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How the Odessa massacre was orchestrated by the CIA-controlled Interior Ministry
Graham Greene's "Quiet Americans" in Kiev

by Alexander Yablokov

Original here:

This translation:

Quote:One may get a false impression that Ukraine is run mostly by Georgians, slightly "diluted" by Baltic residents. And yes, the Georgian ex-President Mikhail Saakashvili [*who is now a wanted man in Georgia] leads the "Committee of reforms", imported highlanders [from his team] are at the helm in the Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Health, and the name Ebanoidze (one of the deputies of the main lawyer of the country, responsible for the State registries) even became a household word [**Ebanoidze sounds like Fuckaidze to slavic people].

However, the real functions of "colonial managers" are mainly ornamental. They are supposed to symbolize the lack of corruption among "the new European government". Although no one can explain why the mass invasion of mountain peoples from the east is a symbol of "Eurointegration", official propaganda is not stumped by such discrepancies.

In contrast to US-trained colonial managers, actual Americans are hardly visible in government and presidential offices. The only exception is US citizen Natalia Yaresko, in charge of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine. However, due to her roots and the characteristic "American diaspora" Ukrainian she passes for "local" compared to masses of Russian-speaking Georgians. Yaresko is, almost officially, considered to be the US State Dept overseer monitoring allocation of IMF tranches. Ukraine has fallen on hard times - no one can not be trusted with money, not even the cheerful Georgians.

However, there is another side to the American presence in Ukraine. Kiev is filled with "quiet Americans" from the famous novel of the same name by the English writer Graham Greene. One of the heroes of the novel, US intelligence officer Pyle, constantly launches into lengthy speeches, proclaiming himself to be a fighter for democracy. While fighting for "just causes" and creating the so-called "third force", which, in his opinion, would lead Vietnam to prosperity and democracy, Pyle organizes a bombing in a crowded area. This action leads to the deaths of many women and children not involved in politics. For the CIA agent they only "biomass", to quote Yulia Tymoshenko. ... Graham's novel could have been written about modern-day Ukraine, as well. Today's "quiet Americans" arrive in their company cars at exactly ten minutes to nine to the SBU [State Security Service] main office. They are thirty to forty years old, dressed in suits and street jackets of various, often very bright, colors. All with shopping bags, paper cups, none of them smoke, all speak English loudly. This American show (and they are impossible to confuse with anyone else) can also be seen when they take a lunch break from 12 to 1pm, as well as when they get a break at four. Many stay late.

Restaurants and bars within two hundred meters from the SBU have dramatically changed their selection of dishes. Now they serve latte with skim milk, ribs in barbecue sauce and a variety of vegetarian dishes. A similar pattern can be seen on Tarasovskaya street, where this abrupt change of dishes happened near the office of the State Security Directorate of Military Intelligence. Even such secluded places as "Forest" (complex of buildings under the Foreign Intelligence Service, near Bilogorodka) and "Island" (Army Intelligence center on Rybalskiy island) underwent Americanization. A telltale sign of mass American presence is a sharp spike in pizza and sushi deliveries in these areas. Ukrainian secret service agents never used to eat those types of fast food, preferring simple Slavic cooking and inexpensive alcohol.
Moreover, can you imagine self-respecting State Security operatives driving cheap "Lanos" and "Chevrolet" cars? Such cars are what "quiet Americans" drive to "blend in". They just did not take local corruption into account.

General Anatoly (I won't disclose his last name), my former classmate, complained that in his old age he now has to learn English. Languages were hard for ​​him even in college, and he chose the easiest option - Spanish. ...

The "quiet Americans" quickly developed a structure of behind-the-scenes presence in the intelligence and law enforcement agencies of Ukraine. However, if they go to the SBU as if they full-time work there, the Ministry of Defense, the General Staff and the Ministry of Interior are controlled through a system of "supervisors". Americans prefer to communicate with their clients through "meetings" conducted in safehouses well-protected from wiretapping (mostly rented apartments), during which the necessary adjustments are made.

I almost forgot: "quiet Americans" now enter the Cabinet of Ministers with the help of badges saying simply "Guest". During the old regime, there was a whole system of issuing permits for foreigners. State secrets, and so on. Now everything is simplified: there is a special list and badges. Very convenient.

After creating an extensive organizational and supervisory framework in the relevant bodies of Ukraine, Kiev is constantly visited by high-ranking American curators, many-star generals. We are not talking about protocol diplomatic meetings and "scientific conferences". Each arrival has planned meetings with the people in charge within the SBU, military intelligence, the Ministry of Defense. They discuss the strategy and tactics of the "anti-terrorist operation", the combat readiness of the Ukrainian army, reform plans, promoting new officials.

