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The Splintering Frame
We are given an interesting image inside a picture frame. We intensely look inside this framed image to solve a mystery. We look for as much detail in the circumference of this framed image as we can detect to help find a solution. We have done this for the last 50 years in the case of the murder of President Kennedy. But, it goes well beyond that.

And, while we gaze intently inside this framed image for a solution, filled with all the minute details we can uncover, is there perhaps another world moving beyond the boundaries of the frame? Subtle. Elusive. Unmistakeable. But, our conditioning does not allow us to even acknowledge it. Our conditioning keeps us inside the borders of the frame.

To know the details of the frame is important. But, is also important to see beyond. Fifty years and we still believe if the right details are unearthed the case will be solved. I'm not so sure anymore. I think we have enough "details." Truth lies beyond.

Could one of the goals - maybe the primary goal - of the murder of President Kennedy be to keep our gaze, our attention, our circumference, inside this frame? In other words: to limit "being."

There was a time when I thought the murder of President Kennedy was all about money. In these days - it now appears from here - it is about control over "being." But, that control only exists when our awareness of existence is inside the limits of this frame. When the total is seen, without reference, what happens to the frame, to being?

As I said in a recent thread on the DPF, I now feel my own personal this-ness is wrapped up in this case. I am amazed at where I started and where my mind is now with all of this. It has been a great journey.

"Our sky was unfolding
And it'll never fold back..."

Thank you, Stan, for starting this thread.

I'll take the liberty of publicly sharing a portion of my e-mail to you of earlier today, written in response to your generous, pre-publication sharing of the "frame" meme:

Your "frame" metaphor is spot-on and I love its double meaning vis a vis LHO.

To mix it up: The doors of perception are barred, but peep-holes are allowed.

To revisit it: Fine and performing arts' genres too are frames sometimes literally but they are designed to be porous and otherwise flimsy, and they invite re-framing and even violation.

Then there are frames as heavily guarded borders the frames of which you write so insightfully.

"Control over being." A governor on the engine of the spirit.

The frame concept then can be extended to the pacification of the masses via a variety of means over these past 50 years...

created and presented to the "people" and for their own good... (from over the counter drugs to TV to the water supply...)

but in the end instill a virtually sterilized world view, a defeatist "nothing will change" mentality... and enough quarters for the juke boxes and playstations to keep humming.

IDK about you, but in my mind the case was solved... we needn't name the cogs, the spokes or the rim...
it is enough to KNOW AND UNDERSTAND that a military coup d'etat occurred on 11/22/63 in the grand ole US of A... because we are still at a place where WE THE PEOPLE cannot admit such an event is even possible let alone having actually happened... the "solving" of this puzzle, the clarifying of the picture in the frame comprises an examination into the depth of human existence and depravity. The rest of the world sees and understands these forces -

Some humans saw and took advantage of many other humans for their own justifiable ends... same song, different dance partner... to be surprised that "survival of the fittest" extends to all things in all manners, especially to the people with the means looking for a motive... is to disregard the history of human beings.


"The American system is the most ingenious system of control in world history. With a country so rich in natural resources, talent, and labor power the system can afford to distribute just enough to just enough people to limit discontent to a troublesome minority. It is a country so powerful, so big, so pleasing to so many of its citizens that it can afford to give freedom of dissent to the small number who are not pleased. How wise to turn the fear and anger of the majority toward a class of criminals bred - by economic inequity - faster than they can be put away, deflecting attention from the huge thefts of national resources carried out within the law by men in executive offices."

Howard Zinn: A People's History of the United States

The American people, since World War II, or
World War I, or the Spanish American War -- take your choice -- have witnessed
the tip of many criminal icebergs. The official investigations of the criminal
icebergs almost always stopped at the waterline. The other 90 percent of the
criminal icebergs were never hauled onto the beach for complete examination,
prosecution and correction.

The criminal cases of 1980 to the present are
in perfect harmony with this honored tradition. This is, of course, why
Americans are the most profoundly ignorant people on planet earth. The illusion
of knowledge is far worse than knowing you don't know.

Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
I would quibble with you, David, but basically we're in-tune.

David Josephs Wrote:The frame concept then can be extended to the pacification of the masses ...

We're out-of-tune on "pacification". After all, forced focus has been used to drive the masses to acts of individual and collective violence.

David Josephs Wrote:IDK about you, but in my mind the case was solved ...

Within minutes, as it happened. But "solved" only in terms of its conspiratorial nature.

