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Disinformation Killed 9/11 "Truth"

by Joe Giambrone

"FUD (Fear Uncertainty Doubt) is generally a strategic attempt to influence perception by disseminating negative and dubious or false information."

I gave up knocking heads with disinfobots concerning the 9/11 attacks back in 2009. It was after I read this, and it finally appeared hopeless. Barack Obama, the stuffed suit who could speak for hours and say exactly nothing, would continue the September 11th cover-up. The 9/11 Commission, which the two chairmen admitted was "set up to fail," and was largely based on testimony extracted through torture in secret dungeons, was to be taken at face value by Obama's Administration. Obama also went to great lengths to protect the CIA torturers and to persecute CIA whistleblowers like John Kiriakou.

It was by then a nightmarish media environment. Most so-called "alternative" press wouldn't listen to actual, substantial complaints with corroborated evidence of government malfeasance and lying about 9/11. Accusing the government of criminal activity made one a "conspiracy theorist" by definition, even if the crimes were true. "Conspiracy theorist" describes every police investigator in the world; that's what they do. Intelligent writers who pushed to discredit the government's treasonous 9/11 cover-up were ignored.

"Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."
-US Constitution

The Bush White House committed Treason the moment they shielded the Saudi Arabian government from accountability, after the Saudis were caught giving material aid to the San Diego hijacker cell. This protection of the Saudi regime was, and remains, "Aid and Comfort," as per the US Constitution.

By 2009, the 9/11 "Truth" Movement was so inundated with disinformation that it had become a laughingstock. The easily-discredited claims (lies) contaminated the greater issue and soiled dissenters across the board. "Turd blossom" was a Karl Rove phrase that could describe what the movement had devolved into. The media, whether corporate or foundation-funded, could find people ranting about "the Jews" or the Illuminati, the Lizard People, the missiles, holograms, mini-nukes or space beam weapons vaporizing the Twin Towers.

Many trolls, and some public personalities, appeared to be professional disinformation artists hard at work concocting and posting this crap online, which others repeated to their own detriment. One cannot easily prove that a specific person is a paid shill, a disinformation agent, a cyber agent provocateur, but be assured they are out there, and "out there."


Author Thomas Pynchon wrote, "If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers." I'll go one better and in the process explain modern cyber disinformation: If they can get you asking stupid questions, then their lapdog media can dismiss you as a "nut."

That's how it works, people. Well beyond questions, they have long lassoed a whole generation of newbies into reposting pseudo evidence about the 9/11 attacks, as if these were established facts. That's FUD, using bogus evidence to taint those who choose to pass it on.

"A honey pot, in intelligence jargon, is a tempting source of information or 'dangle' that is set out to lure intended victims into a trap. Ultimately the honey pot is violently and maliciously discredited so as to destroy the credibility of anything stuck to it by association."
-Michael Ruppert, "Crossing the Rubicon," p. 184

Photographs or sound bites are taken out of context to fabricate some new angle that no one had ever noticed before. More often than not, that was because these new findings were patently false. So much sloppy research and twisted factoids peppered the 9/11 "Truth" universe that the very concept of truth itself was devalued in the process.

WHAT IS TRUTH? provides a clue:
"1. the true or actual state of a matter...
2. conformity with fact or reality; verity: the truth of a statement..."

Gravity holds us down on planet earth. True. It always has, and this is reinforced by countless experiments, observations and measurements. It is undisputed, and it cannot be disproven.

Things are much less clear when we consider the complex events leading to the September 11th 2001 attacks, the day itself and the aftermath. Matters are so cloudy that often we simply cannot know the truth of a specific question from the available public data.


Many aspects of the 9/11 attacks are unprovable, covered-up. Numerous crucial questions about the 9/11 plot remain outstanding, and many answers are simply not publicly knowable at this time. The first step to pursuing the real truth is to accept that you don't know the answer already. The 9/11 "Truth" Movement, however, overflows with people who not only know it all, but they will accuse you of being an agent provocateur if you disagree with them about anything. Asking them to provide actual specific, relevant evidence for an outrageous claim is a sure way to invite howls for your banishment. That's not a "truth" movement; that's a belief movement. A bottomless chasm of difference separates the two.

