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Some Truth from Huffington Post
The first of a multi-part story on the Kennedy Assassination in the Huffington Post is here. A few excerpts:

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On December 9, 1963, only four days after the Commission's first meeting, FBI Director Hoover sent its members a summary report concluding beyond any doubt that Lee Oswald acted alone when he killed the President and Jack Ruby acted alone when he killed Oswald. Nine months later, that same outcome, embroidered with thousands of pages full of smoke and mirrors, would become the Warren Commission's final word on the assassination. The whole exercise, all twenty-six windy volumes and the 800-page Warren Report, was just an overblown amplification of Hoover's original conclusion. To make matters worse, Hoover leaked his report to the press, (a common practice for Hoover), which angered Warren and other Commissioners, and set the template for the public's understanding of the crime even before the "investigation" got off the ground.

Moreover, the Commissioners were totally dependent on whatever evidence the FBI and CIA wanted them to see or not to see. According to one of the staff lawyers assigned to look into Jack Ruby's background, Burt Griffin, staff director Rankin, "was fearful that our own investigation of the assassination could be interpreted by the FBI or CIA as an attempt to investigate them." (Kantor The Ruby Cover-Up 1978, 174)


Another peculiar action of the Warren Commission (there are many) was its intentionally substandard reproduction of the famous photo taken by Dallas Associated Press photographer James Altgens. The Warren Report's reprinted version of the photo is a "reduced, cropped, indistinct printing of an FBI copy of a magazine copy of the originally crystal-clear picture." (Douglass 2009, 285) Captured in the background of the unspoiled version of the photograph is a man resembling Lee Oswald standing in the doorway of the Texas School Book Depository calmly watching the presidential motorcade.

"By deliberately using a smaller fourth-generation print," James Douglass writes in JFK and the Unspeakable, "the government made the image of the man too tiny and blurred to be recognizable. The Report's deliberately flawed reproduction of the Altgens photo changed the man in the doorway from a challenging image into abstract speculation, which could then be disposed of without making any visual comparisons to pictures of Oswald taken later that day in strikingly similar clothing." (Douglass 2009, 285)


Given its epic flaws and omissions, it's little wonder that the Warren Report, which the Commission presented to President Johnson with great fanfare on September 28, 1964, has been over the years widely condemned as a monumental government fraud. Privately, even Robert F. Kennedy dismissed the Warren Report as nothing more than an exercise designed to reassure the public. (Talbot 2007, 278-280) And in late 1975, the Republican Senator from Pennsylvania, Richard Schweiker, who was a key participant in the Church Committee's inquiry into CIA wrongdoing, called for a congressional committee to reopen the assassination case. Schweiker told the press: "I think the Warren Commission is like a house of cards. It's going to collapse." (Talbot 2007, 232)

(Next segment: Part Two, Jack Ruby/Lee Oswald)

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Amazing to read some actual reporting in the mainstream press, which Huffington Post has certainly by now joined. We need to see much more.

::dancing guy::
Jim Hargrove Wrote:The first of a multi-part story on the Kennedy Assassination in the Huffington Post is here. A few excerpts:

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On December 9, 1963, only four days after the Commission's first meeting, FBI Director Hoover sent its members a summary report concluding beyond any doubt that Lee Oswald acted alone when he killed the President and Jack Ruby acted alone when he killed Oswald. Nine months later, that same outcome, embroidered with thousands of pages full of smoke and mirrors, would become the Warren Commission's final word on the assassination. The whole exercise, all twenty-six windy volumes and the 800-page Warren Report, was just an overblown amplification of Hoover's original conclusion. To make matters worse, Hoover leaked his report to the press, (a common practice for Hoover), which angered Warren and other Commissioners, and set the template for the public's understanding of the crime even before the "investigation" got off the ground.

Moreover, the Commissioners were totally dependent on whatever evidence the FBI and CIA wanted them to see or not to see. According to one of the staff lawyers assigned to look into Jack Ruby's background, Burt Griffin, staff director Rankin, "was fearful that our own investigation of the assassination could be interpreted by the FBI or CIA as an attempt to investigate them." (Kantor The Ruby Cover-Up 1978, 174)


Another peculiar action of the Warren Commission (there are many) was its intentionally substandard reproduction of the famous photo taken by Dallas Associated Press photographer James Altgens. The Warren Report's reprinted version of the photo is a "reduced, cropped, indistinct printing of an FBI copy of a magazine copy of the originally crystal-clear picture." (Douglass 2009, 285) Captured in the background of the unspoiled version of the photograph is a man resembling Lee Oswald standing in the doorway of the Texas School Book Depository calmly watching the presidential motorcade.

