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John McAdams Part 2
7 days in May,
watching the actors play off each other is really great.
Frederick March in confrontation with Lancaster as a veiled Le May is one of those screen moments I'll never forget.
Douglas as Jigs Casey being called Judas by James Scott (Lancaster) is another one.
It is significant that President Kennedy went on vacation to allow filming in the White House.
I bet the protective detail went bananas.

Executive Action!
Birdman of Alcatraz,
Local Hero is fine too.

This man made some grand films no doubt.

No films like that are made now. Industrial magic with fake explosions and CGI cannot compare with the craft of those days.
Or "Tora Tora Tora" compared to Disney's Pearl Harbor.
The first much closer to the history as known when the film was made than
the Disney junk that ignored what is now proven ONI knew of the fleet moving across the north pacific.
The fable vs reality in service of Empire.

Kirk Douglas bringing back Dalton Trumbo for Spartacus is too often overlooked and forgotten.
Hollywood should be ashamed of the Blacklist then and NOW.

Without either of these gentlemen my favorite film of all would not have been made.
"Lonely Are The Brave".
Kirk Douglas as modern day cowboy shoots down the helicopter is the scene most remember the film for.

And "Paths of Glory" I'll like too.
Both B&W but good stuff.

Again no films of the kind Lancaster did will be made today.

Hollywood is too busy trying to mess your mind around with junk as Hank's and Bugliosi are going to do.
Psyops in place of film making, 'glory for war' and mindless titillation substituted for fine work.
Censoring your mind if you are so gullible and ignorant.
In spite of the FACT that the LHO fable is about crash to the floor in shame. Finally!!!!

The image of Mitchum in JFK as Garrison lingers in my mind. Incredibly good work would have been seen.
Mitchum jousting with Tommy Lee Jones as Clay Shaw would blow today's wannabe actors off the screen and out of Hollywood.
Hell, today I doubt M*A*S*H or Catch-22 (original X-rated one, not the re-released cut up one for sale now),
would ever get made today, both of which are funny and heartbreaking at the same time.
An accomplishment to be sure.
This all makes the work of "Reclaiming Parkland" all the MORE important, refuting the LIES of Hanks and crew of operatives.
I would have hoped the actors would refuse to play roles of deception and obfuscation.
They know, how can they not.
Or does no one do research for a role now?

More integrity once than now I suppose.
Gotta make a living but giving up truth to serve a career is never the right choice.

Jim DiEugenio being closer to the source than I,
I am interested in your view of my position.
Read not to contradict and confute;
nor to believe and take for granted;
nor to find talk and discourse;
but to weigh and consider.
Lonely Are the Brave and Paths of Glory are wonderful films. The latter is maybe the best anti-war film ever made, and to get away with showing such high-level corruption in the military, it had to be about the French military. Lancaster was also great in Elmer Gantry, Lawman, Go Tell the Spartans, and Atlantic City.

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