This year’s Film Festival is dedicated to the memory of Chuck Millar, Giulietto Chiesa, and Sandra Brown, courageous, loving, truth seekers, who will be deeply missed.
Thursday, September 10, 2020,
noon to 8:00 pm Pacific Daylight Time
The Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance presents the 16th Annual 9/11 Truth Film Festival
2020 is an unusual year; weddings have been cancelled, schools closed, almost all large public gatherings banned, the global economy dismantled; the middle class and Main Street’s small and medium sized businesses are struggling to survive. In California, the film industry, the theaters have been hit hard. The Grand Lake Theater, which has generously hosted countless events and 15 prior 9/11 Truth Film Festivals is currently closed.
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In March, the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance could no longer meet legally and was forced to hold meetings in cyberspace.
No Lies Radio hosted Zoom meetings and discussions and organizing continued, despite the obstacles and challenges that everyone faced. The group voted to go “virtual” this year, with the assistance of
No Lies Radio who has been webstreaming the live Film Festival for many years.
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We will miss the Grand Lake Theater, the chance to hug, greet and talk with old friends and make new ones, the popcorn, the cookies,
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being together, in person. However, a virtual Film Festival is the best we can do, and does actually allow some interactivity, questions and answers, and bringing in distant speakers, without dealing with airports and hotels. Please join us! Voice your questions for our guest speakers and panelists.
Guns and Butter’s Bonnie Faulkner will kick off the Film Festival, as she has for 16 years! We will post the program here when we finalize it.
As this dramatic year continues to unfold, our program is evolving; we have penciled in films that are still in production, as well as the best 9/11 Truth films that we could find, since last year’s Film Festival. In addition to 9/11, our speakers will address Covid19 and the problems facing the upcoming national election.
The impact of 9/11 continues to shape US domestic and foreign policy, robbing us of our liberties, and costing millions of lives, as the subsequent wars continue to wreak havoc abroad. We have been committed to “ seek and disseminate truths about the terrible crimes committed on September 11, 2001, exposing gaps and deceptions in the official story. Our goal is to inspire more eyewitness revelations, truthful media coverage, and a movement that will bring the responsible criminals to justice and eliminate governmental and corporate policies that enable criminal elements to commit such acts.”
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This year’s Featured Films include-‘Calling Out Bravo 7; The 2020 Edition’
Produced by
Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, this excellent, comprehensive documentary, includes details on the destruction of the three World Trade Center buildings on 9/11 that are not well known. Very informative and important, a must see, especially for those who have never realized the deep flaws within the official narrative.
‘The Genesis of The 9/11 “War on Terror”: How Much Does Mainstream Academia Really Know?’
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Compiled from an excellent presentation by
Dr. Piers Robinson on 9/11/2019 at the Public Master Class on the events of September 11, 2001 in Zurich, Switzerland. Dr Piers Robinson is Co-Director of the Organisation for Propaganda Studies, convenor of the Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and Media and associated researcher with the Working Group on Propaganda and the 9/11 Global ‘War on Terror’. He is currently a Speciality Chief Editor for Political Communication and Society, Frontiers in Communication and sits on the editorial boards of several academic journals.
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‘9/11 Whistleblowers ‘
Produced by James Corbett,
The Corbett Report. A detailed look at the whistleblowers, that have spoken out, whose voices and stories have challenged the official narrative. They include- Kevin Ryan, Cate Jenkins, Barry Jennings, Michael Springmann and William Rodriguez.
And more to be announced!
Featured Speakers and Panelists-
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Kevin Ryan- Heroic whistleblower, Kevin Ryan, was fired for going public on 9/11 by Underwriters Laboratories. He has continued to speak out, and investigate the events of 9/11. He has authored numerous articles, the book-‘ Another Nineteen: Investigating Legitimate 9/11 Suspects’ and has edited
The Journal of 9/11 Studies. He will speak on “Parallels Between 9/11 and Covid19.”
Jonathan Simon- Author of ‘CODE RED: Computerized Elections and the War on American Democracy-
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Election 2020 Edition’, Executive Director of Election Defense Alliance, he has published numerous papers on various aspects of election integrity since 2004. Dr. Simon is a graduate of Harvard College and New York University School of Law and will address “Could the November Election be Stolen?”
New York Fire Commissioner Christopher Goia of the Franklin Square and Munson Fire Department, helped pass a powerful
resolution in support of the Grand Jury Investigation of 9/11 in July 2019. He served in the Marine Corps, and as an Emergency Medical Technician for 25 years, he also worked in construction, and volunteered for the Fire Department for three decades.
Erik Lawyer- Founder of
Firefighters for 9/11 Truth. Currently Erik lives and works in Colorado building community and resilience. His organization, One Becoming One works on personal transformation, as well as overcoming fear through love.
For More info or ticket click here:
Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth is behind “Justice Rising,” an online conference on the struggle for 9/11 justice.
The international lineup features some of the most highly regarded figures in the movement, including pioneers David Ray Griffin, Niels Harrit, and Steven Jones. It will also offer a deep look into AE911Truth’s upcoming feature documentary SEVEN.
Friday, September 11: 6 to 9 PM Eastern (12 to 2 AM Central European Summer Time)
Saturday, September 12: 3 to 6 PM Eastern (9 to 11 PM Central European Summer Time)
Sunday, September 13: 6 to 9 PM Eastern (12 to 2 AM Central European Summer Time)
Justice Friday: Richard Gage, AIA, will open the conference. Speakers will include UK 9/11 family member Matt Campbell and barrister Nick Stanage; AE911Truth’s Ted Walter and Tony Szamboti; and, from the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry, Mick Harrison and David Meiswinkle.
Science Saturday: SEVEN director Dylan Avery; Dr. Leroy Hulsey, whose Building 7 study the film is about; AE911Truth board member Roland Angle; and 9/11 researchers David Ray Griffin, Niels Harrit, and Steven Jones.
Big Picture Sunday: “War on Terror” expert Daniele Ganser; the Rutherford Institute’s John Whitehead; and James Corbett of The Corbett Report.
Supported by the Truth Action Project (TAP)
Ten exceptional speakers including Dr. Francis Boyle and William Binney will be making important and informative presentations.
Other speakers include-
Ray McGovern, Dr. Meryl Nass, Dr. Graeme MacQueen, NYFD Commissioner Chris Gioia, and the Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Inquiry
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass