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US/NATO War on Russia
From the continually fascinating Saker's blog:

New Insight said...

While there is a hot-war going on in Ukraine, remember that it is part of a tactical maneuver within a bigger story. The real strategic objective is to conquer and eliminate Russia.

The details are broken down comprehensively in this discussion with Evgeny Fedorov, a Deputy of the State Duma and the coordinator of the People's Liberation Movement for restoring sovereignty in Russia. It is in Russian with English subtitles and was recorded on 13 May 2014. Duration: 2 hrs.

US to attack Russia in 2015

Quote:The gist of the discussion is this:

1. Washington is preparing to eliminate Russia via another systematic 'color revolution'. The plan was to launch it this very summer (2014), but as they have gotten bogged down in Ukraine, it is likely postponed till 2015.

2. A coup d´état is carried out under the cover of a 'revolution' ascribed to some arbitrary and partially manufactured popular discontent, but is actually the completion of a lengthy, systematic process (over years, if not decades), quietly building up the Washington-friendly fifth column within the media, administration, business and law enforcement, to undermine the target national authority from within. The specific mechanisms and dynamics by which this is accomplished are discussed in detail - something which appears to be documented nowhere on the Internet.

3. The influence of Washington over Russian public servants is at an all-time high, such that Washington is confident they can bring about their latest bloody 'color revolution' on the streets of Moscow and the authorities will turn a blind eye while Putin is swept out of power using the same template by which they have removed Yanukovych, Mubarak and other popularly elected leaders who started making their own decisions rather than following orders from Washington. The predictability of their system is what gives them confidence of its success.

4. At the same time, Russia is slowly beginning to awaken and notice the infestation. The successful repulse of an American attack by Russia will ricochet around the world all the way back to Washington. But is it too late already? In the next few years it will come to a head, with only two possible outcomes : the destruction of Russian civilization or the collapse of the American empire.

Major segments:

0:19:51 Washington's mechanisms of control via the fifth column in Ukraine (coup launched) and Russia (coup in preparation).
0:47:03 Novorossia could mobilize an army big enough to liberate all Ukraine.
0:55:34 The armed coup was launched even though Yanokovych was capitulating, in order to establish conditions for terror and massacres.
1:03:46 Novorossia has eliminated the fifth column. This will be emulated in neighboring territories.
1:08:57 The foreign 'mercenaries' are likely equipment operators.
1:25:31 Fifth column agitators will try to get Putin overthrown for his "inaction" over Ukraine.
1:39:19 The global crusade of the Anglo-Saxons banditry & exploitation, obscured by style, finesse and copious marketing.
1:45:18 Parallels between the German and American invasions of USSR/Russia (then and now).

If you find this video informative, please distribute it. Anyone wishing to make an article out of it, or segments of it, can find a transcript in the youtube comments.

01 June, 2014 00:28
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
Where-Wolf said...
@New Insight

I have listened to the first 30 minutes of the 2 hour video you've posted. My gut instinct tells me that Evgeny Fedorov is working to undermine Russia and Putin. I stopped watching after he mentioned fifth column for roughly the 30th time. He seems very intent on focussing the energy of Russians on internal enemies and playing up fears.

Wikipedia has a detailed entry on him. I am curious to know how many members of the Duma (and United Russia) are so well covered. Of course I do not know if he has a high profile in Russia or not.

He is also a banker and he's been circling around since the mid 1990's. This from his wiki:

In 1996 he was appointed deputy head of the Insurance Supervision Department of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation in 1997 - for the post of Deputy Head of the Security Council of Russia. In the 1990s, he initiated the creation of a number of social movements, including the all-Russian political public movement "in support of the development of nuclear energy, industry and science", Russian public movement of depositors of Sberbank, policyholders Rosgosstrakh and the owners of the securities.

