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Plaque Four of Why the WC is Inoperative

I really go after Specter and Humes the Liar in this one.

No matter how old this gets, what these guys did still has the power to shock.

There will be one more.
According to, JFK's hat size was 7 3/8 (right at the average). 1500 gr. sounds like a big brain.

Einstein's brain weighed 1230 grams.
"All that is necessary for tyranny to succeed is for good men to do nothing." (unknown)

James Tracy: "There is sometimes an undue amount of paranoia among some conspiracy researchers that can contribute to flawed observations and analysis."

Gary Cornwell (Dept. Chief Counsel HSCA): "A fact merely marks the point at which we have agreed to let investigation cease."

Alan Ford: "Just because you believe it, that doesn't make it so."
The brain evidence is pure proof of conspiracy alone. In an Education Forum thread somebody posted that autopsy photographer Knudsen was shown a photo of a brain sitting next to Kennedy's body at Bethesda prior to the brain autopsy. It was shown to him by the other autopsy photographer who took it. There is no explanation for this brain or why it was sitting next to Kennedy's body. This photo disappeared from the photographic record of the autopsy. It was obviously the swapped brain sitting waiting to be swapped-in for Kennedy's.

Bethesda orderly Paul O'Connor went on record saying the brain remnants he saw removed at Kennedy's brain autopsy "Could fit in the palm of one hand". Sibert and O'Neill protested that the 1500 gram mostly-intact brain they saw in evidence could not possibly be the same one they witnessed at Kennedy's brain autopsy. Specter sent underling law school grads to interview Sibert and O'Neill so he could keep their protest off the official Commission record.

I can't locate it but there was a photograph of this bogus 1500 gram brain in Commission evidence. It had some small disruption towards the right front but it was barely anything close to the mostly-destroyed brain the autopsy witnesses saw. This brain in evidence had one important feature that constitutes irrefutable proof of conspiracy. It had intact parietal brain creases or 'wrinkles' in the parietal region. This is important because the autopsy photo from Bethesda with the macerated brain tissue matting the hair clearly evidences an avulsive wound where a serious amount of brain matter exited Kennedy's head. We know this is true because part of that exiting material was caught in Kennedy's hair in that photo. But also we see a large amount of material exiting in the Zapruder Film in the "blood fog" as well as brain splatter being told of by witnesses surrounding Kennedy. Science will show that the forces involved in such a gunshot wound, capable of creating the large head wound seen in this Bethesda photo, would necessarily have to result in a substantial exiting of brain material. So much so that it would be impossible for any 1500 gram brain to remain afterwards. But what cinches it is the parietal brain creases seen in the photo of the Commission's brain would absolutely, 100%, without question have to be the first materials to exit that large avulsive parietal wound shown in the Bethesda autopsy photo, since those creases are the brain area laying directly underneath that wound. This is conclusive proof that the brain in Commission evidence could not possibly be Kennedy's brain as FBI witnesses Sibert and O'Neill protested.

I gets even better. This 1500 gram swapped brain also possessed a completely intact and undisrupted Cerebellum. Since Dr Carrico and anesthesiologist Marion Jenkins both said they saw cerebellar tissue oozing out of the rear head wound this is another fatal conflict nobody ever bothered to point out. The Commission's brain had an intact Cerebellum yet the Parkland witnesses clearly spoke of a heavily damaged Cerebellum that was seen oozing out of the rear head wound.

Clearly part of the reason the Commission's bogus brain weighed this impossible 1500 grams is because it possessed both an intact Parietal and Cerebellar region. Both areas that the evidence showed to not be intact. Realizing they had screwed up bad what they did was further damage the brain in order to compensate and had Dox draw it with more damage than the original photograph showed. This photograph of the 1500 gram brain has been quietly disappeared (along with the brain itself).

This is evidence that could be brought against the US Government as proof of a coup d'etat.
It's evidence of a conspiracy for sure; but is it evidence of a pre-assasination conspiracy, or evidence of a conspiracy to cover up the truth? Not quite the same thing.

