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The Splintering Frame
^^ If Connally was an intended target, and these shooters were as amazing as you say they were, then the Governor should have been dead.
Tracy Riddle Wrote:
Rob Caprio Wrote:We are talking about professional shooters here who could do anything they were told to do. The fact they did not wound anyone else like Mrs. Kennedy shows how good they were IMO.

This is not correct, since Connally was almost certainly wounded by a separate bullet (maybe two), and then there's James Tague. A stray bullet certainly hit the pavement near him.

Having said that, I wouldn't totally dismiss the Freemason angle. I'm re-reading "In God's Name" by David Yallop and he describes how Pope John Paul I was virtually surrounded by Freemasons in the Vatican who belonged to the P2 lodge. John Paul I almost seemed to delight in flouting conventions and traditions (not wanting to be carried around in the chair, having the nerve to answer the phone himself or talk to the Swiss guards like a regular person). This really irritated the uptight reactionary clique around him. That irreverence plus his desire to clean up the Vatican Bank and legalize birth control probably led to his death.

Quite apart from the question of Freemasons (but remember the caveat that indices, if that is indeed what they are, can be fabricated to create yet another false lead/sponsorship), I would warn strongly against numerological arguments. They are not "falsifiable", not subject to rigorous methodological verification. Overextrapolation can lead one astray even in such obvious cases of numerological patterning as, for instance, in a literary work such as the Divina Commedia.

As for Pope Luciani, one must also remember that, while not a liberation theologist, he had much more sympathy for the plight of third-world communities as well, and his eyes were turned very much on socio-political issues there; he may also have represented a threat to certain interests in that domain; that, added to his shaking up the Curia (the night he was murdered he actually had handed to the Secretary of the Curia a list of people to be dismissed or fired) and the Vatican Bank, with its links to P2, all makes his death very suspicious. I read Yallop's book years ago, but after that happened to become friends with a second cousin of Luciani, who insists that the family never believed he died of a heart attack.
As I have recounted in the past, my mother's father was a 33d degree Mason.

We are told above:

I have read the only way a person can achieve 33rd degree status is by participating in a ritual killing.

I have read that a Tesla device sent a USS warship to another dimension.

My grandfather showed me a very secret place in a tall monolithic building where a mysterious whooshing sound emanated from all sides--

--it was an entire office floor of (to an eight year old) enormous IBM card sorters, their manila rectangles whirring and blurring like so many Triscuits

I submit the symbolism of the assassination of the 35th president was that of power over the ideal

Subsequent overlayment of ritualism is all by way of baroque abhorrence of naked form

For informed commentary we have sources mentioned in the forum archives

H.P. Albarelli has addressed these matters

I submit the shooting of the target had nothing to do with Masonic ritual

Everything to do with trajectory, ballistics, termination with extreme prejudice

In a public and unmistakable manner

Phil Dragoo Wrote: baroque abhorrence of naked form

A nicely turned phrase, Phil.
Baroque - when one wanders round without Monet....


Great posts Phil...
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
If the frame ain't baroque, don't fix it.

You began your meditation with

We are given an interesting image inside a picture frame. We intensely look inside this framed image to solve a mystery. We look for as much detail in the circumference of this framed image as we can detect to help find a solution. We have done this for the last 50 years in the case of the murder of President Kennedy. But, it goes well beyond that.

and we are back to the future

as it was an action
to scratch the needle
across the vinyl
so we'd hear it
and cringe

the degradation of matter and energy in the universe to an ultimate state of inert uniformity

that was their intention
where their
the unspeakable

Moving back through the scargate
we see Hjalmar Schacht and Montagu Norman walking in the woods
see the Northwoods alight with the bombs bursting in
Pearl Harbor and the Towers
Tarot, Tarot
his house is in the village though

stopping here
with Holmes and Watson
"Good old Watson!
You are the one fixed point in a changing age.
There's an east wind coming all the same,
such a wind as never blew on England yet.
It will be cold and bitter, Watson,
and a good many of us may wither before its blast.
But it's God's own wind none the less, and a cleaner, better,
stronger land will lie in the sunshine when the storm has cleared."

Or so it seemed to Arthur Conan Doyle in 1917
when Allen Dulles would have us believe
he played tennis with buxom twins
as Germans put Lenin on a sealed train to Petrograd

A beautiful picture
in a baroque frame
when we were Jung
and our hearts were an open book


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Hello Phil,

Does the thinker create thought? Or, does thought create the thinker? An old question, but if you carry it with you long enough, something begins to shift.

If the thinker is the creator, well enough. The world spins on in its "greased grooves." But. If thought is the creator (of the thinker) EVERYTHING flips. The field of being moves. The frame splits wide open, if there is a perception, if there is an awakening to this.

When the thinker creates thought - when the concept is unquestionably believed, consciousness can be controlled and shaped. Mined. Cultivated. Harvested. Used as a resource like any other thing on earth.

Thought is matter, right? Therefore a "thing." Material. It can be owned. Free thinking? I wonder if that is even possible.

When suffering takes place in human consciousness, it (consciousness) becomes much more malleable. When President Kennedy was assassinated, a deep wave of suffering took place inside the boundaries of human consciousness. This wave folds into the layers of being at great depth for generations, into the subconscious. And, the frame became a much more fertile field to be moved and shaped.

We take suffering for granted. It is never questioned. Does suffering have to be a way of life? Can it ever come to a complete stop? Not idealistically but in reality (the thinker IS suffering, right)? The way the current mind is framed, it cannot even conceive of the question. Which, I suggest, just maybe, was one of the intentions of the Kennedy assassination: to the keep the frame in place and from questioning itself, and to perhaps harvest some energy derived from human suffering.

Does the thinker create thought? Or, does thought create the thinker? Is there a non-reality to self? If so, our entire culture, our entire being is based on a false premise. The frame.

It is my feeling (?) the infinite is calling mankind, at this crucial juncture in the history of the world. That calling comes at a huge price: the death of personal psychology. As we frightfully cling to the frame. Seeking a security that does not exist, traveling through time with our heads voluntarily bowed to the earth while the heavens are speaking in the language of silence we cannot acknowledge.

K/Blavatsky/Jung. That's a winner.
Stan Wilbourne Wrote:We take suffering for granted. It is never questioned. Does suffering have to be a way of life? Can it ever come to a complete stop? Not idealistically but in reality (the thinker IS suffering, right)? The way the current mind is framed, it cannot even conceive of the question. Which, I suggest, just maybe, was one of the intentions of the Kennedy assassination: to the keep the frame in place and from questioning itself, and to perhaps harvest some energy derived from human suffering.

Do you know Colin Wilson's The Mind Parasites?
Quote:Does the thinker create thought? Or, does thought create the thinker?

It is said that thought forms are infinite in nature.It is also said that the thinker is part of the infinite collective unconscious.It would seem then,that thought and the thinker,are both equal physical manifestations of each other within an infinite framework.Can one be without the other????

I think therefore I am.....Who am I?

"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller

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