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On Edwin Kaiser and Related Topics
I just sent a check for a copy of your book. Glad you are here at the forum and thanks for all your incredible insight and courage.::trenchcoatspy::
Tom Huston
Thank you for the nice review, and thank you Tom.

Scott's book is on Amazon:
"it's hard fighting the CIA, you won't win". All I can say is that the CIA is going to pay their best disinformation agent to discredit my book. However, they are in for an impossible task.

Get the book now, the hottest item of books being sold this year. I didn't want to give the CIA any reason they would deny the covert operations carried out daily by rogue agents of the CIA that understood, and knew how to take matters into their own hands.

Some of the most notorious assassins, and operative shot callers are listed in my father's little black book. For the first ever, I release them all. Including never before seen writings in my father's hand and Howard S. Liebengood documents.

My testimony of what my father shared with me as a thirteen year old child. I didn't know who my father was. The truth is, I just learned about who my father was seven years ago which still has me in awe. (I always believed that my father worked at a junkyard, boy, was I surprised to find out the truth).

When my father told me about Frank's involvement with JFK. I didn't know who JFK was. Now, that I think about it, I don't remember ever hearing any of my teachers speak or teach about JFK in school as I was growing up in Miami.

I did know who Nixon was, and after Watergate our family pretty much was torn apart, just after Watergate broke, my father took off to Haiti and stayed at Mike Mclaney's hotel.

So you see, this is a one of a kind book that tells the whole story, and the only thing the CIA paid disinfo agents can do, is ignore the book.
Here's a bit of information most folks don't even know, so many researchers are too quick to blame Allen Dulles as being at the top of the suspect list in his involvement in Kennedy's assassination, and I'll be the first to tell you it's all hogwash!

What most folks don't know is, had the Bay of Pigs been a successful mission rather than a failure, Dulles was already planning his retirement from the CIA shortly thereafter, in fact, his release of his position by his Commander in Chief allowed Dulles to muster out with a pension.

Dulles was the longest standing DCI at the CIA before his release and [oversaw] the topple and coup of the 1954 Guatemalan, Operation Ajax, the overthrow of Iran's government, sounds familiar? LSD experiments on homeless people without relatives to report and the Bay of Pigs.

Just six years later, after serving on the Warren Commission, Dulles would die of complications he had already contracted early on, and it was because of his failing health that his service to the United States would come to an end after serving on the commission.

Year after year Mr. Dulles would contract the flu, and on top of that he smoked, a recipe for disaster, it was during his final years of his life that he contracted Influenza which was the corporate for his death.

So, when I hear from researchers tell me they believe Dulles was at the forefront of Kennedy's assassination, I always ask them, is it because Dulles was fired, and he didn't want to lose his job that made Dulles want to kill Kennedy? Get real.... smh....

I don't want to insult you but you should be very careful offering that recklessly superficial view of Dulles in this room. It is somewhat conspicuously lacking in the necessary understanding of who and what Dulles was as well as his methods and interests. While I haven't read Devil's Chessboard I've read enough excerpts and discussions to get a good idea that you would be well advised to read that book and absorb its content before floating such a wildly irresponsible and blindly unseeking claim. You are well into Trejo territory here and walking on extremely thin ice as far as research credibility in my opinion. If one were to flirt with Mastermind labels outside of the Drago model it would be very tempting to designate Dulles as that person he is so drenched in evidence of guilt. So you should reconsider your ill-advised defense of him.

I think you might have serious evidence in your address book niche. You should be more protective of it by not risking your credibility with such claims. Anyone who downplays Dulles's motives is foolhardy in my opinion and not paying attention to some of the most serious avenues of the assassination and the players involved. Dulles is a very illuminated individual and embodiment of old school Intel order whose reach is not always directly apparent but whose results are and therefore evidence his role.
Albert Doyle Wrote:Scott,

I don't want to insult you but you should be very careful offering that recklessly superficial view of Dulles in this room. It is somewhat conspicuously lacking in the necessary understanding of who and what Dulles was as well as his methods and interests. While I haven't read Devil's Chessboard I've read enough excerpts and discussions to get a good idea that you would be well advised to read that book and absorb its content before floating such a wildly irresponsible and blindly unseeking claim. You are well into Trejo territory here and walking on extremely thin ice as far as research credibility in my opinion. If one were to flirt with Mastermind labels outside of the Drago model it would be very tempting to designate Dulles as that person he is so drenched in evidence of guilt. So you should reconsider your ill-advised defense of him.

I think you might have serious evidence in your address book niche. You should be more protective of it by not risking your credibility with such claims. Anyone who downplays Dulles's motives is foolhardy in my opinion and not paying attention to some of the most serious avenues of the assassination and the players involved. Dulles is a very illuminated individual and embodiment of old school Intel order whose reach is not always directly apparent but whose results are and therefore evidence his role.

No worries, pretty hard to insult intelligence.
It wasn't just about the job, it was about pride, and the power and the influence that came with the job, and the fact that it was a young upstart President (who had in fact beaten Dulles' chosen candidate for the job) who finally slapped Dulles down. Dulles remained active in the CIA after he was fired. Devil's Chessboard does a reasonably good job of following his extra-curricular activities, including the fact that Dulles spent the weekend of the assassination at the Farm in Virginia, one of several ex-government types that were quietly whisked out of the public eye at that critical time.
"All that is necessary for tyranny to succeed is for good men to do nothing." (unknown)

James Tracy: "There is sometimes an undue amount of paranoia among some conspiracy researchers that can contribute to flawed observations and analysis."

Gary Cornwell (Dept. Chief Counsel HSCA): "A fact merely marks the point at which we have agreed to let investigation cease."

