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Morales assassins: Bolivia gang "fought in Balkans"
The Opus Dei, SMOM and Gladio false flag assassin, Eduardo Rózsa-Flores.

With friend.

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"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:A speculative post.

I know of two major BBC figures - one a filmmaker, the other a correspondent - from the so-called "golden age" of broadcasting from the 1950s through to the 1980s whose work is held up as groundbreaking and archetypal. Family members have confirmed to me that these great broadcasters were simultaneously working for British intelligence.

A clue lies partly in their movements: they could be found in Hungary in 1956, in Vietnam in the early 1960s, in Czechoslovakia in 1968, in Chile in 1973 etc. Sometimes observing, sometimes perhaps more.

There is nothing too surprizing in this. However, intelligence agents themselves will closely examine the physical location of individuals they suspect of being more than they seem.

This way of thinking, of analyzing, a person's life throws an interesting glow on the life of Rosza Flores snr. He was, variously, a Hungarian-Austrian, perhaps with some Jewish blood, who was a staunch communist and yet taken under the wing of the French government. So much so that they paid for his studies in Paris, then sent him to Bolivia to conduct ethnographic studies of "the French music of the Andes" in 1952.

To recap, in the immediate post-WW2 period with an Iron Curtain dividing Europe, the French govt paid for a young Hungarian-Austrian communist to live in Bolivia and conduct an entirely esoteric anthropological project.

At this stage, Bolivia was the favoured destination for the Nazi/Vatican/Paperclip ratlines for those Nazis who were considered useful but who couldn't be sufficiently bleached of their wartime atrocities to work openly in Europe or North America.

According to Eduardo Rosza Flores, his ethnographic artist father joined the tiny Bolivian Communist party and was "logistically" involved with Che Guevara, before being expelled from the Bolivian Communist party for his links with the revolutionary guerilla. Guevara did indeed mistrust the Bolivian Communist party, which was oriented towards Moscow rather than Havana. Che was eventually betrayed to a CIA hit squad by Bolivian elements, and his corpse carved up - in an almost ritualistic fashion - in a SMOM hospital.


The Rosza Flores family next appear in Chile, in 1973. Officially, they are great supporters of Allende, and have to flee from Generalissimo Pinochet's fascist regime. They reappear in communist Hungary, where young Eduardo receives a military education, and studies at the highly classified Dzerzhinsky Military Academy.

For a non-Russian to be educated at the Dzerzhinsky Military Academy was presumably quite an honour. It can be read several ways: as reward for services rendered; in the spirit of keeping one's friends close, and one's enemies even closer.

According to young Eduardo, it is around this time that he starts rebelling against communism and Stalinism. However, that doesn't stop him becoming involved with Carlos the Jackal. The official Flores family version claims that his father had worshipped Che Guevara, and the son idolized Carlos.

Of course quite who was running the Jackal is a matter of much controversy.

Eduardo takes several journalistic jobs, and ends up as a stringer for the BBC at the beginning of the Balkan Wars in 1991.

A CIA officer once looked deep into my eyes and hrrumphed: "Young man, 'journalist' is the flimsiest cover in the world."

Indeed, Rosza Flores rapidly abandons the pen for the Uzi, and forms a "Croatian International Brigade" which specializes in dirty tricks and seems very keen to obscure its funding and alleged links to arms & drugs deals. I can find no record that Rosza Flores possesses any Croatian blood. However, for services rendered, the butcher Tudjman makes him an honourary Croatian and a "Major" to boot.

These services include persistent allegations that he had several potential whistleblowers - including investigative journalists - executed, and then manufactured evidence attempting to blame these murders on the Serbs.

A dirty war indeed. Although part way through the horror in the Balkans, this son of a Jew and a Catholic, this communist turned extreme nationalist dog of war, becomes a Muslim.

Perhaps it helped in the Balkan drugs and arms smuggling business...

Whatever, Rosza Flores soon stars in a notorious anti-Serb propaganda film entitled "Chico". A bit of legend-creating perhaps?

He also becomes linked - at a very senior level - with Jobbik, a Hungarian neo-fascist party, which allegedly wants to expel the Roma from Hungary.

The Balkan Wars were notorious for their ethnic cleansing. Rather than being sickened by these horrors, it appears that Rosza Flores enthusiastically embraced doctrines of racial hygiene. In Bolivia, he is linked with the Camba Nation - a secessionist movement for the rich, land and mineral owning Croatian & German rulers of Santa Cruz. Camba Nation allegedly possesses a youth wing which has attacked genuinely indigenous peasant Aymara and Quechua movements.

Rosza Flores also now advocates National Anarchism - best described as a mystical form of National Socialism with acknowledged influences such as Aleister Crowley and the notorious Chilean diplomat, Miguel Serrano, whose philosophy has been described as "Esoteric Hitlerism".

He's also rabidly anti-Zionist (anti-Jew?), further evidence perhaps of increasingly neo-Nazi thinking.

And a spokesperson for Opus Dei.

After the 2009 ambush, a member of his Bolivian paramilitary group requests help and assistance from the St John of Jerusalem Knights of Malta. Aka the Sovereign Military Order of Malta: the military-intelligence group involved in everything from Gladio to P2.

So, when did this family enter the house of mirrors? The Borgesian corridors where nothing is as it seems?

Who was first to step through the looking glass? The father or the son?

