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On Edwin Kaiser and Related Topics
You are a special person Scott. Your father was murdered by the plotters and is one of the "hit list" members...
In an interview with Dick Ash, he says; "For two weeks, which was not immediate. I went up there andstarted to work, and then they sent me to an in-service class. I wasassigned to one of the security squads. The squad supervisor was aman by the name of Warren Marchesault. The Bureau at that time was heavily involved in investigating theCommunist Party, the Communist Front organizations, andCommunist satellite organizations. There were a number ofdifferent security squads.

The squad that I was on was handling what were known as theSmith Act subjects. These were the leadership of the CommunistParty, who were in the process of being indicted and tried underwhat was known as the Smith Act. Subsequently, the Smith Actwas ruled as being unconstitutional. These people were neverconvicted under any other law. Anyway, we handled Smith Actsubjects and also we handled Communist Front organizations. The main one that was assigned to me was the American SlavCongress, which was a huge membership organization, closelyaffiliated with the Communist Party. The whole time I was there, Iwas involved with that kind of activity. Then in 1954, I was transferred to Kansas City, and there again, Icame upon Bill Simon, who had been my first supervisor. He wasthe Special Agent in Charge there at the time I was transferred toKansas City. I had correspondence with him when I was under transfer andindicated what I had been doing in New York, and he hadindicated that maybe we'll be able to use you on security matters,but we don't have many of those here in Kansas City. So anyway,initially I started working security cases, and he was right, therewas hardly anything there.

Shortly thereafter I started working some criminal cases andsomehow or other, I became the Bank Robbery Coordinator inKansas City. Kansas City covers all of the western part ofMissouri and all of Kansas. And in the rural areas, both inMissouri and Kansas at that time, there were large numbers ofbank burglaries. These little banks at that time, it is almostinconceivable today, but they would be out in the middle ofnowhere and some of them would be just one room, and the safeswould be stand-up, big iron safes. You know, that was the vault. Well I can remember one of these gangs had some sort of a truck,that they would break in at night, into the front of these banks andpull the safe out and haul it off into the boonies somewhere andthen work on it and get the money and other valuables out.

One interesting case we had there. The Organized Crime groupswere very active in Kansas City. And they had an unofficialunderstanding with the Kansas City Police Department, that theKansas City Police Department would overlook their gamblingactivity as long as the mob would not commit any other kinds ofcrimes within Kansas City. And on one occasion, in one of these rural bank burglarysituations, the robbers went in and they blew the bank up, whenthey went in, and by the time we got there, the safe deposit boxeshad all been -"

This is the same Richard Ash who reported on Ed Kaiser's trip to Israel saying; "One latent finger print, and two latent palm prints of "value" were developed. [No palm prints are contained in our Identification Division files for Kaiser.]"

Interesting, the FBI discovered my father's "left middle finger impression" on the outside cover as they carefully lifted it from the passport bearing the name of Jerome Schneider, the print belonged to Ed Kaiser, as if my father were saying, "fuck you, catch me if you can." The FBI was forced by the CIA to not identify Edwin Kaiser, and I expose why, I fully expose the entire story, this time, there's no excuse.

