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Robert k. Tanenbaum - oswald - from out of the cosmos
Bob has always been very big on that.

How did that description go out at 12:48?

And how did Brennan give it that day?

See, this was the difference between Sprague and Tanenbaum and Blakey and Cornwell.

Sprague was not going to accept anything from the WC. He was going to start over. I mean I can imagine what would have happened once he got to the BS "Sniper's Lair" evidence.

And that would have been that.
Sprague is lucky he got to resign rather than have a "car accident" or wake up next to a dead prostitute.
In the few times I had face to face talks with Prouty, he always brought up the suggestion that I 'look into Dorothe Mattlack a bit more'. I'm sure he knew many facts about the assassination than he felt he could NOT come out and say directly; instead, he'd try to point researchers in those directions. At the time, precious little was available on Mattlack. Now there is quite a bit more and I can see why Prouty pointed her out - and her boss, Lansdale. Another good article by Bill Kelly. While it is generally perceived that the local military units 'stood down' or were asked to stand down during the events of Dallas, it now seems as though they were actively involved in the assassination - using those members of the DPD that were also members of their military intelligence arm. This all, IMO, further points to one of the several major players behind the coup as the Joint Chiefs of Staff. How convenient that many of the CIA-related suspects were officially listed as 'military' for their cover...thus having access to both and being able to play within and trigger others within both realms. That Prouty was the official liason between the Military and the CIA must have given him a unique vantage point for just what I'm pointing to. :mexican:
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
This is an amazingly perceptive man.

How could Brennan describe the height of a man whose face was all he saw.

How could the description Brennan gave to the Secret Service after the description broadcast be the basis for that description.

How can Specter say he had a strong case when he had no evidence.

Well, Specter said he wasn't preparing for a trial--then, asks Tanenbaum, what was he preparing for.

Phillips lied about the destruction of the CIA photo of Oswald, and Hoover knew, but did not care, as Dulles said.

We have evidence Oswald is a contract agent for the CIA and FBI, but Dulles interrupted that it would never be verified.

And Warren was shocked.

Tannenbaum points to McNamara's lie about the Tonkin Gulf incident ("nothing"), how it led to fifty thousand killed, five hundred thousand wounded

including the dual amputee son of Chesty Puller.

Twyman found McNamara at first frank, then nonresponsive.

Congress turned off life support for the HSCA. Blakey was CIA's lap dog.

Sprague and Tannenbaum and Wecht and Fonzi and Lopez and Hardway--now that would have let justice be done

though Langley and the Pentagon and so many nabobs and moguls fall.
[Quote Mr. Lemkin]
While it is generally perceived that the local military units 'stood down' or were asked to stand down during the events of Dallas, it now seems as though they were actively involved in the assassination - using those members of the DPD that were also members of their military intelligence arm. This all, IMO, further points to one of the several major players behind the coup as the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
[End Quote]

Ah the one and only L. Fletcher Prouty.
Long before I have ever considered the Coup as any bigger than rogues of the US Govt. alone, in reading a thing he wrote I learned of the operatives present in Dealy Plaza at the time. It was a big surprise to think about the idea.
It was a bigger surprise to find him correct as ALWAYS.

Thanks to Allen Eaglesham and others we know more than the Empire wishes we did.
Likely not as much as Fletcher Prouty but his pointers are well worth tracking down for one's self as well as to share with other like minded folks.

[Quote Mr. Phil Dragoo

Tannenbaum points to McNamara's lie about the Tonkin Gulf incident ("nothing"), how it led to fifty thousand killed, five hundred thousand wounded

including the dual amputee son of Chesty Puller.

Twyman found McNamara at first frank, then nonresponsive.

Congress turned off life support for the HSCA. Blakey was CIA's lap dog.

Sprague and Tannenbaum and Wecht and Fonzi and Lopez and Hardway--now that would have let justice be done

though Langley and the Pentagon and so many nabobs and moguls fall.
[End Quote]

The real fortunate son. Chesty Puller's son wrote a book titled "Fortunate Son" that IS worth reading.
Truth speaking re:VA then and now same same.
The last battle comes long after the end of the war for some.

I do not see the Coup as a DOD Op alone,
the acceptance and approval of DOD ops came from above the uniforms,
But the Moguls can be toppled off the crumbling foundation on which they stand.

"Sprague and Tannenbaum and Wecht and Fonzi and Lopez and Hardway--now that would have let justice be done"

And Jim Garrison would have known peace in spirit knowing the fascists had their asses kicked and jailed or shot.

Ah the attempt and the abortion of Justice of 1978.

All the 50 Years of Obstruction of Justice, the refusal to further investigate the Presidential Assassination by the US Justice Department,
the refusal of the CIA, DIA, NSA, all the rest of the spook houses to get off the files - ALL THE FILES and the shameful display of Dallas even to today, all these facts lead me to conclude "they" are scared shitless of the TRUTH.

That is damn stupid. The Truth is not something to fear, neither is death. How does one think one can change either one?
It is self defeating and reactive not proactive.

The events indicate having something to hide in the Assassination of Nov. 1963.
After 50 years they play the self deception game.
The world knew in 1963 - a right wing plot. period.
Only in America as they say...
Read not to contradict and confute;
nor to believe and take for granted;
nor to find talk and discourse;
but to weigh and consider.
Am really glad you brought up Eaglesham's work on the so called sniper's lair.

I used it in my last book, and even more in the one I am working on.

It is so important because it indicates that the crime scene was created after the fact, but not really on purpose, by the police. There was not a barricade, but an L shape near the window. And since the space between the so called gun rest boxes and the rear boxes was so small, too small to accomodate a rifle and body, that space was expanded in order to take photos.

Alyea later said that the pictures in the Commission volumes do not represent what he saw, not really close. In fact, he said the public has never seen the original arrangement.

What a witness. This is what I mean about helping our side in that mock trial. We would have blown them out of the water.
Ah the MSM and the fable.....

The manufactured case falls at slightest examination. MSM knows this so must obfuscate.
As Dunkel does and shall continue to do.

Mock Trials to be done I suppose, but the real trial and likely the ONLY trial the case will ever get is us.
Justice sat blindfolded, so the people had to do the US Govt.'s job.

Dame Justice picked up the habit of sleeping through the rain since then.
MSM endorses the BS.
And this is supposed to be enough for the people and the sleeping Dame Justice.

Watergate - aborted and covered up by POTUS pardon.
Iran-Contra covered up and pardoned by the first Bu$h as POTUS - Justice aborted as her guitar gently weeps.
The Bu$h/Cheney abrogation of law - not even examined by O'Bummer's version of the by now filthy whore Bitch Justice.

Not O'Bummer's doing alone, but the robes of the dame Justice now are drenched in crap and the blood of the innocent.
And on and on so it goes....

All the people ever had in this case was LIES and "mock trials".
It ain't enough to me to justify loyalty, that must be earned as my generation learned.
Mock Trials are never productive enough for my taste. Acquittal or not.
Mock victories are not victories.

We need one G*d blessed judge or prosecutor with guts.
Or one More I should say. the Empire got Jim Garrison
so "we" had one Prosecutor with guts at one time.
Justice was again silenced and suborned.
The cases are still open on DPD blotters.
One officer of the court with the courage to stand up for right.
Does any such exist?
I doubt it. I doubt it in Spades Doubled.
Mock Trials are fine as long as WeThePeople do not allow mock trials to stand in for JUSTICE.
I doubt WeThePeople will do that.
Read not to contradict and confute;
nor to believe and take for granted;
nor to find talk and discourse;
but to weigh and consider.
Another great article by Bill Kelly. We have all examined closely the
participation of Phillips, E.H. Hunt and Angleton in the conspiracy.
Most would agree that they were part of the conspiracy. However
we should also examine people like Lumpkin, Gannaway et al, and what was their role
in the conspiracy. I speculate that a continuity of Governent exercise was underway in Dallas
possibly involving, the CIA, Army and SS to prepare a response to the alleged Castro threats
against US officials.
If the information about Oswald was sent to US strike command at McDill Florida
who stopped them form carrying out an all out attack on Cuba?
Bill says that Frank Sturgis was in fact millitary intelligence agent. If i remember well, Richard Helms
admitted that he knew Sturgis, and he was a contract CIA agent (in Lane's Plausible denial).

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