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Best critical books, videos, articles on 9/11
My own non-expert list. Feel free to add your own.

Meyssan, Thierry 9/11: The Big Lie (aka L'Effroyable Imposture) - 2002
Meyssan, Thierry - "Who was behind the September eleventh attacks?" - 4/2002
Hufschmid, Eric - Painful Questions: An Analysis of the September 11th Attack - 2002
Ahmed, Nafeez Mossadeq - The War on Freedom: How and Why America was Attacked September 11 2001 - 2002
Chossudovsky, Michel - War and Globalisation - The Truth Behind September 11 - 2002
Meyssan, Thierry - Le Pentagate - 2003
Rampton, Shelton and John Stauber - Weapons of Mass Deception 2003
Griffin, David Ray The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11 - 2004
Weapons of Mass Deception film by Danny Schechter (2004)
Clarke, Richard - Against All Enemies: Inside America's War on Terror - 2004
Unger, Craig - House of Bush, House of Saud: The Secret Relationship Between the World's Two Most Powerful Dynasties - 2004
Marrs, Jim Inside Job: Unmasking the 9/11 Conspiracies - 2004
Ruppert, Mike - Crossing the Rubicon - 2004
Bamford, James - A Pretext for War: 9/11, and the Abuse of America's Intelligence Agencies - 2004
Thompson, Paul The Terror Timeline: Year by Year, Day by Day, Minute by Minute: A Comprehensive Chronicle of the Road to 9/11 and America's Response - 2004
Thompson, Paul - 9/11 Timeline website (
Zwicker, Barrie - The Great Conspiracy: The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw (DVD) - 2004
Vialls, Joe - "Clueless 9-11 Commission Cheats American Public" 7/23/2004
Hopsicker, Daniel Welcome to Terrorland: Mohammed Atta and the 9-11 Cover-up in Florida 2004
Griffin, David Ray - The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions - 2004
Wisnewski, Gerhard Mythos 9/11 2004 (German)
Fahrenheit 9/11 - documentary by Michael Moore, 2004
Ahmed, Nafeez Mossadeq - The War on Truth: 9/11, Disinformation, and the Anatomy of Terrorism - 2005
Morgan, Rowland and Ian Henshall - 9/11 Revealed: The Unanswered Questions - 2005
Chossudovsky, Michel - America's War on Terrorism - 2005
Tarpley, Webster 9/11 Synthetic Terror Made in USA - 2005, 2007
Doe II, John - "Deconstructing Todd Beamer's Call" 7/18/2005
Griffin, David Ray - "The 9/11 Commission Report: A 571-Page Lie" - 5/2005
Griffin, David Ray and Peter Dale Scott - 9/11 and American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out - 2006
Kolar, May - "What We Now Know About the Alleged 9-11 Hijackers" 2006
Morgan, Rowland - Flight 93 Revealed - 2006
Zarembka, Paul (ed.) The Hidden History of 9/11 2006
Zwicker, Barrie - Towers of Deception: The Media Cover-Up of 9/11 - 2006
9/11 Press for Truth - documentary 2006
Davidsson, Elias - "Shattering the Myth of 19 Arab Hijackers" - 2006
Trento, Susan B. and Joseph J. - Unsafe at Any Altitude: Failed Terrorism Investigations, Scapegoating 9/11 and the Shocking Truth about Aviation Security Today - 2006
Kean, Thomas H. and Lee H. Hamilton - Without Precedent: The Inside Story of the 9/11 Commission - 2006
Loose Change - The Final Cut (documentary by Dylan Avery, 2007)
Wright, Lawrence - The Looming Tower - 2007
Scott, Peter Dale - The Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire and the Future of America - 2007
Griffin, David Ray - Debunking 9/11 Debunking: An Answer to Popular Mechanics and Other Defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory - 2007
Griffin, David Ray - The New Pearl Harbor Revisited - 2008
The New American Century - documentary by Massimo Mazzucco 2008
Ruppert, Mike - The Truth and Lies of 9-11 (documentary) - 2008
Davidsson, Elias - "There is no evidence that Muslims hijacked planes on 9/11" - 1/2008
Heidner, E.P. - "Collateral Damage" (2 parts) 2008
Heidner, E.P. - "The September 11 Commission Report" - 12/2008
Zarembka, Paul (ed.) - The Hidden History of 9-11-2001 - 2008
Gaffney, Mark H. - The 911 Mystery Plane and the Vanishing of America - 2008
ZERO: An Investigation into 9/11 - Italian documentary directed by Franco Fracassi 2008
Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup - Dylan Avery documentary (2009)
Farmer, John J. - The Ground Truth: The Untold Story of America Under Attack on 9/11 - 2009
Griffin, David Ray - The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7 - 2009
Kara, Miles - "The Ghosts of 9-11, the transponder story" 9/11 Revisited 8/17/2009
Ben-Veniste, Richard - The Emperor's New Clothes: Exposing the Truth From Watergate to 9/11 - 2009
Paul, Don - "Good Riddance to the Big Lie: Kevin Ryan's 'Demolition Access ...' Lights the Shadows" - 2/2010
Scott, Peter Dale - American War Machine: Deep Politics, the CIA Global Drug Connection, and the Road to Afghanistan - 2010
Naiman, Arthur - 9/11 The Simple Facts: Why the Official Story Can't Possibly Be True - 2011
Marrs, Jim The Terror Conspiracy Revisited: What Really Happened on 9/11 2011
Wisnewski, Gerhard Operation 9/11 2011 (German)
Griffin, David Ray - 9/11 Ten Years Later: When State Crimes Against Democracy Succeed - 2011
Naiman, Arthur and Gregg Roberts - 9/11: The Simple Facts-Why the official story can't possibly be true 2011
Tarpley, Webster - "The Forty-Six Exercises and Drills of 9/11" 2011
Fenton, Kevin - Disconnecting the Dots: How 9/11 Was Allowed to Happen - 2011
9/11 Explosive Evidence Experts Speak Out - documentary by Engineers and Architects for 911 Truth - 2012
Bollyn, Christopher - Solving 9-11: The Deception That Changed the World - 2012
Gaffney, Mark H. - Black 9/11: Money, Motive and Technology - 2012
Marshall, Philip - The Big Bamboozle: 9/11 and the War on Terror - 2012
Gourley, James R. - The 9/11 Toronto Report - 2012
Ryan, Kevin - Another Nineteen: Investigating Legitimate 9/11 Suspects - 2013
Davidsson, Elias - Hijacking America's Mind on 9/11: Counterfeiting Evidence - 2013
Behind The Smoke Curtain: What Happened at the Pentagon on 9/11, and What Didn't, and Why it Matters (3 hour documentary, Barbara Honegger) - 2013
"Why Do Good People Become Silent - or Worse - About 9/11?" - Frances T. Shure (series 2013-15)
September 11 The New Pearl Harbor five hour documentary by Massimo Mazzucco 2013
Anatomy of a Great Deception - documentary by David Hooper 2014
MacQueen, Graeme - The 2001 Anthrax Deception: The Case for a Domestic Conspiracy - 2014
I've read the Looming Tower by Lawrence Wright, Pulitzer-prize-winning Tulane graduate. Although his conclusions unfortunately mirror the 9/11 Commission, Looming Tower itelf contains a wealth of detail on the origins of Al Quaeda and Bin Laden. You might even come to suspect that the author's knowledge of this group is more complete than could be uncovered by an independent writer.

