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The Truth about the WC at Last
In the demonology of the far right during the Cold War, there were more than a few who believed that the CIA was filled with Ivy League liberals who were actually helping the international communist conspiracy. That's crazy, of course, but more than a few Birchers and their ilk believed that. Nixon and Pat Buchanan seemed to have bought into that idea to some degree.

If you define "liberal" as a "globalist," then I guess the CIA (and most of the Elite establishment) fits that description, and for many American ultra-nationalists, this is what they mean when they talk about the New World Order.

As for blaming the CIA that early, Richard Starnes in December 1963 wrote, "Will the presence on the panel of Allen Dulles, erstwhile headmaster of the Central Intelligence Agency, assure us that the truth of Oswald's sojourn in the Soviet Union will ever be known?" The CIA was still an unknown entity to most Americans in the early 60s.

I like what M.S. Arnoni wrote in January 1964, which comes closer to the truth in my opinion:

Let us make the "fantastic" assumption that President Lyndon Johnson and Attorney-General Robert F. Kennedy know or believe that the murder was planned by a group of high-ranking officers who would stop at nothing to end American-Soviet negotiations. However strong their desire to avenge John F. Kennedy, what course would be open to them? To move against such formidable conspirators might start a disastrous chain of events. It could lead to American troops shooting at other American troops. It could lead to a direct take-over by a military clique. To avert such catastrophes, it might well be considered prudent to pretend utter ignorance, in the hope that the conspirators might be removed from power discreetly, at a later date, one by one.

Quote from Jim:
Bob Tanenbaum told an audience in Chicago, and myself personally, what Schweiker told him in private quarters. He handed him Gaeton Fonzi's file on Bishop/Phillips. As he did so, he said words to the effect, The CIA killed President Kennedy.

Well, at this point that kind of hearsay doesn't do much for us. Politicians are nearly always worried about maintaining their political viability and protecting the institutions of government. Especially when the plotters are in the Pentagon and the CIA, as I believe. The former are the big dogs, and the latter are just one of many intelligence agencies (foreign and domestic) that help do the dirty work.
Russell was not that far right in his overall record. In fact, if you look outside his civil rights record, I think he is kind of a moderate.

I don't define liberal as a globalist, at least not in today's terminology of global trade. If you mean it in the foreign policy sphere as someone who wants the USA not to be isolationist, then that is different.

As per Schweiker, it may not do a lot of good for us, but it sure explains the dichotomy about Castro and Phillips.
Someone help me out here: Clinton was supposedly at Yale from 1971 to 1973, and had a job in 1972 working in Arizona for McGovern. At what point does his academic career or work with the McGovern campaign land him in Alaska organizing junkets for the House majority leader?

Don't make me go and buy the book!
"All that is necessary for tyranny to succeed is for good men to do nothing." (unknown)

James Tracy: "There is sometimes an undue amount of paranoia among some conspiracy researchers that can contribute to flawed observations and analysis."

Gary Cornwell (Dept. Chief Counsel HSCA): "A fact merely marks the point at which we have agreed to let investigation cease."

Alan Ford: "Just because you believe it, that doesn't make it so."
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:I mean, just add it up, if Schweiker was hot on the trail of Phillips --and he was--then how could that lead to Fidel Castro? But he was not going to say that in public. Too careful.

And Bobby Kennedy too. Exactly the same.
Drew Phipps Wrote:Someone help me out here: Clinton was supposedly at Yale from 1971 to 1973, and had a job in 1972 working in Arizona for McGovern. At what point does his academic career or work with the McGovern campaign land him in Alaska organizing junkets for the House majority leader?

Don't make me go and buy the book!

See, this is where people need to be more careful about their research. Here's an excerpt from Clinton's book:

The speaker at the dinner was the House majority leader, Hale Boggs of Louisiana. He made an impassioned speech for McGovern and the Democrats. The next morning I got him up early to catch a plane to Alaska, where he was scheduled to campaign with Congressman Nick Begich. The following day, on a swing through the snowcapped mountains, their plane crashed and was never found.

So Clinton did not drive Boggs to get on the plane that crashed - that was a later flight, from Anchorage to Juneau.
It might be more complex than 'just' a plane crash.....whether or not Clinton [with his intelligence connections all Presidents since the JFK 'hit' have had - and had to have had] drove Boggs to his flight...or was just 'interestingly' 'around' when it happened. ::darthvader::

Nixon White House tape of April 6, 1971, which contains a conversation between President Richard Nixon and Majority leader Gerald Ford. Nixon is heard telling Ford that he does not trust Hale Boggs, and that something is going to have to be done about it.

