26-06-2013, 01:42 PM
Proprietary Free alternative Notes [/TR]
[TD="class: section"]
[TD="class: prop"]
[TD="class: free"]
[TD="class: note"] Apple, Google, and Microsoft are a part of PRISM. Their proprietary operating systems cannot be trusted to safeguard your personal information from the NSA.
This leaves us with two free alternatives: GNU/Linux and BSD.
GNU/Linux has a much larger community to help you with the transition. It's recommended that you begin your explorations by looking for a GNU/Linux distribution that suits your needs.
Canonical's Ubuntu is not recommended by PRISM Break because it contains Amazon ads and data leaks by default.
Note: PRISM Break recommends the no-codecs edition of Linux Mint, as the other editions are encumbered with software patents. More info.
[TD="class: section"]
[TD="class: prop"]
[TD="class: free"]
[TD="class: note"] CyanogenMod licensing: "CyanogenMod does still include various hardware-specific code, which is also slowly being open-sourced anyway." Wikipedia
F-Droid is a free alternative to the Google Play app store.
[TD="class: section"]
[TD="class: prop"]
[TD="class: free"]
[TD="class: note"] iOS is insecure, and unfortunately there arent a lot of free encryption apps available for iOS either. Its also impossible to verify whether if an iOS app was compiled from the original source.
[TD="class: section"]
[TD="class: prop"]
[TD="class: free"]
[TD="class: note"] Use a combination of Tor Browser and another free browser to surf the web. Try to use Tor for everything. Browsing the web may be a bit slower, but it's far more secure.
Note that using Tor Browser to log into PayPal or a banking website may trip the website's fraud protection software.
Users of Tor Browser should also be aware that logging into HTTP (instead of HTTPS) websites may result in your credentials being captured by a malicious exit node.
Note: Mozilla Firefox is technically not completely free software, as Mozilla recommends non-free add-ons on their website.
[TD="class: section"]
[TD="class: prop"] [/TD]
[TD="class: free"]
[TD="class: note"] Safeguard your privacy and stop websites from tracking you by installing Adblock Edge, Disconnect, HTTPS Everywhere, and NoScript in your browser.
Cryptocat and Mailvelope are browser addons for IM and email encryption, respectively. At this time, it may be more secure to use external software for more proven encryption.
Why not Adblock Plus? Adblock Plus shows "acceptable ads" by default, and uses more memory than Adblock Edge.
Why not Ghostery? Ghostery is a proprietary plugin. Use Disconnect instead.
[TD="class: section"]
[TD="class: prop"]
[TD="class: free"]
[TD="class: note"] Startpage is proprietary, hosted in the USA/Netherlands, and provides you with anonymized Google search results (including images).
DuckDuckGo is partly proprietary, hosted in the USA, and provides you with anonymized Bing search results.
Pick your poison.
[TD="class: section"]
[TD="class: prop"]
[TD="class: free"]
[TD="class: note"] Bitmessage is a promising alternative to email, but it's is not ready for daily usage. Use at your own risk.
Riseup is hosted in the USA. It's also beginning to offer VPN, chat, and etherpad services.
Why not Hushmail? See "compromises to email privacy".
The only way to have full control over your email is to run your own mail server. This is not for everyone though, as it requires considerable time investment and technical knowledge.
While not complete yet, the FreedomBox project is aiming at creating a turnkey solution for encrypted communications.
[TD="class: section"]
[TD="class: prop"]
[TD="class: free"]
[TD="class: note"] Here is a guide to encrypting your email with Thunderbird, GNU Privacy Guard (GPG), and Enigmail.
Note: Mozilla Thunderbird is technically not completely free software, as Mozilla recommends non-free add-ons on their website.
[TD="class: section"]
[TD="class: prop"]
[TD="class: free"]
[TD="class: note"] "Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) is a data encryption and decryption computer program that provides cryptographic privacy and authentication for data communication. PGP is often used for signing, encrypting and decrypting texts, e-mails, files, directories and whole disk partitions to increase the security of e-mail communications."
[TD="class: section"]
[TD="class: prop"]
[TD="class: free"]
[TD="class: note"] identi.ca is a popular Twitter-like social networking hub for the free and open source software community. The site is converting to the pump.io software platform sometime this week.
