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Luxembourg trial into 1980s terror bombings reveals involvement of German police, intelligence agent
Dave Emory has some information on his web site about the Luxembourg gladio machinations and Euro banking hegemony. Please consider either a generous donation or buying Dave's archives on a flash drive. He has done some wonderful work over many years and it is good to support these researchers because the MSM sure doesn't.
Quote:In FTR #44, we ana*lyzed Stay Behind/Gladio's ori*gins with Nazi/BND spy chief Rein*hard Gehlen and the ODESSA post*war SS network.Luxembourg's prime min*is*ter Jean-Claude Juncker was forced to resign this past week, due to a scan*dal in which Marco Mille, that country's intel*li*gence chief, secretly recorded a con*ver*sa*tion with Juncker about Stay Behind/Gladio. Impli*cat*ing the Grand Ducal fam*ily of Lux*em*bourg in the scan*dal, Mille was him*self a par*tic*i*pant in Gladio/Stay Behind.
We note sev*eral things in con*nec*tion with this scandal:
  • Luxembourg's bank*ing sec*tor is very large with regard to its over*all econ*omy, a source of con*cern and irri*ta*tion to Ger*many and France.
  • Luxembourg's for*eign min*is*ter crit*i*cized Germany's han*dling of the euro*zone cri*sis as imple*ment*ing "hege*mony" over Europe.
  • After resign*ing as the head of Luxembourg's intel*li*gence ser*vice, Marco Mille became chief of secu*rity for Siemens, one of Germany's core cor*po*ra*tions and an entity inex*tri*ca*bly linked with the BND and the Under*ground Reich.
  • Might Mille's sub*terfuge and sub*se*quent employ*ment by Siemens be related to Luxembourg's large finan*cial sec*tor and future attempts at rein*ing it in, or emp*ty*ing its cof*fers, a la Cyprus?
"Good*bye Mr. Euro? Jean-Claude Juncker May Be Back Soon" by Hans-Jürgen Schlamp; Der Spiegel; 7/11/2013.
EXCERPT: Jean-Claude Juncker, prime min*is*ter of Lux*em*bourg and Europe's longest-serving leader, stepped down on Wednes*day over his impli*ca*tion in a spy*ing scan*dal. But both his friends and his adver*saries believe a come*back is likely. . . .
. . . .In the 1980s, Lux*em*bourg spies were involved in a puz*zling series of bomb*ings, the cir*cum*stances of which remain unclear today. Together with mil*i*tary and intel*li*gence agents from mul*ti*ple Euro*pean coun*tries, they were part of Oper*a*tion Gladio, a clan*des*tine ille*gal para*mil*i*tary orga*ni*za*tion. They worked as a par*al*lel police force within the coun*try that did what they liked and spied on whomever they wanted, when*ever they wanted. Even the prime min*is*ter, their con*sti*tu*tion*ally defined boss, could not rein them in.
Accord*ing to the par*lia*men*tary report, intel*li*gence chief Marco Mille reported to Juncker in Jan*u*ary 2007 wear*ing a spe*cial high-tech wrist*watch. It recorded the entire talk. The mat*ter was extremely tricky because the con*ver*sa*tion alluded to the pos*si*ble involve*ment of the Grand Ducal fam*ily. But Juncker didn't bring it to their atten*tion until the end of 2008. Even then he didn't take dras*tic mea*sures. Mille remained in office until 2010, when he became head of secu*rity for Siemens. . . .
Lux*em*bourg Min*is*ter Says Ger*many Seeks Euro Zone "Hege*mony" by Andreas Rinke; Reuters; 3/26/2013.
EXCERPT: Luxembourg's for*eign min*is*ter accused Ger*many on Tues*day of "striv*ing for hege*mony" in the euro zone by telling Cyprus what busi*ness model it should pursue.
Like Cyprus, Lux*em*bourg has a large finan*cial sec*tor, whose com*par*a*tively light-touch tax and reg*u*la*tory regime has long irked its much big*ger neigh*bours Ger*many and France.
Ger*many, the Euro*pean Union's biggest and most pow*er*ful econ*omy, had insisted that wealthy depos*i*tors in Cyprus's banks con*tribute to the island's bailout and said the cri*sis has killed a "busi*ness model" based on low taxes and attract*ing large for*eign deposits.
"Ger*many does not have the right to decide on the busi*ness model for other coun*tries in the EU," For*eign Min*is*ter Jean Assel*born told Reuters. "It must not be the case that under the cover of finan*cially tech*ni*cal issues other coun*tries are choked."
"It can*not be that Ger*many, France and Britain say we need finan*cial cen*tres in these three big coun*tries and oth*ers must stop'."
That was against the inter*nal mar*ket and Euro*pean sol*i*dar*ity, and "striv*ing for hege*mony which is wrong and un-European," he said. . . .
But crit*i*cism from core north*ern states such as Lux*em*bourg a founder mem*ber of the EU and euro zone is less common.
Assel*born said it was cru*cial that smaller EU states in par*tic*u*lar were allowed to develop cer*tain eco*nomic niches.
Ger*many should also keep in mind it was a prime ben*e*fi*ciary of the euro zone cri*sis because its bor*row*ing costs have plunged as ner*vous investors seek safe havens, Assel*born added. . . .
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
I think I discovered Dave Emory a few months before I discovered Mae Brussell [they worked together, and Dave was one of her 'sprouts']. He is very good in his analyses, and comes up with materials few others do.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

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