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On Edwin Kaiser and Related Topics
Mark A. O'Blazney Wrote:
Scott Kaiser Wrote:Chajet said Frank was very active in CHIPP which he describes as a humanitarian venture designed to raise funds and petitions for Communist political prisoners throughout the world. "Frank was a regular companion of Chajet, who would tell Chajet of his activities and how they would lead to funds to enable CHIPP to succeed and Sturgis to recapture Cuba."

Seven people, Barker, McCord, Hunt, Sturgis, Chajet, Anderson and Kaiser were the only ones that really knew what Watergate was truly about. My father went on the first break-in with Frank Sturgis, he knew their plan wouldn't work if the president decided to stop paying out their bribe, or not pay at all. The plot was to setup Nixon, and get him to pay out huge amounts of funds to finance their operations into Cuba since getting money from the CIA to carry out infiltrations was getting increasingly harder to get; and since the president had greatly reduced the CIA to nearly nothing in Miami, and JM/WAVE was now shutdown, and because my father backed out of assassinating Nixon, it seemed as though Watergate was the only way to go, and Watergate was working for them as they started to get paid. The goal was to get Nixon to fund the burglars by bribing the president of the United States in order to try and recapture Cuba while putting some money in their pockets.

If Nixon elected not to play ball, than Hunt would expose Nixon and connect him to the break-ins if Nixon refused to pay. Nixon had hired Hunt as a plumber who had his own office in the White House. They needed a million dollars or more to finance another invasion similar to that of the Bay of Pigs, but on a much smaller scale in way of ships and planes. The budget wouldn't include large ships and planes on the same scale as the Bay of Pigs, but rather speed boats and formulas the CIA would provide. The money would be strictly used to purchase weapons and pay for the manpower needed to take out Fidel Castro.

In early 1972, Frank Sturgis often referred to Watergate as the "Big Project" not to get confused with the "Big Event" Hunt mentions in 2008. Sturgis referred to Hunt as the "big boss", a "higher-up in the White House". Elias Chajet was introduced to Hunt, who was leaving Bernard Barker's office just as Sturgis and Chajet were arriving. During this time Frank was making frequent trips to Washington.

Chajet said that he took Frank to the airport on Friday, June 16, 1972 the day before they were arrested. The day Watergate broke and made headline news, my father took off to Haiti and stayed at Mike Mclaney's Hotel. If my father wasn't involved in Watergate than why would he take off to Haiti? Chajet said he was aware that Frank Strugis was very close to Jack Anderson. Chajet learned through my father that Frank had went to Cuba to fight for Castro, and he lost his American citizenship. Frank was able to regain his citizenship through the assistance from Anderson and Senator George Smathers.

Ed Kaiser introduced Chajet to Sturgis, Chajet knew Barker for ten years prior and introduced Barker to Kaiser they all worked under their "Big Boss" Hunt.

- Scott Kaiser
A Man Without A Country

Dang, this is HUGE, Scott ! Have you been in contact with an author who goes by the name of Ashton Gray ?

No, but I've heard or seen the name before. After following up on who he is/was, it appears as though he is/was a very good writer, and according to some folks, a writer with an agenda. I can't confirm that, nor will I judge this man who judges others, however, from the looks of things, I'd say, Mr. Gray did know what he was talking about whereas in my own opinion, others didn't.

Besides, why would Mr. Gray press Doug Caddy about Watergate as if he knew what it was about? Mr. Caddy was the acting attorney, not one of the conspirators involved, as I've said, only the seven knew what Watergate was truly about.

Scott -

Is it fair to say that many if not most CIA related projects had multiple purposes with multiple outcomes?

That one groups priority may not indeed be another's or one level of the operation with different goals than above or below...

So many threads and questions proceed under the assumption that one and only one purpose is served...

From all I've read about intel operations, they are designed to take advantage of as many variables as possible...

btw - this story is incredibly interesting and thank you for sharing it
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
David Josephs Wrote:Scott -

Is it fair to say that many if not most CIA related projects had multiple purposes with multiple outcomes?

That one groups priority may not indeed be another's or one level of the operation with different goals than above or below...

So many threads and questions proceed under the assumption that one and only one purpose is served...