Yevgeny Alexeyevich Fyodorov

In order to make a putch against Putin possible, Russians have to be made to believe it is possible. Although I have no doubt the US would like to tear Russia apart, his warnings seems designed to create rather than undermine the possibility.

That's my opinion on the basis of the limited information I've seen.

United Russia is a party of power more than one of ideology or even Putin. I wouldn't trust this guy any farther than I could throw him. He is a neo-liberal and professional politician/parasite, again, in my opinion and based on limited information.

01 June, 2014 02:21

Where-Wolf said...
E posted the translation of an article posted earlier by Saker on the previous thread. I note the similarity between E's introductory thought -- that Russians must beware of internal enemies -- to the sentiment expressed by Evgeny Fedorov in the video posted by New Insight, and seconded by Daniel Rich. Here's his introductory comment:

The level of analytical discussion in the RuNet was excellently described by political commentator Semyon Uralov: "It is fundamentally wrong to think that only our Kievan colleagues have lost their minds and turned into bloodthirsty hysterics due to the Ukrainian crisis. There is an incredible amount of such people among our Moscow colleagues as well."

It is possible that some within Russia are turning their attention to internal enemies but it is also possible that attempts to encourage this are being made by the Anglo-Zionists from without.

It's a bit like casting a magic spell over your opponent. You must encourage him to believe in the reality of the threat to make it real.

Both this article and Federov push the idea that Putin must act now -- bad advice given how well things are going for Russia in geo-strategic terms (although not for Novorossians). Anglo-Zionists fortunes are crumbling. Now would be the worst possible time for Putin to make an aggressive move.

01 June, 2014 03:09

Anonymous said...
Wherewolf -- yes I immediately noticed when I 'looked him up' the irony of Fedorov's background in finance and even the Rosnano org prominently mentioned on his Wikipedia page (but then again Wikipedia is used to put out disinfo). I had assumed from his hard line that he was pure silovik.

Rosnano for those who don't know is Russia's state-funded nanontechnology effort with close ties to Israel's nano establishment (just throwing that out there). Its board like Skolkovo has included Anatoly Chubais, the former Yeltsin advisor, 'liberalizer' of the Russian economy in the 1990s, and a globalist operative if there ever was one in Moscow. Chubais is on the board of Skoltech and if the rumor about him having an Israeli passport is true (we shall find out soon enough with this new law passed in the Duma on reporting foreign passports or facing harsh fines/penalties) then that would make at least two Israeli passport holders on the Skoltech board. Naturally there is a lot of overlap between the Skolkovo and Rosnano 'tusovkas'.

Of course many people connected with these orgs are sincere Russian liberals who were closely part of Medvedev's 'modernization' and 'diversification from oil and gas' efforts, and I don't think Medvedev was a Western agent. He was simply naive and too trusting of the West in Libya and this contributed to the shock among Moscow liberals over Putin's adrupt return, though VVP may have planned to come back all along. Many of the technology and finance oriented 'White Russians' who helped with the Reset and Medvedev's visit to Silicon Valley along with then Gov. Schwarzenegger's trip to Moscow are Stolypinists.

Again, I think Fedorov is throwing out the charge of '5th Column' too freely -- sort of a Russian McCarthy if you will. Not every prominent Russian who has to 'do business' with the West and invariably deal with CIA plants or probes lacks patriotism. And Evgeny A. Fedorov says NTV and First Channel are answering to the McFaul and Nuland's State Dept., really?

I don't doubt CIA is aggressively seeking to recruit Russian bureaucrats and business people with family and ties abroad all the time, that's their job. But I suspect most of what the Agency gets from these sources who never entirely bite on the bait being dangled with the hook is deliberate Russian disinfo. I'm also convinced that at least some NSA fanatics here in the U.S. have some grudge against the CIA or suspect the 'limited hangout' or 'CIA plant' theories about Snowden /Greenwald/Omidyar advanced by Dr. Steve Pieczenik and Sibel Edmonds actually could be true.

