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John Judge on Donald Norton

Donald O. Norton in High School


I had a lengthy phone conversation with John Armstrong today and I asked him to share his current thoughts about Donald O. Norton. He began by saying, "I would suggest to a group of knowledgeable people who had a serious interest about this matter to look at the facts before making a judgement or giving an opinion."

Beginning in the early 1970's a man named Donald Norton began mailing checks regularly to JFK researcher Mae Brussel. After a JFK conference at the University of Dayton in Ohio, this man appeared at night before Mae and John Judge while they were standing under a street light. He said, "Mae, don't you know who I am?" Mae said, "You look like Lee Harvey Oswald." The man looked down and said, "A lot of people tell me that......I'm Don Norton."

Mae turned to John Judge and said, "John, this is Don Norton. He wrote to me to say that he was going to drive down from Columbus to hear the talk. He's the only researcher in the country who sends me money to do my work." The man said, "It's my conscience money." John invited the man to a house where they could visit. John remembered the man looked like the man on the 1959 passport photo (LEE) but not like the Oswald killed in Dallas. The man then began a long recitation about Marxism and communism ideology. A few hours later the man left and gave his address as "General Delivery, Columbus, Ohio." The next day Mae said to John, "Don't you think that was Oswald who visited us last night?" John replied, "It sure look like Oswald, but he is dead". Mae was excited that she had met a living "Oswald."

John Armstrong continued, "Now, that was 1973. John Judge told me this story in the mid-1990's and I was very interested. I began by trying to locate a "Donald Norton" in Ohio, and I found one in Stowe, Ohio, a two hour drive north of Columbus. I soon learned that this "Donald Norton" had moved and left no forwarding address. I contacted the next door neighbor and learned that Norton was married to "Lexie Norton" and they had two children. The neighbor knew Lexie well and saw her nearly every day for years. However, she never saw much of Donald. The neighbor said that one day "movers, arrived, packed up everything, and the Norton's were suddenly gone. Lexie never said good-bye, left a forwarding address, or anything.....they just left." The neighbor said that a month later she saw Lexie at the grocery store, spoke with her, and got her new address. The following week she drove to the address and learned that the Norton's had moved a few days earlier and left no forwarding address. I wondered if the reason for the Norton's move had something to do with financial trouble, and arranged for a credit report.

The credit report showed that Donald and Lexie had filed for bankruptcy. I then obtained a copy of their bankrupcy filing and learned the names and addresses of all creditors and the amounts owed, including monies owed to automobile dealerships. I also learned the names of businesses that Norton had operated and the names of some of his employees. I contacted a few people and learned the name of a young man who had worked closely with Norton. I spoke with this young man extensively and learned that during the time that he knew Norton, he (Norton) constantly moved from motel to motel and only returned home once a month for a day or two. One of Norton's businesses was named "Antares" and was involved in selling advertising. The young man said that Norton had a younger brother named "Bill" (William), who was much shorter than the 5'11" Donald Norton. He also said that wherever Donald went, Bill always followed him.
I learned that Norton's parents had lived at the same address for decades. I checked the birth records in the state of Ohio for Donald Norton. Donald Norton has an Ohio birth certificate, but there is no record for a birth record for his brother William. I learned that Donald had attended a local high school and was able to get a class picture taken in 1966. I also checked the local library and learned that Norton had checked out nearly 100 books during his last year in Stowe, Ohio.

I knew that selling a home/residence takes time, sometimes several months to complete closing, and wondered when and where Donald and Lexie had signed the Deed to sell their property. I contacted Lawyers Title and obtained a copy of the deed transferring title to their property. The deed had been signed and notorized in Florida. I then travelled to Florida and visited the Dept of Motor Vehicles/Drivers license section. At that time, anyone could pay a small fee and obtain driving records. I got the driving records for Donald Norton, which listed his home address. I then drove to his home and saw that it was listed for sale. I drove to the nearest pay telephone, which happened to be at Bert Reynolds (the actor) ranch, contacted the real estate company, and made an appointment to look at/thru the small, modest home.

