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Morales assassins: Bolivia gang "fought in Balkans"

The link has jpgs of original documents suggesting Eduardo Rozsa Flores was a KGB "informant" in 1989. Of course, as posts earlier in this thread show, Rozsa Flores did go the elite Dzerzhinsky Academy, and work as a "translator" for Carlos.

However, a year or two later, Rozsa Flores was running a false flag dirty tricks "international brigade" for the Croats in the Yugoslav Civil War, committing Ustaša-style atrocities for his fascist masters such as Tudjman.

So, once again, we have glimpses of the creation of an intelligence legend.

It appears that, in textbook Gladio fashion, Eduardo Rozsa Flores, the National Anarchist assassin, coalface cog in a global strategy of tension, could have been painted as a KGB agent if one of his atrocities had attracted the "wrong" sort of scrutiny in the 1990s....
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
A "separatist" journalism grows in Bolivia

[Image: 6a00d834521b2769e20120a4ecb889970b-320pi]The new attacks on Walter Chávez confirm that the CIA is rolling out a Psychological Operations plan in the country
A “separatist” journalism grows in Bolivia

By Wilson García Mérida
August 3, 2009
[Spanish original]
Translated by Scott Campbell

(Datos & Análisis).- The Psychological Operations Command of the Pentagon, which operates in Venezuela through a mercenary communications firm tied to the CIA, is expanding its actions in Bolivia. Proofs of this are the recent media attacks suffered by libertarian journalist Walter Chávez, whose presence in the last meeting of Evo Morales’ cabinet caused an insipid national scandal. With the same bad intentions, this emerging separatist journalism continues making apologies for the frustrated attempts at Balkanization by mercenary Eduardo Rozsa and cynically spreading misinformation about the undeniable advances of the agrarian revolution in Pando.


Annually, and in a very selective manner, the U.S. government’s information service, more well known by its initials in English, BBG, “invites” journalists who in general work for large media companies, preferably editors-in-chief, columnists, TV anchors or “star” reporters, with the goal of formatting not just the style but also, above all, the subject matter, these reporters, “privileged” by the attentions of the U.S. embassy, will convey in their daily work.

With rare exceptions, practically all the Bolivian journalists who today occupy “decisive” positions in the conglomerates and networks of the communications business, have been favored with at least a trip to U.S. cities, at the invitation of the BGG, from which they return convinced that the Indian who governs Bolivia is a terrorist. These are pleasure trips with stays in five-star hotels in order to participate in “seminars” and “guided visits” to important U.S. media outlets. Once they return from these trips, these colleagues put themselves at the service of fascist politicians directly connected with the media outlet owners.

This form of “cooptation” which is part of the CIA’s strategy to exercise control over information systems in Latin America, has voraciously intensified and widened since the attacks that felled the twin towers in 2001. And today it is intensifying in Bolivia.

Soldiers of fallacy

After the Persian Gulf crisis, the war against Iraq and the attacks of September 11, the United States discovered that control of information and all of the technological apparatus inherent in it were the most efficient weapons of war. The journalist is conceived of as a key part of these invisible, yet lethal, social battles called “Psychological Operations” (PsyOps), whose objective is to prevent “the enemy” (in this case the government of Evo Morales) from having favorable public opinion for their actions. The modern warlike design of the United States opts for shooting lies, prior to bullets or together with them, producing equally devastating effects.

Federico Montanari, quoted by Joám Evans, affirms that today, “It is communication itself that can be turned into a continuation of war by other means,” through a “reversible continuum of politics and war, between which war and politics meld through communication.” And this brings us psychological war as such, understood as, “The planned use of propaganda and other actions oriented to generate opinions, emotions, attitudes, and behavior of foreign groups, be they enemies, neutral, or friends, in such a way as to support the achievement of national objectives [of the U.S.].” (Daugherty)

And the professionals called upon to carry out these “Psychological Operations” are not exactly psychologists, but above all journalists, reporters and publicists.

