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The Five Celebrating Israelis: September 11th Foreknowledge and Possible Complicity
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The Five Celebrating Israelis:
September 11th Foreknowledge and Possible Complicity
Corroborated by Evidence from FBI Investigation and Other New Information

Keith Maart
December 28, 2013


Within minutes after the first plane hit the World Trade Center's North Tower, a woman in Union City, New Jersey, looked out her apartment window and witnessed bizarre and puzzling behavior by three men in her parking lot. While an unexplained catastrophe of epic proportions was unfolding and thousands of Americans were in the process of losing their lives, she saw the three men taking photos and apparent video of the first tower burning while they smiled, high-fived and hugged one another. Their jovial and celebratory behavior was subsequently confirmed by the FBI who arrested them and two other associates later that day, confiscating and developing the film from one of the suspect's camera that was coincidently purchased just the day before the attacks.
All five men happened to be relatively new employees of a moving company in Weehawken, New Jersey, called Urban Moving Systems ("UMS"), which the FBI later characterized as a "probable fraudulent operation with little evidence of a legitimate business venture." The five men and the company owner also happened to be from a Middle East country, the region of the world that many intelligence officials tended to assume that the perpetrators came from. One ex-employee of the company told the FBI that he was not surprised that a certain senior employee of UMS was in trouble with the authorities, because he always spoke badly of the United States. Another ex-employee told the FBI that he had quit because of the high amount of anti-American sentiment expressed at UMS and that one employee once told him, "Give us 20 years and we'll take over your media and destroy your country."
So who were these men who took apparent pleasure in the destruction of American economic symbols and the deaths of thousands of innocent people, and who worked for a company where anti-American sentiment ran so high? They must have been Islamic fundamentalists, probably connected to the 9/11 hijacker cell that operated out of nearby Paterson, New Jersey, right? Wrong! When these five men were pulled over later that day and forcibly pulled out of their van by East Rutherford, New Jersey police, the driver blurted out, "We are Israeli, we are not your problem, your problems are our problems, the Palestinians are the problem."
The five individuals and the UMS company owner were indeed Israeli citizens, as were many of the employees who worked at UMS, which coincidently saw a sizable increase of workers in the run-up to the 9/11 attacks. One US newspaper, citing an FBI official, stated that the FBI subsequently discovered that some of the apprehended Israelis had connections to Israeli intelligence and that two of the five were in fact Mossad operatives. The men were held by US authorities for approximately two and a half months before high-level negotiations between US and Israel officials resulted in their release. UMS owner Dominik Suter fled back to Israel two days after being questioned by the FBI on Sept. 12, 2001 abandoning the alleged business he just grew in the months before 9/11. Suter and his wife were subsequently placed on an FBI 9/11 watch list report that included Osama Bin Laden, the 19 hijackers, and others believed to be associated with the 9/11 attacks.
The above story is often referred to as the case of the "Celebrating Israelis" or "Dancing Israelis," so nicknamed because of the Israelis' displays of jubilation and celebration of the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers. Although the story was mostly ignored by US mainstream media, with the exception of a feature by ABC 20/20 and a broader Israeli investigation by Fox News, there have been a number of other very credible reports of the story to date. Section A of this investigative report discusses what is known to date about the Celebrating Israelis ("CIs") with most of the information coming from seven sources from Sept.11, 2001 to March 2007. It should be noted that just about all the information contained in these earlier reports has proven to be true based on information from an FBI counterterrorism investigation of the CIs.
Section B focuses on new information about the CIs with a significant portion of new information and evidence coming from the subsequent FBI investigation/report ("FBIR").[1] Although the FBIR is missing a significant number of documents, is heavily redacted, and primarily consists of approximately the first two weeks of the CIs' two-and-a-half month incarceration and investigation, its 579 pages provide some valuable and insightful new facts that draw the CIs and Israel's potential connections to the 9/11 operation much closer. This paper is without question the definitive source on the Celebrating Israelis and includes many new substantive facts about the CIs and UMS's possible connections to 9/11 that have not been discussed anywhere else before. The paper is very detailed and well referenced containing about 138 references/endnotes and another 160+ additional references to the FBIR.