To pursue the truth one must carefully analyze the evidence and assess what has been hidden from public view. That is a path toward the truth. Posting sarcastic propaganda and photographs with bumper-sticker pet theories is simply not analogous. That behavior indicates cultists, religious fanatics, dogmatists and more than a few dolts, racists and even the occasional red-blooded psychopath.

The propensity to simply pass along unverified information without investigating it has torpedoed the 9/11 "Truth" Movement, perhaps permanently. Due diligence requires analyzing a new claim and finding out what evidence supports or refutes it before posting it to some website or Facebook group (yes I've been guilty too; consider this my penance). Due diligence is extremely rare. Mis/Disinformation spreads without containment.

Some 9/11 claims can be discarded as ridiculous and at odds with other known, corroborated facts. But that doesn't prevent them from being repeated ad nauseum. The claim that a missile destroyed the Pentagon lives on, probably the first major 9/11 disinformation coup, and it has long been cited by international corporate media as a sure indicator of mental illness or stupidity. You can point at 42 Pentagon witnesses who saw a plane, noting that zero eyewitnesses ever reported a missile, but, in a self-reinforcing religious mind wash, contrary evidence is handily dismissed. The messenger is bludgeoned. A steaming case of a "honey pot" trap, this Pentagon/missile theory originated from a website that called itself "Silent But Deadly," hosted in France starting in June of 2003 (Warning: link to disinformation website). This missile theory popped up nearly two years after the actual 9/11 attacks and after a Congressional investigation needed to be censored by the White House, in order to protect their Saudi friends and possible co-conspirators.

"Silent but deadly" is, of course, a euphemism for flatulation! Not just any fart either, but the worst kind.

World Trade Center "owner" Larry Silverstein's "pull it" out of context blurb will never die either, despite its illogic. Most of those 9/11 "Truth" claims should have bitten the dust years ago, but on the Internet nothing ever dies.

This doesn't mean that obsessed 9/11 "debunkers" have a dedication to the actual truth either, as it remains largely still covered-up. But that is a topic for another article.
We also have the very touchy matter of Israeli agents arrested in a van on September 11th 2001 after allegedly celebrating a jetliner's impact into a World Trade Center tower. The full story of these men and Urban Moving Systems, where they worked, has been disappeared from public consciousness. It's long censored by foundation-funded media, instead of being investigated.

"The lawyer for the five [arrested Israelis] will later note that one photograph developed by the FBI shows one of the men, Sivan Kurzberg, holding a lighted lighter in the foreground, with the burning WTC in the background."
-History Commons

That's a delicate matter because blatant neo-Nazi styled rants often accompany propaganda on this topic. Unapologetic anti-Semitic biases, censorship and counter-propaganda muddy this issue and push us further from the truth, as opposed to closer toward it.

This article is probably a waste of my time because I'm not sold that the "Truth Movement" actually wants truth! I'm fairly convinced that the general public does not want the truth either. It's a minority within a minority that presses to really know and to discard bogus claims. That's just not enough momentum.

Hopefully that "Rethink 9/11" meme will get people to defer to the architectural and engineering experts, rather than trying to explain controlled demolition themselves. It is entirely possible that controlled demolition played a part in the World Trade Center's destruction. Maybe even Sivan Kurzberg had a role in it.

It's not proven. It's not provable so far. It is one of those "known unknowns," which Donald Rumsfeld put into the popular lexicon. Maybe it was, and maybe it wasn't. Wild-eyed religious nut types with high school educations aren't likely to convince anyone either way. Without verifiable, meticulous sourcing and corroboration, opinions are worthless. If they would let the people who know those technical fields make their cases as best they can we may inch closer toward the real truth.

Maybe they'll dig up the WTC landfill and analyze all that buried dust. Maybe we'll see more whistleblowers like Coleen Rowley, Sibel Edmonds, Senator Bob Graham, Kevin Ryan, Willie Rodriguez, J. Michael Springmann, Robert Wright, Indira Singh, Barry Jennings, Richard Grove, Thomas Drake, Anthony Shaffer, Tom Pickard, Ruben Garcia, even Norman Mineta and Richard Clarke.

Anyway, trying to argue sense with the 9/11 clown posse has proven illusory at best. Most don't like it when they are shown to be in error, and they don't want to hear contradictory evidence, no matter how true it is. Indicators suggest that most will continue mindlessly forwarding nonsense as "truth" without the slightest accountability to fact check or tailor their claims to the realm of the provable, the factual, the -- a-hum -- truth.

