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Bowling for Columbine - Free Viewing on Saturday, 23rd of March
Thu, March 21, 2013 1:26:24 PM
Please Watch 'Bowling for Columbine' With Me This Saturday Night, the 10th Anniversary of Winning the Oscar invitation from Michael Moore
From: Michael Moore <>

Please Watch 'Bowling for Columbine' With Me This Saturday Night, the 10th Anniversary of Winning the Oscar invitation from Michael Moore

Thursday, March 21st, 2013


I am hosting a nationwide series of house parties this Saturday night where tens of thousands of people will gather together in living rooms to watch 'Bowling for Columbine' and then hold a live "town hall" to discuss what the 310 million of us who aren't members of the NRA are going to do about our continual gun tragedies.

Please, please join me and be part of this! With Senator Harry Reid this week announcing he's too afraid to bring the assault weapons bill up for a vote "because we'll lose!" you can see how now more than ever that if we the people, on a mass, grassroots level, don't get it together, the status quo will remain the same and we can just sit back and wait for next week's gun massacre.

So, I don't know what you're doing Saturday night, but I'm asking you to please spend it with me. I need you to email or text or call a few friends, family members, neighbors or co-workers and invite them over to you home to be part of the virtual nationwide gathering first to watch my movie, and then to participate live, online, with me and a panel I've put together to discuss a plan of ACTION. And, as Saturday is only two days away, I need you to make those calls and send those texts TODAY.

Thanks to the good people at Netflix, you'll be able to watch 'Bowling for Columbine' for free this Saturday! Last night we got a call from them and they told us they will stream the movie for free starting tomorrow so everyone can watch it. If you're already on Netflix, then you're all set. If you're not, they'll give you a free one-month trial subscription so you can stream the movie into your home on Saturday.

There are many other ways to get the movie too, just click here.

This nationwide movie night/town hall is being put on by a number of groups including Moveon, USAction, Progressive Democrats of America, RootsAction and the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence. This is going to be a big night, so please be part of it. Our plan is to watch the movie at 7:00 PM ET. You can watch it then or you can watch it earlier or later, depending on when's best to have people over to your house. The only thing that's at a fixed time is the live online Q &A/discussion with me. That will happen at approximately 9:00 PM ET. It will also be available later on my website in case you can't join us until 10:00 or 11:00 PM.

Friends, this is the moment to make this happen. The gun lobby is on the ropes but they are confident of victory because there is no comparable group as big and as well-funded on our own side to fight them. What we do have is the majority of Americans who have spoken loud and clear since Newtown that we want, at the bare minimum, some sensible laws passed to bring this gun violence down.

The time is now. Call your friends today and invite them over on Saturday night. We can do this if we all start to act.

See you Saturday!

Michael Moore

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