Although the CIs' case is only one of about a dozen potential Israeli/Zionist connections to the 9/11 attacks and the subsequent cover-ups, it is the only connection where an actual government investigation was pursued. And although the investigation was little more than an official government/FBI cover-up that suffers from poor transparency issues, it still provides significant new facts and evidence that ties the CIs and other Israelis closer to the 9/11 attacks. Among other important findings, this report shows the following ten crucial facts and findings:

1. FBI Headquarters abruptly and prematurely ordered the FBI Newark investigation of the CIs to be closed on Sept. 24, 2001 while it was still on-going and before the CIs' foreknowledge and/or involvement in 9/11 could be definitely established. Despite the order to close the case, the CIs were held and investigated for another two months before high level negotiations between US and Israeli officials secured their release.
2. An obvious FBI cover-up of the facts and evidence exists to this day. The FBI investigation includes dozens of missing key documents, excessive and unnecessary redactions, 25+ dropped FBI leads, and many unanswered critical questions of the investigation. The investigation was apparently quashed by higher level officials to conceal any involvement by the Israelis in the 9/11 attacks.
3. The assumptions and analysis used by the FBI in concluding that the CIs did not have foreknowledge and/or involvement in the attacks were deeply flawed and erroneous. In addition, the FBI ignored substantial factual and circumstantial evidence and at least four eyewitness testimonies that indicate that the CIs had, at a minimum, foreknowledge of the attacks.
4. Based on other information in the FBIR and other outside sources, it is possible that the CIs and other Israelis had a deeper involvement in the September 11th attacks. There was evidence of explosives in the CIs' van (but lab tests were supposedly never completed), and other items were found in the van potentially implicating them more deeply in the 9/11 operation.
5. Several media reports stated that UMS was an Israeli intelligence front company and an FBI search team leader characterized UMS as "a possible fraudulent operation with little evidence of a legitimate business operation." UMS coincidently grew quite a bit in the several months before 9/11, and had several other potential connections to the September 11th attacks, with its owner, Dominik Suter, abandoning the business he recently expanded and fleeing back to Israel on Sept. 14, 2001.
6. A media report stated that at least two CIs were Mossad operatives, and the FBI investigation shows that at least two, and probably three CIs, were associated with Israeli intelligence and/or were the subject of previous US intelligence investigations. The CIs' affiliation with Israeli intelligence is heavily redacted and no reasonable explanation has ever been provided as to why Israeli intelligence agents were working for a New Jersey moving company in the run-up to 9/11.
7. The FBI and other US intelligence agencies opened up an investigation in April 2002 to determine if there was a nexus between the CIs and the so called "Israeli Art Students", who also seemed to be in the US for nefarious reasons, and which was still on-going as of July 2003. The CIs lived among the Paterson, NJ hijacker cell and the largest concentration of Israeli Art Students just happened to live among the highest concentration of alleged hijacker cells in Southeast Florida.
8. There were several other Israeli related moving companies in the Hudson/Bergen County area, one of which (Classic International Movers) was under investigation by the Miami FBI in conjunction with a move of the one of the hijackers. Another Israeli related mover, Moishes Moving Systems, was situated at the mouth of the Holland Tunnel across the Hudson River from the WTC and had an Israeli employee profile similar to UMS.
9. There were timeline and geographic connections between the alleged Paterson, New Jersey hijacker cell and the CIs and other Israeli groups in the New Jersey/New York area (Note: the FBI's timeline and geographic connections analysis is omitted from the FBIR). This paper will also discuss a new and potential Hamburg (Germany) connection between various Israeli groups and hijacker groups.
10. New information shows that Zim American-Israeli Shipping, the Israeli shipping company that vacated the WTC around Sept. 4, 2001, apparently had at least foreknowledge of the specific attack date as much as six months in advance. A CIA assessment of Israeli intelligence states that Zim Shipping has been utilized for various Israeli intelligence functions including providing non-official cover for Israeli intelligence agents.