Add into the mix, these three FBI telexes....


Which SEEM to hint that the Boggs plane WAS found and some live survivors were observed....making this all much more complex and stealthy than I had thought. Were they left to die there?! Why no recovery of the plane and bodies [alive or dead]?! Anyone know of more research on this interesting aspect of the JFK assassination related event?!

Much of this from here. and:

Quote:"Almost from the beginning, Congressman Boggs had been suspicious over the FBI and CIA's reluctance to provide hard information when the Commission's probe turned to certain areas, such as allegations that Oswald may have been an undercover operative of some sort. When the Commission sought to disprove the growing suspicion that Oswald had once worked for the FBI, Boggs was outraged that the only proof of denial that the FBI offered was a brief statement of disclaimer by J. Edgar Hoover. It was Hale Boggs who drew an admission from Allen Dulles that the CIA's record of employing someone like Oswald might be so heavily coded that the verification of his service would be almost impossible for outside investigators to establish."

- Bernard Fensterwald
[B]Co Author: Assassination of JFK: Coincidence or Conspiracy

"Hale felt very, very torn during his work (on the Commission) ... he wished he had never been on it and wished he'd never signed it (the Warren Report)."

[B]- Close Friend Of Hale Boggs

"Hale always returned to one thing: 'Hoover lied his eyes out to the Commission - on Oswald, on Ruby, on their friends, the bullets, the gun, you name it.'"

[B]- Former Aide to Hale Boggs

"Before his death Boggs claimed he had 'startling revelations' on Watergate and the assassination of John F. Kennedy."

[B]- The Los Angeles Star - November 22, 1973

[Image: Cessna310JC-FRYZ.jpg]
[B]Cessna 310[B]The Type Of Plane
Congressmen Hale Boggs & Nick Begich
[B]Were Flying On When They Disappeared

[B]Was Congressman Hale Boggs Targeted For An FBI Sting
Prior To His Disappearance In 1972?
If ever there were speculation that Congressman Hale Boggs, the 17th Majority Leader of the United States House of Representatives during the Nixon Administration, was murdered by the *White House and FBI, the above tape of the April 6, 1971 phone conversation between President Richard Nixon and House Minority Leader, Gerald Ford, regarding Nixon's lack of trust for Boggs (after Boggs had called J. Edgar Hoover and the entire FBI a Gestapo), only serves to give us what may serve as the smoking gun in why Boggs' plane never arrived in Juneau Alaska on October 16, 1972.

[B]*Possibly collusion between the White House, FBI and CIA

One may also surmise from Nixon's statement, regarding claims made by J. Edgar Hoover, that the FBI had not wire tapped a member of Congress since 1924 (the year that the Bureau Of Investigation morphed into the FBI), that Boggs may have accused the FBI of tapping his phone conversations.

*Hoover's claim that the FBI had not placed any members of Congress under surveillance can be taken with a grain of salt, given the godfather of the U.S. Intelligence crime syndicate's history of pathologically lying to the public, while using the FBI as his own personal domestic spy organization.

Moreover, during their conversation, Nixon and Ford made a point of claiming that Boggs was acting irrationally, even speculating that he was over medicated (typical of the claims made about people who learn of government cover ups and attempt to expose them).

If the FBI had learned that Boggs, who was a member of the Warren Commission, had suspected that the Kennedy Assassination was an inside job (which we now know it was), Hoover would have certainly used the FBI to put him under surveillance, in efforts to determine if he was going to publicize this information and create problems for the White House.

In the present day, look at how many government whistle blowers have reported being stalked by the FBI after having attempted to expose a crime being committed by the federal government. NSA whistle blower Russ Tice is one of the best illustrations of this.

Certainly, Hale Boggs' claims of J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI operating like a Gestapo could have arisen from Boggs' own experience as a target of the FBI's illegal surveillance, or even a COINTELPRO operation. Something that neither the FBI nor the Nixon White House would ever have admitted to.

Many people, including this author, who learn of the FBI's clandestine role as domestic spy and covert terrorist, have been shocked to find that the organization isn't what the public is told it is - but instead a secret police force like the KGB or Stasi.