[TD="class: section"]
[TD="class: prop"]
[TD="class: free"]
[TD="class: note"] Cryptocat in the Web browser add-ons section may be of interest as well.
[TD="class: section"]
[TD="class: prop"]
[TD="class: free"]
[TD="class: note"] Jitsi is a drop-in, encrypted replacement for almost all the tasks Skype is used for.
Mumble an open source voice chat client in the style of Ventrilo and TeamSpeak.
WebRTC is an upcoming, promising browser to browser communications API.
[TD="class: section"]
[TD="class: prop"]
[TD="class: free"]
[TD="class: note"] The Bitcoin blockchain is a decentralized, public ledger of all transactions in the Bitcoin network.
"It may be the TCP/IP of money." Paul Buchheit
[TD="class: section"]
[TD="class: prop"]
[TD="class: free"]
[TD="class: note"] Self-hosted is important. Hosting your blog on WordPress.com is no better for your data security than Blogger or Tumblr.
[TD="class: section"]
[TD="class: prop"]
[TD="class: free"] [/TD]
[TD="class: note"] --
[TD="class: section"]
[TD="class: prop"]
[TD="class: free"]
[TD="class: note"] --
[TD="class: section"]
[TD="class: prop"]
[TD="class: free"]
[TD="class: note"] Why not MEGA? While MEGA is free as in beer, the software is proprietary.
Why not SpiderOak? SpiderOak is proprietary software.
Why not Tarsnap? Tarsnap is partially proprietary and hosts your data on Amazon Web Services.
[TD="class: section"]
[TD="class: prop"]
[TD="class: free"]
[TD="class: note"] Piwik analytics powers this site. Its set up to anonymize the last octet (255.255.255.???) of visitor IPs. Check out the live data here: prism-break.org/analytics.
[TD="class: section"]
[TD="class: prop"]
[TD="class: free"]
[TD="class: note"] Google Public DNS permanently logs your ISP and location information for analysis. Your IP address is also stored for 24 hours.
OpenNIC does not log anything.
[TD="class: section"]
[TD="class: prop"] [/TD]
[TD="class: free"]
[TD="class: note"] "A darknet is an anonymizing network where connections are made only between trusted peers.
Darknets are distinct from other distributed P2P networks as sharing is anonymous, and therefore users can communicate with little fear of governmental or corporate interference."
[TD="class: bottom blockquote, colspan: 4"]
[TD="class: bottom blockquote, colspan: 4"]
[TD="class: bottom, colspan: 4"]
Disclaimer: Using the recommended projects on this site will not guarantee that 100% of your communications will be shielded against surveillance states. Please do your own research before trusting these softwares with sensitive communication.
Opt out of PRISM, the NSA's global data surveillance program. Stop reporting your online activities to the American government with these free alternatives to proprietary software.
Proprietary Free alternative Notes [/TR]
[TD="class: section"]
Operating system
[/TD][TD="class: prop"]
Apple OS X
Google Chrome OS
Microsoft Windows
[TD="class: free"]
Trisquel FSF endorsed, user-friendly GNU/Linux distribution.
Debian Popular ethical GNU/Linux distribution.
Fedora Fast, stable, powerful GNU/Linux distribution.
Linux Mint Comfortable and easy to use GNU/Linux distribution.
Liberté Linux Live CD/USB designed as a communication aid in hostile environments.
Tails Live CD/USB aimed at preserving your privacy and anonymity.
[TD="class: note"] Apple, Google, and Microsoft are a part of PRISM. Their proprietary operating systems cannot be trusted to safeguard your personal information from the NSA.
This leaves us with two free alternatives: GNU/Linux and BSD.
GNU/Linux has a much larger community to help you with the transition. It's recommended that you begin your explorations by looking for a GNU/Linux distribution that suits your needs.
Canonical's Ubuntu is not recommended by PRISM Break because it contains Amazon ads and data leaks by default.
Note: PRISM Break recommends the no-codecs edition of Linux Mint, as the other editions are encumbered with software patents. More info.
[TD="class: section"]
Android OS
[/TD][TD="class: prop"]
Google Android
Google Play
[TD="class: free"]
CyanogenMod Aftermarket firmware for Android devices.
Replicant Fully free Android distribution.
F-Droid Free and open source app store for Android.