The Five Celebrating Israelis:
September 11th Foreknowledge and Possible Complicity
Corroborated by Evidence from FBI Investigation and Other New Information

Keith Maart
December 28, 2013

[TD]Section A Information Known to Date on the Celebrating Israelis ("CIs")
Primary Sources:
  • 09/11/2001 East Rutherford Police Reports
  • 09/12/2001 The New Jersey Bergen Record
  • 12/12/2001 Fox News Investigation
  • 03/15/2002 Marc Perelman of The Forward
  • 06/21/2002 ABC 20/20 Investigation
  • 09/15/2004 Gerald Shea Memo to 911 Commission
  • 03/07/2007 Christopher Ketcham of Counterpunch

Section B The FBI Investigation and Other New Information on the Celebrating Israelis
1. FBI Cover-Up Begins Two Weeks after 9/11 and Continues with the Release of the FBIR
2. The Facts, Fallacies, and Flaws of the FBI's Foreknowledge Assumptions and Analysis
3. Incriminating Evidence Found in the CIs Van Possibly Tying Them to the 9/11 Operation
4. UMS: Likely Israeli Front Company with Rapid Pre-9/11 Growth and Potential 9/11 Connections
5. The Doric: Perfect Views of North Tower Attack and Hub of Other CI and UMS Activity
6. The CIs' Associations with Israeli Intelligence and Other US Intelligence Investigations
7. Other Israeli Moving Companies in NY/NJ Area Operational Responsibilities in 9/11 Attacks?
8. Geographic and Timeline Nexus' of CIs/Israeli Groups and Hijackers in NY/NJ Area
9. FBI's Nexus between the CIs and Israeli Art Students Nationwide Israeli Operations on 9/11
10. Zim Shipping: Apparent Early Foreknowledge of Attack Date and Other Potential 9/11 Connections
References and Endnotes


Exhibit I Maps of Israeli Groups and Hijacker Cells in New Jersey / New York
Exhibit II Terrible Transparency: Missing FBI Documents and Excessive FBI Redactions
Exhibit III Cover-Up Investigation: Dropped FBI Leads and Critical Unanswered Questions
Exhibit IV Examples of Excessive FBI Redactions
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
I believe there already are threads here on this. They were arrested, released [strangely!], shipped home and then appeared on Israeli TV admitting exactly what they did.....those TV interviews are on Youtube [or were....].

9-11 + 5 Dancing Israelis ~ Arresting Cop Breaks Silence!

Posted on 25 September 2011 by truthaholics

9-11 COP BREAKS SILENCE ~ Dave Gahary, American Free Press.

SEPTEMBER 23, 2011
[Image: DeCarlo.jpg]