Joe Giambrone, American author, filmmaker, publishes Political Film Blog.
This piece says so little that comment is difficult. I agree that the 9-11 truth movement was filled with disinfo guys from the start. Every truth movement is. Divide and conquer lives forever.
Did planes it the towers? YES. People saw the second one. So the Fetzer gang can argue all they want. Jim Fetzer was not there. I know two people who were. Both saw the second plane.
But how exactly do you take "we had to pull it" out of context?????? Even my husband who does not accept inside job conspiracy in 9-11 agrees that "pull it" means just that. And that building 11 fell "consistent with controlled demolition". So how do YOU get around that one? You don't tell us what you believe. Only what you don't.

By the way welcome to DPF. Don't take my questions as personal criticisms please. I really want to hear more of your views. Disagreement and debate are welcomed here. Just keep it civil and respectful.

9/11 was more traumatic to the American people than the JFK assassination, IMO, and it struck deeper psychological nerves. It terrified people on a more personal level. Which is why so many Americans refuse to closely examine the case and are satisfied with the official story.

People can accept that a conspiracy killed JFK, but to accept that people within our government were involved in attacking innocent Americans is too terrifying. Deep down inside, most of us still want to believe in the comfortable myths we were taught in school about our institutions.

And most of the political partisans on both sides have figured out how to make the official story politically useful to them, so like the JFK assassination there is no incentive to question it.

Denial is the real problem. Disinformation is a much smaller problem.
Rudi Dekkers CIA Plane Repeatedly Taking Off and Landing at Teterboro owned by Wally Hilliard
According to European sources who were instrumental in assisting the Council of Europe in its investigation of CIA rendition flights and secret prisons in Eastern Europe, the CIA's Learjet 35A, owned by Aircraft Guaranty Corporation, a brass plate located at 515 N. Sam Houston Parkway East, Suite 305, Houston, Texas, and flying with tail number N35NK, has used Billund, Denmark as a base of operations. Until June 2004, the plane was owned by Wally Hilliard's Plane 1 Leasing Co. of Naples, Florida. Plane 1 Leasing is owned by WALLY HILLIARD, the business partner of Rudi Dekkers, whose Venice, Florida-based Huffmann Aviation flight school helped train Mohammed Atta to prepare for the 9-11 attack. N35NK made a flight to Guantanamo in April 2004.
9/24/2003 KTEB USA Teterboro, NJ KLBB USA Lubbock, TX N35NK Learjet 35A, Aircraft Guaranty
N35NK has also been leased to Nordic Aviation Contractor at St. Petersburg-Clearwater airport in Florida. The home headquarters of Nordic Aviation in Billund, Denmark. In 2005, N35NK was re-leased to JetSmart of Connecticut and was in 2006 on sale for $2,395,000.62

............but there are 999+ others. The official version is a TOTAL and prefabricated lie. As with any study of Deep Political events, some things are gotten wrong by citizen investigators [amazing they eventually get so much correct, as the truth is totally obscured and secret] - as often they are fed disinformation by the very people assigned to cover up the truth of the original crime [totally different than the official false-flag version]
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
A few days after 9/11 I was at a dinner party at a friend's house. I told them that even though flying was still not allowed over the US the Saudi's had been flown out by our government while so many Americans were stranded. One of the guys said to me that he simply could not believe that was the case or he wouldn't be able to live in the US anymore. A few years later I ran into him and he brought up that conversation and said "I was so naive".
Another conversation In another conversation I had with a relative about 9/11 he said that he couldn't believe that the government was involved in the WTC controlled demolition but could believe that they were involved in whatever happened to the Pentagon that day! I said, "How could the gov't be involved in one thing that day and not the others?" He just looked at me and realized how ridiculous his comment was.

I agree with you Tracy, 9/11 was much more frightening to Americans because they think that it happened to them and that JFK's assassination happened to him.

Tracy Riddle Wrote:9/11 was more traumatic to the American people than the JFK assassination, IMO, and it struck deeper psychological nerves. It terrified people on a more personal level. Which is why so many Americans refuse to closely examine the case and are satisfied with the official story.

People can accept that a conspiracy killed JFK, but to accept that people within our government were involved in attacking innocent Americans is too terrifying. Deep down inside, most of us still want to believe in the comfortable myths we were taught in school about our institutions.