Richard Ash,
Assistant Director
Identification Division FBI
Department spokesman ¿aid Saturday night: I can't comment beyond saying there is an investigation going on." Levi was said to have decided the original FBI probe was a * whitewash." The Post also said Levi wants Kelley to replace Callahan, Adams and Jenkins with appointees more loyal to Kelley. tions of the Castro Cuban Involvement in the John F Kennedy Assassination," the memo was among some 1,500 pages of documents on the Nov 22, 1963. shooting which the CIA turned over to the Rockefeller Commission Those files have since been turned over to the Senate intelligence committee, where a panel headed by Sen Richard S. Schweiker, R-Pa . is investigating the Kennedy slaying The documents have now been declassified by the CIA in response to a Freedom of Information request filed by David W Belin, who served as counsel to both the Rockefeller and Warren Commissions HEAR Bimtrtl Briscos, An Exciting Bibli Tischer from Cumbortind, Engtamt Sanili, March it 10:45 A.M. [um [muh Saltar Un Tinnii». Mare! 21 7:11 SlT Battiti dirti SH [. 42M Belin, one of the staunchest defenders of the Warren report, has called for a reopening of the investigation, saying disclosure of all the evidence would restore public confidence in the commission's findings. The CIA released a separate set of the foot-high pile of documents to The Associated Press on Friday. The name of the memo's author has been deleted, but Belin said in an interview it was written by Raymond Rocca, a former member of the agency's counterintelligence staff. In the memo, Rocca cites the testimony before the Warren Commission of Nelson Delgado, Oswald s closest friend during training at California's El Toro Marine Corps Base in 1959 The Warren report noted that Oswald told Delgado he was in touch with Cuban diplomatic officials. But, according to Rocca, "Delgado's testimony says a lot more of possible operational significance than is reflected by the language of the report, and its implications do not appear to have been run down or developed by investigation." In the memo, Rocca cites Delgado's testimony that Oswald told him "right after he had this conversation with the Cuban people that he was going to once he got out of the service he was going to Switzerland " Oswald applied to Albert Schweitzer College in Switzerland in March 1959, was discharged from the Marines in September, and entered the Soviet Union in October of that same year, Rocca notes Delgado's testimony is "of germinal significance to any review of the background of Lee Harvey Oswald s feeling toward and relations with Castro's Cuba," Rocca adds. At the time he wrote the memo, Rocca, who had served as CIA liaison with the Warren Commission, was working for the agency as a consultant. A cover letter states that "the attached review *epresents the research and analysis of an in* dividual officer... and does not necessarily represent the position of this agency." Castro's threat against the lives of U S leaders was made on Sept 7, 1963, during an impromptu interview with AP correspondent Daniel Marker in Havana. "There can be no question ... that this event represented a more-than-or* dinary attempt to get a message on the record in the United States," Rocca maintains in his memo to the Rockefeller Commission. Rocca notes that the story appeared in the New Orleans Times-Picayune "where Lee Harvey Oswald resided and quoted Castro as saying "U S leaders would be in danger if they helped in anz attempt to do away with leaders of Cubt. Rocca's memo makes no mention of CIA plots to ki! Castro in the early 1960s. but large portions of the declassified version have been deleted If Oswald who according to the testimony of his wife Marina and others was an avid newspaper reader, saw the story, "it must be considered of great significance in the itght of the pathological evaluation of Oswald's passive-aggressive makeup ... irrespective of whether there was any formal mandate, or even security service contact with Oswald by the Cubas or the Russians," Rocca says However, Rocca adds, "there is no evidence In the files of the Kennedy assassination that this Castro interview was considered In following up leads ... although (CIA) specificially directed (its) Headquarters attention to the AP story very shortly after the Dallas killing." Defenders of the Warren report, including Belin and Presi dent Ford, who served on the commission, have pointed out that it did not rule out altogether the possibility of a foreign conspiracy but said instead that "the Commission has found no evidence that (Oswald) was part of any conspiracy, domestic or oreign to assassinate >resid*>~. K^ENNEDY " Wilson Successor Picking Due In Britain This Week By ROBERT JONES Associated Press Writer LONDON (AP) - Britain's Labor party begins the task this week of picking a successor to Harold Wilson as prime minister. The process also will determine whether the government of this economically troubled nation remains essentially the same or moves further left. Six members of Wilson's Cabinet are seeking the job and the chance to take on such problems as the sinking pound, 23 per cent inflation, a growing balance of payments deficit and 6 per cent unemployment, Britain's highest rate since World War II Wilson, prime minister in 1964-70 and from March 1974 to the present and leader of the Labor party for the past 13 years, surprised the country last Tuesday by announcing he will resign because of age. He turned 60 this month Now the Labor party's 317 members of Parliament must pick a successor. Five Cabinet ministers immediately announced they were in the race: Foreign Minister James Callaghan. 