Latin America is today, as the Persian Gulf, the Middle East and the Balkans were in their time, the stage where an information war is being unleashed with complete vehemence, and it is such that the Pentagon, in its fervor to relieve itself of the uncomfortable presence of Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez on the world stage, has reinforced its “Psychological Operations Unit,” based in Fort Bragg, where 1,200 specialists work, charged with creating “reliable messages” to support the interventionist politics of the United States. And coating these deeds is the shiny gloss of the CIA.

According to Rodrigo Guevara, the Pentagon’s PsyOps Command is charged with “packaging” together “pre-fabricated” speeches and writings for the “consumption” of the objective-population. During the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, according to reporting from the Times, USAID (the U.S. cooperation agency on which the BGG relies), developed and distributed tens of thousands of iPod-style audio devices (digital music players with hard drives or flash memory) which transmitted packaged civic messages, “but they did it through a contractor to assure that the ‘fingerprints’ of the Pentagon or the U.S. government weren’t on them.”

Rodrigo Guevara explains that along with hiring mercenary communications firms, the Pentagon also turns to bribing journalists in occupied or besieged countries. Or they co-opt them through the pleasant trips organized by the BGG.

In its war against Hugo Chávez and the Venezuelan people, the PsyOps Command of the Pentagon hired a mercenary communications firm, the Rendon Group, which is charged with “packaging” the spin that guides the Venezuelan journalists subordinated to this bellicose form of distorting information. Such methods are now in Bolivia.

Anything goes against the Peruvian

The informational thuggery foisted on Bolivia by the CIA and Pentagon is causing the growth of a separatist, prejudiced, and openly racist journalism which seeks to emphasize the weaknesses of President Evo Morales. In Bolivia, the famed “journalistic objectivity,” ethics, and impartiality in the handling of the facts are relics of the past. Today it is more important to be able to convince people that the enemy is in the other lane, that he is an Indian and a terrorist, even though in doing so one has to defame and misinform to the detriment of the people’s right to know the truth.

Examples abound; but the recent case of Peruvian journalist Walter Chávez, who was “surprised” by the cameras entering a meeting of Evo Morales’ cabinet during an event held in the municipality of Huajchilla, which was cause for scandalous front-page headlines, plainly shows the way in which Bolivian journalism, dominated by large media companies, has turned itself into a shameful appendage of the separatist and racist strategies still underway. “Accused terrorist turns up at Evo’s cabinet,” is one of the lie-filled headlines which seek to intimidate public opinion into a fervor, encouraged by the CIA, to undercut the citizenry’s confidence in the indigenous government.

Walter Chávez, as we all know in our country, is an intellectual educated at San Marcos University, Peru, and has been in Bolivia since 1992 as a political refugee after being persecuted by the Fujimori dictatorship.

He has worked as a journalist for more than 10 years, founding at the beginning of the 2000s the independent weekly “El Juguete Rabioso” [The Mad Toy], which helped clear the way for Evo’s path to the presidency.

In the middle of 2008, this fascism dug up Fujimori’s old smear over Chávez’s supposed links, never proven, with the MRTA and pushed for his “extradition” to Peru with the unique urge to discredit the Bolivian government.

Chávez was a journalist with La Razón and other traditional media during the neoliberal governments of Paz Zamora, Sánchez de Lozada, Banzer, Tuto Quiroga and Carlos Mesa, and was considered “a good journalist” and it didn’t occur to any of them to extradite him to Peru when they were in power.

But when he was seen next to Evo Morales, he turned out to be a “dangerous terrorist” who had to be expelled from the country, without considering that along with enjoying the rights as a refugee under the aegis of the UN, Walter Chávez created a home in Bolivia, has a daughter born in La Paz, and in many aspects is more of and a better Bolivian than the many politicians and local overlords who seek to Balkanize their country by hiring true terrorists such as the Hungarian-Croat mercenary Rozsa.

In May of 2008, the Supreme Court made a binding ruling that Walter Chávez can not be thrown out of Bolivia in any way, let alone extradited, and that he enjoys the status of a political refugee with all the prerogatives honored by the UN.

And although they achieved the dismissal of Chávez as an advisor to the president, he didn’t lose his ties with Evo Morales nor does he have cause to work in secret.

