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On Edwin Kaiser and Related Topics
Scott Kaiser Wrote:LMAO! Finally, the one thread that just won't go away, most likely due to the fact that Peter and or Lauren needs to learn something.

Teach us, oh wise one. :Einstein: ::willynilly:::Hooray:
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
Lauren Johnson Wrote:
Scott Kaiser Wrote:LMAO! Finally, the one thread that just won't go away, most likely due to the fact that Peter and or Lauren needs to learn something.

Teach us, oh wise one. :Einstein: ::willynilly:::Hooray:

Did you learn anything? LMAO!
Scott Kaiser Wrote:LMAO! Finally, the one thread that just won't go away, most likely due to the fact that Peter and or Lauren needs to learn something.

Scott, you have a story and a history to tell with your father and all inter-related, but your ego and your shameless self-promotion and childish behavior is/will be your downfall.

Just tell what you know and stop the endless proliferation of 'new' threads which are really either old wine in a new bottle, or attempts to bash others for not getting on their knees and worshiping your viewpoint, and every word. About this you have many times been warned privately. Try new and relevant material when posting and not endless repeats of the same old, same old stuff - and cut with the negativity toward others that have no reason to be here and break Forum Rules and decorum.

What you have to say is interesting when it is on the historical topics and not about yourself or self-promotion; nor stating that you know and no one else does about X and Y. What you want to blow your own horn about is a big negative - in fact it blocks the message of any information you might have. Sorry to be so direct, but it seems you have a shield up that doesn't allow you to see how others see you; nor to hear what others have politely told you in private.

Your childish behavior here is not welcome. You have started new threads and posted many posts that are trolling and only provocations. You have been given privately specific does and don't to conform to Forum Rules and not only ignore them, but like a petulant child see how much you can bypass them. Post like a responsible adult and you'll be treated as such. Continued taunts of the moderators will only result in further [or terminal] problems. Keep it up and you'll see what can happen. Sorry to have to no longer warn you privately, but publicly. You'll get NO FURTHER warnings. And, there is no rule that any thread can not be closed and/or your membership privaleges ended if you continue to provoke members and break Forum Rules.

While you have gotten polite and ignored [by you] PMs from Lauren and I, there are other moderators and they have as little patience remaining for your behaviors as we. You've pushed as far as you can....and for has gained you nothing...but you can not see that. Sadly.

I would strongly suggest you not try to rebut this, but just post on your father and your theories of how Dallas and Watergate are connected, etc. Fighting with Lauren or I will only get you further into trouble - and quickly, perhaps instantly. Heed the warning...but your history shows you usually can not.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Peter Lemkin Wrote:
Scott Kaiser Wrote:LMAO! Finally, the one thread that just won't go away, most likely due to the fact that Peter and or Lauren needs to learn something.

Scott, you have a story and a history to tell with your father and all inter-related, but your ego and your shameless self-promotion and childish behavior is/will be your downfall.

Just tell what you know and stop the endless proliferation of 'new' threads which are really either old wine in a new bottle, or attempts to bash others for not getting on their knees and worshiping your viewpoint, and every word. About this you have many times been warned privately. Try new and relevant material when posting and not endless repeats of the same old, same old stuff - and cut with the negativity toward others that have no reason to be here and break Forum Rules and decorum.

What you have to say is interesting when it is on the historical topics and not about yourself or self-promotion; nor stating that you know and no one else does about X and Y. What you want to blow your own horn about is a big negative - in fact it blocks the message of any information you might have. Sorry to be so direct, but it seems you have a shield up that doesn't allow you to see how others see you; nor to hear what others have politely told you in private.

Your childish behavior here is not welcome. You have started new threads and posted many posts that are trolling and only provocations. You have been given privately specific does and don't to conform to Forum Rules and not only ignore them, but like a petulant child see how much you can bypass them. Post like a responsible adult and you'll be treated as such. Continued taunts of the moderators will only result in further [or terminal] problems. Keep it up and you'll see what can happen. Sorry to have to no longer warn you privately, but publicly. You'll get NO FURTHER warnings. And, there is no rule that any thread can not be closed and/or your membership privaleges ended if you continue to provoke members and break Forum Rules.

While you have gotten polite and ignored [by you] PMs from Lauren and I, there are other moderators and they have as little patience remaining for your behaviors as we. You've pushed as far as you can....and for has gained you nothing...but you can not see that. Sadly.

I would strongly suggest you not try to rebut this, but just post on your father and your theories of how Dallas and Watergate are connected, etc. Fighting with Lauren or I will only get you further into trouble - and quickly, perhaps instantly. Heed the warning...but your history shows you usually can not.

It's very easy to assume one knows someone, even behind a keyboard, interesting. You are correct about one thing, I do have my guard up, my shield if you will. I trust no one, and I believe that through proof, evidence and facts that I've been able to provide how others can not only steal your information as Mr. Best did, but then tries to discredit me when he has absolutely nothing on me.