Plus, you should read the Commission' Report. It is normally found in bargain bins in secondhand bookstores.
The Commission report can also be downloaded from the web for free (or at least I did years ago).
There are many other good ones....and more good films and videos than I think I can mention now......will try later.
Here are some additional books [and articles] - many available on the internet for the cost of looking. Many at Scribd. ::hungry::

Ahmed, The War On Truth - 9/11, Disinformation and the Anatomy of Terrorism.
Ahmed, The War On Freedom - How and Why America Was Attacked 9-11-01.
Atkins, 911 Encyclopedia, 2011.
Collateral Damage:U.S. Covert Operations and the Terrorist Attacks on September 11,2001.
Complete September 11 Timeline
Fenton,Disconnecting the Dots, 2011.
Gaffney, Black 9/11- Money, Motive and Technology, 2012.
Griffin and Scott,9/11 and American Empire, 2007.
Griffin, The 9/11 Mystery Plane and the Vanishing of America, 2008.
Harrit et al. Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe
Hoffman, The Oklahoma City Bombing and the Politics of Terror, 1998.
Hopsicker, Welcome To Terrorland - Mohamed Atta and the Venice Flying Circus.
Hufschmid, Painful Questions - Analysis of Sept. 11 Attack.
Jan, From BCCI to ISI, 2006.
Jones, Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Completely Collapse?
Ruppert, Crossing The Rubicon, 2004.
Ryan, Another Nineteen, 2013. [GREAT!]
Ryan, Demolition Access To The WTC Towers.
Scott, 9/11, JFK and War: Recurring Patterns in America's Deep Events.
Scott, Road to 9/11.
Sonnenfeld, El Perseguido [not sure its been translated into English yet], 2009.
Tarpley, 9/11 Synthetic Terror 4th, 2007.
The Revised[Alternative] Sept. 11 Commission Report by Anonymous, 2008.
Thorn & Guliani,Phantom Flight 93, 2006.
Tiradera, 9/11 Coup Against America - Pentagon Analysis, 2006.
White, Jack,
Wood, Where Did the Towers Go? [good for photos and analysis, even if you don't buy her theory]
Zarembka, Hidden History of 9-11-2001, 2006.
Zegart, Spying Blind- the CIA, FBI and the Origins of 9/11.
Zwicker, Towers of Deception - Media Cover-Up Of 9/11, 2006.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Good lists here. Worth noting -

