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On Edwin Kaiser and Related Topics
and in another letter my father writes he says "stay away from Paul the Greek because he's bad news?" I also expose this.
One latent finger print, and two latent palm prints of "value" were developed. [No palm prints are contained in our Identification Division files for Kaiser.] Interesting, the FBI discovered my father's "left middle finger impression" on the outside cover as they carefully lifted it from the passport bearing the name of Jerome Schneider, the print belonged to Ed Kaiser, as if my father were saying, "fuck you, catch me if you can."

To: Washington field office from Miami:

Matters: Forged and altered passport, three prints of each of the arrest photographs of Edwin Benjamin Kaiser, Jr. have been compared. Our results of examination:

While some characteristics in common were noted between the photograph contained in the passport and the known photographs of Edwin Benjamin Kaiser, Jr. A definite conclusion could not be reached as to whether they are the same individual due to lack of specific individual identifying characteristics. Q1 and Q3 are returned with a copy of this report to their respective contributors. FBI-Photo Lab Investigation D-760716017 PN.

Rather than identifying my father through finger prints or photographs, the FBI was suggesting that the best way to not identify my father is to not expose the man who could expose Kennedy's assassins. All this means is, the CIA asked the FBI to stand-down from any further investigations into my father's trip to Israel, Kinda how Nixon tried to get the CIA to ask the FBI to stop their investigations into Watergate, they hadn't retrieved the photos my father carried around in his attache briefcase. FBI Director Kelley ordered the FBI, "do not identify Ed Kaiser." This gave the CIA time to devise a plan and retrieve my father's contents. FBI Director Clarence Kelley reopened relations with other intelligence agencies, such as the CIA, which had nearly been shutdown by Hoover in his last years as director.

The CIA says, [it's impossible to determine the identity without additional information,] comparing my father's photographs. [Although, it is not known if subject will travel by commercial or private plane. Miami has alerted FAA, Customs and Airport Security. Miami will furnish photos of Kaiser by routing slip to the Bureau for dissemination.

This document pretty much sums it up and tells me that the CIA already knew about my father's travel plans to Israel. It was a complete setup, and Sturgis was about to use my father as his cutout. Although my father was conducting actions that were ordered and sanctioned by someone at high levels, he was so far off the radar that our general government had no idea what he was doing. This did not help him when it came to the judiciary system. "Uncle Frank" convinced my father that journalist [Gaeton Fonzi] could help him find a way to get out of his legal troubles.

My father spoke with Fonzi several times. Unknown to my father, his legal problems had already ended. The U.S. Attorney in Miami could not determine where my father had left from the southern part of Florida, or from somewhere else in the U.S. (Despite the existence of the receipt of his plane ticket I've provided on the previous pages.) Ain't that some shit?

Did you read that? Despite the existence of the receipt of his plane ticket I've provided on the previous pages.

I try my very best, and I use that word loosely, perhaps, my best may not be good enough for some, but, I've tried to uncover everything I could without speculating, asking the reader questions, questions I had no answers to, but have a damn good idea, however, my opinions and ideas don't count. The proof is in the pudding, and while I expose a man without a country who takes on the U.S. Government, as he wrestles with the information he possesses while exposing this information to [some] in this underground world, my father was the most dangerous man alive.

In the end;

On January 19, 1977 the prosecuting attorney said he could not determine a successful means of prosecuting my father, because he was unable to determine where the venue should be held. The truth is outlined at the top of this document dated February 11, 1977. "Miami [instructed] matter to be closed" as venue could not be determined. Is this how the United States Government releases their assassins? This cable was dated four days [after] my father was killed. The CIA had successfully retrieved my father's briefcase.
They killed my father on February 7, 1977, the above information was released in a cable by the FBI dated February 11, 1977.
Quote:On January 19, 1977 the prosecuting attorney said he could not determine a successful means of prosecuting my father, because he was unable to determine where the venue should be held.

