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"Lee Harvey Oswald's Other Guns" OMG!!
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[TD] WTF is up at Huffington Post? ::fury::

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Lee Harvey Oswald's Other Guns
Posted: 11/05/2013 3:20 pm

"Wait right there," said Robert Oswald. "I've got something I want to show you." And with that, Oswald, the older brother by five years of Lee Harvey Oswald, the accused assassin of President John F. Kennedy, disappeared into the pantry behind his kitchen in Wichita Falls, Texas.

A few minutes went by, and the next thing I knew, Robert Oswald was standing in front of me with two guns in his hands.
It was 1993, 30 years after JFK's assassination. I was the Los Angeles Bureau Chief for Life Magazine. One of my predecessors, Richard B. Stolley, was the man responsible for buying the famous Zapruder tape showing the actual assassination in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963. Because of that, I had always felt that Life had a special franchise on the journalism surrounding the event. Now, three decades later, I decided to interview some of the survivors of the tragedy.

My first stop was Lee Harvey Oswald's widow Marina. But she had proven elusive over the years and for good reason. How could her life ever be the same after her husband was widely believed to have killed the president? She had seldom if ever been interviewed in the years since, and she proved no less difficult to find now.

Then I tried to talk to Oswald's two daughters, June and Rachel, who were infants in 1963 when their father fired the shots from the Texas School Book Depository that killed Kennedy. I found them through their lawyer in the San Francisco Bay Area, but they too refused to talk to Life.

Finally, I located Oswald's older brother Robert, who had not been nearly so press-shy over the years. I called him and he agreed to see me for an interview. I flew from Los Angeles to Dallas and then connected for the short flight north to Wichita Falls.
Robert Oswald greeted me at the door of his spacious home. He looked faintly like his younger brother Lee, but his glasses gave him an older, more avuncular appearance. And, of course, it had been three decades since the assassination.

Robert Oswald took me into the kitchen of his home and we exchanged pleasantries over lemonade. Mercifully, since it was still summer, his house was air conditioned against the intense heat of the Texas plains.
After a few minutes, he took out a box of photos. Among them were shots of the family at Thanksgiving in 1962, the year before the assassination, of Lee with one of his daughters on his lap, of the family gathered for what looked like a joyful celebration. I later found out that some of the photos had been previously published, so we never used them.

Then, after a brief hesitation, Robert Oswald told me to sit tight, that he had something he wanted to show me.
When he emerged from the pantry, he was holding two handguns in the palms of his hands.
I was startled, to say the least. In fact, my paranoid fantasies ran wild. if just for a few seconds: Here I was, alone with the brother of Lee Harvey Oswald, the presumed assassin of President John F. Kennedy, and he was holding two guns. And in fact, no one knew where I was since I had not checked out of my hotel in Dallas, thinking that this would only be a short trip to Wichita Falls to interview Robert Oswald.

Of course, the guns were not pointed at me, and I think that Oswald immediately saw the concern on my face, however irrational, and he tried to assuage my fear.
"I used to buy these off my bother all the time," he said, referring to Lee. "He would bring them home and I would buy them so he wouldn't do anything with them." In fact, the cylinder of one of the guns was obviously broken and at an odd angle, but I don't remember if Oswald said he'd done it on purpose in order to make the guns inoperable.
We chatted a bit more, and then he put the guns back in the pantry.
A little while later, after another glass of lemonade, Robert Oswald escorted me to the door and I drove back to the airport to catch my flight back to Dallas.

I have never quite believed in the conspiracy theories that surround the assassination of John F. Kennedy, even though imagining them gives rise to some of the more intriguing movies and books that have come out and will continue to flood the marketplace now, as the 50th anniversary draws near.
I had come to believe that Lee Harvey Oswald, acting alone, probably killed Kennedy on that horrible day in Dallas. But when Robert Oswald pulled out the handguns he said he had bought off his brother to keep Lee from using them, somehow I knew. I knew.
One of my predecessors, Richard B. Stolley, was the man responsible for buying the famous Zapruder tape showing the actual assassination in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963.

and keeping it hidden from public view for over a decade. which would seem rather strange.
Robert played a huge role in framing Lee. If this story is true, why didn't he tell it back in the day? Or mention it in his book?
Was he still operating as a framer of his brother at that point? This seems like the image of the crazy kid Oswald is being kept up by Robert. The story could possibly be true but only in the context of Oswald spreading the image of discontented defector. The interviewer should have asked Robert about the provenance of the camera at that point.

LIFE Magazine. Henry Luce. Sure, OK.

Huffington, great example of the phony left media.
Tracy Riddle Wrote:Robert played a huge role in framing Lee. If this story is true, why didn't he tell it back in the day? Or mention it in his book?

Hit the nail on the head Tracy.... ROBERT was aware of the H&L problems and the different Marguerite problems...

Too many things to go into detail here... yet thanks to ROBERT we became aware of STRIPLING JR HIGH in Ft Worth and Frank Kudlaty.
Hoover sends a man to Kudlaty on 11/23 in the morning (less than 12 hours since Oswald is charged in JFK's death) who takes "Oswald's" school records from 1954...
the year LEE is at Beauregard Jr High in NOLA... The Thomas address is across the street from Stripling and is the addres MO uses again and again and is her address on 11/22/63. The house was torn down in 1981.