Eduardo Rosza Flores' official biography is almost as tangled and implausible as another plaything of the world's intelligence agencies, one Lee Harvey Oswald. So implausible that he can be claimed, blamed and denied by almost everyone.

Like many on DPF I regard Oswald as a patsy who most probably didn't even fire the weapon alleged to be his. However, Oswald was possibly a witting or unwitting part of a broader plot to use a team of highly professional snipers to assassinate JFK.

The international team assembled around Eduardo Rosza Flores also included a sniper and other individuals with the range of skills one might expect to find in a professional hit squad. Their targets allegedly included President Evo Morales.

Unlike America's Secret Service in Dallas, it appears that the Bolivian Secret Service did an excellent job in detecting an assassination plot and liquidating the would-be murderers before they could conduct their grisly mission.

But then Fletcher Prouty tells us the American Secret Service was stood down by those with the power to do so...

So it was Leroy Fletcher Prouty then, who first originated this concept of the Secret Service standing down? I just want to register my complete and utter disregard for anything that Prouty has ever said or written on the topic of the JFK Assassination. In a strange public confession at a COPA meeting, Prouty admitted that not only did he have utter contempt for the Kennedys but that he was somehow glad that he was dead. He then said: "I guess we taught the Kennedys a thing or two." He refused to say exactly what he meant by that statement when called out on it. This guy inserted himself into the JFK research community dead set against exposing any of his friends or associates in the plot. Color him biased and therefore useless.
:evil: :rock: :pcguru: Boxing

Amazon will be selling my print-on-demand paperback manuscript at this site within a few days. Volume 1 is 120 pages in length and covers The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon, The Winnipeg Airport Incident with Richard Giesbrecht, Anastase Vonsiatsky, THE Manchurian Candidate and Wickliffe Draper and The Pioneer Fund.
Jan: a VERY speculative post, indeed....Big Grin

Rosza Flores presented himself as a patriot that came to defend Santa Cruz from the attac of Morale's militia.


-Was not the first time that Morales militia try to make a coup against oppositor governors: The first time was in Cochabamba, where they put on fire the governor office and kill a young boy cutting his throat with machetes in front of his father, "because he looks like a camba".

Second time was in Pando, where they organize a march against the governor with the intent to take the governor's office too. The governor ask for police and military help to content the march because he fear confrontation, but they tell him that "nothing they can do coz Morales dont give any order to them", so they leave the capital of Pando defendless.
Pando governor Leopoldo Fernández then send an engeneer with heavy machinery to build a big ditch in the road to stop the march, but Morales militia kill him and severly wounded his companion, continuing the march. They leave him because they think he was dead. Previously, the marchers have wounded with firearms two prefectural employees, also.

When the dead and the wounded was finally carried to a little population named "El Porvenir" near Pando's capital, the people, family and friends gets angry because they where well known persons. So they arm themselves and a firearms confrontarion happens. Many people die that day, but mostly from Morales militia that flew away. "Investigations" where carried latter that blame the oppositor Pando governador with the shameful complicity of Morale's friends UNASUR "investigative" commision and Morales judges. So shameful, that many of the reported death by such commission where latter found voting in the elections. But Morales put in jail an innocent (Pando governor Leopoldo Fernández, sitll in jail more than a year ago, with not even a judiciary process open) and put HIS governor there. After that, Pando region suffers a campaign of terror carried by Morales UTARC and "masked heavy armed military with venezuelan and cuban accent".

In Santa Cruz people saw that .When Morales militia marched against Santa Cruz (nobody knows where come the money to pay such movilization of thousands of people), Rosza Flores suddelnly come as a savior, asking money to stop them and defend Santa Cruz. Many frigthened people believe in him and begin to support him with money, but soon they realize that he doesen't come to defend, but to live a good life with that money, so they stop fouding him. But he (Rosza Flores) have allready collected a list of many oppositor names contacted and send it to his real contractor, Morales.

When oposition money stops (and the good life stile too. He lived in good and centrical expensive Hotels at the view of police, very strange for a man that come to make a "political assasination"- The first thing that police control evrywhere are the hotels-) and Rosza Flores ask for more money to his governmental contact, Raul Garcia Linera (Brother of vice-president Alvaro Garcia Linera), threatening him to reveal the plot to the media (his name and e-mails was finded from the archives of Rosza computer, information leaked by a policeman). Big mistake. They was fastly AND CONVENIENTLY killed by Morales special (killer) force, the UTARC (death people don't say anything).

Later authopsies carried in Europe to Rosza Flores death comrades reveal that with no doubt, they where EXECUTED and not "killed in a battle that last half hour", ar UTARC report says.

SPECIAL NOTE: There are pictures of the commander of the Morale's UTARC (Walter Andrade) drinking beers and having parties with Rosza Flores in previos weeks of his execution. Also, a constatation that Rozsa Flores and Raul Garcia Linera where comrades, roommates in Europe and probably lovers (is well known that Vice-president Alvaro Garcia Linera, his brother Raul and Rosza Flores where homosexuals. Raul is bissexual).

-After that execution, the "proofs" against oppositors begin to appear, and oppositors begin to be kiddnapped in the middle of the night and carried to La Paz, to be prosecuted by Morales Public Prosecutor and Morales Judges. They still are in jail with no proofs against them. Others flew away no matter innocent, because when Morales Judge accuse you, there is no chance to prove your innocence. "Proofs" begin to appear and "eyewitness" too. Not even a chance to pay a good attourney because your money and goods are "freezed" and seized as you are "enemy of the state", so you have to accept an attourney named by Morales judge.