And most of the political partisans on both sides have figured out how to make the official story politically useful to them, so like the JFK assassination there is no incentive to question it.

Denial is the real problem. Disinformation is a much smaller problem.
My friend who worked across the street in the Bank of NY building saw the second plane hit the South Tower from a window in her building, why do there always have to be assholes in every community that make everyone else look like the pejorative "conspiracy theorists"? And, I'm not talking about the dis-info people just the regular assholes.

Dawn Meredith Wrote:This piece says so little that comment is difficult. I agree that the 9-11 truth movement was filled with disinfo guys from the start. Every truth movement is. Divide and conquer lives forever.
Did planes it the towers? YES. People saw the second one. So the Fetzer gang can argue all they want. Jim Fetzer was not there. I know two people who were. Both saw the second plane.
But how exactly do you take "we had to pull it" out of context?????? Even my husband who does not accept inside job conspiracy in 9-11 agrees that "pull it" means just that. And that building 11 fell "consistent with controlled demolition". So how do YOU get around that one? You don't tell us what you believe. Only what you don't.

By the way welcome to DPF. Don't take my questions as personal criticisms please. I really want to hear more of your views. Disagreement and debate are welcomed here. Just keep it civil and respectful.

It always amuses me that the MSM frequently says that nothing can be done in secret anymore because everyone has a camera. I guess they forget little things like Rodney King, The Boston Marathon, 9/11, JFK, etc., etc., yeah, there's no dispute when people film an event or take pictures.

Peter Lemkin Wrote:Rudi Dekkers CIA Plane Repeatedly Taking Off and Landing at Teterboro owned by Wally Hilliard
According to European sources who were instrumental in assisting the Council of Europe in its investigation of CIA rendition flights and secret prisons in Eastern Europe, the CIA's Learjet 35A, owned by Aircraft Guaranty Corporation, a brass plate located at 515 N. Sam Houston Parkway East, Suite 305, Houston, Texas, and flying with tail number N35NK, has used Billund, Denmark as a base of operations. Until June 2004, the plane was owned by Wally Hilliard's Plane 1 Leasing Co. of Naples, Florida. Plane 1 Leasing is owned by WALLY HILLIARD, the business partner of Rudi Dekkers, whose Venice, Florida-based Huffmann Aviation flight school helped train Mohammed Atta to prepare for the 9-11 attack. N35NK made a flight to Guantanamo in April 2004.
9/24/2003 KTEB USA Teterboro, NJ KLBB USA Lubbock, TX N35NK Learjet 35A, Aircraft Guaranty
N35NK has also been leased to Nordic Aviation Contractor at St. Petersburg-Clearwater airport in Florida. The home headquarters of Nordic Aviation in Billund, Denmark. In 2005, N35NK was re-leased to JetSmart of Connecticut and was in 2006 on sale for $2,395,000.62

............but there are 999+ others. The official version is a TOTAL and prefabricated lie. As with any study of Deep Political events, some things are gotten wrong by citizen investigators [amazing they eventually get so much correct, as the truth is totally obscured and secret] - as often they are fed disinformation by the very people assigned to cover up the truth of the original crime [totally different than the official false-flag version]
Be careful when you say "killed" the movement. As Tracy said there is no real flashpoint for evidence with grand scale national conspiracies. Like with Hendrix and JFK the evidence is more than there to spark a finalizing effort at exposing the conspiracy. Truth is once the evidence becomes clear enough the public shifts and actually works at avoiding the truth simply because it is too difficult and rocks too many fairy tale paradigms that in turn are the main basis for the very groups that committed the conspiracies in the first place as well as their justification.

The 9-11 movement will never be 'killed' because it conforms exactly to the exact same framework as the Kennedy assassination. Develop a plausible patsy with a plausible nemesis and their agenda being blamed and you can saddle an ulterior agenda on that process in order to use the thrust and impetus of the act to push through your purpose. Always focus on the enemy and their terror and your main objective can be pushed over without any attention or scrutiny. Oswald and the commies bought Viet Nam and the new national security state order and Arab terrorists and Al Qaeda bought the next step which was the permanent legal installation of an anti-democratic, anti-Constitutional government.

