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More media bullshit
They are not going to give up the power they've gained by being able to get around democracy.
Dawn Meredith Wrote:
Scott Kaiser Wrote:
Dawn Meredith Wrote:http://www.globalres...nalysis/5383108

No wonder the general pubic is still uninformed. When will these hit pieces by the lamestream media cease?

Liars, CIA whores, all of them. Even after 50 years.


You're link doesn't work, could you have been trying to post this? I don't believe that everyone in the CIA are whores and liars, they may enter the Kingdom first.

Damn it worked when I shared it on facebook. I am referring to the CIA controlled journalists Scott and they are ALL liars. The link would have made it clear. Sorry it stopped working.


Thanks Dawn, this is indeed a very interesting articular, I took my time to read it entirely and I now see what you're saying. Mr Phipps posed a question and said, "I wonder what on Earth "they" are so afraid of? Do "they" really suppose that there is a secret out there to be stumbled upon that is so dangerous that it will rend the fabric of our society?"

I don't know if it will render the fabric of our society, but I'm pretty sure that it will draw a lot of attention. Is there a secret out there that is so dangerous? You betcha!
Scott Kaiser Wrote:
Dawn Meredith Wrote:
Scott Kaiser Wrote:
Dawn Meredith Wrote:http://www.globalres...nalysis/5383108

No wonder the general pubic is still uninformed. When will these hit pieces by the lamestream media cease?

Liars, CIA whores, all of them. Even after 50 years.


You're link doesn't work, could you have been trying to post this? I don't believe that everyone in the CIA are whores and liars, they may enter the Kingdom first.

Damn it worked when I shared it on facebook. I am referring to the CIA controlled journalists Scott and they are ALL liars. The link would have made it clear. Sorry it stopped working.


Thanks Dawn, this is indeed a very interesting articular, I took my time to read it entirely and I now see what you're saying. Mr Phipps posed a question and said, "I wonder what on Earth "they" are so afraid of? Do "they" really suppose that there is a secret out there to be stumbled upon that is so dangerous that it will rend the fabric of our society?"

I don't know if it will render the fabric of our society, but I'm pretty sure that it will draw a lot of attention. Is there a secret out there that is so dangerous? You betcha!
Sadly there are so many secrets it is almost a fulltime job to keep up and I have been at this since the day JFK was killed. If we HAD a truthful media things would be so different that I can barely imagine. Freedom of the press. What a joke. Yes Drew, Operation Mockingbird is very alive and well. Thank God for the internet. And for forums like this. :mad:

"Vigorous public debate."

The Malignant Nature of Pseudo-Debate

Perhaps many people think that engaging in pseudo-debate is a benign activity. That it simply means that people are debating something that is irrelevant. This is not the case. I say this because every debate rests on a premise to which the debaters must agree, or there is no debate. In the case of pseudo-debate the premise is a lie. So in the pseudo-debate we have the parties to the debate agreeing to purvey a lie to the public. And it is all the more malignant because it is subtle. The unsuspecting person who is witness to the pseudo-debate does not understand that he is being passed a lie. He is not even aware that he is being passed a premise. It is so subtle that the premise just passes into the person as if it were reality. This premise that there is uncertainly to be resolved seems so benign. It is as easy as drinking a glass of treated water.

But the fact remains that there is no mystery except in the minds of those who are willing to drink this premise. The premise is a lie, and a society which agrees to drink such a lie ceases to perceive reality. This is what we mean by mass denial.

That the entire establishment has been willing to join in this process of cover-up by confusion creates an extreme form of problem for anyone who would seek to utter the truth. For these civilian institutions the media, the universities and the government once they begin engaging in denial of knowledge of the identity of the assassins, once they are drawn into the cover-up, a secondary motivation develops for them. Now they are not only protecting the state, they are now protecting themselves, because to expose the obviousness of the assassination and the false debate would be to reveal the corrupt role of all these institutions. And there is no question that these institutions are masters in self protection. Thus anyone who would attempt to confront the true cover-up must be prepared to confront virtually the entire society. And in doing this, one is inevitably going to be marginalized.
“The most difficult subjects can be explained to the most slow-witted man if he has not formed any idea of them already; but the simplest thing cannot be made clear to the most intelligent man if he is firmly persuaded that he knows already, without a shadow of doubt, what is laid before him.”
― Leo Tolstoy,
So are you suggesting that arguing about whether the gun in the Oswald backyard photos shows a front-side sling mount or a front-bottom sling mount is a malignant hobby? We all seem to agree that some part of that picture is a lie, we just differ about what lie is being told....
Drew, I read it more as the whole premise that there is a debate at all allows those who put on the mainstream media shows on the 50th to assume the position of phony authority they do. There was a wicked conspiracy to kill JFK, so the idea that it is debatable at all is what he is criticizing.
I am at the point that I don't believe anything the mainstream media says. The opinions expressed are absurd, today was one of the C-Span stations was running a program on "How Putin is reviving the Cold War." I think the program was on "Book TV". The U.S. media is pitiful and worse. :mad:
The author of that article was James Tracy, who gained some notoriety in the media a year ago for asking questions about the Sandy Hook shooting. Which of course means he's one of those conspiracy lunatics who isn't satisfied with having the media and the government define reality for him.

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