- Hope this put things more clear to you. I don't know what Rosza Flores did in Europe and other parts of the world, but I know what he did HERE. I have post a lot information about in this forum.

Rosza Flore's family is well known in the city as old leftists and because their work in art related activities. They are quiet and good persons.
Just a brief reply Ruben.

According to Flores from Hungarian media from his last interview:
Quote:Rózsa-Flores claimed that a Bolivian national requested him to return to Bolivia and help establish a milita for the Bolivian city of Santa Cruz, in response to perceived central government abuses. He claimed that local politicians wanted to establish the militia and that he was asked to create it based upon his Croatian military experience. He claimed the militia role was to be one of self-defense in the event of aggression by either central government or native "Indian" paramilitary forces and not to attack anyone.
In other words he was paid to fight against the Morales government. Whoever employed him liked his work in the Balkans and wanted the same to happen in Bolivia. The Santa Cruz elite want to secede (like the Balkan statelettes ) Morales wants to unite.

Ruben said:
Quote:Rosza Flore's family is well known in the city as old leftists and because their work in art related activities. They are quiet and good persons.
But not so 'left' that they were imprisoned or executed or even apparently under suspicion by various anti-communist regiemes (and their sponsors) that have existed in Bolivia. 1,000's of Bolivians were but not the Roszas family. Unbelievable. How is the family now supporting the 'leftist' Morales government? Or do they just support them through their 'art'? Also, artists come in all political beliefs not just leftist.
Ruben said:
Quote:I don't know what Rosza Flores did in Europe and other parts of the world, but I know what he did HERE.
EFR was involved in the murder of two journalists, Swiss national Christian Würtenberg (who was in the First International Unit), and British photographer Paul Jenks. He was also linked to the murder of one of his dogs of war Anthony Mann Grant and countless civilians in the Balkans. For his murderous work he was awarded Croatian citizenship by the butcher Tudjman.

I presume this is the photo you are referring to:[Image: 1090922_g400.jpg]
Perhaps it is genuine. Perhaps not. I find the over exposure on the right a bit odd. Especially if digital. Also, I see nothing particularly sinister about it and don't see why you would jump to the conclusion that because he is a photo with Andrade that EFR is a Morales stooge. It more likely is Andrade checking up on EFR and co to see what they are doing in town.

Ruben said:
Quote:When Morales militia marched against Santa Cruz (nobody knows where come the money to pay such movilization of thousands of people
LOL!!!! Only rich people have to pay their stooges and force their maids and farm and factory workers to protest in support of their continued exploitation. You may find it amazing but some people actually do things for nothing but the pleasure of it. Some times people actually believe it is the right thing to do and don't expect to be paid. It wouldn't occur to them that money should enter into it. Indeed some forgo a days pay to participate.

Ruben said:
Quote:Rosza Flores ask for more money to his governmental contact, Raul Garcia Linera (Brother of vice-president Alvaro Garcia Linera), threatening him to reveal the plot to the media (his name and e-mails was finded from the archives of Rosza computer, information leaked by a policeman). Big mistake. They was fastly AND CONVENIENTLY killed by Morales special (killer) force, the UTARC (death people don't say anything).
Can we have some evidence apart from ruling class Santa Cruz gossip? Where are these 'leaked' emails? The name of the dead policeman?
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
[Image: 7030_161860314452_161843339452_2686385_1108177_a.jpg]

Owner and General manager of Multicontact Ltd.
President of Internetwork Inc.

High school of Electro Engineering - Budapest
University of Political Sciences - Budapest (economics and philosophy)
"Academician" and Active member of the International Informatization Academy
"Senior Director of the field of Security" - diploma issued by the Israeli College for Security and Investigations (2000)
Ph.D. degree at International Budo Academy in "Sport diplomacy" 2001
Ph.D. degree at Pro Deo University in the field of Management and Protocol in "Diplomatic Protocol" 2001
Professor of the International Informatization Academy 2002
Doctor Honoris Causa of the “AUREL VLAICU” University of Arad – for exceptional contributions to the affirmation of the idea of security and peace in Europe (2007)


President of the International Bodyguard and Security Services Association (IBSSA)
Executive President of the International Budo Academy (IBA)
"Grand Cross of Knight of Malta", Lieutenant General, Vice President of the government and Minister of Home Affairs of the "Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta, Federation of Autonomous Priories"
Grand Prior of the Hungarian Grand Priory and was awarded "Honour of Merit" in 2003
Grand Collar of the Sovereign Order of Cyprus, also said of the Sword and Silence.
Lifetime Great-Grand Cross of the â International Knightly Order of St. Georgeâ in 2005
Grand Cross Knight of the Hungarian Order
Lieutenant-general of the Hungarian National Guard in 2005
Kentucky Colonel
Envoy at Large of the International Parliament for Safety and Peace (IPSP) for the Republic of Hungary and Deputy Member of the Assembly of IPSP
Minister Secretary Politic of the Department for Prevention and Defence on the Natural and Social Calamities of International Parliament for Safety and Peace (IPSP)
Chief Inspector of the Parliamentary Security Police of International Parliament for Safety and Peace (IPSP)
President of the General Council of International Project Centre (IPC), President of the East European Region and Representative of IPC for Hungary
Representative of "Emergency Medical Rescue" London
Member of the International Narcotic Enforcement Officers Association (INEOA)
Honorary President of the Hungarian Karate Federation
Vice President of the Hungarian Protocol Club
Teacher of the Hungarian "SZTE" University of Sciences
In 1998 honoured as a registered person in "International WHO'S WHO of professionals"
Former Chief of Protocol of the Hungarian Government
Ex high official at many International Political and Sport Organization (WFDY - Deputy Treasurer, WKF - Treasurer, EKF - General Secretary, WKPF - Executive President etc.)
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Quote:Huésped in message #1581 noted that the body referred to above was not the standard Order of Malta, but a Hungarian entity led by one Gyorgy/George Popper and affiliated with the International Bodyguard and Security Services Association, also headed by Popper. Popper is mentioned in an article titled 'Hungary has become a paradise for fake orders of knighthood'.

