29-08-2009, 08:29 AM
Helen Reyes Wrote:...
i have no idea about tv coverage, but oswald did do a radio debate in new orleans and presented himself as the head of the local fpcc chapter. recordings of this exist, or partial recordings.
as i recall, oswald did well during the debate and came off like the winner. my faulty memory says he had two opponents, one a right-wing religious figure of local importance.
Audio of Oswald's interview is here:
Helen Reyes Wrote:...
with the local anti-castro groups, oswald alternately offered them military training manuals and got into fisticuffs with them.
I believe it was sheep dipping street theater.
Helen Reyes Wrote:...
if you read the fbi/cia memo sent by one george bush of houston the day after, it makes sense to think george bush made sure the anti-castro people fingered oswald, and not someone else.
Interesting theory on that notorious memo Helen.