63; Employment Minister Michael Foot. 62; Home Secretary Roy Jenkins, 55; Environment Minister Anthony Crosland, 57; and Energy Secretary Tony Benn. 50 Chancellor of the Exchequer Denis Healey, 58, who must present the national budget Parliament April 6, followed suit on Thursday. Observers say that if Callaghan. Jenkins, Crosland or Healey win. there would be little change in policies but if Foot or Benn win. the effect would be a leftward swing toward more nationalization and worker participation In Britain, the electorate has no direct say in picking the country's political leader Voters choose a government party in general elections and the leader of the winning party becomes prime minister In the party balloting, the winner will need an absolute majority that is 159 or more votes. Nominations close on Mon day The first ballot will be Tuesday or Wednesday, and the result may be known as early as Thursday. If no one reaches an absolute majority, the lowest candidate or candidates, if more than one do not total the vote of the next highest on the list is eliminated and his supporters are free to switch their votes That process could run through April 5 Front runners in the race, according to soundings among Labor legislators, are Callaghan and Foot Callaghan, foreign secretary for the past two years and before that chancellor of the Exchequer and home secretary, is an elder statesman with probably the greatest appeal to the country at large. High-Flying Rumor Just A Kite Tale It was one of routine nights at the newspaper The telephone at the city desk jingled. The caller, a woman, had a question? "Who do I call," she asked. "When you spot one of those UFOs? "The newspaper or the police?" she wanted to know. The city editor, after getting the address of the UFO sighting, suggested she call police. A newspaper photographer joined police at the scene in the 4600 block of Dakota Witnesses told of not only seeing the UFO, but reported a strange noise coming from the direction of the craft north of Permian High School. The officers, and the photographer, reported no UFO However, they did spot a kite high in the sky in the same general area where the UFO was supposed to be The noise? The patrolmen and the photographer both heard "something," They later decided it was wind blowing through power lines in the area. MISSED BRIDGE Two brothers, Eddie Sarter, 16, and Scott Sartor, 14, of Texarkana, received undetermined injuries Saturday when their car broke through barricades and plunged off the unfinished portion of a bridge under construction of Loop 151 between Texarkana and Wake Village. (AP Wirephoto) 4 0 dessans Hurt In Fatal Wreck STANTON (Staff) - A lamesa man was killed and four Odessans were injured in a two-car collision late Friday near Ackerly. Pronounced dead at the scene was Joe Iglesias, 22. of Lamesa, Injured and in the Martin County Hospital here were Charlie Peterson, 45, of Route 2 in Odessa, listed in fair condition with head injuries and Donald Bisile, 20, 6308 North Golder, listed in fair condition with multiple abrasions. Also injured was Perry Wayne Voorhies, 28,5711 North Golder, who was in satisfactory condition in Medical Center Hospital in Odessa with head injuries. Gary Allred, 38, of Route 2 in Odessa, was treated and released at the Stanton hospital for a laceration to the elbow. Texas Highway Patrol officers said the accident happened at 11:45 p.m. Friday Swim Determines Horse's Future HOT SPRINGS. Ark (AP)Trainer Jean Brennan says a horseman seeking a clue to the racing future of a yearling should take the animal swimming "I can look at them swim and tell you whether he's going to be a elaimer, a stakes horse or an allowance performer," Brennan said. He looks for horses that swim with their heads high. "Just like with any athlete, a good race horse has got to be coordinated," Brennan said. "You can't teach a kid to run. Either he can run or he can't. Coodination is the key If you start a young horse swimming you can usually tell if he's got any coordination at all " He Seamed what to look for watching Hempen an excellent sprinter in the water. "I noticed that he swam high out of the water," Brennan said "And then I started noticing that some of the other good horses did the same " Brennan has the perfect pool for horses. It's indoors, heated, 39 feet in diameter and 12 feet deep Brennan spends $120 a week pouring chemicals into the water Next to the pool is a mechanical hot walker with large fans to cool the horse properly after a dip in the pool The pool facility is in one of several buildings on Brennan's 465-acre Lost Creek Ranch near Hot Springs. He starts out swimming a horse one minute a day and adds 60 seconds each day until the 'iiorse is swimming 15 minutes The workout is tiring and Brennan says the most temperamental horses can be conquered by using the pool The swim also makes a horse very hungry "They came out of the pool so hungry that they were eatmg their bedding," Brennan said. "We had to start using wood shavings from a lumber company for bedding." He says the pool works wonders for aching horses Two horses that had surgery in mid- November and were sent to his ranch in December won early in the Oaklawn Park meeting which opened Feb. 6. Brennan said it normally takes 120 days simply to get a horse ready to run The swimming process saves 30 days or more, Brennan said "Most athletes work out twice a day, but you know why horses don't?" Brennan said "Their legs can't take the Family Hit By Grief SAN FRANCISCO (AP) The guilty verdict against Patricia Hearst on Saturday hit her family and sympathizers with numbing grief, while others whose lives she had touched took grim satisfaction at the outcome of her bank robbery trial. Elsewhere, authorties speculated on future legal action in the wide ranging case, including additional charges against Miss Hearst and others linked with her as a kidnap victim-turned criminal As the verdict was read in the federal courtroom here, Miss Hearst's youngest sister, Ann, seated next to her parents in the front row of spectators' seats, clasped a hand to her forehead and wept Randolph Hearst. the defendant's father, appeared frozen with shock He furrowed his brow and sat perfectly still Tears coursed down the cheek of Miss Hearst's mother, Catherine Hearst, moments after she heard the verdict. Another Hearst daughter, Vicki, seated in the spectator section, doubled over and sobbed. Her brother-in-law, Jay Bosworth, put a comforting arm around her and placed his other arm on the shoulder of his wife, Gina, Miss Hearst's eldest sister, who sat in stunned silence. The Hearst family later went into seclusion and had no immediate comment on the verdict. F Lee Bailey, Miss Hcarst's defense attorney, said the new* spaper heiress had all along "wondered if she ever had a chance ' at acquittal. He also said the verdict would be appealed. Puffing a cigarette as he faced reporters after the conviction, Bailey also said he was "surprised at the combination of a quick verdict and a guilty verdict." Asked if there was anything he would like to have done differently, Bailey said, "1 can't think of anything offhand ... both (U.S. Atty. James L ) Browning and I went all out " Browning, the chief prosecutor, termed the verdict "entirely proper, and I'm very pleased with it." "I see it as a bank robbery