If Dr. Pieczenik's 'limited hangout' theory is true, and Snowden really is the messenger for John Brennan's CIA knocking its old IC rival down a peg or two, then Putin is doing CIA a favor by keeping Snowden safe and sound where only somewhat sympathetic journalists can reach him. Snowden will never set foot in the U.S. again because then the 'he's a traitor, hang him, he only escaped with 1.7 mil docs because of SVR/GRU/FSB support via Wikileaks' Narrative will start to break down under such simple questions such as how the CIA couldn't bother to muster a single team to stake out the Hong Kong airport and await his arrival (not saying the ChiComs couldn't have beaten the Agency with countersurveillance of their own and gotten Snowden on an Aeroflot flight where Aeroflot was instructed to accept his dubious Ecuadorian/Assange made transit visa, only that the Agency either was incompetent as usual or deliberately let Snowden board that flight to Moscow, hence the NSA grudge vs CIA you see repeated by the NSA's leading social media kingpin, John R. Schindler of the US Naval War College:

American Kulak

01 June, 2014 03:09
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
Paul Rigby Wrote:To follow, the Google translation of a piece recommended by the Saker. I've reformatted the translation to make it slightly easier to read.


22:19 yesterday
published Sukhov soldier of the Red Army [suho]

A much better translation from the same source:

Quote:The level of analytical discussions on the Russian Internet is perfectly described by the political scientist Simon Uralov: "To consider that the Ukrainian crisis set off only the minds of the Kievan colleagues and turned them all into bloodthirsty hysterics is fundamentally mistaken. Among the Moscow colleagues there is also an incredible number of such." The purpose of this material is to take a step back from the hysteria and coldly analyze the situation in Ukraine.

I'll start with the necessary clarifications on several emotionally important topics:

Why is there no Russian military intervention?

If this text was written a few days earlier, a significant part of it would had to have been devote to explaining why sending troops to Ukraine was inappropriate and just plain stupid even after the referendum. Fortunately, the head of the resistance ibn Slaviansk, Igor Strelkov, coped with this task better than I: in his video message, he very clearly described the inertness of the local population of Lugansk and Donetsk in terms of real action to protect their interests against the junta. Anticipating the arguments about the referendum, I hasten to say that a check mark on the ballot is certainly cool, but not much different from any hipster-white-ribboned (belolentochnyh) attempts "carry mode" the "like" on Facebook. Because a "like" handle made ​​in the bulletin doesn't change anything. The referendum was a necessary but not sufficient action.

How much was the Kremlin prepared for events in Ukraine and how much does it improvise even now?

I advise you to read the telegram's Wikileaks: , in which it is shown that Kremlin clearly pointed out to the Americans in 2008 the scenarios that we see today: "Experts tell us that Russia is particularly worried that the strong divisions in Ukraine over NATO membership, with much of the ethnic-Russian community against membership, could lead to a major split, involving violence or at worst, civil war. In that eventuality, Russia would have to decide whether to intervene; a decision Russia does not want to have to face."

It is logical to assume that such a development for the Kremlin was not a surprise and that we are now in even more unpleasant but less nuanced script that something like "Plan E".

In order to understand what the Kremlin will do next, let's formulate objectives:

- Do not allow the entry of Ukraine into NATO.

- Do not allow the establishment and stabilization in Ukraine of a Russophobic regime, which assumes denazification.

- Do not allow the genocide of Russian South-East population.

Ideally this requires implementation of all three objectives while, in that interval, not breaking the Russian economy during its reorientation toward Asia and, at the same time, preventing the Americans from pulling off their economic ends at the expense of the EU.

How can these goals be realized?

Let us consider the simplest scenario and see what are the vulnerabilities and negative consequences:

So, the Russian army enters Ukraine and a few days later comes to Kiev, then captures all of Ukraine. "Patriots" are jubilant, there are parades on the Khreschatyk, etc.

It seems that all three goals have been achieved, but the following problems emerge:

1. In the EU, where the European business elite has slowly pressed on the feet of their politicians and stamped on the brakes with regard to sanctions, the "war party" (a/k/a "The Party of the United States", or rather "Party Pax Americana») clearly triumphs. Against the Russian Federation, the maximum of real sanctions cut in with terrifying effect principally for the European economy themselves, which immediately falls into a recession. But nothing to rejoice about.

Against this background, the Americans easily force the signing of their version of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, a trade pact, which turns the EU into an appendage of the U.S. economy. Negotiations about the treaty are going on right now and, for the Americans, the entry of Russian troops in Ukraine would be a huge gift. Sanctions against Russia would destroy European business and trade barriers with the U.S. would finish it. What we have at the end: EU in a state as if after a war; the United States, all in white, joyfully absorbing European markets on which they have not and will not have competitors; the Russian Federation - not in the best shape. Does it seem to anyone that someone in this situation is the fool (лох), and that that someone is clearly not the U.S.? By the way, it is not necessary to take into account the arguments to the effect that European politicians would not allow economic suicide. Euro-bureaucrats are not capable even of this, as practice shows.

2. Besides the fact that the Kremlin will render a service to Washington, we need to look at what will happen to Russia itself.

If the sanctions cut against Russia before the gas mega-contract for 30 years with China is signed, then China will be able to negotiate a price from a position of strength. In fact, from a position of blackmail (This shows in China's comportment, however, but not clearly).

If the sanctions are imposed against Russia before the oil mega-contract with Iran is initialled, through which Rosneft will be able to control an additional 500,000 barrels of oil per day, Iran will be able to negotiate a price froma position of strength.

All subsequent attempts to build something up even to the delivery of imports we need now, will be very, very expensive.

If sanctions cut in before the signing of the agreement on the establishment of the Eurasian Economic Community, imagine what trumps Lukashenko and Nazarbayev will have to twist Putin's arms at negotiations. A little more of this, and Moscow, in order to create the EurAsEC, will have to pay for its oil.
3. The Russian Federation would have to assume the responsibility for the restoration of the Ukrainian economy and denazification: where to get the needed number of "denazifiers" in "dusty helmets" (if anyone has forgotten, according to Okudzhava, it was the commissars in dusty helmets that bent over the dead hero of the Civil War) to fight compact groups of Ukrainian Nazis, which will enjoy support and supply from abroad. On aggregate, it is clear that this scenario greatly benefits the United States and China. Russia remains a deep sense of moral satisfaction, economic issues and future curses of the "generous" (щирых) Ukrainians who are unhappy with "life under occupation."

How are the key points in time our vulnerabilities laid out?

1. Gas contract with China - May-June (May 21 signed!)

2. Oil contract with Iran in summer (That's why the U.S. lifted the embargo, as Rosneft is very tightly seated under BP and not very under Exxon Mobil. Where does the oil flows? To China).

3. Important! Elections to the European Parliament, which will get a lot of votes Eurosceptic allies of Russia. After the election, will be assembled Evrokommissii different composition which will be much easier to work with - May 25. Even more important! Gas contract signed with China, newly elected deputies will be more amenable to South Stream.

4. Collection of all relevant documents/permits/etc., for construction of South Stream - May.

This is what is visible to the naked eye, but there are other aspects that are very important, but which are difficult to place clearly on a timetable:

1. Transition to settlements in rubles for energy. Oil and gas are not potatoes: they (are provided under) long-term contracts that cannot be altered unilaterally but require lengthy work to replace them with new ones, plus the change in current ones.

2. Transition to quoting prices in rubles for energy (for trading in rubles) on the Russian markets - it is absolutely hellish work though, if only because up until now no one has ever done anything like it.

3. Own payment system

4. Preparation of import substitution or improvement of our work with Asian suppliers (not in emergency mode).

The list can and should continue, that's what I see, and the Kremlin is much broader horizons.