Mr. JENNER. And, at that time, I take it your brother Lee was attending Arlington Heights High School? That would be 1952?
Mr. OSWALD. Just a minute, please. In 1952 Lee was 13 years old. He would be attending W. C. Stripling Junior High School then (yet they supposedly moved to NY)

[TABLE="width: 595"]
[TD]Kudlaty says he attends at least 6 weeks but not the full term[/TD]
[TD]Stripling JHS[/TD]
[TD]Ft. Worth[/TD]
[TD]2220 Thomas Pl[/TD]
[TD]Report cards put him at BHJS all term[/TD]
[TD]1454 St. Mary's Apt 6[/TD]

One of the most important things one can do in this case is to read Robert's, Marguerites and Pic's testimony and compare their chronology and facts....

Robert took the BRONX ZOO photo knowing full well THAT was not LEE... and proceed to tell us he did NOT visit the Oswald's and Pic's in Nov 1952...
John Pic picks LEE from HARVEY in every instance...

Mr. PIC - So they moved out in about September 1952, maybe it was late September, early October, somewhere around there, so from about somewhere between September of 1952 and January 1953, my brother Robert came to New York on leave, and we were all invited up to the Bronx.
Mr. JENNER - To visit whom?
Mr. PIC - Sir?
Mr. JENNER - To visit whom?
Mr. PIC - To visit my mother and my brother.
Mr. JENNER - Your brother?
Mr. PIC - That is correct.
Mr. JENNER - Did your brother's wife accompany him?
Mr. PIC - He wasn't married at that time, sir.
Mr. JENNER - He wasn't married?
Mr. PIC - I think this was, his leave was probably in October or November 1952, a matter of a month or two after they had moved out. We visited their apartment in the Bronx.
Mr. JENNER - Excuse me, where did your brother stay?
Mr. PIC - I think he stayed at the Soldier-Sailor-Airmen Club in New York.
Mr. JENNER - In any event he did not stay with you.
Mr. PIC - No, sir; he may have stayed with my mother also. I don't think so. Maybe for a night or two. We went out, my wife fixed him up with a date with one of her girl friends and we went out together a couple of times. So, we were invited p there for this Sunday dinner. So it was my mother, Lee, Robert, my wife, myself, and my son. Robert was already there when we arrived. When Lee seen me or my wife he left the room. For dinner he sat in the front room watching TV and didn't join us whatsoever.
Mr. OSWALD. Yes, sir; we were corresponding infrequently, I would say--not very many letters between I and Lee direct when I was in the service, especially the first part of my tour in the service.
In 1952, after traveling from Camp Pendleton, Calif., to Jacksonville, Fla. I did have a 10-day leave. They were in New York City at that time.
Mr. JENNER. This was then some time in 1953, I take it?
Mr. OSWALD. No, sir--1952.
Mr. JENNER. 1952?
Mr. OSWALD. Yes, sir. This was----
Mr. JENNER. You mean your mother and Lee that is the period of time they were in New York City?
Mr. OSWALD. That's correct.

Mr. JENNER. Living there.
Mr. OSWALD. Yes, sir.
Mr. JENNER. Did you see them?
Mr. OSWALD. No, sir; not at that time. I spent my leave in Fort Worth, because I did not feel I had enough time to travel to New York and down to Jacksonville, Fla. After completing metalsmith school at Millington, Tenn., I took a 10-day leave
Mr. JENNER. Fix the time.
Mr. OSWALD. This was July or August of 1953. I had my orders to go to Miami, Fla. I took a 10-day leave and left Millington, Tenn., by car and came to New York City and spent 10 days in New York with Lee, mother, John, and his family.
Mr. JENNER. Where did you stay?
Mr. OSWALD. At mother's apartment, with Lee, in the Bronx some place I do not recall the address.
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
From Robert Oswald's Warren Commission testimony:

JENNER: And Lee had what you would describe as a normal interest in firearms?
OSWALD: Yes, sir.
JENNER: That every boy has?
OSWALD: Yes, sir.
JENNER: But not beyond that?
OSWALD: No, sir. (1H296)


BOGGS: Have you in your own mind reached any conclusions on whether or not your brother killed President Kennedy?
OSWALD: Based on the circumstantial evidence that has been reported in newspapers and over the radio and television, I would have to say that it appears that he did kill President Kennedy.
BOGGS: Would you, having reached that conclusion under the circumstances that you outlined a moment ago, and having known him all of his life, although not too intimately the last year of his life, would you give us any reason for why he may have done this?
OSWALD: No, sir: I could not.
BOGGS: It came as, I would think, a great shock to you?
OSWALD: Yes, sir; it certainly did, and I might add that the Lee Harvey Oswald that I knew would not have killed anybody. (1H314)

So, in 1964 Robert was saying that he would never have expected that his brother, whom he swore had a "normal" interest in guns, could kill anybody. And now, 50 years later, he says that he had to buy guns off of Lee "so he wouldn't do anything with them".

Something doesn't quite add up here, does it?
So Robert is as much an agent provocateur as Lee. Must run in the blood.

Quote:OSWALD: Yes, sir; it certainly did, and I might add that the Lee Harvey Oswald that I knew would not have killed anybody. (1H314)

Linguistic forensics would ask "Versus the Oswald you didn't know?"

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