trial," Browning told reporters, saying he had "nothing but sympathy" for the Hearst family "I have children of my own I think Patricia Hearst can straighten herself out and I hope she does so " In Los Angeles, Dist. Atty. John Van De Kamp said Miss Hearst will be brought taken there as soon as possible to face state charges of robbery and kidnaping along with William and Emily Harris. Emily Harris' lawyer, Leonard Weinglass, said Miss Hearst's conviction "vindicates the position we have taken all along. "She turned her back on people and chose to go the route of wealth and power and deception," he said. "She wrongfully accused her friends (the her the Harrises) and slandered dead lover and vilified political organization she chose to join." Dr Louis Jolyon West, a defense psychiatrist whose reports were credited by Miss hearst s lawyers as providing a blueprint for the defense, told reporters, "I feel bad about the outcome and regretful. I am not an emotional character, but from my point of view there was more information the jury could have become acquainted with." In Harrisburg, Pa., Asst. U.S. Atty. Paul Killion said Saturday night that no decision had been made on whether a Pennsylvania grand jury will resume its investigation of whether sports activist Jack Scott and his wife, Micki, should be charged with allegedly hiding Miss Hearst in Pennsylvania while she was a fugitive. . Both Scotts have refused to testify before the grand jury on whether they rented a farmhouse in South Canaan, Pa., as a hideout for Miss Hearst for six weeks during the summer of 1974. In Litchfield, Conn., Virginia Wolfe, mother of slain SLA soldier Willie Wolfe, said the verdict cleared her son of allegations that he had raped Miss Hearst. "My son was a revolutionary, not a rapist," said Mrs. Wolfe. Miss Hearst testified that Wolfe had raped her in a closet. pounding But. they can swim every day," Brennan has been in Hot Springs 25 years and began building the ranch five years ago It's his pride and joy. He has more than 90 horses at the ranch yearlings, mares, some 2-year-olds, plus horses that are swimming. "I'm too kind hearted," he said "I have too many that I keep around that are costing us money I guess if I could hire a foreman he would put them away, but I couldn't stand it." Standing at stud is Loco Kid, holder of the world record on grass for 5Ms furlongs. Brennan is breeding Loco Kid to Hempen mares. He says the four foaled in February are "magnificent looking." "I'm breeding speed to speed," Brennan said "Hemp en may have been the fastest horse I've ever seen He started 20 times and was never headed away from the gate. "When they open the gate 1 want them to talk about ours," he said. "When you get one that can go like that and handle the distance, you've got something. That's my theory." Brennan, the trainer, chooses his owners carefully. "You can tell a man his wife is ugly, but you can't tell a man his horse can't run," Brennan said. His future may be in raising horses. He stopped his car suddenly on a tour of his ranch and hopped out of the vehicle. His attention was on two weanlings one 19-days-old and the other 14-days old "That's the best part of this business ...raising the babies," he said. eight miles west of Ackerly on FM 2002 in Martin County, Officers said Peterson was westbound and Iglesias was eastbound when the two vehicles hit head-on near a sharp curve in the road Investigating officers said no one was thrown from the vehicles and the vehicles remained upright. All the injured were passengers in the vehicle driven by Peterson. The accident was investigated by Patrolman Wade Turner of Stanton, Services for Iglesias are pending with Branon Funeral Home in Lamesa. He was born Sept 19,1963 in Marlm. He was an oil field worker and a member of the Catholic Church He moved to Lamesa three years ago from Marlin Survivors include his parents, Mr and Mrs Joe Iglesias Sr., of Lamesa; two sisters, Sylvia Iglesias and Irene Iglesias, both of the home; and four brothers, Bandit Robs Local Store A knife-wieldingbanditheld up an Odessa convenience store early Saturday and escaped with an undisclosed amount of cash and two men's magazine. Police said Saturday night they were pushing their search for the robber who held up store clerk Diane E, Rollag, 24, at the 7-Eleven Store, 3025 North Golder. Bobby Iglesias, serving in the Army at Fort Knox, Kv . and Paul Iglesias, David Iglesias and Gilbert Iglesias, all of the home. Wrecks Leave Four Injured Four persons were released from Medical Center Hospital after treatment for injuries suffered in two Odessa traffic accidents Saturday. Larry S. Seale, 21, of Midland, was treated for a nose injury suffered in an accident 330 p.m. Saturday at Cumberland and East 11th Police said Seale was northbound on Cumberland, and Ivan Ray Shifflet, 27, of 1004 Spur, was eastbound on 11th when the two vehicles were in collision. Rebecca Lynn Perkins, 19, of 1600 West 26th, was treated for face and knee injuries suffered in the other accident 7 07 p m Saturday at Oakwood and Meadow. 3 Robert Tubbs, 19, of 3101 Alexander, was treated for a head injury, and Charles Thomas, 19, of 3124 North Jackson, was treated for injuries to his head and right leg They were passengers in a car driven by Don Braden Gayler, 18, of the Lamplighter Apartments. Police said the Perkins woman was eastbound on Oakwood, and Gayler was northbound on Meadow when the two vehicles were in collision. The clerk said the robber came into the store and asked for copies of two men's magazines about 1:20 a m Saturday. After she placed the magazines on the counter, the clerk said the man pulled a knife and told her, "Give me some money." The woman said she did as she was told, and the man ran from the store, running north and then west around the store. If the man had a car waiting, the Rollag woman said she never heard it. The clerk told police she was not harmed . The robber was described as as a white man, about 18, with "fuzzy brown hair." He was wearing blue jeans and a white jersey, the clerk told police Glass Broken By Vandals Windows were broken in three vandalisms under investigation Saturday night by city police. Carolyn Mclntlre, 410 Carver, said someone broke out windows on each side of her vehicle parked at her residence. An employe at Teas State Optical, 420 North Grant, said a window at the business was broken with an unknown object. Ruben Herrera, 1302 Keeling, reported the glass storm door at the front of hie house was broken with a rock-