Now add interesting initiatives of the Russian Foreign Ministry, which is not sitting idly by with its hands folded. For example, Vice Minister Karasin was in Doha on May 6 and met with all the Qatari elite. The results, in my opinion, turned out to be shocking. According to the Foreign Ministry, the Qatari emir said that he appreciates the "convincing and coherent regional policy of the Russian Federation", which is very unexpected for a country that is not just a U.S. ally and the political branch of Exxon Mobil in the Middle East and a 100% opponent of the Russian Federation in Syria. But the casket (ларчик) has simply opened: the fact is that American dreams of filling the whole world with cheap gas are a death sentence for Qatar and its elite. Without ultra-high gas prices, Qatar does not just lose any hope for regional greatness, but becomes a corpse. Doha focuses quickly and begins to offer something of interest: "At the same time, emphasis was placed on accelerating the coordination of the Forum of Gas Exporting Countries (GECF)", the next summit of which (that's a coincidence!) will be held in Qatar. The Forum of Gas Exporting Countries is an organization which includes countries such as Russia, Iran, Qatar, Venezuela, Bolivia and other exporters, and which the Kremlin, for a long time but without success, the Kremlin tried to turn into the gas analogue of OPEC. It is possible that now is the right hour for a potential gas cartel. First, the three major gas exporter: Russia, Qatar and Iran have very similar interests and should be able to work on the same side in order to share and "take over the gills" of the LNG market and pipeline gas market. Such a gas cartel, even in a reduced format (only the Russian Federation, Qatar, Iran) will control at least 55% of the world's gas reserves and have significant opportunities to strongly influence the energy markets of the EU and Asia. Of course, such a project would involve a lot of problems and it will meet opposition, no one gives a guarantee that everything will work, but it is important to see that Moscow is actively seeking opportunities for more strategic advantages in the fight against the United States.

Hopefully it is now clear on what the Kremlin is spending time, which it is trying to win out of the Ukrainian situation, and why it matters.

Let's return to problems directly related to Ukraine and note that even the implementation of all the important foreign policy projects will not help in carrying out the denazification of Kiev and make it so that Russian troops or rebel army of Novorossia would by greeted with bread and salt even in the central region. If the army of Novorossia has problems with mobilization in Lugansk and Donetsk, then work within the zombified regions will be very, very difficult. However, it seems that on the side of the Russian Federation on the field of battle will soon appear Colonel Hunger and the Special Forces Giperok ("Hyperinflation"), which will dramatically change the balance of power.

The Ukrainian economy is finished. Given the disastrous spring sowings, the crops of vegetables destroyed (frozen), lack of credit, problems with gas, the jump in fuel prices, we can safely say that the economy will come as a northern beast, which will be full and fluffy. No one will give money to the junta, not even from the IMF, which promised something around $17 billion (exactly 50% of what Ukraine needs for this year), but built into the contract an "escape clause": if Kiev does not control all the regions, then Kiev is not to receive a cent. Hunger, cold and hyperinflation (caused by the collapse of the hryvnia) will actively work to weaken the junta and correct the minds of the "generous" (shchirykh) Ukrainians: they will surely not come to love Russia, but this is hardly necessary. It is necessary that they begin to remember the Yanukovych period as sweet, unattainable dream. The inevitable chaos and total collapse of social structures, coupled with low intensity civil war guarantees that NATO will not accept Ukraine since Europe will then itself "be on the rails", and even in the U.S., more or less moderate politicians will not make a move, which obviously would not lead to U.S. victory, but to the dragging of the country into a nuclear war.

Moreover, in the context of total economic collapse, for the miners, metal workers and other comrades who are now firmly glued to their jobs for fear of losing them and hoping to "ride it all in their huts on the edge (of the precipice)", there will no longer be such a possibility. They will have to participate in one form or another, in the political and economic problems of New Russia. And likely they will have to participate in arms.