If I didn't know any better, it sounds like they were planning a plot to do something, something big. A month later, my father was killed. Aldo Vera was gun down October 1976, a month [after] the HSCA got started. William Pawley committed suicide January 1977, Kaiser was killed, however, the official record states Kaiser died by accident February 1977, and George de Mohrenschildt may have been murdered, however, the official record states he also committed suicide March 1977. No one in the anti-Castro cult where assassins are abound dies by accident. These men would not have their opportunity to testify at the HSCA. I would have better odds at playing the lotto!
A little information regarding Vera, Aldo Vera was provided a copy of a letter directed to United Press International at Puerto Rico from a group known as M-7 but, he alleged no knowledge of M-7. He did state that M-7 possibly meant Movimiento Revolucionario de Julio (Revolutionary Movement of July,) July being the seventh month. San Juan offices is of the opinion that M-7 may possibly be the subgroup of Cubanos Unidos, referred to by Vera, but is unable to pursue this matter further with Vera at the present time to protect the identity of MM-ks. (My Father.) The FBI offices of San Juan anticipates continued contact with Vera regarding bombing matters. Vera admitted having received training in making bombs while in Cuba during the Cuban revolution, but denied any involvement or knowledge of persons involved in the bombings of the consulates of Venezuela, Peru and Argentina at San Juan, Puerto Rico. The FBI has contacted logical sources regarding Cubanos Unidos in an effort to determine present membership, current goals and activities and determine if this sub-group of Cubanos Unidos organized is M-7.

In an interview with Aldo Vera Serfin at San Juan on 8-19-74 provided the following information. "A group of Cuban exiles known as Cubanos Unidos (United Cubans) (CU) was organized in 1970 at Miami. The group had become inactive but in January, 1974, was revitalized and re-organized. The present leader of CU is Eduardo Sotolongo. Vera also named another member of CU as Michelle Youbur, a former Colonel of Aviation in Cuba. Aldo Vera said he did not remember the names of the other members involved in CU, but said CU consisted of about 16 members with himself being the only member at Puerto Rico." How could he possibly not know the other members names in the Cubanos Unidos, or my father who had showed Vera some photos just a year earlier? I maybe speculating, but could some of the members of CU be informants while others were assassins? And, that may be the reason Aldo Vera didn't want to identify anyone else?

Aldo Vera said that he was cited by CU to go to Miami on 8-3-74. He was in Miami from 8/4-9/74, during which time a subgroup of CU was organized. My father had showed Aldo Vera some photos a year earlier. Vera said, the subgroup had been given no name. It has been said that Aldo Vera became a founding member of "The Fourth Republic," an anti-communist movement. They said, Castro viewed Vera's group as a threat to his communist revolution, and Vera became a political target. I would like to inform you, the reader, that there never was a group called "The Fourth Republic." After the assassination of Aldo Vera, someone created that name, The Fourth Republic, and said Vera belonged to that group when he belonged to the "Cubanos Unidos" during this time 1974-76. Even the FBI and CIA representatives knew Vera was the Puerto Rico representative member of the CU group. During which time Vera received a letter from M-7 to appear in Miami for a meeting that needed to take place with the Cubanos Unidos in August 1974. The group announced it was going to be dissolved, and the present leader Wilfredo Navarro would step down, it would later be regrouped by Eduardo Sotolongo who took over the group. Someone wanted Vera out-of-the-way, he now knew as much as my father after viewing those photos. Someone once told me, "why should I know something I'm not suppose to know?" If Vera didn't have this information before, but now did, it could have put him in a very dangerous situation, just like my father. Aldo Vera was also an informant for the FBI, it didn't take long for them to discover that. I don't believe that Castro had anything to do with Vera's death, yet his family was awarded over 95 million dollars. Just like JOSE DE LA TORRIENTE who was killed by a sniper who fired four shots at him while lured outside his home. Torriente went to the FBI informing them that the Cubanos Unidos was financing their operations with drugs coming in from Cuba, three days later he was killed. Chauncey Marvin Holt identified Aldo Vera as one of the men in Dealey Plaza with a hand held radio in his pocket. According to the CIA, Edwin Kaiser showed Aldo Vera the photographs he stole from CIA's offices in Miami. Rudy Junco says he was the man who drove Edwin Kaiser to the CIA's Headquarters in Miami where Kaiser removed the only known photographs of Kennedy's assassins. Rudy is now ready to talk about that day. He's ready to give his side of the story. Rudy says, "I have not talked about this since the death of your father in 1977, in over 35 years." Aldo Vera claims he did not remember the names of the other members involved in CU, even after viewing the photos my father shares with him a year earlier. But, said, CU consisted of about 16 members with himself being the only member at Puerto Rico.