As such, his “appearance” in the cabinet at Huajchilla was not secret. Walter regularly enters the Palace to meet with Evo Morales, Álvaro García Linera or Juan Ramón Quintana, coordinating a series of investigative works such as the one, for example, he is carrying out together with the Datos & Análisis Information Service in relation to the Rozsa case.

Walter Chávez versus Rozsa Flores

“Opposition worriedly eyes the return of Chávez to Evo’s side,” reads a clearly insidious headline, within the framework of the “psychological operation” to undermine the governability of the regime. Walter Chávez is the scapegoat that the CIA is using so that the separatist journalism can achieve its ends.

They lied with similar malicious intent and perversely manipulative capability when they tried to turn the agrarian revolution in Pando into a simple electoral dirty trick, and they seek to impede the migration of landless peasants from the Andes to the Amazon, stigmatizing this historical event as a “genocide in the making.”

This same separatist journalism which makes a mockery of the right of freedom of movement that helped Walter Chávez as a political refugee, is trying to turn Eduardo Rozsa Flores, the Balkanizer hired by the wealthy landowners in the east, into an innocent victim of Evo Morales’ “terrorist regime.”

It was immoral the way these journalists were able scare off and discredit Spanish colleague Julio César Alonso, who arrived in the country in order to report on Rozsa’s background as a war criminal investigated by the UN.

None of Alonso’s detractors bothered to check the UN files relating to the Balkans, where Rozsa is effectively accused of several murders. Here is what was reported to the Commission on Human Rights in February 1994, in a document titled “Letter dated 10 February 1994 from the Permanent Mission of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia to the United Nations Office at Geneva addressed to the Chairman of the fiftieth session of the Commission on Human Rights,” where an explicit allusion is made to Rozsa’s pillaging, with a slight error in his last name:
“At the end of 1991, the Osijek operations zone of the Croatian Army had an international brigade established by Eduardo Rosses Flores [sic], the Zagreb-based correspondent of the Catalonian paper “La vanguardia.” The brigade was composed of former French Legion combatants and mercenaries from the wars in the Middle East and Latin America. It often operated on its own in the region of Eastern Slavonia and committed massacres against Serbian civilians in the villages of Divos, Ernestinovo, Tenjski Antunovac and others.”
The United Nations rapporteur charged that the Croatian government protected Rozsa Flores in order to prevent his prosecution at the International Criminal Court in The Hague. According to its report to the UN responding to Yugoslavia’s charges, the Croatian government protected him with the argument that since he was a Croatian citizen, he was not a mercenary:
“In respect of the eighth allegation about ’an international brigade’, in fact it concerns the volunteers. There are no data to support the claim that they committed massacres. Their commanding officer, Mr. Eduardo Jorge Roses Flores, born in 1960, is a Croatian citizen.”
In spite of the weight of this historical fact which we are aware of thanks to JC Alonso, for those confused Bolivian journalists who command large audiences, our Spanish colleague was the evil one just for telling us that Rozsa was a chemically pure mercenary and well-deserving of a place in hell.

The most well-perfected model of this mercenary and separatist journalism that is taking shape in Bolivia is the dealings in Santa Cruz of former socialist Cayetano Llobet, an employee of Croatian businessman Branco Marinkovic, who a few days ago bought all the stocks of the newspaper El Día, whose frivolity-filled pages are now covered with the packaged powder of the Pentagon’s PsyOps Command.

And La Razón is not far behind. Nor are the large television stations whose owners are those eastern landowners who believe that draining the land and distributing it to the country’s dispossessed is a “terrorist act.”

The basic strategy of the genuine terrorist consists of accusing his victims of being terrorists. It was a basic scheme during the dark days of Plan Cóndor. And when journalism lends itself to this ignoble game, it means that something is faltering in the consciences of those colleagues who should be expecting, anxiously, the next BGG invitation to travel to the U.S.

Wilson Garcia Merida is an independent journalist in Cochabamba, Bolivia, Director of the Servicio Informativo Datos & Analisis. His email is
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Monday, August 17, 2009

"Unclear" terrorism targets campesino leader

[Image: fidelsucro.jpg]The wife of national campesino leader Fidel Sucro, Arminda Colque, was severely injured by a letter bomb addressed to her husband. Six others were injured by the blast as well as from a second letter bomb. Sucro is head of the umbrella social movements organization Conalcam.

