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On Edwin Kaiser and Related Topics
I remember the lady now, and who it was that I talked to on the phone, it was Sandra London, she offered to write my book too, like JVB who asked to be my editor. Lots of folks including MB asked to be my editor, and I felt that these folks really weren't sincere, I always had that feeling in the pit of my stomach and my heart that these kind of folks were after one thing, what's in it for them. If I'm wrong because of a feeling, and I have no proof, then let their actions speak for themselves. And, I should also be wrong for having the same feeling in my heart about Frank and Richard.

I try to be a good judge of character, but, I've also been told that I'm gullible. Perhaps, I don't know how to judge, but, I know when someone is sincere, someone who has good intentions and a good heart, someone who means to be honest. I will say, if you reach out to me. I will give you my entire PDF and everything I know, be honest with me, if your agenda is just to find out what it is I've written, or to find away to burn me, please, don't contact me. I don't have time for all that BS!
Scott Kaiser Wrote:For clarification, and what he's talking about is publishing a document like this and saying;

U.S. Customs says they received a call from my father in March or April 1976. They stated that my father told them he anticipated "getting into trouble." How could my father call someone at U.S. Customs if he was in Israel, and, in a letter to us my father said he had no money to make any calls? And, in that letter he wrote my mother asking her to contact Frank Sturgis for him? I believe part of this document is to accuse my father of working on his own accord had the assassination took place. In the letter my father sent us says, "my [ex-boss] may call you Scott on your birthday his name is Steve, he is with U.S. Customs." Could this be Steve from U.S. Customs who's reporting on my father, and who's willing to jeopardize my father's career? This document says, "He was not working for United States Customs [at the time] of his trip to Israel." Whoops! Did the government just admit my father worked for them, but went rogue? This helps explain what my father said, his [ex-boss] from U.S. Customs, Steve, would contact me. Was Customs just a cover for what he really did? And, how could a man without a country work for some three letter agency for the United States? Unless, he was recruited to be an assassin? Assassins; A man without a country.

I suppose this part of history should never get told right? You're the reader, I'm all ears, you tell me!

Having spent a lot of time with such government documents from that period, I know that they can lie [intentionally, or by accident - both]. Documents are often created to create a false story/legend if needed - other times they are 100 accurate information. Interesting would be what other documents the FBI has as to their investigation on this report. 'anticipates getting into trouble' certainly sounds like intelligence monkey business, but doesn't hint of what kind. I'd have to check, but I think around 1976 was about when Kerr McGee corporation was given a secret green light to send enriched plutonium to Israel for their nuclear program - which got Karen Silkwood killed and others too. While some covert operatives seem to work 'rogue' few do [some do though]. Usually, they are still tied to one or more three letter agencies, but are said to be 'rogue' to be deniable about their activities and the consequences of what they are doing. It also makes it easier to 'eliminate' them if needed - or if that was part of the plan. Having a false passport is somewhat routine in spookdom, but not easy to do without great connections to big agencies. Fiorini was joined at the hip to CIA, and certainly anyone involved in the Watergate break-in was not 'rogue'...even if they all were made to appear so! Customs was often used as a cover for CIA, FBI, DIA, other agencies. It is a very interesting document, but in and of itself it leaves more questions than answers. Have you pushed FBI for all documents they have on your father? CIA too? Customs too? NSA too? It would likely take a FOIA lawyer to help on that - some will do an interesting case for free or little, but others charge a good deal. Just some thoughts off the top of my head.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Peter Lemkin Wrote:
Scott Kaiser Wrote:For clarification, and what he's talking about is publishing a document like this and saying;

U.S. Customs says they received a call from my father in March or April 1976. They stated that my father told them he anticipated "getting into trouble." How could my father call someone at U.S. Customs if he was in Israel, and, in a letter to us my father said he had no money to make any calls? And, in that letter he wrote my mother asking her to contact Frank Sturgis for him? I believe part of this document is to accuse my father of working on his own accord had the assassination took place. In the letter my father sent us says, "my [ex-boss] may call you Scott on your birthday his name is Steve, he is with U.S. Customs." Could this be Steve from U.S. Customs who's reporting on my father, and who's willing to jeopardize my father's career? This document says, "He was not working for United States Customs [at the time] of his trip to Israel." Whoops! Did the government just admit my father worked for them, but went rogue? This helps explain what my father said, his [ex-boss] from U.S. Customs, Steve, would contact me. Was Customs just a cover for what he really did? And, how could a man without a country work for some three letter agency for the United States? Unless, he was recruited to be an assassin? Assassins; A man without a country.

