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On Edwin Kaiser and Related Topics
Albert Doyle Wrote:If your witnessing does contain serious evidence towards the conspiracy it would be wrong to deny it.

Albert, if I told you I will expose Watergate and Kennedy's assassination, you'll say I'm boasting, but, if I say I have no evidence, you know I'm lying.
I took on the Best? And, the best wasn't good enough, next time, he should try better? You want my information, you want to know what I know? This is another learning lesson for me, now, you will wait son!
I can't be mean to everyone, not everyone is a hater, I did say I will fully expose Watergate, and I will, as I did say about Kennedy. That hijacking of the ship, although Kaiser was in-charge, you have to understand who placed him in that position, I'm guessing most of you have already figured it out by now, and or looked up the documents themselves, so it's no secret now, everyone knows it was HH.

Everyone now knows Frank was second in command, and everyone now knows it was to take place a week before the five got nabbed, I'm really trying very, very hard here to help those who care, truly care about what I have to say here, I can careless about my haters, they don't deserve shit from me.

Peace out!
Not only will I prove Hunt was Kaiser's boss, but, as I've said, as my mother said, as Eugenio said, my father went on the first break-in, but they were also planning on hijacking a ship for ransom, and it would've helped in the re-capture of Cuba, besides Nixon's pay-out. I have given the good people good information, and soon, it will be fully exposed.

Now you know who the sixth burglar was!
My father, Ed Kaiser and Frank Sturgis referred to Howard Hunt as the "Big Boss" Watergate was referred to as the "Big Project" and Kennedy's assassination was referred to as the "Big Event" and for those who don't believe me FU!
Still… All talk by Mr. Micheal Best, and I use that word, [best] lightly, and no proof. So what if I copied a few words and cited the source? Big deal! Best has tried his best at lying, manipulating, even said he was familiar with a plot he never heard of then to cover his tracks he goes to the MMF foundation and types in how the FBI misspelled my father's name to look up the documents. He's a shyster, huckster, a liar, manipulator and a hustler.

Rather than "admitting" he was never familiar with the plot, he looks for evidence which he doesn't have and every excuse to cover up his bullshit. (Yeah,) he's mad because I caught him red handed stealing the Liebengood documents [I produced], then he gets upset trying to burn me, I really enjoyed his little game, but, in the end, I did give him an opportunity to back out which he elected not to. I admitted to his little game of plagiarizing and he ran with it, does he think he's the only one who looked at the manuscript before it was ever released? If he would have remembered, the information was cited. What I used out of Wikipedia I also cited the source, but, Mr. Best won't tell you that if he won't admit to covering up his own lies about a plot he never heard of.

So, he goes on, and on, and on about nothing that never existed, he uses words like plagiarize and plagiarize because that's all he's got, he can't even offer up any proof for Christ sake and yet, he's still able to have a few band of followers join in on his crusade. I know, sad, but true. I only know them by haters, after all, these are the folks who wished they lived a life I did, right Best?

For some reason he can't prove
I plagiarized without also adding that I mentioned the source, and anyone who knows me knows I would. But! I can prove he steals others work, documents he'll call public and call me out publicly for your amusement, AND he doesn't acknowledge where or who discovered the information, he would rather steal it! He tries to pass it off as his own work, and yet he's able to convince a few folks he's right? Boy, my father always told me to watch out for fast talkers like that, and he really was able to sucker in a few.
At least I mention folks like David Lifton, or anyone else who made a statement or contribution to my write up. I have ALWAYS acknowledged the source AND given them credit, unlike this guy! You see, this shit isn't just about doing what's right, but also doing the right thing, so... Those of you who liked what this douche-bag had to say about me at Amazon it won't effect my up update, all I can say is I will do what I say I'm going to do, and here's a "Big FU"!
For example, I'm willing to bet a million dollars that if anyone asked Jim Hougan who's suppose to be the leading expert in Watergate when I tried telling him who the sixth burglar was, all he did was blow me off because the security guard at the hotel had already told Jim he was the sixth burglar, if you asked Jim NOW what he thinks about Watergate as it was based off his theory, I'm willing to bet he'd changed his mind!

You see, history is about to change, and it's not based on my theory, but facts!
Oh, and just how MB suckered in a few folks, that's kinda like how Watergate worked, by getting others involved, the more, the merrier, meaning, if you can connect the president of the United States the chance and likelihood the penalty will not be as strong if and when we're caught, however, Best got caught, and his penalty was severe! It's not like I didn't warn him first... That too is what Watergate was about, some folks just got "sucker in" and they had no earthly idea as to why. But! After Nixon stopped paying out, he had to go!

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