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JFK assassination MSM journalist Earl Golz dead at 79
Albert Doyle Wrote:
Dawn Meredith Wrote:
Albert Doyle Wrote:I'm sure many a researcher fantasizes about being able to jump into Golz's shoes back then. People like Golz were just the right age and maturity at the time to get right into it and start asking questions.

Albert: Do you not get it? Golz bucked the system. He was not only a researcher he was a MSM journalist who ignored the dictates of Operation Mockingbird. When no one else was doing this. Then or ever.


I'm not exactly sure where what I wrote suggested anything else.
My apologies Albert. I actually misread that. You wrote "researcher" but I somehow saw it as "journalist". That's what I get for being in too much of a hurry. Smile
Don Jeffries Wrote:So sad to hear this. Earl Golz did some great work on the assassination, and was one of only two msm reporters, to my knowledge (Jim Marrs being the other) to really do investigative stories on the subject until recent years.

I had heard that Golz was writing a book. Did I miss it? Was it ever completed or published?
No sadly he was not writing a book. He had medical problems for years. One day I talked to his wife about interviewing him and she told me that years earlier
a researcher she did not name had tried to do this. To that end Earl shared a lot of his research and the would-be researcher made off with it.
So he was not even in a position for someone else to write a book, let alone write one himself.
He spend the last several years of his life going to book stores for coffee and, seated in a comfy chair, reading.
I thought it was cool that someone of the right age with a little background in journalism who was already seasoned to corruption would calmly go at the Kennedy case with the right questions like Golz. What a privilege to be the discoverer of some of this stuff that later became the main evidence for the conspiracy. Golz sleeps in a comfortable grave while some persons of automatic authority are probably a little more restless.

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