I suppose this part of history should never get told right? You're the reader, I'm all ears, you tell me!

Having spent a lot of time with such government documents from that period, I know that they can lie [intentionally, or by accident - both]. Documents are often created to create a false story/legend if needed - other times they are 100 accurate information. Interesting would be what other documents the FBI has as to their investigation on this report. 'anticipates getting into trouble' certainly sounds like intelligence monkey business, but doesn't hint of what kind. I'd have to check, but I think around 1976 was about when Kerr McGee corporation was given a secret green light to send enriched plutonium to Israel for their nuclear program - which got Karen Silkwood killed and others too. While some covert operatives seem to work 'rogue' few do [some do though]. Usually, they are still tied to one or more three letter agencies, but are said to be 'rogue' to be deniable about their activities and the consequences of what they are doing. It also makes it easier to 'eliminate' them if needed - or if that was part of the plan. Having a false passport is somewhat routine in spookdom, but not easy to do without great connections to big agencies. Fiorini was joined at the hip to CIA, and certainly anyone involved in the Watergate break-in was not 'rogue'...even if they all were made to appear so! Customs was often used as a cover for CIA, FBI, DIA, other agencies. It is a very interesting document, but in and of itself it leaves more questions than answers. Have you pushed FBI for all documents they have on your father? CIA too? Customs too? NSA too? It would likely take a FOIA lawyer to help on that - some will do an interesting case for free or little, but others charge a good deal. Just some thoughts off the top of my head.

"Having spent a lot of time with such government documents from that period, I know that they can lie [intentionally, or by accident - both]. Documents are often created to create a false story/legend if needed - other times they are 100 accurate information."

That is exactly true, even good informants gave bad information, like the document MB tried pulling up to tell me he's heard about a plot but didn't know the plots name until he provided a document about the "Sunward plan" I already knew about that document, and I never used it because of the information within, [some of] the information was incorrect, and I pointed that out to him.

"Interesting would be what other documents the FBI has as to their investigation on this report. 'anticipates getting into trouble' certainly sounds like intelligence monkey business, but doesn't hint of what kind. I'd have to check, but I think around 1976 was about when Kerr McGee corporation was given a secret green light to send enriched plutonium to Israel for their nuclear program - which got Karen Silkwood killed and others too."

The trip to Israel had nothing to do with nuclear weapons, they were plotting the Prime Minister's assassination. I wasn't at home when my father entered the house, my mother was cooking in the kitchen, she said to me later in life, your father stormed in the house upset about something, he was ranting and raving about the government wanting him to remove heads of state they considered unfriendly to the United States. I was too afraid to ask him what he meant by that. But I knew, and now, I'm sharing this with you for the first time. I remember your father saying, "this is not what I signed up for, and now they've got me by my balls. I should have never sworn my allegiance." I was later able to put it all together after seeing the document my father signed by offering his services to the United States military, it was then I realized that this would be the only way for my father to reenter this country, and the United States was interested in the training he received from France. My father had three choices, one, not go and face consequences, two, go and take out his target, or three, stop it from happening. Yitzhak Rabin lived, but he would later be assassinated, not by my father. The FBI came over to the house, and they started to ask my mother questions: How did Dad manage to get to Israel? And how did he get a hold of a passport? They wanted to know if she ever saw him with a passport? She said, "No! He told me that he had some unfinished business to take care of. He was upset with you guy's. I wasn't sure how he was getting to Israel. All I know is that he had a ticket to go, and he showed it to me. I thought that you guys might've given it to him. "How else could he enter into another country?" It turned out that… On January 9, 1976, Edwin Kaiser successfully entered Israel bearing a passport in the name of Jerome Schneider. A CIA report on Kaiser was generated on July 8, 1976: Edwin Benjamin Kaiser, Jr., aka Jerome Schneider, Passport and visa matters - forged and altered passport. Re: Bureau telephone calls July 7, 1976 and July 8, 1976 for illegally entering another country on a forged passport of Jerome Schneider. Kaiser altered a passport by removing Schneider's photograph and replacing it with his own. The CIA was interested in my dad and a memo was issued on him, dated June 25, 1976. The memo was almost withheld/redacted in its entirety. The only legible text is, "This did not indicate sophisticated tradecraft." The American Embassy in Tel Aviv has pouched Schneider's passport and forwarded it to the State Department. Schneider's passport was issued on August 10, 1971. How could the company be interested in my father at this time when it was the company that set my father up for this trip into Israel? What business did my father have in Israel? Perhaps, he was recruited to assassinate someone? Or was it just to retrieve the information my father possessed? Or, to start a war? If the information about my father wasn't classified, and this was something he was doing on his own accord, then why redact the entire document? They make it sound as if my father was working alone on this.

