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Detailed discussion and analysis of the H&L evidence
Duncan Pillans Wrote:Many thanks David for your prompt reply, I appreciate it. Yes indeed, this is very helpful and equally interesting. I am still digesting it.

Another thing, this lady cashier in the Texas Theater, Julia Postal - I searched her name on MFF's WC document but I did not quite get what I wanted. Is the claim that Harvey purchased a ticket from her prior to entering the cinema, and quite possibly before or at the same time when Tippit was murdered (not surprised if this claim is excluded from the WC report) ... is this claim based upon her breaking down and sobbing, twice refusing to answer the question put to her whether Harvey bought a ticket from her at or around 13:07/13:08? Or did she confirm this elsewhere? In my opinion, for what it is worth, if the answer is only the former then so be it. She could have just said no and why get upset about it? Unless of course, it was true Harvey did purchase a ticket previous to Lee's later arrival and she could not say under duress? Then her behaviour makes sense. Poor woman - I hope she was not bumped off too.
Correct Duncan... it was inferred, not said... and then somewhat corroborated by Burroughs... Johnny Brewer and his IBM friends in the store at the time is an interesting story as well....

We also have Butch seeing the 2nd "Oswald" arrested and taken out the back hen Bernard Haire sees them take this "Oswald" away, believing this person was Oswald and not knowing who they took out the front. Add in now the DPD reports of an arrest of Oswald from thebalcony and there is enough to make the Theater scene and Brewer and Julia, as well as "We have our man on both counts" DPD comment very suspect.

Looking into who Stringfellow was and his connection to Military Intelligence will also provide some great food for thought...


Mr. BALL. What did you see him do after became around the corner?
Mrs. POSTAL. Well, I didn't actually----because I stepped out of the box office and went to the front and was facing west. I was right at the box office facing west, because I thought .the police were stopping up quite a ways. Well, just as I turned around then Johnny Brewer was standing there and he asked me if the fellow that ducked in bought a ticket, and I said, "No; by golly, he didn't," and turned around expecting to see him.

Researcher Jones Harris interviewed Julia Postal in 1963. When Harris asked
Julia Postal if she had sold a ticket to "Oswald" (the man arrested), she burst
into tears and left the room. A short time later Harris again asked Postal if
she sold a ticket to "Oswald" and got the same response. From Postal's refusal
to answer this question and her reaction to same, Harris believes that Postal
did sell "Oswald" a theater ticket. On February 29, 1964 Postal told FBI Agent
Arthur Carter "she was unable to recall whether or not he bought a ticket." (A
few months later, when the Warren Report was issued, Postal's memory had
improved. She was now certain the man did not buy a ticket. See page 178 of the
Butch Burroughs, an employee of the Texas Theater, heard someone enter the
theater shortly after 1:00 PM and go to the balcony. Harvey Oswald had
apparently entered the theater and gone to the balcony without being seen by
Burroughs. About 1:15 PM Harvey came down from the balcony and bought popcorn
from Burroughs. Burroughs watched him walk down the aisle and take a seat on the
main floor. He sat next to Jack Davis during the opening credits of the first
movie, several minutes before 1:20 PM. Harvey then moved across the aisle and
sat next to another man. A few minutes later Davis noticed he moved again and
sat next to a pregnant woman. Just before the police arrived, the pregnant woman
went to the balcony and was never seen again. In addition to Harvey there were
seven people watching the movie on the main level (six after the pregnant woman
left). Within 10 minutes, he had sat next to half of them.

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Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
One of the more interesting aspects of the Bishop/Phillips meting with Veciana and Oswald is where HARVEY was at the time... In late Aug, early Sept 1963 HARVEY was still living in NOLA on Magazine street. with no record of any travel to TX at that time.

During this time period - surrounding the leaflet affair on NOLA - the FBI was keeping close tabs on HARVEY...
p.577 H&L:
On August 27 (Tuesday) Oswald visited claims interviewer BobHunley ("T-6")
at the unemployment office in New Orleans, who advised theFBI that Oswald signed
Form IB-1 in his presence. The same day the FBI reviewedarrest record #112-723 for
Lee Harvey Oswald at the New Orleans Police Department.

On Saturday morning(August 31 ), probably over Labor Day weekend, Lee
Oswald and a Cubanman named "Hernandez" arrived at Robert
McKeown's home inBaycliff, Texas between 9:00 and 10:00 am.

This is either McK lying - which still implicates Oswald, or he's not so therefore LEE is implicating HARVEY in the purchse of rifles at a ridiculous price thru an obvious Castro connection-DJ

September, 1963 -TheRyder Coffee House in New Orleans
In the late summer of 1963 many people frequented the RyderCoffee House
at 910 Rampart Street and knew Lee Harvey Oswald. Some ofthose people, including
Pat and Pattie Gleason, Daphne Stapleton and her husband,and Howard Cohen lived
in the apartments over the shop.