Hale Boggs' Intent To Publicize His Concerns Over
The Warren Commission Report
Prior to taking the scheduled flight from Anchorage to Juneau Alaska, Congressman Boggs had stated to friends, that the Warren Commission Report was fraudulent, and that he was going to insist that a new investigation be conducted. Boggs never lived long enough to get the chance.

A short time later, the plane that Boggs and several others were flying on, including the late Congressman Nick Begich senior, disappeared when flying over a 600mile stretch of land and water between Anchorage and Juneau Alaska.

[B]FBI Telex Proves That Hale Boggs' Plane Was Found[B]But FBI Conceals Telex From American Public

The following is the censored FBI telex which proves that Boggs' plane had been found at that there were at least two survivors.

[B]FBI Telex 1

[B]FBI Telex 2

[B]FBI Telex 3

Consider the following:

In their desperation to cover up what they had done, could those responsible for this crime have secretly removed the wreckage of this plane, murdered the two men who were still alive and then disposed of all four bodies?

Why would they have done this?

The reason is clear enough. If the plane is ever found, a forensic investigation may provide evidence that the plane had been tampered with before its flight; or even blown up or shot down.

If by some miracle, the plane's cockpit is still intact and the bodies of the passengers are still there, DNA technology may be able to determine if the pilot was drugged at the time of the crash.

One thing's for certain, despite more than a month's long search by officials for Boggs' plane, the FBI prevented a legitimate investigation into his disappearance, and has no interest in reopening this case after four decades.

Especially when one considers the incriminating conversation between Nixon and Ford on April 6, 1971, which clearly shows their concern that if allowed to do so, Boggs could create serious problems for both the White House and FBI.
And especially after Congressman Boggs had openly accused John Edgar Hoover of wiretapping several members of Congress who did not believe the Warren Commission Report. Before his death, Boggs had even accused the FBI of wiretapping him. Boggs was so furious, that he openly called for Hoover's resignation on the floor of the House of Representatives, which is what Nixon and Gerald Ford are referring to in the aforementioned tape.

Moreover, there's also the death of Dorothy Hunt, former CIA operative and wife of Howard E. Hunt (of Watergate infamity), in a 1972 plane crash, after Hunt threatened the Nixon Administration claiming that she had evidence of Richard Nixon and the CIA's complicity in the murder of John F. Kennedy. Hunt claimed that her evidence would "blow the lid off of the White House."

It has been alleged that Dorothy Hunt had been carrying a substantial amount of money with her, which was found on her body at the crash scene. It is rumoured that Hunt had blackmailed Richard Nixon and that the money found on her person was a payoff from Nixon, in an attempt to coverup his role as an accomplice in the murder of President John F. Kennedy.

Dorothy Hunt dies after threatening Nixon Administration regarding her knowledge of Richard Nixon and the CIA's complicity in the death of John F. Kennedy

So here we have the accounts of two government officials who report having revelations regarding the murder of John F. Kennedy, and Richard Nixon's involvement, who both end up dying in plane crashes within two months of one another.

[B]- James F. Marino


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"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Thank you for the clarification, Tracy.
"All that is necessary for tyranny to succeed is for good men to do nothing." (unknown)

James Tracy: "There is sometimes an undue amount of paranoia among some conspiracy researchers that can contribute to flawed observations and analysis."

Gary Cornwell (Dept. Chief Counsel HSCA): "A fact merely marks the point at which we have agreed to let investigation cease."

Alan Ford: "Just because you believe it, that doesn't make it so."
Quote: "Hale always returned to one thing: 'Hoover lied his eyes out to the Commission - on Oswald, on Ruby, on their friends, the bullets, the gun, you name it.'"
Quote: Former Aide to Hale Boggs

[size=12]Bob P. will be happy to know that he's on the right track. Anyone know who this "aide" was?
"All that is necessary for tyranny to succeed is for good men to do nothing." (unknown)

James Tracy: "There is sometimes an undue amount of paranoia among some conspiracy researchers that can contribute to flawed observations and analysis."

Gary Cornwell (Dept. Chief Counsel HSCA): "A fact merely marks the point at which we have agreed to let investigation cease."

Alan Ford: "Just because you believe it, that doesn't make it so."
You can imagine a covert clean-up crew descending on the survivors and wreckage. Survivors who might have felt a feeling of relief upon seeing the rescuers approach might have also felt some quick bullets to the chest as the special team then collected their bodies and cleaned-up the scene. The wrecked aircraft also being cut up and transported or airlifted out at night to a black ops site and disposed of.
An older thread on the Boggs death here.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

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