At the same time, the-junta-named-Poroshenko, foisted (on the country) by the European Union, will have a strong incentive to negotiate with Moscow to make concessions, to offer compromises. Already, the new European Commission, which needs peace in the east and stable gas transit, will be pushing Poroshenko in this direction. Poroshenko will also be pushed in the same direction by social upheavals caused by Colonel Hunger and Hyperinflation the Saboteur.

All these factors, in sum, open up great opportunities for the Kremlin to reformat the former Ukraine into something appropriate to the interests of the Russian Federation. It is precisely this scenario that the United States is attempting to avoid, and it is because of this that the United States has serious reasons to accelerate the translation of the conflict into a hot phase with the use of troops and massive bloodshed.

If you add up the time that is needed for the action of Hunger and the time required to resolve foreign policy problems in terms of establishing work with China, Iran, untethering from the dollar, import substitution, etc. (very roughly) can come to the conclusion that you need somewhere 5-9 months (that same December, for which Yanukovych tried to negotiate) to provide solutions to Ukrainian and other issues to the maximum advantage of Russia. During this period, you must provide at least for the preservation of Ukraine in a state of civil war (i.e., support for the DNR, LNR, but it is not necessary to take Kiev too fast in order not to create unnecessary additional problems) and ideally, combined with the civil war, prolonged and sticky negotiations within Ukraine, with the participation of international observers, something like 2 +4 format, i.e., Poroshenko + Tsarev + Russia, EU, ​​OSCE, USA.

The final touch. In recent months, the U.S. has slowed down the work of its printing press, reducing the "pump-priming" (this especially simplifies the formulation) from 85 to 55 billion dollars a month. Very many expect (e.g., that the machine will turn off completely by the end of this year. Again, in that same December. This is due to the fact that the dollar, though it is the main international currency, cannot be printed endlessly - it is impossible. According to various estimates, the United States has almost entirely used up the "resource strength" of the dollar, which allowed them to do the naughty with the (financial) machine. Moreover, the corollary and inevitable effect of such tricks is reducing rates on U.S. bonds, which, on the one hand, helps Washington to pay less for its debts, but, on the other hand, is actually choking the entire U.S. pension and insurance system that is built on the expectation of very different returns from their portfolios bonds. Roughly speaking, by the end of the year, the U.S. will have a choice between to blowing up their social system in order to keep on printing, or greatly reducing their appetites in order to preserve any chance of stability at home. Judging by the reduction in the amount of dollars being thrown into the system, Washington has decided that preventing an explosion is more important than its foreign policy ambitions.

Now to complete the puzzle finally, let's make our predictions:

- America will try by all means to aggravate the crisis in Ukraine, in order to weaken Russia and put the whole European market under its sway before it needs to shut down its printing presses.

- The Kremlin will try to translate the crisis in Ukraine from the acute to the chronic phase - civil war plus sluggish negotiations amid the economic collapse of Ukraine. At the same time, the Kremlin will use the time to create favorable conditions for the transition to the sharp confrontation with the United States - from the work on untethering from the dollar with China, Iran, Qatar, creating the EEC etc.

- Complete end to the crisis in December 2014, possibly earlier if U.S. desists from trying to exacerbate the hostilities.

- And if it does not desist? - Then ... a big war ... a war for resources, because shale "boom" was an ordinary bubble.

On this subject in detail in the article by William Engdahl "Washington shale boom - bust". Original Washington's Shale Boom Going Bust
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
I'm sure by now, most know about the pro-Russia/separatist forces attack on non-aggressive Ukrainian Border Guard Ukrainian tanks, armored personnel carriers and [most think] by end of day Ukrainian Air Forces are/will be advancing on Donetz and area from the North. This will surely end badly and many dead. Local citizens have been given the locations of airraid shelters and instructions of what to do and what to bring, etc. A war footing pervades the town. Very sad and almost beyond pointing the finger of blame - as each action creates a reaction and it escalates. Talking it over is the only way - but it doesn't seem to be heading that way...quite the opposite.::headexplode::::willynilly::::headexplode::
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Some good news out of Ukraine.If there can actually be anything good.