The Unspeakable will absorb and neutralize any evidence of government involvement with 9-11 long before any disinformation sabotaging.
Peter Lemkin Wrote:Rudi Dekkers CIA Plane Repeatedly Taking Off and Landing at Teterboro owned by Wally Hilliard
According to European sources who were instrumental in assisting the Council of Europe in its investigation of CIA rendition flights and secret prisons in Eastern Europe, the CIA's Learjet 35A, owned by Aircraft Guaranty Corporation, a brass plate located at 515 N. Sam Houston Parkway East, Suite 305, Houston, Texas, and flying with tail number N35NK, has used Billund, Denmark as a base of operations. Until June 2004, the plane was owned by Wally Hilliard's Plane 1 Leasing Co. of Naples, Florida. Plane 1 Leasing is owned by WALLY HILLIARD, the business partner of Rudi Dekkers, whose Venice, Florida-based Huffmann Aviation flight school helped train Mohammed Atta to prepare for the 9-11 attack. N35NK made a flight to Guantanamo in April 2004.
9/24/2003 KTEB USA Teterboro, NJ KLBB USA Lubbock, TX N35NK Learjet 35A, Aircraft Guaranty
N35NK has also been leased to Nordic Aviation Contractor at St. Petersburg-Clearwater airport in Florida. The home headquarters of Nordic Aviation in Billund, Denmark. In 2005, N35NK was re-leased to JetSmart of Connecticut and was in 2006 on sale for $2,395,000.62

............but there are 999+ others. The official version is a TOTAL and prefabricated lie. As with any study of Deep Political events, some things are gotten wrong by citizen investigators [amazing they eventually get so much correct, as the truth is totally obscured and secret] - as often they are fed disinformation by the very people assigned to cover up the truth of the original crime [totally different than the official false-flag version]

Danny Hopsicker has done some excellent work on 9/11 and so far as I can tell, all of it has been ignored by the "authorities". I suppose that, in itself, denotes the real quality of his work.

But here's a shout to Danny and Mad Cow Productions
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
I don't think the 911-Truth movement is dead or dying. Read Ryan's Another Nineteen[!]; Re-read the articles proving the use of nano-thermite in the 3 WTC buildings; read Disconnecting the Dots; read Debunking 911 Debunking; read and look at the film/photo evidence of the Big Lies regarding the Pentagon, WTC towers, Shanksville, interceptor stand-down, COG, destruction of evidence and refusal to present it; the fake investigation...and one could go on for pages. See the other 911 threads here and on other good 911-Truth sites. The very same powers that pulled off the event have the power to force those they control to cover it up. The puzzle pieces have fallen into place, very few are missing - but enough of the puzzle can now be seen to prove that the official 'version' is entirely false and to present what the likely real version was, and now name some of those who bear responsibility for the events of that day - and the planning before and the actions after. This was clearly a false-flag coup d'etat of America and the World [in part]. We can not rely on the puppet government to do anything; nor the puppet President nor puppet Congress. We, the People are the Sovereign and the only entity that can research and then move to correct the wrongs. The government and their intelligence agencies are terrified of 911-Truth and the progress it has made in discovering the magic tricks and misdirection, lies, false evidence, etc. We are as strong as we choose to be. If we give up, I guarantee you a full-fledged police state in the USA within a few years [now, we have a crypto and partial one!]. The system is corrupt and bankrupt in both moral and financial terms - it can not reform itself nor, IMHO, be reformed from outside. It must be rejected and replaced by We the People! It can be and should be done peacefully. Sadly, all too many are in denial and afraid to 'go there' - as knowledge implies responsibility to act. They hide in front of their TVs, watching gladiator sports games, in mindless consumption for consumption sake and hiding their heads in the sand. As M. Mead said, 'Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has!'

We have no choice if America is to survive as a democracy and republic; if the World is to survive at all - humans and non-humans are all now in peril. 911 was just one 'symptom' of the rot and ruthless plans for neo-Feudalism on a worldwide scale. We, IMHO, are near the 'tipping point' from which there will be no return. We need to fight now and fight hard. Our weapons are information and passion to change things for the better - and to stop the terror and megadeath, endless wars, funneling of all the money and power upwards into fewer and fewer hands - the impoverishment and increasing indentured servitude of the entire World Population. 911-Truth can be a vital element to lead the way. JFK research is also important and instructive, as the same general goals and the same general entities were they were in so MANY others - before, between and since. Basta! As Scott Beamer never said, but we can, 'Let's Roll!'
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

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