06-02-2015, 01:19 AM
Albert Doyle Wrote:David Josephs Wrote:The dates just don't work - regardless of 62 or 63... How can anyone accept her story when the two main pieces of evidence are both proven to be in conflict with reality??
I don't understand. Are you saying Lee could not be in New Orleans in March or April 1962? Anna Lewis appears to be telling the truth. She strikes me as being too dumb to lie that effectively.
Not exactly Albert. (btw - even though it shows that Wim uploaded the interview the interviewer is female - Maybe this is Debra's interview??
ANNA says she meets Lee in Jan/Feb 1962 and sees him until she and her husband leave in April.
JVB claims to have been with Marina's Husband, not the real LEE Oswald (as H&L fans know) yet Marina and Harvey were in Minsk until June 1962.
Her one source places this situation in 1962 when we know he does not start work for Reily until May 1963, is fired by July and spends the rest of the summer working for Bannister.
"After January and before April 1962" - Again, even if she has the year wrong, Harvey and Marina were not in New Orleans Jan-Apr 1963 either... they SUPPOSEDLY moved to Neely in March from 604 Elsbeth
yet there are many who claim and prove that Oswald and Marina were never at Neely.
If the Oswalds were being impersonated in Dallas at the time, I guess it's possible that they were in New Orleans yet the FBI kept pretty close tabs on the man...
Lee was supposedly in NYC in Early 1962 with Steve Landis who claimed to be in the marines with Oswald and worked with him in NY disturbing liberal group meetings.
From H&L:
Fred Leemans, and his employees at Canal Street Baths, were witnesses to Lee Oswald's presence in New Orleans in 1961 and his friendship with Clay Shaw, aka Clay Bertrand.
This is occurring in Dec 1961 in NOLA so I guess "A" Lee being there and around Bannister and Shaw and Ferrie in early 1962 is possible. Especially if Neely was a set-up strictly for the BYPs...
This gets more and more intersting the deeper one looks.
ANNA claims at about 9:45 that MARINA called the bar and asked for her husband and spoke to Anna... Anna replied, in English, that he was but she couldn't tell her with whom....
After Lee and Judy leave, MARINA comes in and says in english, "I knew he was here..." our little russian who spoke no good english...
Armstrong did find a Tex Employment Comm application which states he took an aptitude test in April 1962... http://www.history-matters.com/archive/j..._0209a.htm
It is possible this is LEE and that JVB spent time with this person - which of course would have to be hidden. Yet from the information I found, Lee and Ruby were bed buddies, not JVB.
A very reliable source in Dallas puts LEE at a variety of all male parties while the barber remembers the young male kid Lee would travel around with.... and show up for a haircut with...
Truth of fiction? (as pure speculation... I wonder if the Honey Bee in Japan offered the infamous man-girl trade... could explain the STD while there since HArvey did not have this problem, nor the rectal problems the Oswald in Japan suffered from)
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right..... R. Hunter
in the strangest of places if you look at it right..... R. Hunter