Some folks need me on that wall, they want me on that wall, I use words like truth, facts and evidence others will use their commentary as being sarcastic, they obviously see themselves as the person in power, if you don't do this, this will happen to you.

I live by my own rules, I provided good information to good people who have an ear. I have backed up my information with facts. You say," but your ego and your shameless self-promotion and childish behavior is/will be your downfall." I treat those how I'm treated, you can't say with a smirk on your face you were out to try and piss me off, why? Sorry for being so direct, yes, there are some really good researchers on this board, but there are also a lot of mistakes, and because I correct those mistakes you call it my ego?

I have tried to humble myself to everyone on this board, but I see that humbling myself was taken for ignorance. I have pointed out the corrections yesterday regarding Luis, and who is found in a great patriots phone book, there was information lacking on a researchers part regarding Luis, I give you this and you call it "proliferation of 'new' threads which are really either old wine in a new bottle."

Now, I wonder, what does all this mean to you, what does this really mean to you? For me, it hits home, but for you? Do you really want the truth, can you handle the truth, or is this some kind of game to you?

You started off saying I have something to share, but that was in one sentence, the last five paragraphs are nothing but your observations and powers that be. If you've heard my story, can you now tell me what you know?

You need a co-writer and to keep it to the point. I'd be interested in your story but you need to write it in a way that is more comprehensible.
Albert Doyle Wrote:Scott,

You need a co-writer and to keep it to the point. I'd be interested in your story but you need to write it in a way that is more comprehensible.

I agree Albert, when I submitted my PDF to the publisher, he asked that all the documents be removed and placed in an Appendix so the reader is not having to do the research, he wants that I just tell the story. I thought of hiring a ghostwriter who was willing to help me put it together, and he was the cheapest at $12,000.00.

My trick that I'm willing to share with every author out there is this. I use a program called "Natural Reader" that loads my PDF into this program and converts reading into voice, it makes it much easier for me when the program pinpoints misspelled words, and punctuation's.

My publisher is asking that I tell the story as if I were sitting at a Dinning Room table sharing the story with my friends, and that's exactly what I've been able to achieve.

At the end of February, this book will go back to the Publisher for his review, the book also contains a wonderful forward written by Roger Stone, and what we discussed.

I can assure you this is NOT a Castro, Mafia, Pentagon, FBI, Hoffa, LBJ, or Secret Service did it off the wall theory book. It is however, a streamline of connections, a web of conspiracies and assassins who all worked with each other, it is about a man without a country, a father, husband and assassin. I get right to the point, and will share with the readers some of the most intimate moments.

Scott Kaiser
Some of you many have read this while others may not. This is the general synopsis.