While walking thru the home I noticed there were no photographs on the walls, tables, etc. I asked the reason for the owners selling the property. The real estate agent told me the owner worked for "XXX" retirement company/village and the owner was being transferred. There were two vehicles in the driveway, both with Ohio license plates. I copied the license plate numbers and learned the vehicles were leased from a dealership in Ohio--the same dealership that Norton had listed on his bankrupcy filing. I thought it odd that a dealership would lease vehicles to a man who had recently filed bankruptcy in order to discharge his debt. I also wondered how Norton could have obtained financing for a home in Florida after recently filing bankruptcy in Ohio.

The next day I drove to the retirement village and asked to speak with Donald Norton. I was told that he was at another location and I immediately drove to that location. Norton was nowhere to be found, but I was told he "may" be at another company location. I telephoned the location and was told that he might be at a company location in Tennessee. I gave up trying to find Norton, but still wanted to know more about him. I contacted neighbors across the street, identified myself as a potential buyer, and asked questions about Norton's house. The man who I spoke with met Norton one time and said that he was "almost never home". When he was home, the man said, he would spend hours fishing at the small pond in his front yard (perhaps 25 ft wide). I then saw the two Norton children (teenage boy and girl) get into a car and drive off.

I discussed Norton with a fellow researcher who located and met him face to face in Avon, FL. This man was very direct and asked Norton why he had dyed his hair red, instead of dark brown (natural color). Norton replied that he wanted to cover his grey hair. The JFK researcher then asked Norton to smile so that he could see his teeth. Norton declined that said that all of his teeth had been removed and that he only had dentures. When Norton asked why the man was interested in his red hair and teeth, the researcher told Norton that he thought he (Norton) was Lee Harvey Oswald. Norton denied that he was LHO. But when the researcher asked him to provide a hair sample, Norton declined.

Now, what are my thoughts about Norton? As most of us know, there were two Donald Nortons (Donald P Norton and Donald O Norton). Someone named Donald Norton sent money to Mae Brussel to help her conduct research into JFK's assassination. This same man, who looked very much like LHO, met and identified himself to John Judge and Mae Brussel in 1973. Why? This same person started many businesses, none successful, but always seems able to start a new business. This man rarely visits his home, preferring to live in nearby motels. This man is able to file bankruptcy, but soon thereafter is able to lease vehicles and finance a home.

Donald Norton has lived an exceedingly strange life, first in Ohio and then in Florida. I am convinced that this "Donald Norton" is the same person who talked to John Judge and Mae Brussel in 1973. At this time Norton would have been 23-24 years old (born 1949). Unfortunately, I did not think to ask John Judge the approximate age of the man who visited with them at the University of Dayton (1973). Now, of course, that opportunity is gone.

There is something very strange about Norton's background, but there is no "proof" that he is LHO. All of my materials related to Norton should be in the Baylor collection and available to anyone and everyone. I encourage people to learn more about Norton, whoever he may be. The 50th reunion of Norton's Stowe high school senior class is coming up in a couple of years. It would be interesting to attend and ask if Norton had a brother, Norton's height, if he entered the military, and if anyone saw him after high school.


The complete Baylor University collection of John Armstrong documents on Donald O. Norton is available RIGHT HERE!



Attached Files
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Thanks for the above. That seems to bring this thread full circle. The Norton in FL now 'seems' to be too young to be an Oswald IMO, but seems to be intelligence related....or certainly a suspect to be related. However, in my work with intelligence assets, I saw with my own eyes how various official documents about them had different dates and places of birth and other changes. Also, remember that when Jack White and I used Google Earth to check one of Norton's homes [he moves a lot!], the 'roof' of the home was computer drawn and too large - covering nearly all of the lawn and driveway - not a real roof, as were all the surrounding homes. Such a change would have to have been at either Norton's request or that of an intelligence agency or witness protection agency, etc.