After spending two more months in the Israeli prison, the CIA placed him on a plane back to the United States. When my father arrived at JFK Airport in New York, he was arrested by two FBI agents. They handcuffed him as soon as he walked out of the tunnel from the airplane. My father was immediately transferred to the SDF (Southern District of Florida,) and escorted back to Miami where they booked him into the Miami Dade County Jail. A few months later, he was again freed, no questions asked. A little further digging into my father has disclosed a document from either the CIA or the FBI which says my mother was not to be notified of what my father was doing in Israel other then she knew he was there. It further goes on to say, that department was to inform his attorney, my (father's) attorney, "Philip Sassoon," whose law offices were "Raven & Sassoon," Miami, Fla. It has been discovered that Sassoon comes from a Jewish family, relatives of the Rothschilds. And, there were no law offices named "Raven & Sassoon."

There is however a Philip M. Sassoon who still resides in Pompano Beach Florida who is 80 years old and was/is an attorney, according to him, their family is Jewish who was in relationship with the Prince of Wales, and had relatives of the Rothschilds, there's no need to inform you what they thought of Kennedy. The document is very clear as to why this department says my father was in Israel. It's no secret Kaiser was there to join the [Israeli military.] Could my father through some guilty conscience also identify Sassoon as a financier to Kennedy's assassination? Just as my father nonchalantly pointed out other names in his subliminal messages, could my father be telling us who was involved without sacrificing his love ones? I wouldn't put it past my father who said, "Do I have to see New York, Chicago or Dallas Texas."

There is more, a lot more!

"Fiorini was joined at the hip to CIA, and certainly anyone involved in the Watergate break-in was not 'rogue'"

Yes, they were rogue, Hunt was no longer working as an employee, he was working for the White House. That is how Watergate got started. Frank was no longer a full time informant for the CIA, and that is the reason he wanted Jack Anderson to publish a full page article on him after he re-captured Cuba, and without the help of the CIA other then those 'rouge agents' involved, however, Frank did report at times things they wanted to hear, that helps explain what Luis Posada told me about Frank, Frank was a part time informant, sometimes he would report and sometimes not. Barker, Eugenio and Virgilio was no longer working directly for the CIA when Nixon shut down JMWAVE. The CIA did open their headquarters in Miami Beach, but they were now scalded down. Everyone was out of funds to recapture Cuba, there would never be another invasion on the same scale of the Bay of Pigs like the ships that were donated to them from Bush. Watergate was the only option to bribe money out of Nixon to recapture Cuba, then... Nixon stop paying after he paid out over three hundred thousand dollars. My mother was silenced for more than 40 years, to protect her children.

My father was Watergate's sixth burglar that got away.

"It is a very interesting document, but in and of itself it leaves more questions than answers."

Exactly! And, it's documents like this I pose a few questions in my book, and I leave it up to the reader to ponder what they believe the answer would be without me injecting what I believe the answer should be, and that is what the publisher wants me to do, but I can't, and I will not do it.

"Have you pushed FBI for all documents they have on your father? CIA too? Customs too? NSA too? It would likely take a FOIA lawyer to help on that - some will do an interesting case for free or little, but others charge a good deal. Just some thoughts off the top of my head."

"FOIPA Request No: 1128166-000 Subject: Kaiser, Edwin B. JR.

