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Tumbling bullets v/s Sir Isaac Newton
I have been reading about JFK's back / throat wound and the subsequent tumbling bullet which are the bed rock of the LN'ers and the SBT. I was watching the PSB Nova documentary on YouTube (now removed), living in the UK I was really only interested in the performance of the Carcano rifle, since I have no experience with fire arms. It produced some interesting info on the rifle performance(OK a well maintained gun, firing modern ammo, version of the Carcano). They did however perform some high speed filming of the bullet passing through a block of gel like substance, which mimics the body. This they claimed would effect the bullets performance in a similar way to exiting JFK's body and would demonstrate that the bullet could tumble and thus provide confirmation for the SBT .

The high speed photography examples they published did show the bullet starting to tumble as soon as it left the Gel block , job done they claimed, however what they conveniently ignored was that the bullet behaved exactly in the manner Sir Isaac outlined in his famous laws of motion, it continued in a straight line to the target. It never veered right or left up or down it tumbled perfectly to it's aimed target. They of course totally ignored that bit of it , it started to tumble job done. Which in the absence of any aerofoil effect from the supersonic Carcano bullet that is what you would expect , a straight line tumble.

So where does that leave us, well ,if we accept there were no bullets found in JFK from the back or throat wound, which is what you would expect from a FMJ bullet and even the Nova documentary findings. There are two alternatives, if you accept the no bullet remaining scenario , one alternative is a bullet which hit JFK in the back then some how managed to exit via the throat wound or there was a front shot from the south knoll which entered his throat and exited from his back.
If the back wound was what happened how could a downwards trajectory FMJ bullet from either the 6th floor or the Dal-Tex building, that should in theory go straight through JFK and then into Connally's lower back, end up going upwards and out of JFK's throat unless it clipped a rib and was then deflected upwards towards the throat, where it would then exit.
We now have a bullet with an upwards trajectory heading upwards out of the throat and then out of the car towards maybe the south end of the overpass thanks to the Nova people demonstrating that the bullet would indeed tumble, but tumble in a straight line off to who knows where. If a bullet exited JFKs throat and can only tumble in a straight line , there is no way it can hit Connally in the back.

There is also the problem of the bullet remnants CE567, 569, 840, where did they come from, the JFK head shot or the Connally shot. Logic would point in the direction of the Connally shot as the amount of bone hit would tend to produce a more damaged bullet, with possibly more fragments. So are the bits the Connally bullet remnants or the JFK head shot bit remnants , and where does that leave CE399, what did that hit, it was not responsible for the JFK head shot(s) , nor the Connally shots, another patsy?. There is just not enough shrapnel around or they never looked hard enough in the car or the victims for it.

My second thought was about the probing of the back wound by a "little finger" and this showing a shallow wound, well it would be would it not, if a little finger managed to pass between two ribs you would think it would be difficult to compress/move the muscle out of the way to get much penetration into the wound anyway because of the presence of the ribs and muscles, that's why they normally use thin steel probes not gloved fingers to probe wounds.

A final thought why was there not more blood until the head wound, no blood on Connally's shirt or Stetson, no blood on JFK's shirt front from Z260 to Z312 where his hands are clearly down and his shirt is visible , even allowing for those generous folk in Dallas who first assassinate you and then launder your shirts and jacket , with a good neighborliness and good old fashion manners, that's hard to match, but why so little blood visible.

Messages In This Thread
Tumbling bullets v/s Sir Isaac Newton - by Alan Denholm - 31-01-2015, 04:58 PM

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