Eduardo Rozsa Flores and Elod Toaso have been linked with Popper's order, while Tibor Revesz was (is?) associated with IBSSA.
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[Image: q161843339452_7732.jpg] IBSSA Supporting Membership

IBSSA has just launched the following opportunity for those who intend to support the drug-prevention, counter-terrorism and crime prevention activities of our association, as well as the IBSSA child, family and urban safety programs:

- if you provide assistance by paying a minimum amount of 100.- ...EUR aid for the above activities, you will become a SUPPORTING MEMBER of the IBSSA

- Supporting Membership Certificate will be issued for you, and you get an ID-card as well as a sticker of the IBSSA

- if you wish to order a leather holder with metal badge for your Supporting Membership ID-card, then for extra fee: 50.- EUR + postal expenses you can have it as well

The name of our Supporters will be published at the IBSSA Website, as all reports will also be found at our Website about the use of these financial supports.

For any further assistance please feel free to contact us at:

Erika Macsári
Chief of the IBSSA HQ Secretariat

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IBSSA has just launched the following opportunity for those who intend to support the drug-prevention, counter-terrorism and crime prevention activities of our association, as well as the IBSSA child, family and urban safety programs:

January 19 at 8:16am

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December 15, 2009 at 3:17am

Goran, Nagyné and Danny like this.

[Image: q1674951984_7597.jpg]Tamas Torok CONGRATULATIONS, .. and Continue Success! ..

December 27, 2009 at 4:28am

[Image: q161843339452_7732.jpg] IBSSA I would like to call your attention to the fact that a radio station was started last August by the Bodyguards and Knights – You can listen to the broadcasts by downloading the collection of Archived broadcasts from T Radio, by clicking on the link below...

December 9, 2009 at 3:39am[Image: q1674951984_7597.jpg]Tamas Torok Thank you for the info! ..

December 27, 2009 at 4:27am

[Image: q161843339452_7732.jpg] IBSSA Club of IBSSA Meeting at Kiskunfélegyháza

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Club of IBSSA meeting 3rd December 2009
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December 7, 2009 at 4:58am

[Image: q161843339452_7732.jpg] IBSSA IBSSA Bodyguard Training series (Hungary – USA)

In November 2009 candidates from the Netherlands travelled to Hungary and to the USA for a two-weeks long very intensive bodyguard basic course. IBSSA-USA organized the two weeks long section, where the group of the eleven (11) people participated in shooting, situatio...n training, theoretical training, close quarter combat, and at the end a complex final exam.

The group arrived to the training seminar with the leadership of Dr. Frank PHILIPOOM (Country Representative of IBSSA for Netherlands). The quality of the training was guaranteed by many of the IBSSA Instructors and Master Teachers like Dr. Miklós VARGA (IBSSA-USA), Mr. Tamás TÖRÖK (IBSSA-USA), Mr. Rich ROBERTSON (IUPA), Det. Mike CSOKE (IBSSA-Canada), Capt. Larry LEINHAUSER (IBSSA-USA), Shihan Donna JUDGE (8th Dan / 11 times World Karate Champion), Mr. János LAUB (IBSSA-Hungary), Mr. Zsolt KERESZTESI (IBSSA-Hungary), Mr. Péter KISHALMI (Hungary).
At the end of the training the participants had a chance to prove their knowledge during a real-life situation as the final exam of the seminar. People, who successfully graduated, attended the closing ceremony, where they celebrated the completion of the basic training, and they received their diplomas, and their IBSSA identifications.

This Basic Bodyguard Training seminar is just the beginning of a series of trainings coming up organized by IBSSA-USA. In the year 2010 other groups of countries will arrive to participate in the future IBSSA-USA programs. Countries like Netherlands, Sweden, Belgium, Italy, Slovakia, Austria, Switzerland will enjoy the hospitality and the benefits of IBSSA-USA trainings.

*(During the training and the final exam IBSSA-USA received big attention from different sources of the media, including TV, and newspapers.)

30th November 2009


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In November 2009 candidates from the Netherlands travelled to Hungary and to the USA for a two-weeks long very intensive bodyguard basic course. IBSSA-USA organized the two weeks long section, where the ...

November 30, 2009 at 3:51am

Denis and Hans like this.