Therefore, frequent visits of the Commander of Land Forces in Europe, US Lieutenant General Ben Hodges, to Kiev should be seen in this context. This is about purely practical implementation of the American strategy in Ukraine, through the power structures of the country that are mostly controlled by American advisers.

General Hodges is currently responsible for the UAF retraining program. Less than a month, at the Yavoriv staging area, the Americans are launching a project to create "Ukrainian mobile units capable of operating in a situation where Russians are jamming communications and using precision weapons." Apparently, Yavoriv base, located in Lviv, in close proximity to Poland, would be the prototype of a US military base in Ukraine.

After each visit of the Commander of the US Army, all Ukrainian elites repeat his ideological orientation like a mantra. In January 2015, Hodges said in Kiev that "the Russian Federation is at war against Ukrainian forces." Since then Poroshenko talks about the "open Russian aggression" even during parties, so as not to forget.

Hodges, with military directness, says that the main purpose of his work is the creation of new Ukrainian armed forces on a NATO model.

The current commander of NATO forces in Ukraine works in close communication with the former commander of NATO forces in Kosovo, General Wesley Clark. There's probably no need to explain why this "sweet couple" has formed. Clark was in charge of military matters during the bloody dismemberment of former Yugoslavia, and his experience in this is sorely needed in Ukraine. Clark, in his old age, has became a theoretician and loves to talk in the Ukrainian media about the "true purpose of Putin, who seeks to split Ukraine, tear it away from the West and make the country poor and disenfranchised."

We should pay attention to the following point: if earlier Kiev was supervised mostly by high-ranking CIA officials (former and current), now this role is performed by senior US military personnel, also former and current. Almost all local politicians try to meet with Americans during their visits. Especially the ex-prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko, who dropped off the list of "those in power" and is now merely the leader of the smallest faction in the parliament. She even suggested to make Clark the chief overseer of the assistance to Ukraine from the United States. However, her "licking" was not counted, as Washington is not currently interested in her services. The boot-licking of the Kiev political elite show for US "monitors" is understandable; Americans now control approval for everything, from financial assistance, to UAF operations, and appointments in the security services, MOD, the Cabinet and the President's Administration.

In particular, the first deputy head of the Anti-Terrorist Center of the SBU (in charge of ATO in Donetsk and Luhansk regions) Sergey Popko was put there by the US DIA, as was the "eternal Speaker" of the ATO Andrei Lysenko. Both of them were recruited by the US military intelligence almost simultaneously, some time ago.

Currently, almost all the analytical, organizational and military support of the Ukrainian authorities is carried out by "quiet Americans". "Georgian" and "Baltic" managers are mostly for show, and anyways they are actually the same American-trained managers previously used in Georgia and the Baltics.

American plans for the near future include creation of developed military infrastructure in the Ukraine, including training centers, and deployment of electronic surveillance infrastructure in Ukrainian territory. Preparatory work is already underway for rebuilding the airport in Uzin (Kiev region) as a powerful military transport "hub" that will solve the problem of efficient transfer of technology, equipment and specialists to Ukraine.

In a suburb of the capital, work is underway to create a "cottage town". Against the backdrop of a failing housing market in Kiev, the construction of an autonomous gated town looks pretty strange. And no wonder, given the American habit of staying in comfortable "secure zones" isolated from the "natives". "Heroes" from the novel by Graham Greene have arrived in Kiev to stay. The struggle for "democracy" never ends quickly: in Vietnam it lasted decades. Ukrainian "natives" are not easy to control, especially in the Donbas. "Democratization" in Ukraine has been costly and bloody. But the local "Piles" do not lose heart, because everything is just beginning ...

From the translator:

By their very nature, articles about secret operations are based on unrevealed sources and rumors, and as such, should be taken with a grain of salt.

Ever since the start of the Donbass conflict - actually for many years before it, too, at least as far as the first American-backed government change in 2004 - there had been constant reports of American involvement in Ukraine, CIA controlling government officials, Soros and US State Dept giving billions of dollars to pro-American forces "under the table", etc. Undoubtedly, a lot of it is false... but a lot of is true, and we can read about it in memoirs and leaked US State Dept cables.