From the Saker:

Quote:Name, rank and unit of Ukraine pilot SU25 attacked Lugansk Administration Building known. Complete conversation of pilot with control before, during and after attack recorded by Donbas Army.

The video aftermath of this attack is simply horrifying.I won't post it.... and Youtube is trying real hard to block access now.Instead,here is a tribute to the "lady in red".

[Image: INNA.jpg]

Inna Kukurudza gave the human face to the #Kyiv junta's war crimes yesterday, when she was cut to pieces in front of the #Lugansk RSA building by a salvo of S-8KOM rockets fired from a Ukrainian National Guard Su-25 ground attack jet. She is now known to have died of her wounds.
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller
Project Censored - Flashpoint Ukraine

We discuss the ongoing situation in Ukraine by looking at a new book by Clarity Press edited by Stephen Lendman, "Flashpoint Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WWIII." We will be joined by a few of the book's contributors- the noted political scientist and author Dr. Michael Parenti joins us for the hour; we will also be joined by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky of Global Research (Centre for Research on Globalization), and former Congresswomen and Green Party Presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney. Co-hosts Mickey Huff and Peter Phillips (along with Nolan Higdon) also contributed to the volume.
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche

Russia begins blocking US GPS
June 2, 2014, 6:02 am

Glonass is the Russian equivalent of GPS, which is designed for both military and civilian use [Getty Images]

Russia has begun blocking the military functions of the US Global Positioning System (GPS) base stations on its territory, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said on Sunday. The move comes as Moscow is seeking to advance talks over the placement of Glonass stations in the United States.

"We have worked out and implemented measures that exclude the use of these stations for military purposes. Now they are under our full control," Rogozin tweeted.
The Russian Federal Space Agency, Roscosmos, confirmed that the measures would be implemented from Sunday.
Rogozin also said that Moscow has initiated talks with the United States on the deployment of Glonass stations on US territory. The talks are expected to last until August 31, and "new decisions will be made" afterwards.
Rogozin warned earlier this week that Russia would stop the operations of these GPS stations on June 1 and might start dismantling them from September 1 as a response to Washington's anti-Russia sanctions and its refusal to plant Glonass ground base stations on the US territory.
Glonass is the Russian equivalent of GPS, which is designed for both military and civilian use.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

Energy War: Bulgaria halts Russia's South Stream gas pipeline project

[TABLE="width: 390"]
[TD="align: left"]June 8, 2014

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Source: RT

Bulgaria's prime minister, Plamen Oresharski, has ordered a halt to work on Russia's South Stream pipeline, on the recommendation of the EU. The decision was announced after his talks with US senators.
"At this time there is a request from the European Commission, after which we've suspended the current works, I ordered it," Oresharski told journalists after meeting with John McCain, Chris Murphy and Ron Johnson during their visit to Bulgaria on Sunday. "Further proceedings will be decided after additional consultations with Brussels."