"By deliberately using a smaller fourth-generation print," James Douglass writes in JFK and the Unspeakable, "the government made the image of the man too tiny and blurred to be recognizable. The Report's deliberately flawed reproduction of the Altgens photo changed the man in the doorway from a challenging image into abstract speculation, which could then be disposed of without making any visual comparisons to pictures of Oswald taken later that day in strikingly similar clothing." (Douglass 2009, 285)


Given its epic flaws and omissions, it's little wonder that the Warren Report, which the Commission presented to President Johnson with great fanfare on September 28, 1964, has been over the years widely condemned as a monumental government fraud. Privately, even Robert F. Kennedy dismissed the Warren Report as nothing more than an exercise designed to reassure the public. (Talbot 2007, 278-280) And in late 1975, the Republican Senator from Pennsylvania, Richard Schweiker, who was a key participant in the Church Committee's inquiry into CIA wrongdoing, called for a congressional committee to reopen the assassination case. Schweiker told the press: "I think the Warren Commission is like a house of cards. It's going to collapse." (Talbot 2007, 232)

(Next segment: Part Two, Jack Ruby/Lee Oswald)

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Amazing to read some actual reporting in the mainstream press, which Huffington Post has certainly by now joined. We need to see much more.


::dancing guy::::dancing guy:: there's a change in the wind - what can we do going forward to make sure it continues after the 22nd? For one, we can stop the in-fighting and support, at least to some degree, anyone who doesn't support the Warren Commission.
They are rolling the Oswald in the doorway issue into the conversation like a grenade in my opinion. If they wanted to quote Douglass there's many better things he discusses.
Albert Doyle Wrote:They are rolling the Oswald in the doorway issue into the conversation like a grenade in my opinion. If they wanted to quote Douglass there's many better things he discusses.

I understand, but think about it, first they need to bring out the theories, make the questioning in and of itself mainstream, then they can sort through what is true or false. Fortunately for the MSM the researchers have done all of the work for them. If they truly want to know what is fact or fiction they will find out. Hell, we are still arguing most of the facts. This is a chance, a real chance for the truth. Additionally, it is possible that the people who are still alive who haven't talked will come out of the woodwork or perhaps their heirs. Maybe some of the people who have passed on have left documents for us and now after 50 years and perhaps the media interest will give them the courage to come forward.

Let's give them a chance, just this once, to follow the right course. Remember, we are still arguing the TSBD doorway photo even though we have recently discovered Prayer Man.
Marlene Zenker Wrote:::dancing guy::::dancing guy:: there's a change in the wind - what can we do going forward to make sure it continues after the 22nd? For one, we can stop the in-fighting and support, at least to some degree, anyone who doesn't support the Warren Commission.

Well said, Marlene; we have met the enemy for decades now, and it's still them, not us.

Googling around for some other mainstream news story released in the last 24 hours or so to continue the Huffington Post trend reveals precious little of interest beyond the NBC interview with Oliver Stone posted here in another thread. And, of course, NBC simply had to keep its corporate finger on the scale by providing some pablum based on the NYT's Philip Shenon saga which basically goes... Oh, Golly, if only the FBI and the CIA had been paying more attention to Oswald.... all this could have been prevented (sniff... sigh)!! This seems to be the modified, limited hangout that Parkland the movie was supposed to soften us up for. Maybe tomorrow, eh?

On the brighter side, we seem to lose every battle with the media, but the battle for public opinion remains a slaughter house for the Warren Commission. Stumbling across the little Cleveland Fox 8 News website, revealed an online poll which asked, "Do you believe JFK was killed by a conspiracy?" The results, so far:
Thank you for voting!

Yes 78.86% (705 votes)
No 15.66% (140 votes)
No opinion 5.48% (49 votes)

Some of the Lone Nutters we all know and love really need to work a whole lot harder! I'm beginning to think our tax dollars are being wasted. Perhaps there should be an investigation.


P.S. If you'd like to vote in the above, just go to:

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