A Man Without A Country, is based on a true story. It's a story about a man whose love for his country turned towards bitterness when he lost his citizenship. He would do anything to reenter the country he once lived in and loved, to the point of devoting his life services to their military, which had stripped him of his citizenship for joining the French Foreign Legion. The hardships he faced in returning to America were unbearable, and in the end, he turned over a new leaf by turning on the very same government he found guilty of committing treasonous acts. This man, a man without a country, would later die, murdered by the very same government that stripped him of his citizenship, as propaganda government cables ushered out information on him as being untrustworthy, an opportunist, and a liar. But, the records will show that he loved his country more than anything else, and only God was before her, he died as being a true American patriot whose identity was merely stripped by definition. He impersonated a Military Officer, a United States Army Lieutenant, a Hialeah Police Officer, and agents of the CIA, FBI and U.S. Customs. He stole classified documents out of Homestead Air Force Base, medical supplies out of United States Coast Guard, index cards from U.S Customs and photographs from the CIA. He visited other military bases abroad. He was involved in Watergate, and he exposes the ultimate reason for Watergate. He was the sixth burglar no one had ever known. He was sent to Israel by his handlers in order for them to retrieve the information he possessed, and then, perhaps, he would be killed there too, possibly composing his murder to appear as though it were just an accident. This was during the time the HSCA was conducting their hearings, as they were plotting to setup Edwin Kaiser. My father was going to testify at the HSCA in 1978, but that wouldn't happen because my father was killed a year earlier. There's proof of the company, the [CIA] knowing that my father was leaving for Israel ahead of time, as they notified the FAA, Airport Security, and U.S. Customs. So, how was my father able to slip through? The whole event was to set him up and intercept my father's contents as he traveled over foreign airspace, but he didn't take his briefcase with him on the trip to Israel. So, how did the United States Government lose track of Edwin Kaiser after he departed the plane in Israel? Did the government really lose track of my father? Or, was Edwin in Israel for a purpose? Could my father been ordered to go to Israel by someone from the United States for government debriefing? Did someone from the United States government corroborate with a colonel in the Israeli Defense Force in Nablus, and plot the Prime Minister's assassination? Kaiser was sent to Israel in a plot to assassinate the Prime Minister in 1976. It didn't happen, Kaiser was caught for tapping wires. Israel's Prime Minister would later be assassinated by someone else. They wanted to intercept my father's contents, they were going to pass him off to the Israeli government as a pasty, a foreign assassin recruited by Muslims for war. You'll read about this and more in my father's letters. The United States Government threw everything they had at my father, and still, they weren't able to retrieve what could have very well damaged the CIA for good. My father wasn't a cop, CIA, FBI or a U.S. Customs Agent. He wasn't a Lieutenant in the United States Army. He was none of those things, he impersonated all of them. Edwin either created his own identity and credentials while infiltrating these companies, or he was recruited early on by the company, and later became a high ranking mole. He was hand saluted by army personnel. He signed paperwork as "Lieutenant Keyser," an Officer in the United States Army, for the release of medical supplies from the United States Coast Guard for anti-Castro groups. He "borrowed"classified documents from Homestead Air Force Base, index cards from U.S. Customs, tapes and photos from the CIA, and entertained a group of Cuban exiles at Puerto Rico Air Force Base. No one would touch him, not even the United States Government because of the information Edwin Kaiser possessed. He was the world's most dangerous man alive, and the only way to have stopped him, was to kill him. This narrative is of David versus Goliath, one man against the entire government. This is my father's story, and it is a real one.
And Scott it is an interesting story that should to be told, and I hope you have success getting it into print. Try two volumes - one as text, the other with the documents - or have the documents online. You have a place to tell it here, just please keep within the rules. Good luck on the book and the story becoming know more widely. Another way to do it would be to have someone make a documentary or docudrama about it to build interest for a book...there are many ways to get out such a story. One can always self-publish, but you still need a very good editor in order to do that and when you self-publish, distribution and advertising is a big problem.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Thank you Peter, for your kind words, your insight into the publishing arena of which I'm sure you are all to familiar with. I am working with Ricci Moore, CEO of Spectrum Film Group who I have signed a contract with to make the book into film. Mr. Moore is also my acting agent once the book becomes published, he, along with the publisher is responsible for the books publicity. The publisher I am working with is Skyhorse Publishing. Joe, who I've talked to on the phone a number of times is as excited as Ricci and I to see this to print, this is a "non-fiction" book biography and documentary all rolled up into one.

In my heart, I do this for my father, who was never like the so many men, agents, double agents and assassins during those days seeking to be an opportunist. Perhaps, the best stories are told from the heart of those living survivors willing to share. I am no opportunist or bully trying to force my way into this political atmosphere, all I'm trying to do is justly tell a story that's never been heard of.

Saying this, it is hard to separate truth from fiction thus is the reason I rely on FOIA documentation to help me piece together one man and his cohorts journey through life. No doubt my father's phone book pages alone tells a story as most of these men found within the pages have been implicated in the assassination by researchers.

I try my very best not to get lost in these stories bringing what I can to light no matter how boring the truth may be. I have never, ever indicated that my father had anything to do with Kennedy's assassination, but I have also stipulated that on that day, my father was nowhere to be found until he arrived home in Norwalk at midnight.

I'm sorry if I have ever offended anyone or made them feel uncomfortable whenever I posted any information, please note this has never, ever been about me, it has always been about my father. If more children can love their parents with the love I have shown towards my mother and my father in the few short years I got to know him, I believe this world would be a better place. I'm reminded of a speech Kevin Durant once said when he accepted his MVP award, he looked at his mother who was sitting in the crowd of spectators just outside his reach, pointed his finger at her and said, that's the real MVP right there.

Thank you Peter, for lifting my spirits.
There is something I'd like to share with everyone, but particularly to those who doubted my story, something I had to think about before I pursued the story. We know without a doubt my father had photographs, determining what these photographs represented was the core to the story, well, they had nothing to do with Watergate because my father was called to testify behind closed door sessions with Howard S. Liebengood in 1973-74., and as much information my father gave to Liebengood he, my father at anytime could have showed Liebengood these photos, after all, my father had turned on Frank regarding the VVAW thing right?

The CIA receives this information from Richard Poyle, of all people who is reporting on my father regarding the photos. And, this information goes directly to Director of Operations at the CIA who was JJA who sends this information directly to Director of the FBI who was Hoover.

Was the information from Poyle that important on my father? When I dig even ever more deeper, I discover what these photos represented, and why they were never introduced into the Watergate investigation, because they were going to get subpoenaed by Dallas who was investigating my father. Truth is, the photos along with my father were to testify at the HSCA on January 20, 1978, however, that never happened.

The rest is history, so I can fully understand how one could be so skeptical in the material I have uncovered, but this is the truth. I know that if my father never exposed those photos during the Watergate Hearings, and Watergate had nothing to do with the HSCA, and he was scheduled to testify at the HSCA (House Select Committee on ASSASSINATIONS,) then you can bet the story I got from Rudy is the truth.

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