J.E. Hoover reported on my father and instructed he was not be identified from prints, James Algenton also needed to keep my father's identity confidential, and Clarence Kelly along with Richard Ash also instructed to not identify my father through prints. Kaiser was identified through finger prints only after his death. All of this is proven and fact.
6 article text (OCR)

lOB THE ODESSA AMERICAN Sunday. March 21,1976 ™.-.„......y..-.,._________________.«■ - _ CIA Memo Hits Warren Commission JFK Probe WASHINGTON (AP) - A CIA memo says the Warren Commission should have given more credence to the possibility that President John F. Kennedy's assassination was the result of a foreign conspiracy, particularly in light of two promising leads which were not pursued, "The Warren Commission report should have left a wider window' for this contingency," according to CIA memo written in May 1975, at the request of the Rockefeller Ccmmission, "That, indeed, was the opinion at the working level, particularly in the counterintelligence component in the CIA, in 1964," the memo says The 27-page document stresses that solid evidence to overturn the Warren Commission's finding that Lee Harvey Oswald killed Kennedy on his own ' did (and does) not exist in Washington But such evidence could exist in Moscow and-or Havana." The two most promising leads to such evidence are testimony about 1959 contacts between Oswald and Cuban officials, and a public threat by Fidel Castro against the lives of U S leaders, according to the memo. Both leads must be considered of great significance in investigating a possible foreign conspiracy but neither was followed up, the memo says Entitled "Review of Selected Items in the Lee Harvey Oswald File Regarding Allega- FBI Probe Broadened WASHINGTON (AP) - .An investigation of alleged financial corruption within the FBI has been broadened to include three top aides to Director Clarence M Kelley, according to The Washington Post The investigation now includes Associate FBI Director Nicholas P. Callahan and Deputy Directors James B Adams and Thomas J. Jenkins, the Post said in its Sunday edition.