Daphne Stapleton recalled an incident when an elderly womanwith gray hair
in her 40's drove Lee Harvey Oswald to the Ryder CoffeeHouse in a red sports car. On
another occasion Daphne was standing in front of the CoffeeHouse when Oswald
walked up to her and asked, "Is Jack here?" AfterDaphne said, "No," Oswald wrote
his name on a piece of paper and told her, "Give it toJack and tell him I was here."
"Jack" was Jack Frazier, the owner of the CoffeeHouse.

Oswald then walked upstairs and knocked on the door ofHoward Cohen, who
was not at home. Cohen was head of a Marxist group in NewOrleans who met regularly
at the Coffee House. After the assassination, Cohen left NewOrleans and was last
known to be in Japan.

One evening Barbara Reid walked into the Coffee House andsat next to Peter
Deageano and noticed Kerry Thornley sitting alone at thenext table. When a young
man joined Thornley at his table he turned to Barbara andsaid, "This is Lee." Following
the assassination Barbara saw photographs of Lee HarveyOswald on television and
realized he was the same person she saw at the Ryder CoffeeHouse with Kerry
Thornley. p.591
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
If Lee Oswald's visitwith Robert McKeown occurred over Labor Day weekend,
it was the same dayduring which Harvey, Marina, and June visited the Murrets in New
Orleans. Mrs. Murrettold the Warren Commission, "Lee called up that morning and he
said he and Marinawanted to come over that day and spend the day, and I said, not right
away, but supposethey come over around 3 or 4 o'clock in the afternoon, because I think
I was busy thatmorning, or something, so they did. They came on the bus, and Mr.
Murret happened to bepassing by, and he picked them up and brought them to the
house .... .I madehamburgers too that night, and they each ate two hamburgers. John was
there too. After theyfinished eating, it was time to take them home, and John brought
them home." 1

Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
Here's a new photo comparison of Harvey and Lee during the USMC years that just went up on the USMC page of an hour or two ago.

In the two middle photos above of LEE while in the USMC, note the growing widow's peak in his hairline, a clear characteristic of American-born LEE throughout the late 1950s.

While John Armstrong and I were working out the above, John made a fascinating discovery about a pair of old photos that have been floating around forever (below).


Note that the pose of Harvey and Cathy at left, from Robert Oswald's book, appears to be IDENTICAL to the pose in the photo at right, which also includes Robert Oswald. But where is Robert (or his shadow) in the left photo? Both Robert and surely his shadow should be visible in the left photo.

The photo on the right has clearly been doctored to include Robert in the photo from the left. In the right photo, note that the light comes from our right on Harvey's face, but our left on Robert's face. Like so much of the other evidence in this case, the manipulations are shoddy at best. The right photo appears to have been created to link Russian-speaking Harvey Oswald to American-born Lee Oswald's brother Robert.


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Jim - do you have a better version of the image with Robert... ?? I need as large and original a file you can get... and them email it to me...

I will start work on what I have and get back to the thread with an answer asap.

Jim - where does that photo on the right originally appear? I've searched and cannot find Robert in any image looking like that....

It is definitely a composite - yet like alot of my work I put things together for comparison purposes - was this image ever claimed to be original? THAT would be the falsehood since the fact it's a composite is obvious


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Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter

Is that even Robert ?? or ever claimed to be Robert? and if so - who claimed it?

Thanks Jim

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Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
David, neither John nor I can determine where the photo with "Robert" came from. I searched and searched for it on Google Images without coming up with it. It is clearly fake, but who put it together and why so far escapes us. Thanks for the composite showing the images with Cathy are identical. There may be an innocent explanation of this, but so far I can't find any explanation.

Jim Hargrove Wrote:David, neither John nor I can determine where the photo with "Robert" came from. I searched and searched for it on Google Images without coming up with it. It is clearly fake, but who put it together and why so far escapes us. Thanks for the composite showing the images with Cathy are identical. There may be an innocent explanation of this, but so far I can't find any explanation.


So not only can't we find the composite source, but we can't find the Robert image source either...

Something tells me that may not be Robert

Steve Wilson?
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
It looks like Robert to me, thought there aren't a whole lot of pictures of him from that era immediately available online. Let's give this thing a little time.... I'm still trying to locate a source for the composite. That could prove to be interesting. Putting anyone else in that particular picture other than Robert wouldn't make much sense.
Jim Hargrove Wrote:It looks like Robert to me, thought there aren't a whole lot of pictures of him from that era immediately available online. Let's give this thing a little time.... I'm still trying to locate a source for the composite. That could prove to be interesting. Putting anyone else in that particular picture other than Robert wouldn't make much sense.

Unless it was LEE...
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter

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