How could Vera not know who the other members were if he was called to appear in Miami? Rudy said, "your father had some incriminating evidence that could have damaged the CIA." Could this be a reason the Director of Security in Dallas really didn't want to pursue an investigation on my father, or subpoena? Why drop the case? Why not pursue it? Would the case have expose the CIA? Most likely, but in a phony courtroom hearing, no one would have known what the outcome would be. Perhaps, that's the reason no one pursued my father to retrieve those photos. It has been discovered that this group M-7 which had organized itself as a sub-group to CU in August 1974 was Omega 7.

Gerald Patrick Hemming Jr. would submit a request for information or as it is called a FOIA request concerning the case of US v Hemming, he (GPH) claims to have beaten the Government at their own game, this is where he is quoted as saying "All of a sudden they're accusing me of conspiracy to import marijuana and cocaine. Hey, what about all the other things I've been into for the last 15 years, let's talk about them. Let's talk about the Martin Luther King thing, let's talk about Don Freed, Le Coubre, nigger-killers in bed with the Mafia, the Mafia in bed with the FBI, and the goddamn CIA in bed with all of them. Let's talk about all the people I dirtied up for them over the years."

Following, is a list of question(s) Hemming asked the Federal Government to provide answers to regarding the case against him. Subsequently, the case by the United States Government would be dropped.

Reports regarding anti-communist or anti-Castro leanings of Cuban, Nicaraguan, and other nationals within the Cuban Rebel Armed Forces including Major Morgan, Major J. Carreras, Major H. Nori Marin et al,. Captain W. Figueron, Captain Martin Klein, Captain E. Sotolongo, Captain Claudio Medina, Captain G. Slazquez, Captain Achilles Chinea et al,. with specific reference to Captain Alfaro Galo (implicated by invasion Brigade 2506 pilot M. Zuniga at Miami, 15 April 1961) and Captain Pedro Ullon (killed in action at Playa Giron-Bay Of Pigs 17 April 1961).
They made sure Aldo Vera would not have the opportunity to testify at the HSCA Hearings, a month after the HSCA got started, Vera was assassinated, Edwin Kaiser was scheduled to testify at the HSCA in 1978, however, he too was assassinated a year earlier.

Scott, (my father) reporting to Richard Poyle who was in Mexico on 11/21/1963, and in Mexico in the month of October 1963, told Richard Poyle that my father had an attaché case containing tapes, index cards and photostatic copies of photos of Frank Sturgis, Gordon Liddy, E. Howard Hunt, and others which he showed to (name unknown, Poyle.)

Scott (Kaiser) said that he made a number of references to an Aldo Vera, Díaz Lanz, Higinio "Nino" Diaz and other persons. (name unknown,) Richard Poyle said he steadfastly refused to cooperate with Scott (Kaiser) and told Scott (Kaiser) that the only thing he could tell him is what went on in prison because he knew nothing about what went on outside of the prison walls.

Why do you suppose the CIA also sent Poyle into Cuba in 1966 along with Tony Cuesta? In-case you didn't know, Poyle wasn't expected to return to the United State. Poyle says he was "arrested while trying to leave Cuba" what was it that Poyle was really arrested for, it was? "Crimes against the state of Cuba," plotting Fidel Castro's assassination, didn't you know? Tony Cuesta was Poyle's prison buddy in Cuba.

These are some of the key players in Kennedy's assassination, and there was an inside man at the Watergate hotel during the burglaries, his name was Angel Ferre, partner of Ramon Orosco who was a bodyguard to Maurice Ferre, Orosco was questioned by the Secret Service regarding the assassination of JFK. My father says, "I have information on exchange" and mentions Orosco, and the in-side man at the Chilean Embassy break-in was Lee Chajet, the brother of Elias Chajet who were members of the Cubanos Unidos and CHIPP.

There were a total of (14) men involved in the assassination of JFK, in-fact, the CIA exfiltrated (14) men safely out of Dallas on 11-22-1963.