McCain, commenting on the situation, said that "Bulgaria should solve the South Stream problems in collaboration with European colleagues," adding that in the current situation they would want "less Russian involvement" in the project.
"America has decided that it wants to put itself in a position where it excludes anybody it doesn't like from countries where it thinks it might have an interest, and there is no economic rationality in this at all. Europeans are very pragmatic, they are looking for cheap energy resources - clean energy resources, and Russia can supply that. But the thing with the South Stream is that it doesn't fit with the politics of the situation," Ben Aris, editor of Business New Europe told RT.
Russia's Energy Ministry said it had not yet received any official notification from Bulgaria on work on the project being suspended.
Discussions on the matter between Russia and the EU could be held on Monday, June 9, during the planned trilateral consultations in Brussels involving Russia, the EU and Ukraine on Kiev's gas debt. Earlier Russia's Ambassador to the European Union Vladimir Chizhov has told Itar-Tass agency that the EU commission has no reasons to demand suspension on the South Stream construction works, as there still is "benefit of the doubt" for the Bulgarian construction bidders. "I don't know all the details of the bidding process and what offers Russian-Bulgarian consortium had, but I'm sure it has all been made legally right. It's too serious a project," the diplomat said.
[Image: rtr2ghlw.jpg] Bulgarian former Prime Minister Boiko Borisov (rear R) and Russia's Gazprom Deputy Chairman Alexander Medvedev (rear L) watch as Bulgarian former Economy and Energy Minister Traicho Traikov (front R) and Russia's former Energy Minister Sergei Shmatko sign documents during an official ceremony in the city of Varna, some 450km (280miles) north-east of Sofia July 17, 2010. (Reuters)

Earlier this week, EU authorities ordered Bulgaria to suspend construction on its link of the pipeline, which is planned to transport Russian natural gas through the Black Sea to Bulgaria and onward to western Europe. Brussels wants the project frozen, pending a decision on whether it violates the EU competition regulations on a single energy market. It believes South Stream does not comply with the rules prohibiting energy producers from also controlling pipeline access.

The EU is also asking for an investigation into how contracts were awarded for work on the pipeline in Bulgaria. Brussels sent the Bulgarian government a letter of formal notice asking for information, to which Sofia had one month to reply.

Russia's energy giant Gazprom's South Stream pipeline requires European approvals as its route would pass through the territory of several EU countries.

In Bulgaria, the ruling Socialists support the South Stream project, while Movement for Rights and Freedom leader Lyutvi Mestan told parliament on June 5 that Bulgaria should defend its strategic interests "in cooperation, not in confrontation" with Europe.

Earlier Serbia has said it has no plans to delay the start of construction of its leg of the South Stream pipeline, scheduled for July. Serbian Energy Minister Aleksandar Antic said that the position was not decisive: "I believe the European Commission and member states will find a solution because this is a European project in the best interests of energy security."
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

Blast targets self-proclaimed E. Ukraine leader's vehicle, 2 killed

Published time: June 12, 2014 22:26
Edited time: June 13, 2014 02:50

[Image:] A blown-up minivan belonging to self-proclaimed People's Republic of Donetsk (DNR) leader Denis Pushilin sits near the local administration building in Donetsk. (RIA Novosti / Maxim Blinov)

The minivan belonging to self-proclaimed People's Republic of Donetsk (DNR) leader Denis Pushilin was blown up late on Thursday. Two people were reportedly killed and two others were injured in the blast.
Those wounded include security guards and Pushilin's aid, known only as Richard, RIA Novosti reported. All the injured remain in critical condition.
DNR said on Twitter that two people died after being injured.
"The explosion came from the car beside the minivan. The car lined up right next to the minivan for the purpose of blowing it up," Pushilin told RT.

Pushilin was not wounded in the explosion, as he was out of town at the time.
The minivan blew up almost as soon as it started moving, eyewitnesses stated. As the security guards jumped out of the vehicle, unidentified armed men started shooting at them.

[Image: pushilin.jpg]Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Donetsk People's Republic Denis Pushilin (RIA Novosti / Maksim Blinov)

Just last week, Pushilin's aid, Maksim Petrukhin, was shot dead. A week before that, unidentified men targeted another DNR leader.
Pushilin blamed the explosion on his political rivals."Discussing who was behind it all would be just a guess. Our political opponents are well known. Of course all the suspicion falls on Kiev,"RIA Novosti quoted him as saying. He added that the attackers acted like professionals.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

International mercenary neo Nazi battalion organised by Ukraine Interior Ministry.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

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