VOICES by Rowland Morgan. A lengthy, data-and-analysis heavy examination of the voice recordings and issues related to same from the flights that morning. I think this is the deepest examination of this aspect of the event anywhere. It's free on Scribd below.

9/11 THE NEW EVIDENCE - Thoughtful overview by Morgan's onetime writing partner Ian Henshall. I'd cite this as a lot better than the misleading Amazon reviews attached to it may suggest. Well-written, well-researched. I've read all the major 9/11 books and rank this higher than a number of the higher profile volumes.

Paul Rea's MOUNTING EVIDENCE. Very solid overview (ala Griffin's New Pearl Harbor) by Paul Rea. A deleted chapter on the NeoCons and Leo Strauss is available online.

HIJACKING AMERICA'S MIND ON 9/11: COUNTERFEITING EVIDENCE by Elias Davidsson. A credible volume by a European researcher. Check out the 'look inside the book' for contents and examples for a taste.

All this said I hope we haven't seen the last of groundbreaking, detailed works on the subject, as we can always use more.

"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Another good recent documentary, by Barbara Honegger.


Puts to sleep the flight path to the Pentagon and that there were two incoming flying machines - one that flew OVER the Pentagon and then on - crashing into nothing. Also puts the poor taxi guy to rest as a pawn used for the Big Lie - sad.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

Excellent film - and, in parts, humorous on a subject NOT given to being laughed at.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
The Honegger video contained a few new bits of information for me: the not-made-of-aluminum composite bit of wreckage that a civilian witness claimed fell thru her sunroof after the Pentagon explosion, the news that GWB himself was planning on using the helipad near the Pentagon impact site later that day, and that the Pentagon building failure report claimed that the fuselage of whatever hit it was no more than 20 feet high, and in fact a 757 sitting on its jet engines is in fact more than 21 feet tall, and that in addition to the auditor's records of the missing Pentagon 3.2 trillion dollars being destroyed in the crash, the records of the Black Eagle Trust (240 billion) were destroyed in the Naval Command Center (from which there was only 1 survivor). In order to wipe out both of these offices the plane had to be travelling at that particular angle of impact.

The last fact of interest I found in her 3 hour speech was that the nation of Malaysia hosted an international 9/11 Truth Conference in 2012 in which the theory of remote control planes was discussed. It was unknown to her at the time of this speech, but it seems not at all coincidental that the next well-known potential remote control hijack situation was a Malaysian airliner.

I do feel that in talking about her perpetrators of the Pentagon attack she has veered out of the carefully researched work in much of the rest of her report. For one thing, she calls some of the American officials "reputed dual American/Israeli citizens". Who made these "reputes"? Why didn't she bother to verify these particular allegations? It seems to me that she has veered dangerously close to anti-Semitism when discussing the perpetrators. In the least, this will quite unnecessarily tend to discredit her work as a whole. She could have just stuck with the term "neo-con" and been standing on unimpeachable ground.

The last part of her assertion I find strange is that she suggests that the conspirators were inspired by Carl Schmitt, Nazi law professor. Does she seriously think that his Ubermensch view of the world would gain any traction among the Jewish people, Schmitt's intended victims? The alliance of Nazi philosophy and Zionism would indeed be a startling and historical event, which would have been noticed and commented upon by others before 2012.
"All that is necessary for tyranny to succeed is for good men to do nothing." (unknown)

James Tracy: "There is sometimes an undue amount of paranoia among some conspiracy researchers that can contribute to flawed observations and analysis."

Gary Cornwell (Dept. Chief Counsel HSCA): "A fact merely marks the point at which we have agreed to let investigation cease."

Alan Ford: "Just because you believe it, that doesn't make it so."

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