David Josephs Wrote:... we needn't name the cogs, the spokes or the rim...

EXTREME disagreement here. See below.

David Josephs Wrote:... it is enough to KNOW AND UNDERSTAND that a military coup d'etat occurred on 11/22/63 in the grand ole US of A...

God, no!

It may be enough as a first step on a long journey to recovery. And I disagree that the Dallas coup d'etat was "military" in nature -- if, that is, you use the modifier to indicate that you believe military officers to be among the conspiracy's Sponsors.

However: A "military style ambush"? Absolutely. A conspiracy facilitated by active duty and retired military officers? Absolutely

David Josephs Wrote:... we are still at a place where WE THE PEOPLE cannot admit such an event is even possible let alone having actually happened... the "solving" of this puzzle, the clarifying of the picture in the frame comprises an examination into the depth of human existence and depravity.

Pretty much agreed to.

David Josephs Wrote:The rest of the world sees and understands these forces -

Absolutely not.

Words and their meanings are important.

I submit that very few of even the most seasoned, insightful investigators of deep political phenomena truly "understand" the history, agendas, and goals of the forces arrayed against us. I can point to Peter Dale Scott, George Michael Evica, James Douglass, most likely Vincent Salandria, and to more narrowly focused yet significant degrees Peter Levenda and -- dare I write his name -- Robert Morningstar.

I believe you to be suggesting -- quite accurately -- that people living in better-educated cultures informed by relatively sophisticated grasps of history and human behavior were quick to accept the truth of conspiracy.

But even they struggle futilely to penetrate the Stygian depths of the waters from which rose the beast who struck JFK -- and Tiberius and Gaius Gracchi, and Jesus Christ, and Teshunka Witko (Crazy Horse), and Mahatma Gandhi, and Abraham Lincoln, and Martin Luther King ... and the untold millions who make up the "collateral damage" of these assaults.
Charles Drago Wrote:I would quibble with you, David, but basically we're in-tune.

Very glad to hear that Charles... I'd prefer not to quibble at all... Also great to be reading your posts again, glad you're back.

David Josephs Wrote:The frame concept then can be extended to the pacification of the masses ...

We're out-of-tune on "pacification". After all, forced focus has been used to drive the masses to acts of individual and collective violence.

I probably did not articulate very well... at the same time these masses are driven to these acts... millions upon million barely pick their heads up from grazing long enough to know what day it is....
this as a direct result of an assult on our senses - both from within via a host of chemicals and from without via a mass media and entertainment byte sized culture - the dumbing down of America

David Josephs Wrote:IDK about you, but in my mind the case was solved ...

Within minutes, as it happened. But "solved" only in terms of its conspiratorial nature.
Ok... we definitely do not know the specific WHO... and I know we are at odds over the actual Sponsors... the more I look the more Adm Anderson and Gen LeMay appear in charge... not the kind of men who take orders from outside the chain of command very well.... as I wrote before... the "supra nationals" will always find a way to profit. The killing of the president, imo, required more than just a profit motive... along with the discipline to carry it out and ensure silence beyond that of death... Omerta was and probably still is the way of the military...

David Josephs Wrote:... we needn't name the cogs, the spokes or the rim...

EXTREME disagreement here. See below.
Will address below as well...

David Josephs Wrote:... it is enough to KNOW AND UNDERSTAND that a military coup d'etat occurred on 11/22/63 in the grand ole US of A...

God, no!

It may be enough as a first step on a long journey to recovery. And I disagree that the Dallas coup d'etat was "military" in nature -- if, that is, you use the modifier to indicate that you believe military officers to be among the conspiracy's Sponsors.

Charles, I keep a copy of the DPF Sponsor/Facilitator/Mechanic note you wrote:
SPONSORS -- Those with the authority and motive to sanction the assassination and the connections to engage facilitating agents and systems.
Among them in my opinion: the most powerful supra-national entities who were -- and are -- above Cold War and Clash of Civilization cosmetic differences.

"Those with the authority and motive to sanction the assassination and the connections to engage facilitating agents and systems"So yes Charles... based on this definition I believe that a Navy Admiral and Army General have all of these at their disposal... The CIA were military men, the FBI the same, the intelligence apparatus of the military had been in full swing will before the birth of Allen Dulles. The Congressmen and President served the military... At the end of the day, if the military is not on your side, no coup will work. I think this as a military action has been underplayed as effectively as the MAfia did it, has been overplayed.

However: A "military style ambush"? Absolutely. A conspiracy facilitated by active duty and retired military officers? Absolutely

David Josephs Wrote:... we are still at a place where WE THE PEOPLE cannot admit such an event is even possible let alone having actually happened... the "solving" of this puzzle, the clarifying of the picture in the frame comprises an examination into the depth of human existence and depravity.

Pretty much agreed to.

David Josephs Wrote:The rest of the world sees and understands these forces -

Absolutely not.

Words and their meanings are important.

I submit that very few of even the most seasoned, insightful investigators of deep political phenomena truly "understand" the history, agendas, and goals of the forces arrayed against us. I can point to Peter Dale Scott, George Michael Evica, James Douglass, most likely Vincent Salandria, and to more narrowly focused yet significant degrees Peter Levenda and -- dare I write his name -- Robert Morningstar.

See, now I feel the complete opposite. Reading Sun Tzu and understanding the nature of man and his military history I find it a surprise to read you feel that these seasoned investigators do not understand these forces... What is the nature of the human being when presented with such forces....

Salandria's initial words to Gaeton establishes the very nature of the beast... yet I think the "THEY" he speaks of are not necessarily the "they" who did it, but were in a position to expand and strengthen. That there is an international "group" concerned with protecting their wealth and power who also wield this power over situations affecting their best interests both large and small - there is no argument. Pepsi was supposedly processing heroin in Laos... those involved may have wanted JFK out of the way but SPONSOR and ASSASSINATION? Wasn't it basically the military men within the CIA who did these things.... with the sponsorship of Mr. Prouty and those he worked for... ??

"The tyranny of power is here. Current events tell us that those who
(DJ:benefit from the killing of) Kennedy can only perpetuate their power by* promoting social upheaval
both at home and abroad. And that will lead not to revolution but to
repression. I suggest to you, my friend, that the interests of those who
killed [B](DJ:benefit from the killing of)
Kennedy now transcend national boundaries and national priorities.
No doubt we are dealing now with an international conspiracy
(Again - the conspiracy to profit from the situation NEED NOT be from the same people who sponsored the killing and carried it out, an important distinction imo).
We must face that fact -- and not waste any more time micro-analyzing the
evidence. That's exactly what they want us to do. They have kept us
busy for so long. And I will bet, buddy, that is what will happen to
you. They'll keep you very, very busy and, eventually, they'll wear you

I believe you to be suggesting -- quite accurately -- that people living in better-educated cultures informed by relatively sophisticated grasps of history and human behavior were quick to accept the truth of conspiracy.

But even they struggle futilely to penetrate the Stygian depths of the waters from which rose the beast who struck JFK -- and Tiberius and Gaius Gracchi, and Jesus Christ, and Teshunka Witko (Crazy Horse), and Mahatma Gandhi, and Abraham Lincoln, and Martin Luther King ... and the untold millions who make up the "collateral damage" of these assaults.

Men seasoned in the Arts of War and at the pinnacle of the military establishment could have decided they'd be better off with Johnson.
ONI was involved up to it's a$$ as was INS and DIA....

In my mind, there are no better "Scapegoats" in this than the CIA, Cubans and the Mafia.... when it was the MILITARY in the Military Industrial Congressional Complex
that held all the cards.... with the Industrial/Congressional part comprised of carpetbaggers picking over the carcass of the country that was left.

Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
Ernest Becker is best known for The Denial of Death, but I would also recommend his book Escape From Evil, in which he explains that civilization with all of its symbols, rituals and traditions is mostly a giant death-denial project. And men who fight and claw their way to the top of the power structure are the most terrified of their mortality and their animal nature.

"All power is in essence power to deny mortality. Either that or it is not real power at all, not ultimate power, not the power that mankind is really obsessed with. Power means power to increase oneself, to change one's natural situation from one of smallness, helplessness, finitude, to one of bigness, control, durability, importance."