Dear Mr. Kaiser,

"This disclosure is in further response to your Freedom of Information Privacy Act (FOIPA) request to FBI Headquarters (FBIHQ) for records concerning the abovementioned subject and administrative appeal number 2010-0644 to the Department of Justice/Office of Information (DOJ/OIP.) By letter dated January 29, 2010, the DOJ/OIP advised that some of the information responsive to your request is classified and that material would be referred to the Department of Justice Review Committee (DRC) for further review and determination on whether the information warrants continued classification under Executive Order No. 12958. (Meaning, a National Threat to Security.) For your information, the DRC has completed their review of the requested material and it was determined that the information warrants continued classification pursuant to Title 5, United States Code, Section 552 (b)(1.) However, minor changes have been made to pages two through four of file 139-HQ. 4089 serial 2413. This serial consisting of four pages has been reprinted and forwarded to you. Should you choose to contest the results of the DRC, you may file a Civil Complaint in the United States District Court for the judicial district in which you reside or have your principal place of business, or in the District of Columbia, which is also where the records you seek are located."

In other words, the government is saying I would need to take them to court if I ever want to see all my father's information, and I know that just isn't going to happen, I know I'll lose in court, look at what happened to Jeff Morley, and how much money and time has been wasted on trying to get FIOA documents on someone else, it's just not going to happen, and I will not be made a fool of when I already know, but without proof, I can't say what I know simply because I need to provide proof right?

Scott Kaiser
In my last sentence, I meant to say;

"I will not be made a fool of when I already know, but without proof, I can't say what I know simply because I need to provide proof right?"
I also changed the original information to;

Frank was no longer a full time informant for the CIA, and that is the reason he wanted Jack Anderson to publish a full page article on him after he re-captured Cuba, and without the help of the CIA other then those 'rouge agents' involved, however, Frank did report at times things they wanted to hear, that helps explain what Luis Posada told me about Frank, Frank was a part time informant, sometimes he would report and sometimes not.
It was at this time, members of the Israeli military were plotting the Prime Minister's assassination for war, and Ed Kaiser got caught for tapping phone lines. Apparently, the FBI was told not to identify my father through prints, FBI, [FPC] Fingerprint Classification, or, they were told not to identify him at all. It was a total setup to retrieve the contents my father possessed, then, left there for the Israelis, maybe killed in Israel? He was a man without a country, setup to assassinate the Prime Minister. The Israelis said, we cannot deport him to outer space. CIA had no choice, but to bring him back. When my father arrived at the JFK airport he was arrested by two FBI agents who were waiting for him to exit the tunnel walkway from the airplane, they immediately arrested him, transported, and lodged him in the Dade County jail where he would remain for three months. The District Attorney for the State of Florida would later drop all charges claiming they could not determine whether Edwin Kaiser had departed from the Southern part of Florida, or somewhere else, despite the airline ticket shown on the previous pages. I believe his release all stems from the information that was buried in our backyard, and those agents in FBI, who wanted to make the charges stick, was told to leave my father alone. Ed Kaiser, was the world's most dangerous man alive.

Dear Scott, Liz & Sonia,

I am about nine (9) miles from the Lebanon border in Israel. I
am in a Kibbutz. We are working six days a week, the weather is
very cold, the people are warm and friendly, if it wasn't for
the cold I would like it much better. I am learning words in
Hebrew and in two more months I can start school? ****CIA
School?**** I still have a want for [war,] so I don't know where
I'll really be in two months. Please use the name I gave you
on any mail you may send me. Don't ask me why just do
what I say. Same to your grandfather Scott if he wants to write,
I don't have his address I just know it's Edwin Weiser in
Westport Conn. Got it! If you want I will be glad to send you
some news papers from Israel in English you may like to
read them or take them to school with you, I miss you all
very much, but I must do what I am doing. My ex-boss may
call you Scott on your birthday his name is Steve he is with
U.S. Customs he said he would call for me as it would cost
me money I don't have here and I don't want to make a call
I can't pay here, I want to save some money to get a camera
and then I can send you some photographs, of where I am. I
am in a room with two boys from Holland, we have wood
beds and there's no heat. In the daytime it's cold, but at night
it's very cold not like Miami. I stayed in Tel Aviv for eight
(8) days and then was sent here it's North of Africa
. I am not
asking you for anything other then please write me. I can send
three letters a week, but you know me and writing, there is a
big farm here with a lot of sheep, cows, chickens and a few
dogs. We get one hot meal everyday, that's lunch, hot
coffee, tea, or milk at all meals, it's really more healthy I
think. It makes you harder and I need that. My address is
Jerome Schneider, Volunteers, Kibbutz, Alouin, Israel. (The
correct spelling would have been Alon, Israel,) my father
then goes on to say, "Please don't give my address out to
anyone" other than your grandfather, I want you all to
know I love you very much, but Sonia you talked about
other's are moving and that it could be possible with us.
My dear the magic word would have been "love" I guess you
just don't have it for me. Don't be sorry for me as you said I
love you and I am not sorry for it. Not for you or me, I don't
have much more space to write on so it will be late my son, but
happy birthday and God Bless you, and may He give you health,
happiness and wisdom as you grow older a kiss and hug to all,
and please write. Love, Dad.

