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Best Spokespersons for the Truth for 50th Anniversary
Cliff Varnell Wrote:No problem Jim, apology accepted.

I've re-christened it "Assassination Pron," within a fine internet tradition going back some years.

The word "porn" is a harsh hit in the eye for most folks, so "Assassination Pron" it is!

It isn't for me.

A simple modification of the following definition of pornography:

"creative activity (writing or pictures or films etc.) of no literary or artistic value other than to stimulate sexual desire"

so that it reads:

"creative activity (writing or pictures or films, etc.) that distorts and/or fabricates history to cover-up criminality and/or preserve and protect criminal power structures related to and culpable for assassinations of political and cultural leaders"

gives us a working definition of "assassination porn."

The Swamp -- a/k/a EF -- offers safe haven to numerous assassination pornographers.

Assassination pornographers continue to attempt to penetrate DPF. Many have bee identified and banished from our research community. At least one continues to enjoy free rein here. My educated guess is that as yet unidentified others are here acting under deep cover.
The reasons I conclude the Conspiracy is fact are many.

Saturday, November 23, 1963 it began in my youthful thinking. Because Oswald had been interrogated without representation, the question began forming.

I grew up in an environment as far right politically as Dallas. KKK parades in broad daylight and all the rest with much anti-liberal rhetoric about. Murder for skin color happened still, but no longer the public lynching on the courthouse square, a few blocks away and in the cover of darkness sufficed throughout the 1960s. That was the majority.

After the Cuban Missile Crisis I did not understand the hate spewed forth at the President, I concluded he had just saved the world without going to war. A good thing right? I knew better than to voice that idea or the positive view I was developing of hated "Freedom Riders" and the like. I was a youth and we didn't voice opinions until asked.

By the next evening's supper with Oswald dead, it was a foregone conclusion the assassinations were a single plot. People still trusted the Government then. So didn't I. We waited for the blue ribbon commission to calm our concerns.

An unrepresented Oswald killed by an associate of the DPD was the first seed of doubt for others and myself.

Secret Service complicity by Bill Greer stopping for snipers and Roy Kellerman not doing his duty, but nobody losing a job. Like post-911?

Secret Service outright stealing the President's body, another crime in itself.

Secret Service Agent cleaning out the Lincoln at the Emergency dock of Parkland Hospital.
Let me count the felonies unindicted.

However, this was no Secret Service plot alone. Power flowed from a higher cloaked level of wealth.
The Bastard Bullet is proven a fable. A cover up feature only having one salient feature it was by ballistics linked to Lee Oswald's alleged rifle. The bastard bullet cannot be linked to any other fact.

Not by "neutron activation" as it in fact proves the opposite. No recovered "projectile fragments" can be linked to the bastard bullet and Hoover's vaunted FBI lied again. Neutron activation testing requires an exact match as to composition of materials compared, not significant similarity. That is no match at all.

From Doug Weldon's work, I know there was a through-and-through bullet hole in the windshield from the front and that FoMoCo participated in the obstruction of Justice by destroying evidence that directly contradicted the WCR. More weight is given Mr. Weldon's point by other witnesses from Parkland that report the same damage to the vehicle.

That vehicle should have been locked down, preserved by somebody other than the Secret Service, and used to develop real indisputable evidence of what happened and how it happened. Obstruction of Justice was common.

There are many more contradictions in the WC/HSCA explanations. These will suffice for now.
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but to weigh and consider.
Charles Drago Wrote:
Cliff Varnell Wrote:No problem Jim, apology accepted.

I've re-christened it "Assassination Pron," within a fine internet tradition going back some years.

The word "porn" is a harsh hit in the eye for most folks, so "Assassination Pron" it is!

It isn't for me.

A simple modification of the following definition of pornography:

"creative activity (writing or pictures or films etc.) of no literary or artistic value other than to stimulate sexual desire"

so that it reads:

"creative activity (writing or pictures or films, etc.) that distorts and/or fabricates history to cover-up criminality and/or preserve and protect criminal power structures related to and culpable for assassinations of political and cultural leaders"

gives us a working definition of "assassination porn."