The New Jersey police officer responsible for capturing five Israelis who filmed and celebrated while the World Trade Center towers burned has broken his silence, agreeing to a Sept. 16 exclusive interview with AMERICAN FREE PRESS.As AFPreaders are no doubt aware, these are the same Israelis who were working under the direction of Urban Moving Systems, a Mossad front company at the center of Israeli involvement in the Sept. 11 attacks.Sgt. Scott DeCarlohas never spoken to the media about the details of that day except for two 30-second cameo appearances in Internet videos from undetermined sources. In fact, DeCarlo confirmed that this is the first, and last, interview he will ever grant in regard to this subject.DeCarlo revealed to AFP hidden details about the events of 9-11 that mainstream media venues should have uncovered 10 years ago, if not for their near-total blackout of meaningful coverage where Israel is concerned.Although not scheduled to work that day, DeCarlo reported anyway and "was posted on the highway" to prevent traffic from entering New York City.
"There was a BOLO, which is a Be On the Look Out' for a particular van, perhaps loaded with explosives," explained DeCarlo, "that may have been on its way to destroy the George Washington Bridge."
DeCarlo explained: "It [the suspicious van] happened to come our way, and I grabbed my sergeant [DeCarlo himself was a patrolman at that time] and said: Hey, man, that's our van.' It wasn't the exact license plate given reportedit was off by one numeralbut I said: That's gotta be it; it's just too close.'"
He continued: "The van was coming off the [N.J.] Turnpike trying to get on Route 3. Traffic was rolling at two miles an hour, so we got in front of the van on foot, weapons drawn, and stopped it."
All five of the Israeli spies refused to exit their vehicle, so DeCarlo was forced to get physical.
"We asked them to get out of the van, but they didn't listen," he said. "So, we . . . put them in handcuffs and did it as quickly as possible."
AFP asked DeCarlo why he thought the Israelis refused to follow his orders. DeCarlo was unsure, but asked this writer, "You ever have a gun pointed at your head?"
DeCarlo then described what happened after the spies were dragged from their van. "When we removed them, one of the guys that was rather chatty said: We're not your enemy, we're your friend. Our enemies are your enemies,'" DeCarlo said. "At that point they said they were from Israel. They kept saying, Hey, we're on your side.'"
"We brought them over to the New Jersey State Police holding cells in the Meadowlands Stadium, and that's the last I saw of them," he said. Shortly after that, the FBI reportedly took over. The five Israelis were held for 10 weeks, but were eventually deported to Israel on charges of immigration violations. In November 2001, they appeared on an Israeli TV talk show discussing how they were in the U.S. "to document the event."
Sgt. DeCarlo asked AFP to request interested parties not to contact him.

"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Yes, one of the most interesting and unexplored aspects of 911 More here:
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Magda Hassan Wrote:Yes, one of the most interesting and unexplored aspects of 911 More here:

My view is that the purpose for the Dancing Israelis, Urban Moving Systems, and the Israeli Art Students is to lay out an ever so faint trail to be found by intrepid researchers leading to Mossad as a False Sponsor. True Sponsorship comes from a trans-national source with an Hegelian worldview that is designed to lead us to the end of history: a stable world composed of elites and useful mouths.
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
Here is another DPF thread along the lines of Israel Did It. I put this up to illustrate the difficulties of smoking out false trails and disinformation.
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
Well, yes, as we know some people come across this stuff, as interesting as it is, and just leave it at that because it suits their prejudices. And of course there are Israeli fingerprints on aspects of 911 they are not the only ones. More to it than just that. But it works for some doesn't it?
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
The story of the dancing Israelis is one of many documenting at least some Israeli foreknowledge. There are also many documented warnings by Israel and other countries (Afghanistan, Argentina, Britain, Cayman Islands, Egypt, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Morocco, and Russia). There are also a lot of Israeli companies in key positions, who might have been involved in one way or the other.
This does not mean that Israel as a state or the other countries were actively involved in the execution of 9/11.
I quote from
Quote:What Did Israel Know?

But the most remarkable warnings of all come from Israel. The issue of Israeli foreknowledge of 9/11 is highly controversial. The story is too complicated to go into detail here, but a number of respected publications (for instance, Fox News, 12/12/01, Forward, 3/15/02, ABC News, 6/21/02, Salon, 5/7/02, Ha'aretz, 5/14/02, Le Monde, 3/5/02, Reuters, 3/5/02, AP, 3/5/02, AP, 3/9/02, Cox News, 3/5/02, Guardian, 3/6/02, Independent, 3/6/02, New York Post, 3/6/02, Jane's Intelligence Digest, 3/15/02) have written about an Israeli "art student" spy ring operating in the US for several years before 9/11. The name "art student" is used because most of these scores of spies were posing as college art students. There have been suggestions that some of these Israeli spies lived close to some of the 9/11 hijackers. For instance, a US Drug Enforcement Administration report from before 9/11 noted that Israeli spies were living in the retirement community of Hollywood, Florida at 4220 Sheridan Street, which turned out to be only a few hundred feet from lead hijacker Mohamed Atta's residence at 3389 Sheridan Street (see the DEA report, 6/01). Israeli spies appear to have been close to at least ten of the nineteen 9/11 hijackers. [Salon, 5/7/02] In fact, Forward, the most widely circulated publication in the US targeting the Jewish audience, has admitted the spy ring existed, and that its purpose was to track Muslim terrorists operating in the US. [Forward, 3/15/02]