[TD="class: note"] CyanogenMod licensing: "CyanogenMod does still include various hardware-specific code, which is also slowly being open-sourced anyway." Wikipedia
F-Droid is a free alternative to the Google Play app store.
[TD="class: section"]
[/TD][TD="class: prop"]
Apple iOS
[TD="class: free"]
iOS is unsecure iOS devices contain hardware tracking.
[TD="class: note"] iOS is insecure, and unfortunately there arent a lot of free encryption apps available for iOS either. Its also impossible to verify whether if an iOS app was compiled from the original source.
[TD="class: section"]
Web browser
[/TD][TD="class: prop"]
Apple Safari
Google Chrome
Microsoft Internet Explorer
[TD="class: free"]
Tor Browser Bundle Encrypted, anonymous browsing.
GNUzilla IceCat GNU version of Firefox.
Mozilla Firefox Open source web browser.
Orbot Tor proxy for Android. Android
Onion Browser Secure browsing for iOS. $0.99 iOS
[TD="class: note"] Use a combination of Tor Browser and another free browser to surf the web. Try to use Tor for everything. Browsing the web may be a bit slower, but it's far more secure.
Note that using Tor Browser to log into PayPal or a banking website may trip the website's fraud protection software.
Users of Tor Browser should also be aware that logging into HTTP (instead of HTTPS) websites may result in your credentials being captured by a malicious exit node.
Note: Mozilla Firefox is technically not completely free software, as Mozilla recommends non-free add-ons on their website.
[TD="class: section"]
Web browser add-ons
[/TD][TD="class: prop"] [/TD]
[TD="class: free"]
HTTPS Everywhere Encrypts your communications from thousands of websites.
Adblock Edge Block advertisements on the web.
Cryptocat Private, encrypted online conversations.
Disconnect Stop third-party sites from tracking you.
Mailvelope OpenPGP encryption for webmail.
NoScript Only enable JavaScript, Java, and Flash for sites you trust.
WebPG GnuPG/PGP in your browser.
[TD="class: note"] Safeguard your privacy and stop websites from tracking you by installing Adblock Edge, Disconnect, HTTPS Everywhere, and NoScript in your browser.
Cryptocat and Mailvelope are browser addons for IM and email encryption, respectively. At this time, it may be more secure to use external software for more proven encryption.
Why not Adblock Plus? Adblock Plus shows "acceptable ads" by default, and uses more memory than Adblock Edge.
Why not Ghostery? Ghostery is a proprietary plugin. Use Disconnect instead.
[TD="class: section"]
Web search
[/TD][TD="class: prop"]
Google Search
Microsoft Bing
Yahoo! Search
[TD="class: free"]
Startpage Private, unlogged web searches.
DuckDuckGo Anonymous, unlogged web searches.
Seeks Project Open decentralized platform for collaborative search.
YaCy Decentralized web search.
[TD="class: note"] Startpage is proprietary, hosted in the USA/Netherlands, and provides you with anonymized Google search results (including images).
DuckDuckGo is partly proprietary, hosted in the USA, and provides you with anonymized Bing search results.
Pick your poison.
[TD="class: section"]
Email services
[/TD][TD="class: prop"]
Google Gmail
Microsoft Outlook.com
Yahoo! Mail
[TD="class: free"]
Autistici/Inventati A full range of free, privacy-aware services. approval-required
Bitmessage Encrypted, decentralized email server. beta
Riseup Secure and private email accounts. invite-only
[TD="class: note"] Bitmessage is a promising alternative to email, but it's is not ready for daily usage. Use at your own risk.
Riseup is hosted in the USA. It's also beginning to offer VPN, chat, and etherpad services.
Why not Hushmail? See "compromises to email privacy".
The only way to have full control over your email is to run your own mail server. This is not for everyone though, as it requires considerable time investment and technical knowledge.
While not complete yet, the FreedomBox project is aiming at creating a turnkey solution for encrypted communications.
[TD="class: section"]
Email desktop clients
[/TD][TD="class: prop"]
Apple Mail
Microsoft Office Outlook
Novell Groupwise
[TD="class: free"]
Mozilla Thunderbird Open source email application.
Claws Mail Lightweight email application with GPG support.
Evolution Free email and calendar application with GPG support.