A pebble in a pond causing concentric ripples

such is the thought-provoking power of your metaphor explored

Some might ask why the interest in that event a half century ago

Others might define and thereby dismiss that public murder as having this or that purpose

At the higher resolution the search for lead through thickets and hedgerows of fraud

Dollying back, we see a yin-yang good-evil darkness-light--

For slaying the prince of peace has always been the devil's trump

(for synonyms of devil du jour, see also, Dulles, Brutus, Judas, Satan giving the grand tour from the great heights)

So, no, it's not the be-all and end-all, but a business model

The sword and the shield of the hidden cabal dispatched the obstacle to the hawk & resource-exploiting clients

As noted by your images and Charles', we are defending the spirit

David cites the military-industrial miasma of which Ike warned in '61

Our friend from the financial houses of Boston and New York recalled Eliot Janeway decrying the dangerous Kennedy

(that friend outraged by the "billion-dollar check picked up by Brown & Root each week")

Now comes the ARGUS IS camera system deployed on the ubiquitous drones, tracking one hundred targets in urban environment

We examine all aspects of the darkest deed on CONUS in the history of the Republic's parabola from monarch to monarch

And find the power will always attempt to extinguish the light

We will always be tasked to perceive and resist


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At the great risk of appearing to have completely gone off the rails to some, here is what I now think to be a distinct possibility:

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky touched something mysterious in her life. Everything about the woman is an endless mystery. I'm not at all sure what she touched can be known, or even if it is important now that it is known. What is important is that she touched an opening in the consciousness of man. And, if mankind was/is ever to awaken to what she discovered, life on earth would be completely different for us all.

The Gatekeepers (think of the "Sponsors" as Charles defines them) are aware of Blavatsky and this opening. Hitler and the group around him very much believed in the reality of what Blavatsky touched. The financial group that sponsored Hitler knew of all this and have a tremendous interest in keeping all of it esoteric, silly, marginalized to the public at large. Why? Because it would be the end of their power in the world. They exist in the current psychological paradigm. When that paradigm is changed (when it splinters, explodes, begins to unravel), they lose everything.

It's important the story (frame) is believed. That the "reality" of it is a certainty and unquestioned. If the human mind was ever to have an awakening to truth, the game is over. A shift in consciousness will take place, and all of this changes.

It's not a matter of "doing" anything. Marching on Washington. Voting. Doing "good" deeds. Or even knowing. All of it is inside the boundaries of the frame.

What is important is the awakening of mind to the totality of being instead of living in the small, fragmentary corner of self, filled with endless strife and conflict. What we are inwardly manifest into relationship and into the world. It is important to the Gatekeepers/Sponsors to keep the division, the confusion alive. Without it, they no longer exist.

The last century, I think, was a lot richer than we realize. A great deal was going on beneath the surface in a struggle to bring light into the world. It is my feeling that the assassination of President Kennedy served many purposes for these Gatekeepers/Sponsors. Perhaps the primary one being to further the confusion and push consciousness back into a controlled parameter. I feel it is a distinct possibility that President Kennedy was chosen for his role before he even entered office.

There is more than than this this-ness. The total being of man is now a possibility. It doesn't have to be like this. The responsibility for awakening does not lie outside the boundary of the frame. The responsibility for the awakening does not happen at a different time. It is all here and now in each of us.

When the total is seen, without reference, what happens to the frame, to being? That question, I now feel, leads to the opening that could change everything.

Charles, David, Tracy and Phil, thank you for contributing value to this thread.

What a dangerous idea you introduce: that the cabal maintains its power by hypnotizing the mass

Surely Charles has touched on this dramatic aspect of the assassination and its larger context

A show of hands from those who thought of John Lennon's "you better free your mind instead"

I remembered Frank Zappa's, "If your children knew how lame you are they'd kill you in your beds"

The realization upon certain perceptual plateaus is of the great weight of normalcy, its low ceiling and slaughterhouse myopia

Your image of the pyramid explains much: the dictator placing himself above the muddy masses below

As has done this "Obama" in his horror story of Africans with cars--O No! The world would be incinerated!

Recalling Donald Gibson contrasting John F. Kennedy's desire for cheap and plentiful energy and a better quality of life for all

In Battling, he is opposed by those envirotyrants threatening malthusian apocalypse

Hence, for me but not for thee

Hoffer might say the dictator rides to immortality on the backs of the inadequate inferiors

A world taught to look to a strong man, a borg dispensing, rather than the dynamo within and without

That every man and woman, creature and feature is part of the grand symphony

Layers of paranoia and self-hate are the invisible chains to keep the many breaking the rocks for the few

Every time there is a chance of a spiritual escape

The forces of darkness absorb the light

Escape velocity enabled

by casting off


Cognitive Dissonance is the lingua franca of totalitarism

You know nothing and must bow to authority

All the investigations are arguments from authority

Washington will sink from the weight of granite and limestone and lies


Only the spirit can float
Apologies, Phil, for the redundacy.

I'm from the great American flat land, and sometimes I forget where I am.

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