The Swamp -- a/k/a EF -- offers safe haven to numerous assassination pornographers.

Assassination pornographers continue to attempt to penetrate DPF. Many have bee identified and banished from our research community. At least one continues to enjoy free rein here. My educated guess is that as yet unidentified others are here acting under deep cover.

I might add that I recognize and support the right of pornographers and assassination pornographers to express themselves freely.

The "stimulation of sexual desire" is, in and of itself, a good thing. There is immensely redeeming public value to be discerned in depictions of humans making love. Fuck the Puritans. (Who apparently did a whole lot of fucking, because there were so fucking many of them.)

A declaration of the obvious: Child pornography must not be tolerated. Pornography in which human beings and/or animals are physically and/or emotionally injured -- and even killed -- must not be tolerated. Pornographers who produce such materials must be prosecuted and punished. Their wares must be denied broad public distribution and restricted to libraries for the purposes of research and historic/cultural preservation.

And yet I describe myself as a "free speech absolutist."

No one said this would be easy.

Assassination pornography must be exposed as such to its intended victims.

Assassination pornographers must be labeled as such and scorned as, among other things, accessories to mass murder.

And yet I would not limit public access to their works.

No one said this would be easy.
Charles Drago Wrote:A declaration of the obvious: Child pornography must not be tolerated.

There is no such thing as "child pornography".

There are images of the abuse and even murder of children, created and sold for reasons of profit or perversion by criminals.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Charles Drago Wrote:No one said this would be easy.

It gets even harder. I mean, I don't spare myself from the label -- Assassination Pornographer.

I distorted the record for a decade and a half by arguing about the throat and back wounds. I gave the impression by going back and forth with LNers (and Vichy CTs like John Hunt) that there were two sides to the issue.

I knew what I was doing. I even joked once on the EF that the centerpiece of a well-planned cover-up would be someone doing what I did -- take the primary physical evidence in the case and drive it down a rabbit hole of false equivalency.

I knew what I was doing and I did it anyway. I didn't care. I was out for my own truth, so if Historical Truth was laying bleeding in the gutter and I was flipping stubbed out cigarettes onto Her prone and battered body -- so what? Near as I can tell the entire JFK Assassination Critical Research Community (to say nothing of the USG and MSM) has been grossly abusing the Lady for decades, and I've just been a bit player in the peanut gallery.

I wanted to wrench admissions of fact out of rhetorical opponents. It was my hobby. To get John Hunt to describe a sideways movement of jacket, to get Chad Zimmerman to admit the jacket was raised only an inch before the collar dropped, to get Craig Lamson to admit that the jacket collar was in a normal position in Dealey Plaza, to get David Von Pein to admit that the jacket was not significantly raised before the jacket collar dropped.

I enjoyed debating lawyers about points of law, chiropractors about points of anatomy, and photographers about photo analysis. I was always right and I always "won" and most of the time it was fun.

Doesn't make it any less Assassination Porno, however.

Charles, I have a little saying...95% of everything said or written about the JFK assassination is bullshit. Disinfo, misinfo, meaningless minutia, details of egregiously exaggerated significance -- Assassination Pornography.

I certainly don't spare myself from the 95% rule -- but now I'm trying to concentrate on the 5%, as I see it.

I have another little saying...Obfuscation is the collateral damage of good research. I did good research into the clothing evidence over the years. The obfuscation was the notion that I needed to.

People do good research into the acoustics evidence. But it's inherently obfuscatory because 4+ shots have already been established and we don't need the acoustics evidence to establish anything.

Same with the NAA. Less than useless -- highly obfuscatory since the failure of the SBT's trajectory is readily observed.

Almost the entire 2003 Wecht Conference was an Assassination Porn convention. So was almost half of the 2005 Cracking the Case conference.