Icedove Free version of Mozilla Thunderbird.
KMail KDE email client with GPG support.
[TD="class: note"] Here is a guide to encrypting your email with Thunderbird, GNU Privacy Guard (GPG), and Enigmail.
Note: Mozilla Thunderbird is technically not completely free software, as Mozilla recommends non-free add-ons on their website.
[TD="class: section"]
Email encryption
[/TD][TD="class: prop"]
[TD="class: free"]
Enigmail An OpenPGP add-on for Thunderbird/Icedove.
GNU Privacy Guard - GPG Free OpenPGP implementation.
[TD="class: note"] "Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) is a data encryption and decryption computer program that provides cryptographic privacy and authentication for data communication. PGP is often used for signing, encrypting and decrypting texts, e-mails, files, directories and whole disk partitions to increase the security of e-mail communications."
[TD="class: section"]
Social networking
[/TD][TD="class: prop"]
[TD="class: free"]
RetroShare Free, secure, P2P communications platform.
buddycloud Open source, federated social network. XMPP/Jabber
Diaspora* Community-run, distributed social network.
Friendica Privacy respecting, distributed, federated social network.
GNU Social Self-hosted, decentralized social network.
Lorea Distributed and federated social nodes.
Movim Private, decentralized social network server. XMPP/Jabber
pump.io Self-hosted social stream server.
Salut à Toi Multi-frontend, multipurpose communication tool. XMPP/Jabber
Tent Free, autonomous social network protocol.
[TD="class: note"] identi.ca is a popular Twitter-like social networking hub for the free and open source software community. The site is converting to the pump.io software platform sometime this week.
[TD="class: section"]
Instant messaging
[/TD][TD="class: prop"]
AOL Instant Messenger
Google Talk
OS X Messages
Yahoo! Messenger
[TD="class: free"]
Pidgin Open source chat program. XMPP/Jabber OTR
Off-the-Record Messaging - OTR Install and enable this plugin in Pidgin for encrypted chat. OTR
Adium Free, multiprotocol chat client for OS X. XMPP/Jabber OTR
Gibberbot Private, secure OTR messaging for Android. Android
Surespot Free, open-source, end-to-end encrypted messaging. Android
TextSecure Secure SMS/MMS communication for Android. Android mostly free*
Xabber OTR-encrypted instant messaging for Android. Android XMPP/Jabber
ChatSecure Encrypted IM for iOS. iOS
[TD="class: note"] Cryptocat in the Web browser add-ons section may be of interest as well.
[TD="class: section"]
Video conferencing & VoIP
[/TD][TD="class: prop"]
Google+ Hangouts
Google Talk
[TD="class: free"]
Jitsi Encrypted text and video chat. XMPP/Jabber SIP
Linphone Encrypted voice and video client. SIP
Mumble Encrypted, low-latency voice chat.
CSIPSimple Free, encrypted VoIP for Android. Android SIP
RedPhone Secure private calls for Android. Android mostly free*
[TD="class: note"] Jitsi is a drop-in, encrypted replacement for almost all the tasks Skype is used for.
Mumble an open source voice chat client in the style of Ventrilo and TeamSpeak.
WebRTC is an upcoming, promising browser to browser communications API.
[TD="class: section"]
Online transactions
[/TD][TD="class: prop"]
Google Wallet
[TD="class: free"]
Bitcoin P2P digital currency with no central authority.
Alternative cryptocurrencies List of alternative encrypted digital currencies. beta
[TD="class: note"] The Bitcoin blockchain is a decentralized, public ledger of all transactions in the Bitcoin network.
"It may be the TCP/IP of money." Paul Buchheit
[TD="class: section"]
Media publishing
[/TD][TD="class: prop"]
[TD="class: free"]
Noblogs.org Blog publishing platform based on WordPress, by autistici.org.
GNU MediaGoblin Decentralized media publishing platform.
Piwigo Self-hosted photo gallery platform.
WordPress Self-hosted website publishing platform.
Zenphoto Self-hosted media management system.
[TD="class: note"] Self-hosted is important. Hosting your blog on WordPress.com is no better for your data security than Blogger or Tumblr.
