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Bradley Manning and SF Gay Pride: I dont always agree with Justin Raimondo but when I do: I post
Thanks Keith, many thanks.
About Face should be required reading.
Piss off some more bad generals.:lol:

For every LeMay there is a Hackworth.
One advances and the other don't.
For every Montgomery a Patton.
Don't ask a Gyrene about Patton busted for slapping a soldier.
We'd have to laugh
even for the almost Old School ones of today.
The mentioned ones?
Old School indeed.

Leaders don't even have to try to lead.
One of the best C.O.s I ever had retired after 25 as a bird Col.
He too had this odd habit of doing whatever needed by whatever means required.
Hell with the UCMJ.
Stood by the newest Pvt. until the first lie.
Ate what we did, slept where we did,
pulled watch just like any other ******** ****.
Was obeyed and trusted.
Best of all still says he didn't ever want a damn star any flippin' way.

Same kinds of people in every US uniform, NO DOUBT.
Like Lt. jg. John F. Kennedy by all accounts of his crew.
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but to weigh and consider.
Quote:Best of all still says he didn't ever want a damn star any flippin' way.

Same kinds of people in every US uniform, NO DOUBT.

Col.David Hackworth,the most highly decorated Army soldier in US history.He did what........

Quote:Hackworth's critics might like to dismiss him as a battlefield dinosaur; most are wise enough not to try. After his public denunciation of the Vietnam war, he left the army and headed to Australia, where he gave his medals away to a class of 12-year-olds, burned his uniform, lived under the stars and smoked - and inhaled - a little dope. Nearly 20 years later, after making himself a fistful of money by selling a Brisbane restaurant and starting Australia's first Peking Duck farm, he returned to the US.
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller
If Hack hadn't had the guts to write we would have heard of a '71 face-the-nation TV appearance but nothing more than another ex-pat left the US.

He crossed more than a few beaten zones and lived in tactical engagements.
Truth he spoke against the wind in the US then. Spoke of inequity of the draft.
Spoke of mismanagement of the war. Of unending war lost for no valid reason but profit.
Thou shalt not sully the rep of your betters in the military world even if it is the truth you speak.

He had a bunch of "decorations" to give away to the kids. A good thing.

At the end of his life he wrote a thing "Steel My Soldier's Hearts". I picked it up on impulse when I saw the author's name. It was about how he and his XO and first shirt and top enlisted folks turned around the morale of an Army battalion their orders bequeathed them in SE Asia games. Truth on most every page of that book. Simple pride instilled and a few wins over the invisible victor charlie enemy turned the corner breaking a few "rules" along the way.

No one can doubt Hack's love for the Nation and WeThePeople. He lived as proof that one can be a professional warmaker and a good one but NOT be a militarist, nor warmonger. Military person yes, but always subservient to the civilian authority, not a militarist. Not a fascist.

I have to contrast Hack with a strutting A**hole Le May smoking his stogie in Jack Kennedy's post mortem. Or a Max Taylor.

If he smoked a few jays on the beach with the 'Roos - more power to him. I DO NOT USE THE TERM "ROOS" IN ANY WAY PEJORATIVE. He ain't the only one did that in Australia or not.

One can "feel" the shedding of the hurt and anger when reading "About Face". Writing it had to have opened wounds long ignored.
Like Smedley Butler he wrote the truth as he saw it at cost.

That is heroic. And that is not the exclusive domain of the USMC no matter what the Commandant or the Recruiting professional liars tell you.
The current Commandant of the Corps is AIR WING! Air Wing??!! No way.
No the Commandant should always be a grunt infantry Gyrene, not another 'perfumed prince'. A great term Hack invented for that condition.
RIP Col. You tried and I thank You Sir.
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but to weigh and consider.
Hey, Keith and Jim, what do you reckon your Colonel Hackworth and Colonel Patton would have to say about one of their's being locked up for showing us the war crimes committed by the US military if they were around today?
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Magda Hassan Wrote:Hey, Keith and Jim, what do you reckon your Colonel Hackworth and Colonel Patton would have to say about one of their's being locked up for showing us the war crimes committed by the US military if they were around today?

Here's my thoughts Magda.

Col.Patton is on record for denouncing the anti-war protesters back in the day.He would,I think denounce Bradley Manning today.

Col.Hackworth started the online webpage "Soldiers for the Truth" (SFTT).A website dedicated to exposing military malfeasance.I think he would probably support Bradley Manning today.
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller
I subscribed to Hack's newsletter "Soldiers For The Truth". For Years...
I communicated with him in email about that newsletter and it led to some "to and fro" with the gentleman.


I would imagine that Hack would support Bradley Manning - - - IF facts he could access I cannot showed Manning deserved his support. Nothing wrong with some "good old boy networks". Not all are like AWDulles' games.

Patton? The megalomaniac? He would condemn Manning, no doubt in my speculative mind. Hang him. But even he would go through the motions of a court martial.

I do know with no speculation that Smedley Butler did not support an "abridged" freedom of speech even in war.
His loyalty fell to WeThePeople and the Constitution. He didn't break laws. He was true to the code and the articles of war and his sworn oath. He was obeying a civilian duty under the law - civilian law.

The UCMJ is a different critter than civilian law. More severe and more secretive sometimes.

I for one do not know enough to have an opinion about Pvt. Manning. Not enough information is available to me from trustworthy sources to judge the man or the case. MSM --- I DO NOT TRUST. Very little of the alternative news do I accept as reality.