From all I've read about intel operations, they are designed to take advantage of as many variables as possible...

btw - this story is incredibly interesting and thank you for sharing it

Thanks David, I have also, identified who the [inside] men were at the Watergate hotel and the Chilean Embassy break-ins. I identity every senator they were also planning on setting up including Senator Ted Kennedy. Who the kidnappers were of Juan Manuel Fangio and so much more, this is information that had never been released.

On April 17, 1961 eight B-26 bombers carried out their air-strikes to destroy the Cuban air force, but the effort was only partially successful. The CIA awaited orders to launch the next air strike to finish off Castro's air force, but to no avail, no such orders were received, and the second air-strike opportunity was inadvertently canceled. McGeorge Bundy had placed a call to the CIA ordering them to stand down, Bundy believed he was acting on the best interest of the president. The first person to receive word by radio from the CIA aboard the ship would be Coello, he was notified by the CIA that the second air-strike awaiting orders to launch would not be ordered by the President. Kennedy made it specifically clear there would be no American intervention with Cuba. Twelve A4D-2 Skyhawks had been loaded aboard the aircraft carrier Essex, they were armed with 20 mm cannons and flew missions over Cuba prior to the Bay of Pigs landing, during a fly by over Cuba during the BOPs, Castro's army had successfully wounded a Skyhawk by firing on its engine, no war would break out, only eleven planes docked the carrier and the crew was sworn to secrecy. They were to provide air cover for the B-26s, but arrived an hour late. The Bay of Pigs had become Kennedy's disaster. The following story is the first incident with the A4-2 Skyhawk's prior to the Bay of Pigs attack. During the BOPs one of the A4-2 Skyhawk's got shot-down from Castro's army. Kennedy knew it, he still refused an invasion. They were all Brigade FAL B-26s, painted as FAR B-26s, 8 B-26s, armed with 8 5 inch rockets, bombs and 8 nose mounted .50 Cal machine guns took off from Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua, to attack three Cuban airfields. A ninth B-26 took off from the same airfield and flew directly to Miami. The 8 that did the actual attack were to fly back to Nicaragua after completing their mission, the ninth plane landed in Miami and claimed that it was a real FAR B-26 that had taken off from Cuba, bombed its own airfields and landed in Miami. That aircraft was painted as FAR "933," supposedly, it was the same plane that defected to Miami in December 1958 when it was FAEC 933.

Several of the Brigade's aircraft shared the same registration to make it appear that less bombers were involved than actually were. One of the aircraft that did the actual attack on Campo Libertad in Havana, was, for one reason or another unable to fly back to Nicaragua after delivering its ordnance and landed in Boca Chica NAS. As fate would have it, the real attacker that landed in Boca Chica had the same registration as the one that landed in Miami. In a book called "Artillero de Cola" (tail gunner) a Cuban B-26 tail gunner writes that in Feb or March 1961 he was patrolling out of Santiago de Cuba in a B-26 "931." He specifies that it was fitted with 6 nose guns, 4 under wing guns, and a top and bottom tail turret with two .50 Cal each. He had been sent to check out a large ship which had been reported some 30 nautical miles off the coast of Cuba, the ship turned out to be a Soviet Tanker which was en route to Santiago de Cuba. On their way back, they were joined from the rear by a pair of A4 Skyhawks, probably from Guantanamo. We now know the Skyhawks departed from the USS Essex. One came right along the back side of the B-26, while the other stayed further aft and higher. The one right behind was very close, the tail gunner was able to keep him in his gunners sights. The B-26's captain, went to max continuous power, ordered the tail gunner to arm his guns, while attempting to communicate with his base, through the Santiago control tower. The pair of A4s followed. After a while, the A4 moved over to the side where the B-26 was no longer in the A-4s' sights, but stayed very close, inside of 150 feet. It lowered its flaps and cycled its gear a few times to keep pace with the B-26. By then the B-26 was nearing Santiago and the A-4s were clearly inside of Cuban Airspace.

