15-04-2015, 10:49 PM
David Josephs Wrote:Albert - Carolyn places him walking past the front doors on the inside at 12:25... not the lunchroom.
And it would make more sense to place Oswald CLOSER to the 6th floor, not farther away, giving the timing. Walking down the stairs 1-2 flights up is much more incriminating thatn in the lunchroom with the mechanical door closed with a coke in his hand... so they at least tried to lose the Coke... but the man on the stairs in the affidavit is completely eliminated from consideration.
If Prayerman is HARVEY, which is looking more and more likely, the lunchroom thing NEVER HAPPENED and the man in the stairs was indeed LEE.
the lunchroom scene is created to get Oswald from the Prayerman location - and it being impossible he was on the 6th floor, at least in the building. Mrs Reid sees LEE. Craig sees Harvey get into the car since we also know the McWatters bustrip was fabricated as well.
As far as I know I believe DiEugenio said Carolyn was shown her FBI statement and complained she didn't say 12:15 as the time of her sighting of Oswald in the lunchroom, she said 12:25. FBI moved it back to 12:15 on the assumption that Carolyn was mistaken since Oswald wouldn't have time to make it to the Sniper's Nest at 12:25.
If you have two Oswald's in the Depository isn't possible one took the bus? Is it possible the wrinkles with the bus trip is for the same reason as those in the Depository? The need to lose one of the Oswald's. There was a similar fatal wrinkle involved with Ralph Yates.