I'll add one item that may not have any connection - or may. That a Norton with strange connections to Dallas events and persons - as well as funny financial habits and seeming to want to hide himself lived in or near Columbus, OH [otherwise not very important in the JFK Assassination saga], I was told by someone I know to have intelligence connections [sorry, can't give out the name - even privately] that a CIA contact for the now dead Nagell still lived in the Columbus area. I asked Dick Russell if he wanted to follow this lead....but he declined....telling me the Nagell story had taken its toll on him and he didn't think he was up to opening up that matter again. Perhaps that was Dick's reason; or perhaps he didn't think my information was likely to bear any fruit or was more likely false. I didn't have the means to follow it up myself. Just interesting to me that two possible top leads to the case are both said to have been for a long time after the assassination in the same city, possibly.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Peter Lemkin Wrote:That a Norton with strange connections to Dallas events and persons - as well as funny financial habits and seeming to want to hide himself lived in or near Columbus, OH [otherwise not very important in the JFK Assassination saga], I was told by someone I know to have intelligence connections [sorry, can't give out the name - even privately] that a CIA contact for the now dead Nagell still lived in the Columbus area.


" Until then Novel had publicly denied any CIA connections. After the letter was revealed, Novel's attorney, Steve Plotkin, confirmed that Novel wrote the letter and that Novel had CIA connections in New Orleans. While holding off his extradition, Novel organized a news conference in Columbus, Ohio, where he publicly defended himself against Garrison's accusation of burglary. "
Albert Doyle Wrote:
Peter Lemkin Wrote:That a Norton with strange connections to Dallas events and persons - as well as funny financial habits and seeming to want to hide himself lived in or near Columbus, OH [otherwise not very important in the JFK Assassination saga], I was told by someone I know to have intelligence connections [sorry, can't give out the name - even privately] that a CIA contact for the now dead Nagell still lived in the Columbus area.


" Until then Novel had publicly denied any CIA connections. After the letter was revealed, Novel's attorney, Steve Plotkin, confirmed that Novel wrote the letter and that Novel had CIA connections in New Orleans. While holding off his extradition, Novel organized a news conference in Columbus, Ohio, where he publicly defended himself against Garrison's accusation of burglary. "

February 21, 1969, FBI document, Cincinnati, Ohio, 'Re: Assassination of President John F. Kennedy, November 22, 1963, Dallas, Texas': "On February 11, 1969, Mr. Jack Prentice, 470 Beaver Avenue, Whitehall, Columbus, Ohio, advised that he is the owner of the Columbus Antenna Company and is a close friend of Gordon Novel. He said that he first met Gordon Novel about five or six months ago... He said that during the time that he has known Novel, Novel has indicated that he is acquainted with Allen Dulles, the late former director of the Central Intelligence Agency; Walter Sheridan, who, according to Novel, is a close associate of the Kennedy family; with Clay Shaw, the defendant in the conspiracy trial now going on in New Orleans; with a man by the name David Ferrie, who is involved with Shaw; and with District Attorney Garrison of New Orleans. He said that from what Novel has told him,.he is convinced that Novel was involved in a conspiracy to assassinate President Kennedy and also as the trial of Shaw drew closer, he became more panicky. He said that Novel had not told him that he was involved in such a conspiracy and his opinion is based on his own interpretation of what Novel told him. He could not cite an example. ... Prentice said that Novel is supposed to have been involved, along with Shaw and Ferrie, in prostitution in New Orleans and also Jack Ruby is supposed to have been involved in some manner. Prentice said that Novel claims to have been the Chief Security Officer for District Attorney Garrison, and that Novel's first wife is now the mistress of Garrison. Novel claims to be the illegitimate son of Billy Rose, and claims that there is a $52,000,000 trust fund set up for Novel from the estate of Billy Rose. Prentice claimed that Novel has spent vast amounts of money to confuse District Attorney Garrison and he feels that Novel must be getting the money from people in New Orleans."
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
For a long time I was convinced by the Donald Norton story, that he was Lee. But Lee was a cold hard killer and would not have been sending money to any assassination researcher. Unless he had a very profound change of heart. I also do not think the man in the pic bears any resemblance to Lee. Just another rabbit hole, it would appear.