Being tried under the UCMJ the details of the court martial for Pvt. Manning I doubt will be made public. Secrets to hide and all that stuff. Maybe in the future a valid fact based opinion can be formed if more info is released from non-censored voices.

Dan Ellsberg was convicted, sentenced and jailed. His conviction was overturned for Governmental Misconduct.
We can hope for more disclosure later, maybe.
Read not to contradict and confute;
nor to believe and take for granted;
nor to find talk and discourse;
but to weigh and consider.
Fifty years ago November America was subjected to the Two-Minute Hate treatment of intelligence operative Lee Oswald who enlisted in the United States Marines in 1956 having been inspired by the Richard Carlson portrayal of Herbert J. Philbrick Citizen Communist Spy for the FBI brought to you by Phillips 66.

Denied legal representation, presumed guilty, framed by Ruth Paine, Robert Oswald, the McCord-Phillips-Joannides psyop, the Angleton file manipulation, and all the rest of the sordid spectacle.

Now comes the man who ran in front of the motorcade--perhaps the mythic "dead Secret Service agent"--crying out to stop--danger ahead--

--and he's been ratted out in the drag queen show trial by the bay. It will be remembered Ernst Roehm demonstrated the fallacy that gay equates to open-minded, freedom-loving, truth-seeking and so on.

The Clinton court had to be reminded, "those are OUR jets now" and in May '94 Bill defended his Bosnian adventure to the USNA class ready to fill the ranks of the sea power Oceania.

The obscene argument to obedience, loyalty, patriotism by vocal homosexuals in the very special preserve of the Golden Gate and those in the ranks of the "evolved" policy toward them in the military is as stated fascism straight up.

Now comes the Maddow to join the Chomsky in the Total Capitulation of the Left.

We saw Rudd's Maoists at the Nixon Counterinagural, the banging of the iron knocker of Justice, the seig heil bird of the second-floor attorneys grinning in their mummy wrappings

"Obama" the transcendant, king of drones, eye of ARGUS, predator-git-yo-mama, as though the Who never sang Won't Get Fooled Again

The Heroin War in Afghanistan shunts to Burma via the diplomacy of POTUS and Medusa Meet the Generals in a Reset of Havana 1947.

Patton was going to run for U.S. Senate in California when he was the sole injured person, his Cadillac t-boned by a deuce-and-a-quarter in what Robert K. Wilcox suggests was a joint effort of Donovan and NKVD interests--can't disrupt the business model.

Justin Raimando speaks of the slide from progressive ideology into the thoughtcrime-stoppers' policing of the Orwellian SA chorus line

State worship--see the aura around "Obama's" head

Somehow the most transparent administration in the history of the Republic threw Bradley Manning in the Lubiyanka and burned his books

Let's have a two-minute hate for Emanuel Goldstein, or Lee Oswald, or Bradley Manning

Buckley attacking the Communist Oswald; Vidal for the defense

Reader's Digest under new management places Noam Chomsky on its list of The 100 Most Trusted People

Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia

A franchise of milk bars opens with Bradley Manning on the telescreen reading from cables

The Memory Hole

Except, O'Brien, there was a breakdown in the duct-fed incinerator system

All the scraps of incriminating evidence were routed

to the internet

Brilliant as always Phil.
Phil Dragoo Wrote:It will be remembered Ernst Roehm demonstrated the fallacy that gay equates to open-minded, freedom-loving, truth-seeking and so on.

Indeed. Oppressed minority groups are not homogenous. And some seek to oppress others still.

Phil Dragoo Wrote:The obscene argument to obedience, loyalty, patriotism by vocal homosexuals in the very special preserve of the Golden Gate and those in the ranks of the "evolved" policy toward them in the military is as stated fascism straight up.

Justin Raimando speaks of the slide from progressive ideology into the thoughtcrime-stoppers' policing of the Orwellian SA chorus line

State worship--see the aura around "Obama's" head

Somehow the most transparent administration in the history of the Republic threw Bradley Manning in the Lubiyanka and burned his books

Let's have a two-minute hate for Emanuel Goldstein, or Lee Oswald, or Bradley Manning

Buckley attacking the Communist Oswald; Vidal for the defense

Reader's Digest under new management places Noam Chomsky on its list of The 100 Most Trusted People

Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia
Ah, the bankruptcy of Reader's Digest. Too many turning now to the wikileaks and the internet for their news and to Fox for their entertainment. But the brand lives on in small minds everywhere. The Oceana/Eastasia business model must be preserved at all costs. It is no longer a subscription but conscription now.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Leave it to Phil Dragoo to bust their bubbles eloquently.

Fascism in the DOD?
I'm shocked ... shocked to find fascism there!

Of all the government joints in the world
that ***ch had to walk into mine.

We'll always have Berlin.

Springtime for Hitler and Germany in '45.

Just what does Pvt. Bradley Manning being gay have to do with his guilt or innocence?
Shouldn't have a damn thing to do with the case.
More junk for the MSM to bandy about in the place of real journalism.

Read not to contradict and confute;
nor to believe and take for granted;
nor to find talk and discourse;
but to weigh and consider.
Yeah, his being gay shouldn't be an issue except for some leaders of a prominent gay and lesbain cultural group seek to make his humanity and commitment to truth some thing to be ashamed of.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

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