The B-26 suddenly pulled back on the power, forced the two A4s to overtake it and as they did, he fired in between them with all forward firing guns, some of which misfired. The A4s then pulled away and left. After landing, the Captain of the B-26, Jacques Lagas, was blasted by Raul Castro in person for almost causing a major incident with the Americans. The other A4 maneuvered further away, so the gunner could not keep both in its sights at the same time. He could see the pilots eyes looking at him, with a red helmet and his oxygen mask. The aircraft was written NAVY in big black letters on the side, was gray, and the tail had a black and yellow checkerboard looking diagram and was registered 2747. The aircraft in which this incident occurred is located today in San Antonio Texas at Lackland Air Force Base. Georges W. LeBanc was one of the pilots on the USS Essex who's plane went down on April 18, 1961 using a cover unit as VX-5 air test and evaluation squadron. This is just another definition for saying flying missions. The incident of this pilots mishap after receiving indiscriminate gunfire from Fidel Castro's army led him to crash somewhere. This Naval aircraft shoot-down has never been reported. Castro's government has not identified Georges W. LeBanc as being captured in Cuba. Records indicates his plane went down over Dallas, Texas. However, the city of Dallas nor the state of Texas had ever reported such an incident. In 1964 LeBanc would have another incident, his fighters squadron on the USS Essex, and their flying missions will never be disclosed in full, as this squadron had taken an oath of secrecy. Could this be the information found in the fifth volume of the Bay of Pigs which is protected from disclosure? The fifth volume on the Bay of Pigs can only be released by the president of the United States. Osvaldo's role as a top level radio operator for Fidel Castro led him to work for the CIA that ultimately resulted in his experience in the failed Bay of Pigs.

While attending a Cubanos Unidos meeting Osvaldo Coello said, "We got even with Kennedy didn't we." This information was provided to me by an ex member of the Cubanos Unidos whose identity remains a secret. I guess the powers that be are still very much here, as they were nearly 50 years ago. According to Elias Cesar and others, during the Bay of Pigs, Osvaldo Coello was head of communications, he was the first person to be advised by radio, while serving on the ship Barbara J that Kennedy had just called off any air-support. We now know that Kennedy did not call off the air-support as the phone call came from McGeorge Bundy to station chief of the CIA and not the president. The exact orders from Bundy were to "stand down, no air support is given." This was largely in part because Adlai Stevenson felt he had been lied to about the unmarked planes that were shot down. Stevenson, would inform Kennedy that if the United States involved themselves in this war it could very well drag Russia into it, Bundy agreed. The CIA took these orders from Bundy as if President Kennedy had relayed them himself. Bundy, who was presidential advisor to President Kennedy had no authority to make such a call, only the president has the authority to make such announcement, and to avoid any and all confusion only the president can make such a call. It has since then been widely spread that Bundy took matters into his own hands, acting on behalf of the president's best interest to have the CIA stand down. Which has since brought on the confusion as to who ordered the air strikes to be canceled. After hearing about the two American pilots getting shot down, Bundy would later place the call to the CIA that evening to stand down. Before the CIA had cut their communications with the impending fleet, they, the [CIA] advised Coello by radio "there will be no assistance, you're on your own," then, at that moment, the radio went silent. The CIA's communication with the invading force went dead so that Castro's army would not pick up their signal. "It felt as though we were set up and abandoned" explained Molina. We were told by the CIA that we would have American backing, someone lied to us said Cesar. Everyone felt betrayed, someone had to pay. We were promised American support, then the president backs out. They all agreed on one thing, and that is, the casket the Cubans where carrying around in Havana which reads. "Here lies President Kennedy" would soon come to fruition, not by Fidel Castro's government, but by the CIA.
Later, under George Bush the company Zapata oil, would contribute three ships in the fight against Cuba's dictator Fidel Castro in 1961. The ships names were Zapata, Houston and Barbara "J." Barbara's middle name was/is "Jean," all prominent names connected to his business, where he lived, and his wife. Bush would provide the transportation needed for the impending fighting exiles 2506 brigade in the Bay of Pigs. Game over!
A Man Without A Country, is based on a true story. It's a story about a man whose love for his country turned towards bitterness when he lost his citizenship. He would do anything to reenter the country he once lived in and loved, to the point of devoting his life services to their military, which had stripped him of his citizenship for joining the French Foreign Legion. The hardships he faced in returning to America were unbearable, and in the end, he turned over a new leaf by turning on the very same government he found guilty of committing treasonous acts. This man, a man without a country, would later die, murdered by the very same government that stripped him of his citizenship, as propaganda government cables ushered out information on him as being untrustworthy, an opportunist, and a liar. But, the records will show that he loved his country more than anything else, and only God was before her, he died as being a true American patriot whose identity was merely stripped by definition. He impersonated a Military Officer, a United States Army Lieutenant, a Hialeah Police Officer, and agents of the CIA, FBI and U.S. Customs. He stole classified documents out of Homestead Air Force Base, medical supplies out of United States Coast Guard, index cards from U.S Customs and photographs from the CIA. He visited other military bases abroad. He was involved in Watergate, and he exposes the ultimate reason for Watergate. He was the sixth burglar no one had ever known.