[Image: q1674951984_7597.jpg]Tamas Torok Got the report on this event, .. in the "Hungarian - American People's Voice / Amerikai Magyar Nepszava" newspaper, .. in the January 8th press. *(Online view -

December 27, 2009 at 4:31am

[Image: q161843339452_7732.jpg] IBSSA Report on the 2nd IBSSA Conference of the Balkan region
24th October 2009 Banja Luka / Bosnia

After the successful start last year the event was held the 2nd time this October and experiences suggest that there is a great need for such regional conferences.

The event took place in broad international participation, with 3...0 people from 8 countries were represented. Numerous – in the region successfully operating – security companies were also present, including the Croatian GAMMA Security, the Slovenian SAVOY SECURITY, the Bosnian-Serbian SECTOR SECURITY, and the Romanian ARCONS SECURITY. Mr. Ljubomir Vračarević – 10th Dan Master of Real Aikido, and Dr. Saša Vujko – major-general, the Serbian government's expert on counter-terrorism participated the conference as well.

The conference was officially opened by Prof. George Popper – President of IBSSA, who also gave brief information about the current activities, objectives of IBSSA. At the opening reception appeared Mr. Zoltán Hossó – Vice-President of IAPA (International Auxiliary Police Association), and Mr. Zoran Stanisljević, leader of the Bosnian-Serb Interior Ministry responsible for public security area. The event was organised and led by Mr. Bogdan Vukosavljević – International Coordinator of IBSSA for Balkan region. Many leaders of different IBSSA sections in the region were also present, so Dr. Constantin Buzatu – member of the IBSSA Board of Directors, President of "IBSSA Romania", Dr. András Czapáry-Martincsevics – Co-chairman of the IBSSA Hungarian Section, Chairman of the Technical Department, Mr. Adam Popper – Chairman of the IT Department.

The report of Mr. Bogdan Vukosavljevic contained the following main directions: the intention to increase the membership in all countries of the region; we can and have to raise the influence and quality in the security profession with organising training seminars. Courses can be organised country by country using also the characteristics of the instructor system.
An extremely important license was issued on the 31st August 2009. It all started in Arad with Slovenian support and with the approval of the relevant government departments – the IBSSA educational system was officially accredited in Romania, which also means appropriate accreditation with extension to the European Union, i. e. the certificate in such trainings of the security profession is adopted throughout the European Union. Our common task is: to submit the program for approval in all countries of the region together with the Romanian license – translated into the certain national language.

In his speech the President of IBSSA emphasized the importance and role of the exchange of information and communication. On the basis of the Romanian license developing the educational system of IBSSA is also an important and realistic objective. During the schooling procedure of participants at our official courses the training of criminals must be avoided. Selection filters should be operated (medical, physical, personnel, psychological tests), for which the organisers and managers of the training seminar are responsible. An important task for each IBSSA country is to improve cooperation among its own organisations and corporates, for which there are quite good examples (Croatian – Bosnian-Serb, and Slovenian – Bosnian-Serb relations).

Mr. Adam Popper drew the attention of the present attendants to the conditions of Facebook – as a new IT option – and announced that IBSSA, as an organisation, has been launched on Facebook, which constitutes a highly dynamic opportunity of spreading information for our association, because it multiplies the communication skills. Facebook also allows the publication of reports on the national language, which should be used and exploited.

The conference also provided an excellent opportunity to deepen our friendship and human relations, in which the side-events and extra programs greatly helped too.
The participants decided to hold the 3rd IBSSA Conference of the Balkan Region in May, 2010. The exact place and date of the event, as well as the preliminary program will be available soon at the IBSSA Website:

16th November 2009


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After the successful start last year the event was held the 2nd time this October and experiences suggest that there is a great need for such regional conferences.

November 24, 2009 at 3:46am

Zlatko, Adam and 2 others like this.

[Image: q161843339452_7732.jpg] IBSSA Report on the 1st Tactical Security Self - Defence seminar of "IBSSA Switzerland"

The first Tactical Security Self-Defence seminar took place on the 31st
October 2009, in Bern, Switzerland with the participation of 12
attendants. This significant event was organised by the official
representatives of IBSSA for Switzerland:... Mr. Tamás SPONGA – Country
Representative, Chief Instructor, and Mr. Elmar PERROULAZ – Regional
Representative, Assistant.

The group was made up of agents from different
security companies, an officer from the Penal Authorities and a
policeman from Securitrans (Railway Police Division)........


See More[URL=""][Image: safe_image.php?d=f938ec870492b9481aed1cd...&w=90&h=90]

Prof. George POPPER (HUN) – President of IBSSA expressed his gratitude to everyone for their continuous support and attendance at this significant event, with special thanks to Mr. Krisztian ZERKOWITZ for hosting the Congress and also to Mr. ...

November 18, 2009 at 5:33am

[Image: q161843339452_7732.jpg] IBSSA Report on the VIII. SEC-tember
IBSSA International Special Security Training Seminar

« A learning curve comes to an end, things are just starting »

Budapest and the Adyliget Law Enforcement College seemed to be blessed with a patch of blue skies during the VIII. SEC-tember event of the IBSSA, starting as of the 8th to the... 12th September. In a mix of languages – only professionals in the business understand – hands were shaken and smiles exchanged. The security professionals were back in order to finish something they started 4 years ago. Newbies gathered around and listened to the stories, preparing themselves for the unkown.