Dawn Meredith Wrote:For a long time I was convinced by the Donald Norton story, that he was Lee. But Lee was a cold hard killer and would not have been sending money to any assassination researcher. Unless he had a very profound change of heart. I also do not think the man in the pic bears any resemblance to Lee. Just another rabbit hole, it would appear.


While Mr Norton's face in his business photo tempts suggestions of Oswald with cosmetic surgery I don't think you can fake hair that much and it would be unlikely Lee could go from thin straight hair to bushy and thick with a lower hairline.

Keeping a mystery Oswald just out of reach would be like the psy-ops trick CIA used in the plot of Hitchcock's North By Northwest where the fictional character George Kaplan was kept just out of reach of the Soviet spies they were monitoring. It would keep JFK researchers running in circles for decades with no results. Probably an old intel trick. Hitchcock and Hollywood used consultants who were steeped in real intel methods:


" In fact, Hitchcock had been working on the story for nearly nine years prior to meeting Lehman. The "American journalist" who had the idea that influenced the director was Otis C. Guernsey, a respected reporter who was inspired by a true story during World War II when a couple of British secretaries created a fictitious agent and watched as the Germans wasted time following him around. Guernsey turned his idea into a story about an American traveling salesman who travels to the Middle East and is mistaken for a fictitious agent, becoming "saddled with a romantic and dangerous identity." Guernsey admitted that his treatment was full of "corn" and "lacking logic." He urged Hitchcock to do what he liked with the story. Hitchcock bought the sixty pages for $10,000. "

The origins of this went back to the masters of all this, British Intelligence, and a reporter who was familiar with their doings. I mean what does this alone tell you about who was involved and maintaining the cover-up with tell tale methods?

Are McAdams, Parnell, and Parker in charge now? Can no one think of anything else? Sheeesh.....

Jim Hargrove Wrote:Soooo...

Are McAdams, Parnell, and Parker in charge now? Can no one think of anything else? Sheeesh.....


I don't see how any of the above can be construed as trashing the basic work of JA - if that is what you are hinting at. In fact most of us have a very positive view of it - I know I do. The Norton information is very interesting and very confusing - I can well see why JA left most of it out of his book. I'm of the opinion at this time that just before The Guns Of Dallas several persons were 'impersonating' Oswald - some that didn't bear that much physical resemblance to him - one in Mexico City that had NO physical resemblance. Norton might yet be another clone - or his age could have been faked or changed and is in some as yet unknown way connected to on of the Oswalds or one of the impersonators. Wheels within wheels within wheels is how intelligence works - and seeks to make looking inside of its 'world' difficult to impossible.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

Sorry, I didn't make myself clear. The photos of Norton don't look much Oswald, and I don't understand how we can reconcile them with the recollection of John Judge (and Mae). He might well have given them a false name, I suppose, but it looks like we'll never get to the bottom of this thing. Just venting.....
My sister went to school with "Lexie J Charvat in Streetsboro, OH. She (Lexie) graduated in 1967. This person did marry Donald O. Norton from Stow (no "e"), OH. According to the Alumni association of the school system, Lexie lives in Sebring, FL. They couldn't (or wouldn't) provide any info on her marital status. But they verified the names of her 2 children which were mentioned on one of these threads or in Armstrong's research papers (I don't remember which). Maybe if Lexie shows up next yr for their 50th reunion my sis can put me in touch with her and maybe she'll talk about her unusual husband. Or ex-hubby. Or whatever he is now.

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