You see, members that made up Cubanos Unidos, "United Cubans," were ex-members of Alpha 66, Accion Cubana, MIRR, DRE, JURE and other groups, this group, the Cubanos Unidos was the most powerful, yet secretive group of all.
By examining the wording from this cable we see that my father took [Poyle] to Yumura furniture store where he introduced him to the owner [Sergio Gonzales.] The two recognized each other from spending time together in jail in Cuba. Sergio was one of the assassins that had infiltrated Cuba with my father's group trying to assassinate Fidel Castro. [Poyle] told his handler "Gonzales was supposed to have served six years as a political prisoner." My father asked [Poyle] if he knew where he could get a hold of some guns, [Poyle] said, he wasn't interested because he was arrested for attempting to leave Cuba illegally. Kaiser said that he could tell [Poyle] the location of the Russian military camps in Cuba, the location of all the prisons in Cuba, and he asked [Poyle] if he thought, if the prisoners would escape and freed by a group infiltrating Cuba, would the people of Cuba help them? Kaiser asked [Poyle] what the Cubans needed in way of arms, food etc., to change the present situation in Cuba. Kaiser asked [Poyle] about the current conditions in Cuba, the length of [his] prison sentence, and if [Poyle] would be willing to join his group. My father asked [Poyle] if he knew anything about a large amount of drugs being smuggled by small boats with Cubans from the United States. Kaiser asked [Poyle] if the American government had talked to him since his return to the United States from the Islands, [Cuba.] My father said that he would like to take [Poyle] to an office where a girl would take down information from him by typewriter and a tape recorder. Ed Kaiser then took [Poyle] out to his car he was driving, probably Navarro's car, a dark green 1970 or 71 Ford Galaxy, he opened the trunk and showed [Poyle] a large number of round things, resembling sticks wrapped in tinfoil. My father told [Poyle,] that is dynamite. [Poyle] wanted to know how Kaiser got a hold of his phone number, but my father wouldn't tell [Poyle] where or how he obtained his telephone number, but [Poyle] later found out that it was given to my father by a Cuban friend, by the name of Felix Rodriguez. My father told [Poyle] that he was called to Washington recently in connection with the Watergate case. [Poyle] didn't know it, no one did, except for Frank Sturgis, Mike Wales, Ed Arthur, Sonia Kaiser and maybe Martinez, but my father was the sixth burglar who got away. That was a secret worth keeping. My father had an attaché case containing tapes, index cards and photostatic copies of photos of Frank Sturgis, Gordon Liddy, E. Howard Hunt, and others which he showed [Poyle.] My father said that he made a number of references to Aldo Vera, Díaz Lanz, Higinio "Nino" Diaz and others about the photos my father had. According to Nino Diaz, Rudy Junco, Eugenio Martinez and Frank Sturgis they all said, in some manner, those were the photos your father stole from the CIA that referenced Dallas. But, Poyle said he steadfastly refused to cooperate with my father and told my father that the only thing he could tell him is what went on in prison because he knew nothing about what went on outside the prison walls, speaking about Cuba where [Poyle] was locked up. Is it no wonder these documents were stamped "SECRET" and "SENSITIVE."

Richard Poyle stated that my father was currently awaiting sentencing and had visited Poyle as recently as 8/28/73. He said my father had exhibited a card identifying himself as a Hialeah Police Officer. Poyle also implied my father had influence and/or connections with other agencies such as CIA and FBI, etc. He said my father and his Cuban associates infer that the trial my father was involved in is "phony;" that he will get off with no fine or imprisonment; and that it was being used primarily to enhance his position in the local Cuban activities, is this how someone gets setup? Poyle further says he does not like Kaiser, and does not believe much of what he says. Was my father really saying anything at all, or was he asking questions? Does not liking someone or not believing what they say discredit that person? He does not want to associate with him in any future activities. Is that to keep the CIAs information confidential? If Poyle is saying he doesn't want to associate with him on [any future activities,] does this mean my father was CIA? Secondly, we know that my father didn't meet with Poyle as recently as 8/28/1973, when in-fact reading from the CIA cables, it appears as though my father contacted Poyle by phone as early as July 29, 1973, where the two would meet with Sergio Gonzales at Yumura furniture store. On July 30, 1973, Sergio Gonzales and Poyle met at Poyle's sister-in-law's house, afterwards, the two headed off to have coffee, they saw my father at the shopping center, my father then invited Poyle for lunch but he declined and said he had a doctor's visit he needed to attend. On August 3, Poyle visits the Cuban shopping center where he again sees my father, and this time my father mentions a boat they're working on to make seaworthy for infiltration's into Cuba. The person who reportedly owns this boat according to Poyle is Richard Cabrera, nickname "Cayo." Did Cabrera really own this boat? Or, was he fingered out by Poyle because Cabrera was connected to Castro who could be blamed for my father's death if there had been a Federal investigation. Cabrera was a high level G-2 agent who worked for Fidel Castro. He bragged about his meetings with Castro, and even directly informed him of what the anti-Castro's in Miami were up to. Poyle lived on the bottom floor from Trafficante, he was his next door neighbor, Poyle said, "that's how I know a lot of things," listening in on the mobs activities, most likely to see what Trafficante knew about Kennedy's assassination since the mob was connected to CIA plots to assassinate Fidel Castro, or, if the mob knew anything about the CIA activities in the assassination of Kennedy. Poyle told the FBI in an interview that he had met Kaiser as recently as August 28, 1973, but he told the CIA a different story. FBI file number MM105-21637. We now know that my father didn't visit Poyle as recently as 8/28/73, but the two had met much earlier, in-fact, on July 29-30, 1973, and August 3, 1973. Ricardo Cabrera was appointed to the National Police in 1952 by the Batista regime and remained in the Police until 1955 when his immediate superior, Major Rey Castro, (fnu) [Fidel Castro,] assigned him duty in the Miami area to keep in surveillance the revolutionary groups in exile in the United States. When Naranjo was appointed Minister of the Interior, he appointed Cabrera Inspector of the Secret Police under the Interior Ministry.

