15-07-2013, 07:44 AM
Dave Emory has some information on his web site about the Luxembourg gladio machinations and Euro banking hegemony. Please consider either a generous donation or buying Dave's archives on a flash drive. He has done some wonderful work over many years and it is good to support these researchers because the MSM sure doesn't.
Quote:In FTR #44, we ana*lyzed Stay Behind/Gladio's ori*gins with Nazi/BND spy chief Rein*hard Gehlen and the ODESSA post*war SS network.Luxembourg's prime min*is*ter Jean-Claude Juncker was forced to resign this past week, due to a scan*dal in which Marco Mille, that country's intel*li*gence chief, secretly recorded a con*ver*sa*tion with Juncker about Stay Behind/Gladio. Impli*cat*ing the Grand Ducal fam*ily of Lux*em*bourg in the scan*dal, Mille was him*self a par*tic*i*pant in Gladio/Stay Behind.http://spitfirelist.com/news/luxembourg-...g-scandal/
We note sev*eral things in con*nec*tion with this scandal:"Good*bye Mr. Euro? Jean-Claude Juncker May Be Back Soon" by Hans-Jürgen Schlamp; Der Spiegel; 7/11/2013.
- Luxembourg's bank*ing sec*tor is very large with regard to its over*all econ*omy, a source of con*cern and irri*ta*tion to Ger*many and France.
- Luxembourg's for*eign min*is*ter crit*i*cized Germany's han*dling of the euro*zone cri*sis as imple*ment*ing "hege*mony" over Europe.
- After resign*ing as the head of Luxembourg's intel*li*gence ser*vice, Marco Mille became chief of secu*rity for Siemens, one of Germany's core cor*po*ra*tions and an entity inex*tri*ca*bly linked with the BND and the Under*ground Reich.
- Might Mille's sub*terfuge and sub*se*quent employ*ment by Siemens be related to Luxembourg's large finan*cial sec*tor and future attempts at rein*ing it in, or emp*ty*ing its cof*fers, a la Cyprus?
EXCERPT: Jean-Claude Juncker, prime min*is*ter of Lux*em*bourg and Europe's longest-serving leader, stepped down on Wednes*day over his impli*ca*tion in a spy*ing scan*dal. But both his friends and his adver*saries believe a come*back is likely. . . .
. . . .In the 1980s, Lux*em*bourg spies were involved in a puz*zling series of bomb*ings, the cir*cum*stances of which remain unclear today. Together with mil*i*tary and intel*li*gence agents from mul*ti*ple Euro*pean coun*tries, they were part of Oper*a*tion Gladio, a clan*des*tine ille*gal para*mil*i*tary orga*ni*za*tion. They worked as a par*al*lel police force within the coun*try that did what they liked and spied on whomever they wanted, when*ever they wanted. Even the prime min*is*ter, their con*sti*tu*tion*ally defined boss, could not rein them in.
Accord*ing to the par*lia*men*tary report, intel*li*gence chief Marco Mille reported to Juncker in Jan*u*ary 2007 wear*ing a spe*cial high-tech wrist*watch. It recorded the entire talk. The mat*ter was extremely tricky because the con*ver*sa*tion alluded to the pos*si*ble involve*ment of the Grand Ducal fam*ily. But Juncker didn't bring it to their atten*tion until the end of 2008. Even then he didn't take dras*tic mea*sures. Mille remained in office until 2010, when he became head of secu*rity for Siemens. . . .
Lux*em*bourg Min*is*ter Says Ger*many Seeks Euro Zone "Hege*mony" by Andreas Rinke; Reuters; 3/26/2013.
EXCERPT: Luxembourg's for*eign min*is*ter accused Ger*many on Tues*day of "striv*ing for hege*mony" in the euro zone by telling Cyprus what busi*ness model it should pursue.
Like Cyprus, Lux*em*bourg has a large finan*cial sec*tor, whose com*par*a*tively light-touch tax and reg*u*la*tory regime has long irked its much big*ger neigh*bours Ger*many and France.
Ger*many, the Euro*pean Union's biggest and most pow*er*ful econ*omy, had insisted that wealthy depos*i*tors in Cyprus's banks con*tribute to the island's bailout and said the cri*sis has killed a "busi*ness model" based on low taxes and attract*ing large for*eign deposits.
"Ger*many does not have the right to decide on the busi*ness model for other coun*tries in the EU," For*eign Min*is*ter Jean Assel*born told Reuters. "It must not be the case that under the cover of finan*cially tech*ni*cal issues other coun*tries are choked."
"It can*not be that Ger*many, France and Britain say we need finan*cial cen*tres in these three big coun*tries and oth*ers must stop'."
That was against the inter*nal mar*ket and Euro*pean sol*i*dar*ity, and "striv*ing for hege*mony which is wrong and un-European," he said. . . .
But crit*i*cism from core north*ern states such as Lux*em*bourg a founder mem*ber of the EU and euro zone is less common.
Assel*born said it was cru*cial that smaller EU states in par*tic*u*lar were allowed to develop cer*tain eco*nomic niches.
Ger*many should also keep in mind it was a prime ben*e*fi*ciary of the euro zone cri*sis because its bor*row*ing costs have plunged as ner*vous investors seek safe havens, Assel*born added. . . .
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx
"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.
“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.
“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.