You'd have to figure out how far in advance they acquired the 1500 gram brain. Could be they grabbed the closest brain in a jar. I wonder if pickling a brain in formaldehyde for a few years would add some weight....

According to Yahoo answers, it does not.

Isn't the internet wonderful?
"All that is necessary for tyranny to succeed is for good men to do nothing." (unknown)

James Tracy: "There is sometimes an undue amount of paranoia among some conspiracy researchers that can contribute to flawed observations and analysis."

Gary Cornwell (Dept. Chief Counsel HSCA): "A fact merely marks the point at which we have agreed to let investigation cease."

Alan Ford: "Just because you believe it, that doesn't make it so."
Want some more crud?

That brain weight was not entered the night of the autopsy.

Humes left that line blank that night.

I wager someone told him not to enter it then and there.

Probably LeMay.
The beauty of it is you can't argue this stuff because it all comes from the Commission's own records. That shit-heel Von Pein answers this with ridicule however it's obvious he's staying away from it because he knows his usual bullshit won't work.

There it all is in the Commission's own record. It's obvious they went to damage control and had Dox draw a brain that had been intentionally damaged in order to compensate for the lack of injury they realized would trap them. They went from photograph of an intact brain, to drawing of a partially damaged brain that they damaged themselves, to losing the brain. All on their own record. How did they deal with it? They ditched the evidence and disappeared photos. Also, they kept this true history from being shown to the public.
And the capper is something I did not use in the plaque.

When the ARRB interviewed Stringer under oath, he blew up the whole issue.

He said that he did not recognize those photos of the brain, because he never used either the film they were taken with, or the technique, a press pack, that was used in taking them.

In my opinion, this revelation was probably the highlight of the Jeremy Gunn investigation, and also of Horne's book.

Someone else took those photos, not the guy who was supposed to.

Who was it then, and why?
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Want some more crud?

That brain weight was not entered the night of the autopsy.

Humes left that line blank that night.

I wager someone told him not to enter it then and there.

Probably LeMay.

I wonder if this was Lemay's last insult to JFK, i.e. "you're soooo smart, you get a big brain in your autopsy..."
"All that is necessary for tyranny to succeed is for good men to do nothing." (unknown)

James Tracy: "There is sometimes an undue amount of paranoia among some conspiracy researchers that can contribute to flawed observations and analysis."

Gary Cornwell (Dept. Chief Counsel HSCA): "A fact merely marks the point at which we have agreed to let investigation cease."

Alan Ford: "Just because you believe it, that doesn't make it so."
It was probably the luck of the draw. They probably had little time to organize the Bethesda side of the autopsy cover-up and grabbed the nearby brain of some poor schmuck Naval personnel that was available at the time. That's the problem with deceit and crime is that you can't think of all the unforeseen conflicts in advance. They made plenty of screw-ups. Those screw-ups became the basis of years and years of conspiracy-exposing works. But this brain business is the conclusive proof that jerks like Von Pein call for. You can see how little character they have when shown the proof they call for.
Want to hear what an idiot Von Pein really is? (Like we don't know)

When I brought this up on Simkin's forum, he said that I was wrong about the brain not being sectioned.

He said it had been partially sectioned. He actually tried to argue that the tissue slides and samples constituted partial sectioning.

I said there was no such thing as a partial sectioning. You either tracked the bullet or bullets all the way through the brain or you did not.

If you did not then there was not a sectioning since that was the whole purpose of the exercise.

But the combination of the non-sectioning, plus the brain weight, plus the failure to weigh the brain that night, plus Ida Dox's intact brain drawing, this is just fatal to the official fantasy.

It just all looks so bad, it simply stenches of a cover up. Especially with all those higher up military guys there who hated Kennedy's guts. and those servile pathologists who did what they were told.

Including burning the first autopsy report and then lying about it.

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