The following nationalities were among the International audience: Dutch, Belgian, Greek, Swiss, Romanian, Cambodian, Italian, Swedish, Latvian, Slovak, Slovenian and Syrian. Not to forget the hosts, the Hungarians. All different nationalities, but only one language that of the professional bodyguard.
The Master Teacher / Instructor corps was just as impressive, consisting of a former SAS-operative from Scotland – Mr. Eddie STONE, a Police chief from Singapore – Mr. Stephen CHEE, a former SWAT from the USA – Mr. Karl DELAGUERRA, a Slovakian Shooting expert – Mr. Stefan ÁCS, Belgian Military – Mr. Eric DUYSHAVER and Mr. Jean-Pierre HAMERLINCK, Hungarian Bomb Squad – Mr. Lajos TURAI, and a former Dutch Royal Marine – Mr. Marc LANDMEIER. And this year's special guest speaker was: Ms. Krisztina SZLOBODNYIK – editor, reporter of RTL KLUB TV station. All experts in their fields, ready to teach, make people better, stronger and ready for the yet unknown.

This year, techniques acquired during past SEC-tember events were brought together in what accumulated into a total package of embus, debus, foot work, medical expertise and the special, little known skills of a close protection operative. Trade secrets were exchanged during the class and during the social hours. Handling the media, using uncoventional weapons and the safety within the motorvehicle scene were just some of the skills touched this year.

The Master Teachers were specially motivated by the high level of students, in which for example the Latvian Presidential Guard was represented. During the opening ceremony Dr. Valér DÁNOS – ret. police brigadier-general, Director of Law Enforcement and Crime Prevention Institute of the Ministry of Justice and Law Enforcement, stressed out that the IBSSA, under the expert leadership of Prof. George POPPER - President, is evolving every year more and more towards an expert organization, where professionals worldwide are proud to teach and to learn.

The SEC-tember training seminar allows for individual members to evolve as well. On Friday (11th September), the students had the opportunity to test themselves, their knowledge and skills to achieve a professional IBSSA recognition in their specialization. Challenging and mostly a moment of realization.

All the hard effort of both students and teachers were brought to an end during the Saturday banquet dinner at the Petneházy Huszárcsárda, where Prof. George Popper had the honour to introduce the presence of Shihan Joseph POLYÁK, Honorary Founding Member of the IBSSA.

According to SEC-tember tradition, people with exceptional skills or demonstrated expertise were also awarded with the following official IBSSA awards of the training:

VIII. SEC-tember BEST SHOOTER Mr. Eugen BALOG (Slovakia)
VIII. SEC-tember BEST FIGHTER Mr. Róbert ANDRÁS (Romenia)

Also, the Organising Committee of the SEC-tember would like to express its thanks to the Instructors, Teachers and helpers for the professional assistance, who contributed much to the success of this event:
Mr. Zsolt Pipicz – Hungary
Mr. Krisztian Zerkowitz – Belgium
Mr. Attila Kővágó – Hungary
Mr. Oliver Rózsa – USA
Mr. Frank Philipoom – Netherlands
Mr. Attila Kotlár – Hungary
Mr. Zsolt Keresztesi - Hungary
Mr. Gyula Sira – Hungary
Mr. János Hülber – Austria
Mr. Brent N. Cann – USA

Our special thanks and appreciation for the continuous sponsors of the event.

More detailed information about the event can be found at:

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Budapest and the Adyliget Law Enforcement College seemed to be blessed with a patch of blue skies during the VIII. SEC-tember event of the IBSSA, starting as of the 8th to the 12th September. In a mix ...

October 29, 2009 at 3:28am

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[Image: q161843339452_7732.jpg] IBSSA XIV. Congress of IBSSA 5th September 2009, Brussels / BELGIUM

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[Image: q161843339452_7732.jpg] IBSSA Training

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VIII. SEC-Tember
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October 26, 2009 at 5:34am

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2nd Annual Conference for Balkan Region
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October 26, 2009 at 1:52am

[Image: q161843339452_7732.jpg] IBSSA

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Our Leaders - Count Prof. George POPPER, Lieutenant General, President
Owner and General manager of Multicontact Ltd. President of Internetwork Inc...

October 21, 2009 at 6:06am

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[Image: q161843339452_7732.jpg] IBSSA

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Our Leaders - Dr. Rony KLUGER, General Secretary
Owner and Leader of International Budo Academy LLC. Karate Do International Ltd...

October 21, 2009 at 5:56am

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English (US)
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

- Yeah Magda. Andrade only went to see what Rosza was doing in the town, and he stay to drink some beer an talk about football and climate.

The photograpy is REAL and is not the only one. At the begining, governmet try to say that was a fake, UNTIL others come to light, that where showed to the media. Then government change his version (again): now says that was an "undercover" work from Andrade. But that gets things more complicated: The photograps were taked many time before the murders, and so government doesen't take any action when Rosza supposely detonate explosive devices and "try to kill the president" ¿?...

That means too that they have many,many oportunities to capture them ALIVE and with not a scratch ("terrorists" walk freely and unarmed in the streets and evrywhere), so they can talk about the people who support them. Any policeman knows that to capture terrorists ALIVE is a high priority, coz give the opportunity to COMPLETLY DEARTICULATE the organization by knowing the conspirators. If they are killed, secret die with them and the others can continue with conspiracy.

The one at the right of Rosza is called "el viejo" and was the "star" eyewitness of government, until was discovered that he has lied in many of his accusations (as I remember, he try to link an oppositor with a meeting with Rosza, but oppositor was not in the country that date). After that shame, "el viejo" dissapeared under protection of government.

