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The Ultimate TV Guide to this years coverage of the 50th - God help us!
Marlene Zenker Wrote:
Tracy Riddle Wrote:Marlene, judging by the memorial items on the grass on the north side of Elm, I'd say that helicopter shot was taken on Saturday or Sunday. Nice view, though.

Tracy, can you tell me where you see memorial items? thx

You see in the middle of the lawn on the north side of Elm where all the people are standing, there are a bunch of small items on the ground? Those were flowers and other
things people brought to the area after the assassination.
The PBS American Masters on Kennedy was superb. If you can catch part II tomorrow do so. It's a high-quality production.

I was set back right away because they said in the first few minutes that Kennedy had made a big mistake which affected his presidency without elaborating. I'm sure they are going to fill it in in part II with some spin.

Caro spoke of Kennedy's early history. He's good as long as he's not dodging assassination evidence.

What stood out was the fact they were more on line with DiEugenio's history of JFK's aversion to colonial regressivism. They had Kennedy on Meet The Press giving emphasis that we would do ourselves no good if we fought a losing battle for dying French imperialism. You can see from Kennedy's expression and body language he felt this was important. Kennedy's Algeria position and its roots was covered as well as his 1951 visit to Viet Nam - albeit briefly and with no mention of Gullion.

The dark side had to have its spin so the program emphasizes JFK's 'While England Slept' warning that all democracies have to stay well armed to be ready to defend freedom. They need to keep the obvious hidden so they are modifying JFK's peace pursuits by making him look like a militarist.

They made it look like LBJ was brought on to the ticket in order to assure the Texas swing vote. They didn't tell the full truth about Johnson blackmailing Kennedy with sex dirt probably gotten to him by Hoover.

This version of Kennedy history makes me think the writers had The Unspeakable on their consciences when determining content.
Now that I've seen the 2nd part I understand what the high quality of the first part was setting up. First, the big mistake they vaguely referred to in part I was what they described as Kennedy's invasion of the Bay Of Pigs. They really went all out on this program and described the Bay Of Pigs as being Kennedy's plan that failed because of his weak inexperience. Instead of mentioning all the CIA members Kennedy fired in retribution they said Bobby and JFK tried to compensate with Mongoose which also blew-up on them and not only strengthened Castro but caused the Russians to defend him with nuclear missiles. This show was really sick because it accurately showed that Kennedy's sane demeanor during the Missile Crisis saved the world from nuclear armageddon, however it did it in such a way that it seemed to be a lucky byproduct of Kennedy's failings and ineptitude. The true interplay and influences between JFK and CIA was not shown. Their portrayal of Viet Nam was even worse. They went so far as to say Kennedy decided to finally confront the communists in Viet Nam and had 14,000 advisors there, a large number of whom were doing combat. The Diem dilemma was reduced to a tape of Kennedy regretting the way he died with zero informational backdrop on how Lodge and the CIA went behind Kennedy's back. All the official court historians carefully lied to conduct this false history.

This program made me sick because it was clearly a smooth pro-CIA propaganda job designed to trump up JFK's charisma and charm in a way that almost made Kennedy seem superficial. They did everything but call him a dilettante and even had one of their court historians summing up Kennedy at the end as mostly glamour and a man who could have been a great president. The underlying message was Jack was an ambitious rich boy who wasn't quite up to the demands of the world class big leagues in politics and was hamstrung by his personal failings that left him vulnerable in the tough situations he was confronted with. There was a cold-blooded patronizing flowing through the veins of this show that was almost like neo-con contempt. The unspoken message was JFK brought it upon himself. The assassination was covered as briefly as possible at the end with no mention of the controversy. They simply went right from the limousine entering the Plaza to people in New York getting the news of Kennedy's death from a car radio. I guess they didn't want to offend JFK's memory with his murder. They didn't want to get any blood on this bright shining production.
CBS had the honors tonight with another Oswald-did-it hatchet job. This time it was centered on Dale Myers proving the single bullet in 2003 with his computer animation. ::zzzzz::

More highlights and hints. Caro said Bobby asked LBJ if he killed his brother. They said Johnson said "no". Caro also said Bobby and LBJ hated each other.
CBS's 'Face The Nation' was the worst yet. It was a shameless cheerleading event for the Warren Commission. First LBJ's daughter was on telling how she experienced that day. She acts as if she never heard her father was a monster. It was the all American presidents are great men mode in full delivery.

Aynesworth was allowed to say Ruby was a violent man with a temper and reporter groupie. Sabato was allowed to say Oswald was a disaffected loser and defector. Both with no challenge from Bob Schieffer who said he had an open mind on the conspiracies but 50 years had shown no evidence.

A lot of people were damning their souls this morning praising Kennedy while still murdering him 50 years later.

There's a new trend where they are just going into straight Warren Commission mode as if the last 50 years of research never happened. Figures Schieffer felt safe picking the 6th Floor Museum for the show's location.

CBS = "Constant Bull Shit"
also sucked.[URL=""][/URL]
NBC doing its job as a media alphabet agency. They are still in Walter Sheridan mode in 2013 and MSNBC form.
Marlene Zenker Wrote:also sucked.[URL=""][/URL]

You were expecting something different from the Obama Cheerleading Channel - sorry, I mean MSNBC?

Remember that the MS stands for Microsoft and NBC, well you know ...

What a bunch of disinformation.

Oswald was kicked out of the Marines? IIRC he received a rather suspicious discharge that was made dishonorable only after he defected (which, of course, was most likely a cover for his covert mission).

I got a kick out of the lady who only just realized that the CIA and FBI wanted to hide information from the WC and the public. And how about the AP guy finding nothing suspicious about Oswald's back story.

This is a perfect example of why I stopped watching most TV news and news programs a long time ago. Every time I break down and tune into one I realize how untrustworthy and incurious those dopes are.

If I hear one more time how those of us who think there was a conspiracy can't accept that JFK could be killed by a nobody with a cheap rifle I just want to throttle the speaker and tell them that its they who can't handle the truth that the national security state could stage a coup and get away with it.
Albert Doyle Wrote:There's a new trend where they are just going into straight Warren Commission mode as if the last 50 years of research never happened.

As far as they're concerned, it didn't happen. They live in their own constructed media reality, and smugly sneer at anyone who doesn't share it with them. I'm sure that the people who ran Pravda in the USSR had the same sense of superiority.

But they don't realize that fewer and fewer Americans are paying attention to corporate media.

Just saw 'Who Was Lee Harvey Oswald' on PBS. There were too many deceptions to list. The program was an organized orchestration of Oswald witnesses, almost all of whom were lying. The production is a treasure trove of high profile liars and a good sounding of how the conspiracy went beyond borders and political orientation. The show was presented in such a way that you would never know Sylvia Duran was lying and forced to do so after being jailed by the Mexican police at the bidding of CIA. Helms was the epitome of pure arrogance using classic non-denial denial doubletalk and was obviously lying. If you paid attention the show led to the truth with an after thought of what was wrong with each of the cases of evidence without giving the details of how much evidence there was to refute what they had just shown. The strongest "after thought" was the simple shot at the very end showing Oswald's tombstone shining like a marble tombstone in Arlington Cemetery.


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