As they say in Russia, "there is no smoke without a fire", or perhaps another saying is even more appropriate - "Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean THEY are not watching".
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
This is the Odessa massacre section from a overview of the US-manufactured crisis in Ukraine by Johanna Granville, as summarised by Dr. James Coffin, an anthropplogist who was a Balkan Scholar at the American University in Bulgaria in 2013-2014, as well as Director Emeritus of the Center for International Programs at Ball State University in Indiana. The Coffin piece, well worth a read, is from the Saker's new site:

Coffin describes Glanville thusly:

Quote:Granville is the author of numerous scholarly articles, a book (The First Domino: International Decision Making During the Hungarian Crisis of 1956), and is the winner of two Fulbright lectureships in Russia and Hungary (see her website here: She was conducting research in Ukraine for her second book when the Maidan revolts began. After delighting the audience on November 19 with a three-minute introduction in Bulgarian, paying tribute to AUBG founding father John Dimitri Panitza, Dr. Granville noted the decline in press freedom around the world today. According to the Reporters Without Borders' press freedom index for 2014, the United States ranks 46th, Ukraine 127th, and the Russian Federation 148th. (She cautioned that the Reporters Without Borders organization is itself supported by the U.S.-funded National Endowment for Democracy). All too often "freedom of information is sacrificed in the name of national security," she stated. "If you get nothing else out of my presentation, remember this: we must not swallow uncritically anything we read in any one country's newspapers," she said. "To get the truth these days, a thinking person must dig for real facts and evidence." Dr. Granville, who was AUBG's first Panitza Memorial Professor of Communist Studies, selected three events in 2014 by which to illustrate the Ukrainian media's biased coverage: the snipers' killings at Kiev's Maidan (February 20), the Odessa massacre (May 2), and the shootdown of the Malaysian airline (July 17).

Hired to teach "East European History in the Twentieth Century," which covered the period of Soviet communist domination over the "satellite" countries, Granville cannot be described as a Russophile. She is simply a diligent, impartial researcher. She prefaced her remarks by stating that her essay was exploratory and intended to encourage debate. Her sources included independently funded blogs by investigative journalists and analysts not subject to government or corporate censorship (like Vineyard of the Saker). When citing from the Russian press, she corroborated her findings with other independent sources.

She made two multi-media presentations, on November 10 ("Ukraine: Another Yugoslavia?") and November 19 ("Beyond Maidan: The Media Blackout in Ukraine"), respectively, at the American University in Bulgaria (AUBG). The Coffin summary below is of this second presentation:

Odessa Massacre

Three months after Maidan, on May 2, another tragic loss of life occurred, this time in Odessa, a key port city all the more valued after Russia's annexation of Crimea in March. "Citizens in Odessa call it the Odessa Massacre' or the Odessa Genocide,' but the Ukrainian media typically refers to it as the Odessa arson case,'" Granville said. The official version of this event in the Ukrainian media goes something like this. On May 2 several thousand young Ukrainians gathered to watch a soccer game, Chornomorets Odessa vs. Metalist Kharkiv. A traditional march for a "United Ukraine" was planned, with the opposing teams marching together. Before the march, "some 400 pro-Russian protesters" were "armed with guns, bats and sticks and wore bulletproof vests and helmets", while most of the "Ukrainian patriots" were unarmed. These "armed pro-Russian separatists" shot into the crowd of ultranationalist football fans, killing at least one. The crowd of young, pro-Kiev football fans and Right Sector members then rushed over to Kulikovo Field. There they set fire to the tents in front of the Trade Unions building, where allegedly "radical" "heavily armed" pro-Russian "separatists" were camping out. Warned that these pro-Kiev radicals were coming to attack them, these protesters barricaded themselves in the large Trade Unions Building. "Russian citizens" disguised themselves as separatists and provoked the crowd. Official reports state that about forty-six died of asphyxiation. In differing later accounts, six died of falls from windows and as many as thirty-two from chloroform gas. The building, they state, was set on fire by the pro-Russian rebels themselves. In an unfortunate case of "accidental self-immolation," these rebels hurled a Molotov cocktail at a closed window, which then ricocheted back into the room and ignited.

Other versions state that it is not known how the building caught on fire. "The Ukrainian Interior Ministry stated that 172 people were arrested after the tragedy, and that the majority of detainees were identified as Russian nationals and residents of Transnistria," Granville said. "Never before has such a gruesome event been so amply videotaped."

Testimonies of survivors and eyewitnesses, plus unedited videos by local Odessa citizens paint an entirely different picture of this event. The individuals trapped in the burning building were in fact all local Odessa citizens, Granville noted. Videos actually show Right Sector radicals removing passports and wallets from corpses after the fire. (See here at 46:06). This enabled authorities to claim later that the deceased were Russian citizens. Survivors state that perhaps as many as one hundred and sixteen people were trapped in the building's basement, and that they died not exclusively from asphyxiation, falls, or burns, but also from gunshots and dismemberment by axes. One woman had been raped, and another pregnant woman strangled. The victims were unarmed (see here at 46:17), and included women, children, elderly men, and World War Two veterans. Several videos clearly depict Right Sector girls preparing Molotov cocktails and pro-Kiev radicals hurling the cocktails from without the building.