- Yeah. Evrybody think in the begining that it was true that Rosza came to Santa Cruz to defend the city from the agressions of Morales militia and Morale's UTARC, we too see that interview just after his death. But latter, was discovered that interview was part of original plan. Supposely, when he gather all information regarding to Morales oppositors and conspiracy (organized by himself), he has to be "captured" and begin to accuse everybody (oppositors) in the justice court, making a big media Show. Then, that interview was planned to come to light, so there will be no doubt of his intentions. Now we know a little more to be shure that was part of the manipulation.

- WRONG. Santa Cruz ellite never wanted to secede (that was a stupid blame selled by Morales to international media, that usually doesen't reason out the news they get. Any kid looking Bolivia's map knows why). The ellite tryed to shut any voice speaking of secesion. Simply because is bad for business. They depend of Pacific Ocean ports for their exports, and all roads to reach them are thru Aimaran or Quechua territory controlled by Morales. No way to avoid it.

- As I said, Rosza's family are quiet and peaceful family. Not matter what you have read or movie you have see, if you don't cause troubles to a dictator, you can live even in regimes as the Pinochet ones. In fact, almost all leftist chileans who refuse to get involved in the fight against terrible regime of Pinochet, lived peaceful lifes there too.

- LOL Magda, some day you have to come to Bolivia to see how marchs are managed. Trucks with food, coca and water are permanently supporting the marchers. Evrywhere they go, they have shelters. And (specially Morale's marchers) THEY ARE PAYED (Bs. 50 daly, plus food and drinks). I know because I had fiends marching too, that went to La Paz to seize the congress. Multiply that for THOUSANDS DALY and you will see the kind of money we are talking about (they even have enough money to support almost TWO MONTHs of NATIONAL roads blockage). No rich individuals or associations in Bolivia can have that kind of money. NGOs...??..Chavez..??...Drug traffikking...??. .. who knows. Is one of the most guarded secrets of Morales until now.

- No dead policeman. A policeman LEAKED the information to the media about Rosza's computer content. That information was showed in TV. Journalist Carlos Valverde has a copy of it and he publically challenged the government to deny the authenticity of it. Government didn't until today.

I allready post it the link to Carlos Valverde, but I don't have the date that information was released. His video files are there by date.
Quote:Huésped in message #1581 noted that the body referred to above was not the standard Order of Malta, but a Hungarian entity led by one Gyorgy/George Popper and affiliated with the International Bodyguard and Security Services Association, also headed by Popper. Popper is mentioned in an article titled 'Hungary has become a paradise for fake orders of knighthood'.

Eduardo Rozsa Flores and Elod Toaso have been linked with Popper's order, while Tibor Revesz was (is?) associated with IBSSA.
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Website: Overview: The International Protective and Security Academy
Executive Security Training Solutions

The International Protective and Security Academy (PSA-Academy) was established with the purpose of providing professional training for security personnel in all areas of society.

We provide initial training as well as advanced and comprehensive training to all levels of professionals in the field of defence and safety who are employed by both the government and private organizations.

Our clients include both government agencies involved in a broad range of national security issues (intelligence, defence, homeland security) and private sector corporations, who either work in these same fields or who are interested in improving the capabilities of their analysts in general.

Our graduates hold key and senior positions in the world of defence and safety both in Europe and throughout the world. Prospective personnel with no prior training and those with a basic or advanced level of knowledge can take part in concentrated training in order to progress. (read less)
The International Protective and Security Academy
Executive Security Training Solutions

The International Protective and Security Academy (PSA-Academy) was established with the purpose of providing professional training for security personnel in all areas of society.

We provide initial training as well as advanced and comprehensive training to all levels of professionals in the field of defence and safety who are employed by both the government and private... (read more)
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English (US)
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Ruben - I find your attempts to frame this as a Morales plot against Santa Cruz, or perhaps a Morales plot against Morales himself, banal and historically ignorant.

Rózsa Flores' activities from 1990 onwards clearly identify him as an assassin and mercenary willing to commit atrocities in the name of racist, far right, causes and blame them on his opponents. Tudjman, the Croatian butcher, made him an honourary Croatian for his dirty tricks and war crimes during the Balkan Wars.

Here's some detail on Rózsa Flores' notorious Croatian International Brigade:

Quote:a brigade of 380 foreigners, the First International Platoon, known by its Croatian initials, PIV.

"He was an action-chaser," a Croatian journalist with years investigating connections between foreign mercenaries and Croatian secret services tells TIME. "PIV was a notorious group: 95% of them had criminal histories, many were part of Nazi and fascist groups, from Germany to Ireland." Rozsa rose to the status of Major and gained a reputation for brashness — before scandal hit in December of 1991. That's when a PIV enlistee named Christian Wurtemburg, a Swiss national, turned up dead — tortured and garroted. British journalist Paul Jenks began investigating Wurtemburg's death and was shot dead as well. (British journalist John Sweeney made a movie about the deaths in 1994 for Channel 4 called Dying for the Truth.)

More recently, Rózsa Flores was linked with Jobbik, the far right Hungarian movement which is very close to openly espousing ethnic cleansing of the Roma (Gypsy) people. Some of his mercenary band were members of the Székely Legion, which is a Hungarian neo-fascist paramilitary group.

