a review of the HSCA on his show. So I decided to complement that with this PP presentation I did at Lancer in 2013.
The HSCA went to Hades in a hand basket. And its odd that so few people do not realize the resemblance to what happened to Garrison. Although Chris Sharrett did at the time, when Sprague was getting pilloried in the press.
The other parallel is what happened to Judge Joe Brown in Memphis on the King case. And in a related area, Gary Webb on the CIA and drugs.
Anyway, I again thank Al Rossi for this, his technical skills are superb.
Jim, thank you for sharing the presentation.