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Why the Altgens 6 Debacle and Drama: Maintaining the Level Playing Field
In order to perpetuate the doubt that empowers the few to control the many, the clearly demonstrated and copious uses of junk science to defend the "lone nut" explanation of the JFK assassination must be balanced by clearly demonstrated, copious uses of junk science to defend the "conspiracy" conclusion.

Enter "Ralph Cinque" and "his" particular brand of easily refutable, fantasy-based "scientific" examination of the Altgens 6/"Doorway Man" image.

Enter Jim Fetzer and his defense of "Cinque's" junk science.

"I see your 'Neutron Activation Analysis is Worthless' proof, and I raise you my 'LHO in the Doorway Analysis is Worthless' proof."

There. Playing field leveled again.

Just in time for the 50th.
Lee Oswald got change--but the woman wanted Robert Groden to wait until she died to reveal that transaction.

The Girl on the Stairs didn't see the man who wasn't there.

Junior gibbergabbered as his white masters watched, but between his lines Lee remains: in the lunchroom.

Truly and Baker and Lee has a Coke--the inconvenient Coke that had to be excised.

No GSR on his cheek, as shown by the Dallas paraffin test, and confrmed by the AEC Oak Ridge Test--which also tested seven men who actually shot the Mannlicher Carcano and tested positived.

Government "experts" claimed the MC was too tight to leave GSR, but in McKnight, Breach, is seen such was not the case.

The bad shot who never ordered, paid for, received, practiced with, stored, transported or shot the defective weapon with the impossible bolt and impossible scope, couldn't descend the stairs because he was in the lunchroom with a cheese sandwich somehow emerges into a photo pie-throwing skit involving clowns, whipped cream, bicycle horns, big shoes.

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