Alan Ford: "Just because you believe it, that doesn't make it so."
Chajet said Frank was very active in CHIPP which he describes as a humanitarian venture designed to raise funds and petitions for Communist political prisoners throughout the world. "Frank was a regular companion of Chajet, who would tell Chajet of his activities and how they would lead to funds to enable CHIPP to succeed and Sturgis to recapture Cuba."

Seven people, Barker, McCord, Hunt, Sturgis, Chajet, Anderson and Kaiser were the only ones that really knew what Watergate was truly about. My father went on the first break-in with Frank Sturgis, he knew their plan wouldn't work if the president decided to stop paying out their bribe, or not pay at all. The plot was to setup Nixon, and get him to pay out huge amounts of funds to finance their operations into Cuba since getting money from the CIA to carry out infiltrations was getting increasingly harder to get; and since the president had greatly reduced the CIA to nearly nothing in Miami, and JM/WAVE was now shutdown, and because my father backed out of assassinating Nixon, it seemed as though Watergate was the only way to go, and Watergate was working for them as they started to get paid. The goal was to get Nixon to fund the burglars by bribing the president of the United States in order to try and recapture Cuba while putting some money in their pockets.

If Nixon elected not to play ball, than Hunt would expose Nixon and connect him to the break-ins if Nixon refused to pay. Nixon had hired Hunt as a plumber who had his own office in the White House. They needed a million dollars or more to finance another invasion similar to that of the Bay of Pigs, but on a much smaller scale in way of ships and planes. The budget wouldn't include large ships and planes on the same scale as the Bay of Pigs, but rather speed boats and formulas the CIA would provide. The money would be strictly used to purchase weapons and pay for the manpower needed to take out Fidel Castro.

In early 1972, Frank Sturgis often referred to Watergate as the "Big Project" not to get confused with the "Big Event" Hunt mentions in 2008. Sturgis referred to Hunt as the "big boss", a "higher-up in the White House". Elias Chajet was introduced to Hunt, who was leaving Bernard Barker's office just as Sturgis and Chajet were arriving. During this time Frank was making frequent trips to Washington.

Chajet said that he took Frank to the airport on Friday, June 16, 1972 the day before they were arrested. The day Watergate broke and made headline news, my father took off to Haiti and stayed at Mike Mclaney's Hotel. If my father wasn't involved in Watergate than why would he take off to Haiti? Chajet said he was aware that Frank Strugis was very close to Jack Anderson. Chajet learned through my father that Frank had went to Cuba to fight for Castro, and he lost his American citizenship. Frank was able to regain his citizenship through the assistance from Anderson and Senator George Smathers.

Ed Kaiser introduced Chajet to Sturgis, Chajet knew Barker for ten years prior and introduced Barker to Kaiser they all worked under their "Big Boss" Hunt.

- Scott Kaiser
A Man Without A Country
Scott Kaiser Wrote:Chajet said Frank was very active in CHIPP which he describes as a humanitarian venture designed to raise funds and petitions for Communist political prisoners throughout the world. "Frank was a regular companion of Chajet, who would tell Chajet of his activities and how they would lead to funds to enable CHIPP to succeed and Sturgis to recapture Cuba."

Seven people, Barker, McCord, Hunt, Sturgis, Chajet, Anderson and Kaiser were the only ones that really knew what Watergate was truly about. My father went on the first break-in with Frank Sturgis, he knew their plan wouldn't work if the president decided to stop paying out their bribe, or not pay at all. The plot was to setup Nixon, and get him to pay out huge amounts of funds to finance their operations into Cuba since getting money from the CIA to carry out infiltrations was getting increasingly harder to get; and since the president had greatly reduced the CIA to nearly nothing in Miami, and JM/WAVE was now shutdown, and because my father backed out of assassinating Nixon, it seemed as though Watergate was the only way to go, and Watergate was working for them as they started to get paid. The goal was to get Nixon to fund the burglars by bribing the president of the United States in order to try and recapture Cuba while putting some money in their pockets.

If Nixon elected not to play ball, than Hunt would expose Nixon and connect him to the break-ins if Nixon refused to pay. Nixon had hired Hunt as a plumber who had his own office in the White House. They needed a million dollars or more to finance another invasion similar to that of the Bay of Pigs, but on a much smaller scale in way of ships and planes. The budget wouldn't include large ships and planes on the same scale as the Bay of Pigs, but rather speed boats and formulas the CIA would provide. The money would be strictly used to purchase weapons and pay for the manpower needed to take out Fidel Castro.

In early 1972, Frank Sturgis often referred to Watergate as the "Big Project" not to get confused with the "Big Event" Hunt mentions in 2008. Sturgis referred to Hunt as the "big boss", a "higher-up in the White House". Elias Chajet was introduced to Hunt, who was leaving Bernard Barker's office just as Sturgis and Chajet were arriving. During this time Frank was making frequent trips to Washington.

Chajet said that he took Frank to the airport on Friday, June 16, 1972 the day before they were arrested. The day Watergate broke and made headline news, my father took off to Haiti and stayed at Mike Mclaney's Hotel. If my father wasn't involved in Watergate than why would he take off to Haiti? Chajet said he was aware that Frank Strugis was very close to Jack Anderson. Chajet learned through my father that Frank had went to Cuba to fight for Castro, and he lost his American citizenship. Frank was able to regain his citizenship through the assistance from Anderson and Senator George Smathers.

Ed Kaiser introduced Chajet to Sturgis, Chajet knew Barker for ten years prior and introduced Barker to Kaiser they all worked under their "Big Boss" Hunt.

- Scott Kaiser
A Man Without A Country

Dang, this is HUGE, Scott ! Have you been in contact with an author who goes by the name of Ashton Gray ?

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