Some have claimed that the existence of this spy ring shows that Israel was behind the 9/11 attacks, an argument that is beyond the scope of this essay. But if the mainstream media is to be believed, Israel gave the US several specific warnings of the 9/11 attacks. In the second week of August 2001, two high-ranking agents from the Mossad, the Israeli intelligence agency, came to Washington and warned the CIA and FBI that 50 to 200 al-Qaeda terrorists had slipped into the US and were planning an imminent "major assault on the US" aimed at a "large scale target" [Telegraph, 9/16/01, Los Angeles Times, 9/20/01, Ottawa Citizen, 9/17/01 Fox News, 5/17/02]. Near the end of August, France also gave a warning that was an "echo" of Israel's. [Fox News, 5/17/02]
In October 2002, the story broke in Europe and Israel that on August 23, 2001, the Mossad had given the CIA a list of 19 terrorists living in the US. The Mossad had said that the terrorists appeared to be planning to carry out an attack in the near future. It is unknown if these are the same 19 names as the actual hijackers, or if the number is a coincidence. However, the four names on the list that are known are names of the 9/11 hijackers: Nawaf Alhazmi, Khalid Almihdhar, Marwan Alshehhi, and Mohamed Atta. [Die Zeit, 10/1/02, Der Spiegel, 10/1/02, BBC, 10/2/02, Ha'aretz, 10/3/02] These are also probably the four most important of the hijackers (and two of the pilots). From them, there were many connections to the others. The CIA had already been monitoring three of them overseas the year before, and two, Alhazmi and Almihdhar, were put on a watch list the same day the Mossad gave this warning. [AFP, 9/22/01, Berliner Zeitung, 9/24/01, Observer, 9/30/01, New York Times, 9/21/02]
Such detailed warnings of exact names fit in well with the reports that Israeli spies were tracking the hijackers for months before 9/11. Yet, as Jane's Intelligence Digest put it, "It is rather strange that the US media seems to be ignoring what may well be the most explosive story since the 11 September attacks…" [Jane's Intelligence Digest, 3/13/02] The spy ring story did get a little coverage in the US, but more recent stories claiming that Israel knew the exact names of at least some of the hijackers hasn't been reported here at all. Perhaps the story is too controversial for the US media to touch?
The most relevant literature regarding what happened since September 11, 2001 is George Orwell's "1984".
Saudi and Israeli forces currently work together on the Syrian and Iranian "problems", so why not back then?

I remember watching 9/11 live as it happened, and well before evidence was in, there was a well known Israeli politician going the rounds of the tv studios pointing the finger directly at Al Qaeda as the responsible party.

Go figure...
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
David Guyatt Wrote:Saudi and Israeli forces currently work together on the Syrian and Iranian "problems", so why not back then?

“The most difficult subjects can be explained to the most slow-witted man if he has not formed any idea of them already; but the simplest thing cannot be made clear to the most intelligent man if he is firmly persuaded that he knows already, without a shadow of doubt, what is laid before him.”
― Leo Tolstoy,
I think it is a big mistake to think Israel was the 'engine' or 'control center' of the events of 9-11. IMHO, they clearly had some foreknowledge and likely played a role or roles. They couldn't have, however, planned all the war games nor effected the stand-down of our interceptors. I don't even think they could have planted the nanothermite in the WTC. A role - yes; 'their op' - no! It was a home-grown false-flag op, and we used our usual allies in this as cut outs and some also as false leads/trails for anyone who might think to investigate [they learned their lesson from Dallas]. Israeli, Saudi, Pakistani and a few other nation's intelligence - along with the creeps that crawl in the US ones [and top brass of the military and such] should all be investigated...and don't forget the Anthrax!...was all a part of bring endless wars, the unPatriot Act, a state of permanent fear and a permanent war of terror - in and outside the USA.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

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