The Associated Press in its awefulness stated, "It was unclear what may have motivated the Wednesday attacks". It might have been clearer if they had maybe listened to what was said of the attack by those targeted.

Fidel Sucro stated, "The attacks are the begining of a dirty war against the process of change. It is a dirty war with the intention of terrorizing the government and and social movements in the begining of the campaign for the general elections in December."

From the Latin American Herald Tribune:

The attack was staged by “a new terrorism network” linked to Bolivian-born Croatian citizen Eduardo Rosza Flores, who was killed in an April 16 police operation, Sen. Felix Rojas said.

The same neonazi terrorists are suspected in the brutal murder of Evo Morales' aunt.

If you are wondering why the rightwing opposition would resort to terrorism in order to compete in general elections the consevative Bolivian intellectual Jorge Lazarte might give a good anwser. Lazarte, a prominent neoliberal intellectuals and now discredited as a compulsive liar, recently complained about the hopelessly fragmented opposition- doomed in the December elections. He stated bluntly that they have no alternative political or social project for the country.

But they still have money and violent friends.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Eduardo Rozsa Flores is the archetypal Gladio creation.

Out of his own mouth, it's clear that Rozsa Flores is a National Anarchist (ie an advocate of Neo-Nazi mysticism with a Miguel Serrano Black Sun obsession) who wanted to help lead a violent secession of the white, European, landowning, Project Paperclip, ruling elites of Santa Cruz away from the nation state of Bolivia.

However, his MO is not as simple as killing the supposed "bad guys" - who in this case would be indigenous Aymara and Quechua leaders, and supporters of the government of President Evo Morales.

Rather his Gladio MO is to perpetrate acts of terror that strike fear into the hearts and minds of ordinary people. If those acts of terror can be blamed on the "bad guys" that's a valuable, but not essential, bonus.

Here's a classic historical example of the Gladio MO:

In Italy, the 1980 Bologna train station bombing killed 85 and wounded more than 200. Initially, the authorities blamed the left-wing, Soviet-linked, Red Brigades. In fact, the massacre was perpetrated by Gladio cutouts, the Neofascist NAR (Nuclei Armati Rivoluzionari).

And where did the NAR receive their explosives from? A Gladio arsenal.

The Gladio MO is a strategy of terror and tension - often conducted directly against the civilian population.

Back to Eduardo Rozsa Flores.

His official biography (intelligence legend) is so tangled that he is (at least superficially) plausibly deniable by every intelligence agency in the world. If only because he has a record of working for so many of them - oftentimes as a low-level informant.

A classic method for creating faux tracks in the spooky snow.....

On his return to Bolivia to fight for white-dominated secession, Rozsa Flores was implicated in an attempt to murder the right-wing Archbishop of Santa Cruz. This was almost certainly part of a false flag strategy of tension attempt to foment unrest against the government of Evo Morales.

After all, the murder of a leading Man of God would suggest that Morales' police could not protect anyone. Presumably part of the MO would have been to blame the murder, if it had succeeded, on indigenous elements.

Rozsa Flores' Croatian "International Brigade" were notorious for precisely this type of atrocity in the Yugoslav Civil War: they would commit carnage against their own side, and then plant evidence that the crimes had been carried out by Serbs.

This is also presumably a major reason why the fascist war criminal Franjo Tudman made the Bolivian-born Rozsa Flores a Croatian citizen, despite the fact that Rozsa Flores did not possess even a pinprick of Croatian blood.

In fact, Eduardo Rozsa Flores was a true child of Paperclip, of the Nazi ratlines, of the Nazi International.

Of Gladio.

Morales' secret service executed this Gladio assassin and his band of dogs of war and agent provocateurs.

In doing so, they put the American secret service agents charged with protecting the life of John F Kennedy to eternal shame.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
The Bolivian authorities are suggesting that the mercenary group's explosive expert, nicknamed "Malaria", served with Rozsa Flores' Croatian dirty tricks band - the "International Brigade" - in the 1990s Balkan conflict.