Hi- Found out I could write in (2) here also. It is now 11:05
PM and I must get up at 6:00. I will have a full day
tomorrow. I also must turn the light out as the other ones
want to go to sleep - Sonia if you would for me call Frank
Sturgis and give him my address, also get ahold of Elias
Chajet for me. He has a brother here I would like to see Lee
he is in Mt. Sinai Hospital in Miami Beach room 893, say a
prayer for him, he is dying from Leukemia the blood
sickness. Frank's phone number is 681-8263 please get his
address for me and give him mine thank you. Well then,
there is not much I can do for you all but wait. Let me
know Sonia what you want. It's up to you. I will understand
till I hear from you all. God Bless evermore, Scott be good
and - take care of mom and Little Liz. Much Love Dad.

U.S. Customs says they received a call from my father in March or April 1976. They stated that my father told them he anticipated "getting into trouble." How could my father call someone at U.S. Customs if he was in Israel, and my father said he had no money to make any calls? And, he wrote my mother a letter asking her to contact Frank Sturgis for him? I believe part of this document is to accuse my father of working on his own accord had the assassination took place. My father says, "my [ex-boss] may call you Scott on your birthday his name is Steve, he is with U.S. Customs." Could this be Steve from U.S. Customs who's reporting on my father, and who's willing to jeopardize my father's career? This document says, "He was not working for United States Customs [at the time] of his trip to Israel." Whoops! Did the government just admit my father worked for them, but went rogue? This helps explain what my father said, his [ex-boss] from U.S. Customs, Steve, would contact me. Was Customs just a cover for what he really did? And, how could a man without a country work for some three letter agency for the United States? Unless, he was recruited to be an assassin? Assassins; A man without a country.

SK: Tony, Tony (in Spanish) "Do you know what my father had?"

TC: What?

SK: A briefcase, photos of Sturgis, Hunt and Gordon Liddy. And I have a
document saying all that information.

BK: Wait, wait, wait, hold on, hold on, wait! You just jumped to
the photographs. Where did that come from? Why did you bring that?
Scott you brought that up didn't you?

SK: I brought that up because what Tony was doing, saying that,
Tony was saying you know the reason why he may have been killed was
because he was very adventurous.

BK: Yeah he was too adventurous.

SK: He was into a lot of things.

TC: He know too many things! He knew too many things. Remember he was
a very close partner of ahhh, Frank Sturgis and Frank Sturgis even now is in
the list of the possible operation relating to the killing of John F. Kennedy.

BK: Yes! Correct.

TC: So were talking about a big involvement you know, not that I believe they
were involved but ahhh? But it was a cloak and dagger group very mysterious
people, very sharp people with their actions, he was a soldier of fortune. Frank
was a soldier of fortune, in the best, in the best way of saying that he was a
nice fellow. A very trained guy, you never had any problems with him. I will
tell you some anecdote about your father, he told me that one time he was
such, mmm, such capable militarily that if he, if he wanted, if I wanted he
would go to my bed one of these nights and just wake me up, ahhh? Because
he can go inside my house in any moment at any time out of no particular
reason. I remember I was a young guy he was a young guy too and I stand up
and say, "if you ever go inside my privacy of my house I'll kill you right there"
and your father said, "I believe you, and I'm your friend." (Everyone is sharing
in some laughs.) He was trying to tell me how capable he was militarily to do
any job, I never had any problems with him, he was a tough guy but a friendly
gentlemen. I remember, I remember, I remember now, you used to live in
Hialeah. I remember, I remember I saw you once I went to your house, I
believe it was your birthday, in my opinion, there was some kind of BBQ. I
was there, I was there and I remember your mother.