They show young men on the roof, throwing the first cocktails at the tents well before the football fans had even arrived at Kulikovo field. Still other videos show the radicals entering the building even before the pro-Russian protesters took refuge there, which would explain Molotov cocktails igniting from within the building. Even more mysterious is the footage of allegedly pro-Russian radicals and Odessa policemen wearing red armbands. (See here at 3:07). Granville showed photos of the Odessa deputy police chief, colonel Dmitry Fucheji, conferring with one red armbanded protester. The first Molotov cocktail hurlers atop the Trade Unions building were also wearing the red armbands, as was a young radical filmed shooting into the crowd of football fans in the center of town before the fire was set at Kulikovo field. (See here at 2:51 and here at 1:41:18-1:42:08).

Live videos place Andriy Parubiy in Odessa on April 30 and May 1, two days before the massacre. (Recall that Parubiy is reportedly the man who barred Yakimenko's armed men from entering Maidan to eliminate the snipers and who was later appointed Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council). He is seen distributing bullet-proof vests to the pro-Kiev militants, including the 33-year-old Maidan Self-Defense activist and later captain of the Interior Ministry's "Storm Battalion", Mykola Volkov. Granville showed video stills of the porcine Volkov shooting into the Trade Unions Building and mentioned that Ukrainian police since 2012 have sought to arrest Volkov for fraud. (See here at 1:15-1:28.)

As with the snipers' massacre, Granville identified in the Odessa case classic signs of a cover-up. First, authorities were quick to blame Russia before any investigation was conducted. Prime Minister Yatseniuk visited Odessa the following day, May 3, and told reporters, "We are at war with Russia," and that this was "a well-planned Russian terrorist plot." Second, although a parliamentary investigatory commission was appointed, key public figures refused to testify, including Parubyi, chief of Ukraine's Security Council Valentin Nalivaichenko, and Interior Minister Arsen Avakov. Third, the commission's report cut out, among other things, the roles of the Odessa region's governor Vladimir Nemirovsky and Andrei Yusov, head of the Odessa branch of the heavyweight boxing champion Vitali Klitschko's "Udar" party. Witnesses had testified that Nemirovsky had bussed in about 500 Right Sector members from Lviv in western Ukraine, and that Yusov instigated the pro-Kiev nationalists to burn the tents in front of the Trade Union building. The published version of the commission's report was so doctored that parliament member Svetlana Fabrikant, the secretary of the commission, later withdrew her signature. Granville points out that if the Odessa Massacre which resulted in the deaths of at least 48 pro-Russian protesters really was a "Russian terrorist plot," presumably the Ukrainian officials would want to cooperate in the investigation. She concluded that, "rather than being a well-planned Russian terrorist plot,' the Odessa Massacre was probably a deliberate provocation: pro-Kiev militants posing as pro-Russians and deliberately shooting at their own, to incite the mob and turn them on the real pro-Russian demonstrators at Kulikovo Field."
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
Recently a German documentary on the Odessa massacre has been released. It will be available on the internet with English subtitles "by the middle of March":

Haven't seen it yet.

Thank you, Paul Rigby, for following this story.
Ralf Anders Wrote:Recently a German documentary on the Odessa massacre has been released. It will be available on the internet with English subtitles "by the middle of March":

Haven't seen it yet.

Thank you, Paul Rigby, for following this story.

Please post here when it becomes available, Ralf.
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
Ralf Anders Wrote:Recently a German documentary on the Odessa massacre has been released. It will be available on the internet with English subtitles "by the middle of March":

Haven't seen it yet.

Investigation of crimes Odessa May 2, 2014

"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
Paul Rigby Wrote:Investigation of crimes Odessa May 2, 2014


A key interview, running from 22 mins 12 secs to 22 mins 54 seconds, with Oleg Muzyka, who knew the Deputy Chief of the city's police, and was called into his office - "for a chat" - where he met two SBU men from Kiev on the evening of the massacre.

Who were they and who was their CIA control in Kiev station?
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
Please post here when it becomes available, Ralf.[/QUOTE]

You beat me to it...
Ralf Anders Wrote:Please post here when it becomes available, Ralf.

You beat me to it...[/QUOTE]

Pure accident, trust me!
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
Ah, you posted the Russian version. Here it is in German with English subtitles:

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