Cabrera was second in command, Cabrera was sent to Miami so that he could submit reports on the anti-Castro elements in Miami. At that time Cabrera was paid through the Cuban Consulate in Miami. When the Secret Police was dissolved, Cabrera was recalled, and when he arrived in Havana he was informed by Naranjo that, the corps to which he belonged too was no longer in existence, and he should present his resignation by mail, and address it to Fidel Castro so that he could show this in Miami to counterrevolutionaries so they would have more trust in him. Naranjo also told Cabrera that he would recommend him to Enniro Valdes, G-2 Chief, so that Cabrera could continue working since he knew how to work and how to watch the anti-Castro's in Florida. In 1960, as an active G-2 member, Cabrera returned to Miami and continued working as an informer under Valdes orders and during 1960 Cabrera made three trips to Cuba and had interviews with Valdes, Fidel Castro, Naranjo, and with Juan Orta, who was then Secretary to Fidel Castro. During one of these visits Orta told Cabrera, "One of your close friends in Miami has just submitted a report to the Prime Minister, securing him that a group of you and Llanes Pelletier (fnu,) a Rebel Army captain and aide to Fidel, are making contacts and having interviews with different revolutionary elements in Miami, such as Jorge Sotus and Nino Diaz to have a conversation and reconsider the Communist problem." Cabrera's last trip to Cuba was in the company of Llanes, who was arrested two or three days after his arrival in Cuba. About late 1960 Cabrera sold some arms to Rolando Masferrer, saying he was involved in a "fat deal." Masferrer said, it would be the last time he and Kennedy would agree on anything, and he along with many of the anti-Castro Cubans in Miami had a surprise for Kennedy, but they would rather wait for the appropriate time to deliver. Cabrera said, he was selling these arms under the orders of Fidel Castro himself so that Cabrera would be in good standing with the anti-Castro groups. Very shortly after this, Cabrera returned to Cuba via Q Airlines from Key West and landed at Columbia Military Airport Cuba; Cabrera boasted about being picked up at the airport by an Army jeep and taken directly to talk with Fidel Castro about his achievements and contacts he was able to establish in Miami. While in Miami Cabrera worked as a high level G-2 Castro agent and third in command to Pimental (fnu) and Pepe Nova, who were the chiefs of the G-2 agents in Miami. Cabrera is still a man who would sell his mother and best friend for a dollar. It's certainly no secret that Castro had infiltrated several groups including the CIA, FBI and the Pentagon, which brings me to this next question, if Castro knew what was going on in Miami, and Cabrera had infiltrated my father's group, and Castro gave Cabrera boats, money and arms to infiltrate these groups with, would this mean that Fidel Castro would have also known about my father wanting to kill him? And, if the boat my father was killed on was given to Cabrera by Castro, then how did it end up in so many different names before it was discovered the ship was registered in Grand Cayman Islands? Would Castro have had some influence there too? Or, was my father that dangerous that it took Fidel Castro and his high level G2 agents to infiltrate CU?