[TD="class: section"]
Document collaboration
[/TD][TD="class: prop"]
Google Docs
Microsoft Office Web Apps
Zoho Office Suite
[TD="class: free"] [/TD]
[TD="class: note"] --
[TD="class: section"]
[/TD][TD="class: prop"]
Apple Maps
Google Maps
[TD="class: free"]
OpenStreetMap Free, collaborative world wide map.
[TD="class: note"] --
[TD="class: section"]
Cloud storage
[/TD][TD="class: prop"]
Apple iCloud
Google Drive
Microsoft SkyDrive
[TD="class: free"]
git-annex assistant Synchronize folders on your computers and drives.
ownCloud Cloud data in your control.
Seafile Self-hosted file sync and collaboration for teams.
Sparkleshare Self-hosted version control and file sync.
Tahoe-LAFS Free and open cloud storage system.
[TD="class: note"] Why not MEGA? While MEGA is free as in beer, the software is proprietary.
Why not SpiderOak? SpiderOak is proprietary software.
Why not Tarsnap? Tarsnap is partially proprietary and hosts your data on Amazon Web Services.
[TD="class: section"]
Web analytics
[/TD][TD="class: prop"]
Google Analytics
[TD="class: free"]
Piwik Open source, self-hosted web analytics.
[TD="class: note"] Piwik analytics powers this site. Its set up to anonymize the last octet (255.255.255.???) of visitor IPs. Check out the live data here: prism-break.org/analytics.
[TD="class: section"]
DNS provider
[/TD][TD="class: prop"]
Google Public DNS
[TD="class: free"]
OpenNIC Project Total DNS neutrality.
Namecoin Distributed DNS based on Bitcoin technology.
[TD="class: note"] Google Public DNS permanently logs your ISP and location information for analysis. Your IP address is also stored for 24 hours.
OpenNIC does not log anything.
[TD="class: section"]
[/TD][TD="class: prop"] [/TD]
[TD="class: free"]
I2P The invisible internet project.
Freenet Decentralized censorship-resistant network.
Nightweb Anonymous I2P network for Android.
Syndie Distributed, anonymous forum software.
[TD="class: note"] "A darknet is an anonymizing network where connections are made only between trusted peers.
Darknets are distinct from other distributed P2P networks as sharing is anonymous, and therefore users can communicate with little fear of governmental or corporate interference."
[TD="class: bottom blockquote, colspan: 4"]
*This website uses the Free Software Foundation's definition of free software.
"Free software" means software that respects users' freedom and community. Roughly, the users have the freedom to run, copy, distribute, study, change and improve the software. With these freedoms, the users (both individually and collectively) control the program and what it does for them. (more …)
The Free Software Foundation
[/TD]The Free Software Foundation
[TD="class: bottom blockquote, colspan: 4"]
Take action against PRISM at the Electronic Frontier Foundation Action Center.
Recent reports by the Guardian and the Washington Post confirm secret spying programs on phone records and Internet activity. Its time for a full accounting of America's secret spying programsand an end to unconstitutional surveillance. (more …)
The Electronic Frontier Foundation
[/TD]Recent reports by the Guardian and the Washington Post confirm secret spying programs on phone records and Internet activity. Its time for a full accounting of America's secret spying programsand an end to unconstitutional surveillance. (more …)
The Electronic Frontier Foundation
[TD="class: bottom, colspan: 4"]
Mentioned by the media.
- "Alternatives per a esquivar el programa nord-americà d'espionatge global." VilaWeb. 2013-06-12.
- Fennen, Nicolas. "PRISM-Break: Mit dieser Software der NSA-Spionage entgehen." Netzpolitik.org. 2013-06-11.
- red. "Prism-Break: So surfen sie an der NSA vorbei." Meedia. 2013-06-12.
- Sabin, Denis. "Wir demonstrieren. Deal with it!" Piratenpartei Berlin. 2013-06-18.
- Schischka, Benjamin. "Diese Programme sperren Lauscher vom US-Geheimdienst aus." PC-WELT. 2013-06-12.
- Wimmer, Barbara. "Wie man der NSA-Spionage entkommen kann." futurezone.at. 2013-06-16.
- "Wie bewege ich mich sicher im Netz?." Aktuelle Stunde. 2013-06-14.
- /r/technology "How to opt out of PRISM, the NSA's global data surveillance program." Reddit. 2013-06-10.