In googlish:

Quote:Bolivia initiates criminal actions in the outside against terrorism
Thursday, 03 of September of 2009
03 of September of 2009, 18:14 La Paz, 3 sep (PL) the ministries of Exteriors and Public of Bolivia announced today that they will initiate criminal actions in other countries in order to consolidate the investigation on a neutralized terrorist cell in last April in Santa Cruz.

In agreement with the public prosecutor in charge of the case, Marcelo Soza, the investigation on the band that led the Bolivian-Croatian, Eduardo Rozsa Flores, died in the operative police officer of the 16 of last April, will include the people who escaped to elude the investigations and foreigners who left the country.

It explained that one of the objectives is to take declarations to the foreign citizens who according to the investigations arrived at the country with Rózsa and on the other hand to obtain the extradition of the Bolivians who escaped to elude to justice.

In the investigation by the terrorism crime it is including the Hungarian, Tibor Révész, as well as Gabor Dudog, Daniel Gaspar and Nagy Tomás Lajos, that are presumed had nexuses with the extremists.

According to Soza, Révész has an ample military formation because it commanded the Szekler Legion, paramilitary organization created the 2002 in the city of Palhalma (Hungary).

Also, it said, that indications that exist the Spanish citizen Alejandro Hernandez Mora, expert in explosives and sabotage, would be tie to the paramilitary group.

According to the new evidences, said Soza, Hernandez Mora belonged to the Brigade the International, group that Rózsa commanded in the war in the Croatia. This ex- Spanish military man was nicknamed âMalaria' and was in charge to make the explosives.

Also he needed that in the collected data one is clear that the Spanish expert was engaged by Rózsa Flores, although he does not know himself if with that purpose traveled to Bolivia.

In the action of the 16 of April, also they were killed Magyarosi Arpád (Hungarian-Croatian) and Michael Martin Dwyer (Irish), and were stopped Mario Tadic (Bolivian with Croatian passport) and Elod Toasó (Hungarian).

Two days later catched to Juan Carlos Gueder and the Paraguayan Alcides Mendoza, confesos members of the Youthful Union Cruceñista, arm of shock of the competing Civic Committee of Santa Cruz.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
For background on KMFAP, the bogus Order of St John of Jerusalem, and its military-intelligence links, see page 12 of this thread, eg here:

The American Orthodox Catholic Church are wandering bishops, in the Levendan sense....

That's the context for today's Hungarian news report:

Quote:Experts believe Hungarian-Romanian shot in Bolivia was executed
Budapest, October 4 (MTI) - Hungarian forensic experts believe that Arpad Magyarosi, an ethnic Hungarian Romanian citizen shot dead by Bolivian police during an alleged anti-terrorist attack in April, was executed, a police official said on Sunday.

The experts prepared a virtual reconstruction of the standoff that took place in a Santa Cruz hotel room on April 16, during which Hungarian-Croatian-Bolivian citizen Eduardo Rozsa Flores and Irish Michael Martin Dwyer were also shot dead.

On the basis of photographs taken in the hotel room after the standoff and post-mortem records prepared by a Hungarian doctor, the experts say that after Magyarosi surrendered to the police, he was shot seven times, dying from internal bleeding after 30 minutes, said Peter Tarjanyi.

Karoly Nagy Andras, Foreign Minister of the Sovereign Order Of Saint John Knights of Malta, Federation of the Autonomous Priores, said that the Order would take the Magyarosi case to the court of human rights.

Attila Nyikos, the Magyarosi family's lawyer, said that he would submit a report to police on Monday regarding the murder of a European Union citizen.

The 28-year-old ethnic Hungarian and his two allies were shot dead for alleged involvement in an plot to kill Bolivian President Evo Morales.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
I see that Philip Goldberg, described as "the Ambassador for ethnic cleansing" after his deeds in the former Yugoslavia, and expelled from Bolivia by Evo Morales in 2008 for his attempts at destabilizing the Andean nation - in particular through his links to the Santa Cruz "autonomy" movement (whose Paperclip roots have been exposed in this thread) - has been given a new role by Obama:

Quote:Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of Intelligence and Research: Philip Goldberg

Hmmm. What are we seeing here?