Rózsa Flores was a self-proclaimed National Anarchist, which is a mystical, often Black-Sun worshipping, neo-Nazi cult. Several leading National Anarchists have been outed as intelligence agency assets.

Rózsa Flores was also a spokesperson for Opus Dei, and other members of his Bolivian mercenary band - dead and alive - have received financial and legal aid from SMOM groups. With SMOM and Opus Dei, and the Croatian background, we are bang in the middle of deep political covert operations run utlimately by the same gang who brought us Gladio.

Before it disappeared, Rózsa Flores' web pages further identified him as a supporter of Camba Nation, a Bolivian secessionist group. For more on Camba Nation and its funding by the secessionist European elite of Santa Cruz, see post eg #54 here:

There are well-grounded allegations that the "US Ambassador for Ethnic Cleansing", Goldberg, was sent to Bolivia to help stoke ethnic tension prior to a break-up of Bolivia in the fashion of the deliberate destruction and fracturing of Yugoslavia. See eg posts #68 & #57 here:

Fortunately, President Morales had the courage and intelligence to throw Goldberg out of Bolivia.

Oh yeah, Rózsa Flores also gave an interview in Europe about his intentions:

Quote:Croatia: Morales murder plot suspect 'wanted to form separatist army'

Zagreb, 22 April (AKI) – A Croat allegedly involved in a plot to kill leftwing Bolivian president Evo Morales said in an interview that he travelled to Bolivia to form a secessionist army in the country's mineral-rich Santa Cruz region.

“They called me from Bolivia, from Santa Cruz, they told me to come home, because the motherland calls,” Eduardo Rosza Flores said in a Hungarian media interview.

The interview was recorded last September and excerpts from it were published on Wednesday by Croatian daily Jutarnji.

Flores, who had dual Bolivian-Croatian nationality, was killed last week in Bolivia in a gunfight with police.

“My task is to form an army in Santa Cruz as soon as possible and to be its leader,” Flores said. “I’m not a mercenary, nor will I ever be, but if motherland needs me I’m going,” said Bolivian-born Flores.

In the interview, recorded just before he travelled to Bolivia, Flores said the Santa Cruz region opposed Morales’ rule and was fighting for autonomy.

“Only if autonomy doesn’t succeed by peaceful means, will we proclaim independence,” he concluded in the interview.

Flores, 49, a Bolivian of Croatian origins, said that his trip to Bolivia was well organised, including his air tickets and illegal crossing of the border from Brazil.

Flores, nicknamed Chico, went to Croatia in 1991, to fight in the secessionist war against the former Yugoslavia.

After the war ended with Croatia's independence in 1995, he retired from the army with the rank of major and lived in the Hungarian capital, Budapest.

Apart from Flores, an Irishman, Dwyer Michael Martin, and a Romanian, Arpad Magyarosi were killed in a shootout with police in the eastern city of Santa Cruz.

Two other suspected plotters, Elot Toaso, a Hungarian, and another Bolivian of Croat descent, Mario Francisco Tadic, were arrested during the gunfight.

Morales said they were members of a gang planning to kill him and several other officials. The Bolivian press linked the plotters to an opposition leader in Santa Cruz, Branko Marinkovic, who is also of Croatian descent.

The discovery of the alleged plot raised concern in Croatia about the fate of a sizeable Croat community in Bolivia after Croats were described in the media as separatists and fascists.

Some Bolivian newspapers have made a link with the World War II fake or quisling state in Croatia that was formed by the leader of the separatist Ustashe movement, Ante Pavelic, under the auspices of Hitler and Mussolini.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Not an "attempt", not banal and not ignorant.

You try to bring discredit to what I say by showing the felonies of Rosza Flores. But I plenty agree with you: he was a felon. I allready said before that in my opinion, he WAS A MERCENARY. He has fight for whatever has been payed, not matter leftist or rightist causes, even religious (that's seems not to be important to him, but only a useful mask to serve his real God: the money).

If you really knew what Camba Nation is, you will laugh a lot. Morale's press try to show Camba Nation as a dark, rich and extremly powerful organization linked with the oligarchy, CIA, the Mossad or whatever, (you choose. His propaganda change according the circumstances), above the power of bolivian government and army.

The reality is far different: only a little group of intelectuals (you can find there from moderate leftist to extreme rigthtist) who write press articles and opinions. You can amaze yourself how some leftist can join rightist people. The answer is the CAUSE they where defending: the right of local legal small landowners and indigenous local people to keep his ancestral land and culture to not be overhelmed by western aimaran or quechua people. Because they where taking land by assault, violating all laws.
That was in the begining. Latter, they bring ideological support to the idea of Autonomic movment (as spanish autonomy model) and many other issues. Anyway, they never had any economic power or war capabilitiesLaugh. All of them are worried family guys who earn their living by working hard. I know some of them.

That movment not longer exist (some still try to keep it alive), because some of them where chased by Morales and others sepparate due to ideological differences about the issues they propose. For example: is TRUE that at least two of their representatives support the idea of PEACEFUL (by referendum) secesion IF the change of centralist model was not possible. That, instead of helping the movment, cause his discredit between bolivians and the harassment of Morales propaganda, that use them very conveniently making big noise, to discredit all Autonomic movment.

If Rosza Flores use some Camba Nation representatives extrem ideas for his own pourpose, I don't think Camba Nation can be blamed for that. For shure, they don't pay Rosza Flores, simply because they don't have the money to do it.

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