- Bilton, Ricardo. "PRISM fears give private search engine DuckDuckGo its best week ever." VentureBeat. 2013-06-13.
- Daws, Ryan. "Looking to hide online? PRISM-break shows you how." Telecoms Tech. 2013-06-14.
- Glaser, April, and Libby Reinish. "How to Block the NSA From Your Friends List." Slate. 2013-06-17.
- Khanse, Anand. "Opt Out Of PRISM website launched; recommends alternative software & services" TWCN Tech News. 2013-06-16.
- Love, Dylan. "How To Become Invisible To The NSA's Domestic Spying Program" Business Insider. 2013-06-16.
- Keiser, Max. "Site of the day: prism-break.org." Max Keiser Financial War Reports. 2013-06-11.
- Neagle, Colin. "How to opt out of PRISM, the NSA's spying program." Network World. 2013-06-10.
- Phipps, Simon. "How to break out of PRISM." InfoWorld. 2013-06-14.
- Walton, Zach. "Don't Trust Tech Companies With Your Data? Use These Alternatives." WebProNews 2013-06-10.
- Wheatley, Mike "How To Get Out Of PRISM and Avoid NSA Spying" SiliconANGLE. 2013-06-12
- Big Browser. "PRISM Comment passer entre les mailles de la surveillance d'Internet ?" Le Monde. 2013-06-11.
- Duvauchelle, Antoine "PRISM : la fronde s'organise en Europe et aux Etats-Unis" ZDNet.fr. 2013-06-12.
- L., A. "Comment se rendre invisible du réseau PRISM?" RTBF Medias. 2013-06-24.
- L., Julien. "PRISM : des logiciels et services alternatifs pour limiter la surveillance." Numerama. 2013-06-11.
- Legrand, David. " Cryptocat chiffre vos transferts, l'EFF recommande ses outils alternatifs" PC INpact. 2013-06-11.
- Pelletier, Nicolas. "Surveillance : comment contourner le programme Prism." Rue89. 2013-06-11.
- "PRISM Comment passer entre les mailles de la surveillance d'Internet ?" WikiStrike. 2013-06-11.
- Alvarez, Felipe. "PRISM: qué es, posibles consecuencias, cómo evitarlo" alt-tab. 2013-06-17.
- Mu. "De PRISM también se sale." Barrapunto. 2013-06-12.
- Novoa, Jaime "Mozilla, Reddit y EFF lanzan Stopwatching.Us, una campaña en contra de PRISM." Genbeta. 2013-06-12.
- Frediani, Carola. "Prism, ecco come sfuggirgli." Wired.it. 2013-06-14.
- Guida, Andrea. "PRISM Break, lista delle alternative "sicure" ai servizi e ai software "spioni"." Geekissimo. 2013-06-16.
- Pruyn, Rowald. "Website wijst hoe je van spionage PRISM afkomt." ZDNet.be. 2013-06-11.
- Pruyn, Rowald. "Website biedt alternatieven om PRISM-spionage te voorkomen." PCM. 2013-06-10.
- Verkuil, Martijn. "Prism-break.org: Voorkom PRISM-spionage" Computer Idee. 2013-06-13.
- "Ontwerper zet 'NSA-vrije' software op een rij." Trouw. 2013-06-12.
- altruista. "Nie daj się szpiegować - PRISM BREAK." strims.pl. 2013-06-12.
- fabek. "Nie daj się szpiegować - PRISM BREAK." Wykop.pl. 2013-06-11.
- igH "* "nieszpiegujÄ…ce" zamienniki oprogramowania." Niebezpieczenik.pl. 2013-06-17.
- Михаил Бушуев, ÐšÐ»Ð°ÑƒÑ Ð¯Ð½Ð·ÐµÐ½. "Как защититьÑÑ Ð¾Ñ‚ онлайн-Ñлежки" DW.de. 2013-06-14.
Chinese (Traditional)
- blackhat. "如何é¿å¼€ç½‘络跟踪和éšè—网络痕迹." Solidot.pl. 2013-06-17.
Disclaimer: Using the recommended projects on this site will not guarantee that 100% of your communications will be shielded against surveillance states. Please do your own research before trusting these softwares with sensitive communication.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx
"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.
“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.
“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.