We closed our conversation with exchanging emails, Tony mentioned that he would get back with me on sending me some information. That day never came. I suppose we hit a nerve with this subject matter, or someone close to Tony may have advised him not to be in any further contact with me.

When I later took another trip to Miami, I called Tony, advising him I was in, and if we could talk. I asked if we could meet up, we agreed to rendezvous at a restaurant on S.W. 8th Street and 35th Avenue, Versailles Restaurant, a place known for harboring CIA agents. I encountered Tony there along with several other guy's in suits sitting at the same table, Tony called me over, he stood up and said, lets go sit over there so we can talk in private, we sat down and discussed my father a bit more, Tony said,

"The U.S. government would try and track your father's every move, watch him
closely, everyone knew that FBI Dwyer had a close surveillance on your father,"
he said, "no one knew what he would do next. He wanted to prove to me, to us,
that ahhh, he was capable of doing anything militarily, including breaking into
my home and waking me up, and ahhh get away with it. If there is anyone, if
there was anyone, that could kill the president of the United States, and ahhh
get away with it, you betcha! And, that's all I'm going to say about that

I tried getting Tony to elaborate, but he wouldn't.

On March 22, 1996, The Philadelphia Inquirer newspaper reported on the arrest of a Soviet spy, former NSA clerk Robert Stephen Lipka, who was identified by the FBI counter-intelligence and British MI5 from information supplied by a former KGB archivist (Mitrokin) and defector. While the Millersville, Pennsylvania man was being arranged in court, Lipka claimed that while at NSA, (National Security Agency) he saw documents that identified the [real assassin] of President Kennedy.

When a reporter asked Lipka, as he was being led away, what was the assassin's name, Lipka responded, "Luis Angel Castillo."

I know for a fact that Castillo was Eddie "Bayo's" brother-in-law, and, Martino wanted Castillo to go back into Cuba with a second group to help exfiltrate Bayo from Cuba, but Pawley didn't think it was a good idea, is it just a coincidence that my father had Pawley, Castillo and the word Dallas written under Luis' name along with Forini and many others found in my father's address book? I believe his address book was subject to theft as the rest of the stuff they took after my father was killed, perhaps, no one really expected anyone in our family to come fourth with the information found, and had I not, no one would have ever known.
I edited my last sentence to read;

I know for a fact that Castillo was Eddie "Bayo's" brother-in-law, and, Martino wanted Castillo to go back into Cuba with a second group to help exfiltrate Bayo from Cuba, but Pawley didn't think it was a good idea, is it just a coincidence that my father had Pawley, Castillo and the word Dallas written under Luis' name along with Forini and many others found in my father's address book? I believe his address book was subject to theft as the rest of the stuff they took after my father was killed, perhaps, no one really expected anyone in our family to come fourth with the information found, and had I not, no one would have ever known.
Now, everyone, and anyone reading my last few posts now knows, the sad part is the publisher doesn't understand, he could surely see how much effort, blood, sweat and tears went into this MS, and just like that... He passed it up, perhaps, this MS shouldn't be published or, it would be a better fit for some other publisher, and if it made that publisher millions of dollars, I would happy to send an email to the one who turned me down without making any suggestions, or support. I don't care about the money, that's NOT why I documented everything, for money. I did it to tell people just how this government works, and what they did to my dad. What I am saying, is that, I hope some other publisher gets rich, then I can go back to the other one and say, you shouldn't have turned me away. I'm not JVB or Roger Stone or James Hunt or David Talbot. Not that I'm saying anything negative about any of these people, but... I'm different.

Scott Kaiser
Raven & Sassoon? what is the significance of a raven? In Greek mythology, ravens are associated with Apollo, the god of prophecy. They are said to be a symbol of good luck, and were the god's messengers in the mortal world. According to the mythological narration, Apollo sent a white raven, or crow in some versions to spy on his lover, Coronis.

Was my father's luck just running out? There were no Law Offices named Raven and Sassoon. But, I did find Sassoon.

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