Sturgis has also said there was incriminating evidence that they had tried to retrieve. Some have pointed to that information as being photographic evidence of suspects in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, similar "evidence" that I had been told my father carried around in his attaché case. Whether this evidence and/or (photographs) were of the shooters in situ or just pictures of them out of context was never divulged by anyone until I discovered Rudy Junco who drove my father to CIA's Headquarters. If my father told the FBI, even in strictest confidence, that he had photographic evidence pointing to suspects other than Lee Oswald, anybody could see that it could have placed him in a very dangerous situation. He would have had the FBI, obeying the directive from J. Edgar Hoover to toe the line on the "single assassin" theory on one side, and the possible assassination conspirators on the other with my father in the middle. The very definition of being between a "rock and a hard place." Could it be that the photos my father was carrying in his attaché case may have possibly been of those involved in the Kennedy assassination? Had my father been carrying those photos around for quite sometime, or could he have obtained those photos prior to, or during the Watergate break ins? Why would my father be showing the photos to Aldo Vera, "Nino" Diaz, including Richard Poyle, and others around July 29, 1973 and not to Howard Liebengood when my father met with Liebengood in August 1973? I don't believe those photos had anything to do with Watergate? After all, my father reached out to Liebengood, could it be because there were talks about the upcoming HSCA Hearings? If those photos were of the individuals in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963, were those photos, my father's "get-out-of-jail" free card? In other words, "you mess with me, and I'll blow this whole thing wide open?" Could this be the reason why he never spent enough time in jail to see any prison time? Even between a "rock and a hard place," a bright or a gutsy guy can play both sides against each other, without getting crushed. Photographic evidence of a conspiracy could act as a "Sword of Damocles" over the collective heads of the conspirators. At the same time, keeping the CIA and FBI on notice by threatening to release the proof, and thereby blow up the Dulles Commission, and Hoover's nicely tight knit "lone nut" package. Then, I discovered a document dated December 30, 1971. The report was signed by John Edgar Hoover himself, FBI file number 47-55225 regarding my father, and impersonating an FBI agent. In 1976, Ted Shackley alerted Director Kelley of the FBI regarding the identification of my father. Both men were showing concerns over my father impersonating a CIA or FBI agent, and stealing from the government. All the agencies have worked hard to cover-up Kennedy's assassination. LBJ didn't want war with Cuba that could've involved the Russians. The cover-up required that all agencies worked together to prevent war and blame one man. War with Cuba is exactly what the assassins wanted. FBI Kelley said, Q1 and Q3 photos of Edwin Kaiser cannot be determined with certainty if it's the same individual. Truth is, neither agency wanted to expose my father for having the photographs, Oswald was already convicted by way of the Warren Commission.
There are a million stories out there, and I can understand why my mother never wanted to come foreword, I mean, who wants to hear a million and one? I did it for my father, and I spoke up for my mother, my story is the truth, it's backed by witnesses including FOIA documents. I don't care if I'm never going to get my story published in a book, or in some articular, or if anyone believes it. I really don't give a shit, so long as I know the truth, that's all that matters right? Me knowing what happened. Should I care if Dawn or Micheal Best, or anyone else wants to believe me? Really?

I don't think so!
Howard Liebengood was senator minority staff leader of the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, (known as the Watergate Committee,) as minority staff director of the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, and as legislative counsel to Senate minority leader Howard H. Baker.

Topics include the role of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in Watergate and other aspects of the affair, scope of CIA and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) operations. He was apart of a "secret group" with the intention of a renewed investigation into President John F. Kennedy's assassination. This is where the Congressional Hearings would later birth the HSCA (House Select Committee on Assassinations,) after Watergate.

You see, somethings were better left unsaid. Liebengood and my father knew about the HSCA before anyone knew it even existed.
SK (Scott Kaiser) - TC (Tony Calatayud) - BK (Bret Karis)

SK: Tony, Tony (in Spanish) "Do you know what my father had?"

TC: What?

SK: A briefcase, photos of Sturgis, Hunt and Gordon Liddy. And I have a
document saying all that information.

BK: Wait, wait, wait, hold on, hold on, wait! You just jumped to
the photographs. Where did that come from? Why did you bring that?
Scott you brought that up didn't you?

SK: I brought that up because what Tony was doing, saying that,
Tony was saying you know the reason why he may have been killed was
because he was very adventurous.

BK: Yeah he was too adventurous.

SK: He was into a lot of things.

TC: He know too many things! He knew too many things. Remember he was
a very close partner of ahhh, Frank Sturgis and Frank Sturgis even now is in
the list of the possible operation relating to the killing of John F. Kennedy

BK: Yes! Correct.

