28-03-2015, 01:05 AM
Dawn Meredith Wrote:I have not ever said that I personally believe LBJ sent Wallace up there as a shooter. I do not know how his print got on that carton. There are many explanations. I agree with Joan that Barr's book on the JFK evidence was horrible. More later.Dawn
KillJFK will answer several questions, which have been raised in this thread. I regret that the english version has been delayed by the French publisher. The English version will be published in September 2015 even if the French version is delayed further. If this happens, the title will change. I will keep you informed.
Now some notes.
1. Wallace never met Oswald until September 1963 well after the decision was made to kill Kennedy.
2. There is absolutely no evidence that LBJ was part of any discussion to use Wallace.
3. Those details, which BSE stated which are correct, did not come from Carter but from a Dallas Mob connection.
4. BSE and/or his brother was at the Marshall Murder site
In the many discussions over a period of ten years, BSE contradicted himself many times. I truly believe that BSE would rather tell a lie than the truth even if the truth sounded better. I have many hours of video tape and more importantly many hours of taped telephone conversations and within them are what I believe is the truth about Marshall. I wrote BSE's autobiography and he changed key parts before publishing to match his lies. More than likely BSE's brother was at the murder.
Pam learned several things after BSE's death about Marshall and other murders and we discussed them in depth. They would have been included in her documentary.I agree with Dawn about Nathan. He firmed believed the prints matched. Anyone who met him in person and discussed it for any length of time could not help but come to that conclusion.
Ahimsa….may you live in a world of non-forcefulness.