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Bill Kelly's reports from the Wecht Conference

Bill Kelly's reports
from the Wecht conference

from his second report;
Someone in the audience stated that McClelland "arrived late" and didn't stay long and wasn't concentrating enough to notice the gaping hole in the back of JFK's head, to which McClelland replied that he arrived shortly after the two other doctors began to work on the first physical wound they noticed, the throat wound, and that by taking a position at the end of the gurney, he had very clear view of the head wound, for about eight minutes, and he was concentrating on what he was doing more than anything he had concentrated on before in his life
Hey B.

Thanks for starting this thread, and apologies for not blogging every day from Wecht Conference as things were really popping and there wasn't much time, though Jeff Morley managed to do it.

I have been updating my blog - with a report from each day at the conference, and will soon get into my presentation on a forensic analysis of the Air Force One radio transmission tapes.

I have also posted a few articles by others at and will continue to update both blogs over the next few days.

The Wecht symposium was pretty unique, there were no presentations by Lone Nutters - like Specter and Gary Cornwall last time, and the state of our research, I think, is outstanding, if we only had a legal venue to present it in court.

Here's a link to the combined AF1 radio transmission tapes we are working on:

^ Thank you for invaluable contributions.
Where Angels Tread Lightly, 2015, John M. Newman
State Secret, 2013, Bill Simpich
Oswald and the CIA, 2008 ed., John M. Newman
Deep Politics and DP ll, 2003 ed., Peter Dale Scott
Our Man In Mexico... 2008, Jefferson Morley
Wilderness of Mirrors, 1980, David C. Martin
JFK and Vietnam, 1992, John M. Newman
Enemy of the Truth...2012, Sherry P. Fiester
I've updated a number of the posts at my blog and will continue to do so.

Since I made my presentation on the Air Force One Radio tapes at the Wecht Conference, Esquire and Washingtonian Magazines have published long articles about "The Flight From Dallas" and "Angel Is Airborne," generating more interest in this subject, but both articles neglect to mention all of the phone calls LBJ made from Air Force One before it took off, don't use the recently discovered Clifton tape, and don't even mention the issues that I mention - the identity of "Liberty" station as Collins Radio, the identity of "Stranger" as Maj. Patterson or the Lemay references.

Jeff Morely has posted links to all four parts of the Primeau tapes - at his

And also mentioned the tapes in his OpEd article Sunday in the Dallas Morning News

Stay tuned,

More to come,

over and out.
Thanks Bill; for your replies and especially for all you do....Smile I have much reading on the web to catch up on, as well as 5 new books, but will get it done eventually. Aren't we beggars for punishment, I often think...I do see your investigation into the radio tapes as possibly providing a real break into much pertaining to the assassination and cover-up..along with all the valuable information that you have so far provided...surprising, somewhat that no LNr appeared at the convention, but then perhaps they checked the attendance records and decided they simply were not able to gather up the wherewithal to do so..and face the music.:Toilet:....just a thought..thanks again, KBO..BEST B
Bernice Moore Wrote:Thanks Bill; for your replies and especially for all you do....Smile I have much reading on the web to catch up on, as well as 5 new books, but will get it done eventually. Aren't we beggars for punishment, I often think...I do see your investigation into the radio tapes as possibly providing a real break into much pertaining to the assassination and cover-up..along with all the valuable information that you have so far provided...surprising, somewhat that no LNr appeared at the convention, but then perhaps they checked the attendance records and decided they simply were not able to gather up the wherewithal to do so..and face the music.:Toilet:....just a thought..thanks again, KBO..BEST B

They - THEY - John McAdams and Max Holland were there, and I await their reports on the conference. I'm sure they will also report back to their CIA handlers as to what happened, and that we are just a bunch of conspiracy theorists and no threat to them.

Will keep people posted and update my back blog posts asap -

Ha, ha

No surprise that LeMay is mentioned. I'm fairly sure he was deeply involved in all of the events of the day, and at the autopsy, as well. Anyone know who Maj Patterson was 'close' to or reported to?
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