He was sent to Israel by his handlers in order for them to retrieve the information he possessed, and then, perhaps, he would be killed there too, possibly composing his murder to appear as though it were just an accident. This was during the time the HSCA was conducting their hearings, as they were plotting to setup Edwin Kaiser. My father was going to testify at the HSCA in 1977. There's proof of the company, the [CIA] knowing that my father was leaving for Israel ahead of time, as they notified the FAA, Airport Security, and U.S. Customs. So, how was my father able to slip through? The whole event was to set him up and intercept my father's contents as he traveled over foreign airspace, but he didn't take his briefcase with him on the trip to Israel. So, how did the United States Government lose track of Edwin Kaiser after he departed the plane in Israel? Did the government really lose track of my father? Or, was Edwin in Israel for a purpose? Could my father been ordered to go to Israel by someone from the United States for government debriefing? Did someone from the United States government corroborate with a colonel in the Israeli Defense Force in Nablus, and plot the Prime Minister's assassination? Kaiser was sent to Israel in a plot to assassinate the Prime Minister in 1976. It didn't happen, Kaiser was caught for tapping wires. Israel's Prime Minister would later be assassinated by someone else. They wanted to intercept my father's contents, they were going to pass him off to the Israeli government as a pasty, a foreign assassin recruited by Muslims for war. You'll read about this and more in my father's letters.

The United States Government threw everything they had at my father, and still, they weren't able to retrieve what could have very well damaged the CIA for good. My father wasn't a cop, CIA, FBI or a U.S. Customs Agent. He wasn't a Lieutenant in the United States Army. He was none of those things, he impersonated all of them. Edwin either created his own identity and credentials while infiltrating these companies, or he was recruited early on by the company, and later became a high ranking mole. He was hand saluted by army personnel. He signed paperwork as "Lieutenant Keyser," an Officer in the United States Army, for the release of medical supplies from the United States Coast Guard for anti-Castro groups. He "borrowed"classified documents from Homestead Air Force Base, index cards from U.S. Customs, tapes and photos from the CIA, and entertained a group of Cuban exiles at Puerto Rico Air Force Base. No one would touch him, not even the United States Government because of the information Edwin Kaiser possessed. He was the world's most dangerous man alive, and the only way to have stopped him, was to kill him. This narrative is of David versus Goliath, one man against the entire government. This is my father's story, and it is a real one.
However, President Kennedy could have very well asked Bundy to place the call instead of making the call himself, but why? Well, if you think about it the answer is quite simple. Kennedy publicly announced there would be no America intervention, had Kennedy made the call and not Bundy, Kennedy could not ensue plausible deniability knowing American military must stay out of foreign matters or he would have gone against everything the Monroe Doctrine stood for. He would have also been accused by members within the government of committing a neutrality act.

Could Bundy have taken matter's into his own hands? Perhaps, however, a more plausible explanation would have been that President Kennedy asked Bundy to place the call. Game over!
Had Kennedy made the call he would have intervened with what his announcement was all about, "no American intervention." Well, what does that possibly mean? Kennedy would have intervened by calling off the support? Therefore, he would have reneged on his word.
In short, Kennedy had Bundy call off the airstrikes, does that mean Kennedy was not responsible? You see folks, Bundy was only acting on orders from the president. The real untold story. Game over!

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