People do good research into the head wounds but it's highly obfuscatory since there may have been pre-autopsy surgery to the head, ergo no firm conclusion can ever be drawn about the number of times JFK was shot in the head.

Doug Weldon was a nice guy who devoted many decades to the t&t windshield hole. It was very good research. But Doug pooh-poohed the throat entrance wound. He almost had to or else his work was of secondary importance. And I hate to say it because he was such a nice guy -- but his work was obfuscatory when he went back and forth on this issue with a variety of people as if it were crucial to establish a frontal shot.

We don't need to know there was a shot from the front that hit the windshield when we know for a fact there was a shot from the front that hit the throat.

When we promote -- or even give credence to -- scientific proofs against the SBT we are engaged in Assassination Pornography, a distortion of the record which clearly shows that the SBT is debunked by the act of visual observation, not scientific evaluation.

None of us are innocent, Charles. Eh?
Dr. Perry was quite clear in his description of the entrance wound to the throat.

The entrance wound in the mid-line of the throat as described is supportive of Doug Weldon's windshield "bullet hole". It doesn't matter if the windshield shot was on target or not, it left evidential proof of another shooter than in the TSBD.

What if the shot from the front through the windshield did NOT produce the frontal entry throat wound, what if there were more frontal shots than just 2? One to throat and one to cranium.

How does it matter to the point of the evidence of the frontal shot?

The point of at least one of the assassin's firing positions was not in the direction anywhere to the rear of the President. Proven by two points of evidence not circumstantial.

My point is no matter the result of the windshield shot, that fact is further proof of an assassin not in the TSBD.

After all much effort was expended in the cover-up to hide those facts.

The throat entrance and the bullet hole in the windshield had to be dumped down the memory hole.

Deep cover Oh my aching ass in the words of Ms Mae.
Read not to contradict and confute;
nor to believe and take for granted;
nor to find talk and discourse;
but to weigh and consider.
Cliff Varnell Wrote:None of us are innocent, Charles. Eh?

"You can't blame the innocent, they are always guiltless. All you can do is control them or eliminate them. Innocence is a kind of insanity."

-- Graham Greene

You may take over the air nailer from Martin Luther and upon the doors of Justice (using the powder-actuated version, as it's steel) nail your and our serial theses regarding the Absolute Certainty of Conspiracy/Crossfire/Coverup QED Coup

Please add with quill the forensic analyses of Sherry Fiester regarding trajectory, spatter, physics

Why would the act of a lone individual require secrecy fifty years after under the national security blanket

How blew out the president's brain from the rear if not a shot from the front

Finck, who ordered you not to transect the throat wound

There's no statute of limitations on the murder of peace

The serial killer is still at large

Armed and dangerous
If I may, I would like to express the great pleasure I am taking in reading the very fine and astute Deep Political discourse occurring in this thread.

Bravo: Jim, Cliff, Charles, Jan et al for your thought provoking insights.

As for my recent lack of posts...I underwent major surgery 2 weeks ago today. It is called ACDF (Anterior Cervical Discectomy with Fusion) and is
quite involved and equally--if not, more--painful.

Don't think for one second I wasn't working on the case while I was in the hospital, though!

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"It is difficult to abolish prejudice in those bereft of ideas. The more hatred is superficial, the more it runs deep."

James Hepburn -- Farewell America (1968)
Oh, Greg, that is quite some heavy duty surgery! Hope you are healing well and all goes well. Sending you lots of good mojo. :happydrinks:
Greg Burnham Wrote:If I may, I would like to express the great pleasure I am taking in reading the very fine and astute Deep Political discourse occurring in this thread.

Bravo: Jim, Cliff, Charles, Jan et al for your thought provoking insights.

As for my recent lack of posts...I underwent major surgery 2 weeks ago today. It is called ACDF (Anterior Cervical Discectomy with Fusion) and is
quite involved and equally--if not, more--painful.

Don't think for one second I wasn't working on the case while I was in the hospital, though!
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

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