TC: So we're talking about a big involvement you know, not that I believe they
were involved but ahhh? But it was a cloak and dagger group very mysterious
people, very sharp people with their actions, he was a soldier of fortune. Frank
was a soldier of fortune, in the best, in the best way of saying that he was a
nice fellow. A very trained guy, you never had any problems with him. I will
tell you some anecdote about your father, he told me that one time he was
such, mmm, such capable militarily that if he, if he wanted, if I wanted he
would go to my bed one of these nights and just wake me up, ahhh? Because
he can go inside my house in any moment at any time out of no particular
reason. I remember I was a young guy he was a young guy too and I stand up
and say, "if you ever go inside my privacy of my house I'll kill you right there"
and your father said, "I believe you, and I'm your friend." (Everyone is sharing
in some laughs.) He was trying to tell me how capable he was militarily to do
any job, I never had any problems with him, he was a tough guy but a friendly
gentlemen. I remember, I remember, I remember now, you used to live in
Hialeah. I remember, I remember I saw you once I went to your house, I
believe it was your birthday, in my opinion, there was some kind of BBQ. I
was there, I was there and I remember your mother.

We closed our conversation with exchanging emails, Tony mentioned that he would get back with me on sending me some information. That day never came. I suppose we hit a nerve with this subject matter, or someone close to Tony may have advised him not to be in any further contact with me. When I later took another trip to Miami, I called Tony, advising him I was in, and if we could talk. I asked if we could meet up, we agreed to rendezvous at a restaurant on S.W. 8th Street and 35th Avenue, Versailles Restaurant, a place known for harboring CIA agents. I encountered Tony there along with several other guy's in suits sitting at the same table, Tony called me over, he stood up and said, lets go sit over there so we can talk in private, we sat down and discussed my father a bit more, Tony said, "The U.S. government would try and track your father's every move, watch him closely, everyone knew that FBI Dwyer had a close surveillance on your father," he said, "no one knew what he would do next. He wanted to prove to me, to us, that ahhh, he was capable of doing anything militarily, including breaking into my home and waking me up, and ahhh get away with it. If there is anyone, if there was anyone, that could kill the president of the United States, and ahhh get away with it, you betcha! And, that's all I'm going to say about that." I tried getting Tony to elaborate, but he wouldn't.

My father writes, "I asked if Pawley would ask Nixon to help, but I heard no answer. The boat he gave us was to infiltrate Cuba with, Raymond wanted to attack Castro's fishing boats. Pawley paid me 700.00 dollars this is the most I made in one day and the first time I received so much. I'm not sure if I'm able to trust him, Pawley once said, spending my money on getting rid of Kennedy was my best investment."

Irving Richard Poyle was handled by CIA agent Oliver E. Fortson, while at CIA station in Mexico City, Fortson's handler was Win Scott who was CIA station Chief in Mexico. Fortson ordered Richard Poyle to the CIA station at Mexico for debriefing. This secret debriefing with Richard Poyle in Mexico had never been disclosed, or the purpose of their meeting. According to FOIA documents, Poyle arrived in Mexico City on November 21, 1963, the day before Kennedy's assassination. And, according to some of the folks I've talked to in Miami said, "Poyle was also in Mexico October 1963." I'm sure there's a reason they'd remember Poyle's trip? Isn't that when and where Oswald, or, should I say Poyle's photos were taken, at the Russian Embassy?

I feel honored that some of these folks have opened up to me, maybe, it was out of respect for my father? Poyle was handled by Fortson at least some of the time including just after the JFK Assassination. This fits with Fortson's other activities. Poyle was sent to Cuba, but why? He survived, he was not apart of the 166 masskillings that took place in Cuba. He was one of the lucky ones to have been released from Cuban prison. The United States Government believed Poyle would not return. Upon his arrival, I believe Poyle was given a choice, to work with Kaiser, or the [company.] The CIA's cover story for Richard Poyle's trip to Mexico was to visit his wife, however, his wife was still living in Miami. There is enough on William Pawley to fill another entire book. The hardest part of this project writing about my father, is knowing when to stop reporting on each character in this mess. In the winter of 1962, word was spreading that there were two Soviet officers who had information regarding Russian nuclear missiles in Cuba, and they wanted to defect. William Pawley contacted Ted Shackley at JM/WAVE. Shackley decided to help Pawley organize what became known as "Operation Tilt" or the "Bayo-Pawley Mission."

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