The same Kelly who also reported on Kaiser.
Hoover the Justice Department and FBI sources said Friday that Kelley had taken the probe away from the bureau's inspection division and put it under the direction of Richard Ash.
Just one question, if Kaiser was really no one to the investigation, then why didn't low level agents just report on him or may be the better question is, why did it take Algenton, Hoover, Kelly, Ash and McCord to report on my father including Poyle.

I am going to blow this wide open, for my dad.
CIA Memo Hits Warren Commission JFK Probe WASHINGTON (AP) - A CIA memo says the Warren Commission should have given more credence to the possibility that President John F. Kennedy's assassination was the result of a foreign conspiracy, particularly in light of two promising leads which were not pursued, "The Warren Commission report should have left a wider window' for this contingency," according to CIA memo written in May 1975, at the request of the Rockefeller Ccmmission, "That, indeed, was the opinion at the working level, particularly in the counterintelligence component in the CIA, in 1964," the memo says The 27-page document stresses that solid evidence to overturn the Warren Commission's finding that Lee Harvey Oswald killed Kennedy on his own ' did (and does) not exist in Washington But such evidence could exist in Moscow and-or Havana."

What does all this mean exactly? For starters, the lost at the Bay of Pigs was a huge blow to the CIA, and if the Commission "would have given more credence to the possibility that President Kennedy's assassination was the result of a foreign conspiracy," then, the company would have received their promise of invading Cuba, but, on the other hand. The only other super power willing not to just defy the United States, but also match it's military in size and strength would have been Russia. The FBI and the CIA was at war using the [Smith Act] which allowed these agencies to round up known communist in the United States and arrest them. Congress found it to be unconstitutional, however, they did it anyways, and guess what? Oswald was his sole advocate for FPCC.

Quote:The promising leads that were not pursued was one, to invade Cuba, and two, to have the 2506 flag fly freely over Havana.

What does all this mean for the Warren Commission and the new president LBJ, one, they could have given more credence to the possibility that president Kennedy's assassination was the result of a foreign conspiracy for the purpose of invading Cuba, or two, just blame one man and avoid WWIII altogether.

The newly placed president which resulted from a coup elected the latter.

You will not want to miss out at reading my update!
Quote:You will not want to miss out at reading my update!

That includes you too DVP and your band of followers, and definitely Posner, after reading what I have to say everyone will get it. I don't use big struggling words to make myself sound smart, I just lay out all my father's cards on the table. Wink
Frank Sturgis testified he had never been in Dallas Tx.

In June, 1963 Sturgis has a meeting with Airtime to purchase some air planes in Dallas, TX. for a purposed air-raid on Cuba. The visit to Dallas is to also correspond with Frank's other purposed activities.

In June 1963, Kaiser applies pressure on Jimmy Hoffa. In June 1963, Kaiser gets himself arrested for assault, recorded by BOP "Bureau of Prisons" cites, Kaiser is released without charge.

In June 1963, Operation Tilt begins.

In June 1963, JFK embraces civil rights.
Pressure - A continuous physical force, to make Hoffa sweat, the need of a mutual agreement.

Pressure, Plan and execute.

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