Quote:The Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR) is an intelligence bureau in the U.S. State Department tasked with analyzing information. Originally founded as the Research and Analysis Branch of the Office of Strategic Services, it was transferred to the State Department at the end of World War II. The Bureau of Intelligence and Research is part of the United States Intelligence Community, of which there are 16 branches. The current number of employees and its budget is classified. The Bureau is headed by the Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research.

Goldberg has taken over from Randall M Fort, a Bush appointee, who had very high level revolving door experience as a "Special Assistant to the Secretary for National Security" and "Director of the Office of Intelligence Support" for the US Treasuary Dept, (under Reagan).

Quote:In 1996, (Fort) moved to Goldman Sachs to become its Director of Global Security (he was in charge of firm-wide security), and then as chief of staff to the President and co-Chief Operating Officer of the firm.

In 2006, Fort rejoined the government, becoming Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research. His term ended with the ending of the presidency of George W. Bush in 2009.

So, in taking over from Fort, I wonder what assignment They have in mind for Goldberg?

Peeping thorugh the keyhole into the deep and murky blackness of the secret structures...
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Maybe I can give my contribution to inform about this thread.
Investigative journalists in Bolivia has done good research in this issue. Slowly things are more clear. The picture here is horrific.

Evo Morales has been claiming that there where people wanting to kill him almost since the first day his asumption as president of Bolivia. Seems this is common to all the latin american "Socialists", to keep the people in tension an to increase the hate to USA, coz they blame USA to be the head of any conspiracy. But bolivian people begin to laugh every time Morales complaint the supposed conspiracy in his frequent speeches.

On the other hand, there was intelligence reports that opponents in some regions (Santa Cruz region, specifically) wanting to organize a military resistance in order to stop "Labor Unions" (mostly coca farmers) controled and payed by Morales (with Chavez money) who used them to siege cities and regions opposed to Morales, by blocking roadways and preventing to city people recive food and goods during many weeks. Police forces are banned to take part, because they are controlled by Morales. There is no local police force in Bolivia, only one controlled by national government.

So, Morales government intelligence contact and hire Eduardo Rosza Flores as a double-agent. He went to Santa Cruz to contact opponents showing his war experience and his allegated capacity to organize a military resistance. Many oppositors take the bite and begin to give money and recive some training from Rosza, who begin to live a good life in the companion of his foreign friends (Michael Dwayer,Arpad Magyarosi, Elod Toaso) introduced as "military experts". But people begin to be tired to give money and recive allmost nothing, so they stop founding Rosza, specially when Rosza try to intimidate the catholic church cardinal by placing an explosive device in his residence while he was out of the city. Rosza do this as a way to justify the money he was reciving (without consulting his founders), telling people that they can blame the government, and asking more founding. By the other hand, he was asking more money to his real contractor ( the Morales government), threatening them to reveal the plot.

That lead to trigger the order for the asesination of Rosza and his friends. They where executed by a special force of assasins (UTARC) controlled by Morales and vice-president Alvaro García Linera, force that has intervened in other killing situations in Bolivia. Also, the bolivian government controls the official prosecutor who shamelessy violate bolivian laws catching oppositors according a list provided by Rosza and tortured them, in his attempt to involve the main opponent Ruben Costas (governor of Santa Cruz region) and Branko Marinkovic, civic leader, and any other. This subject has become the perfect excuse for the Morales government to prosecute political opponents, no matter if they where not involved. They are still chased (and blamed publically by government press) for "investigative reasons".

As a data: When he was in Europe, Eduardo Rosza where roommate of the brother of bolivian Vice-president Alvaro García Linera and a high leader of the MAS party in Santa Cruz, the political party controlled by Morales)

There is no way to legaly stop Morale's abuses, because in his first year of government, he take care to dismantle the Constitutional Court and many judicial institutions. The ones that remain are under shameless obediance to the government or under siege.

This situation will be worst. Morales is wining elections with Chavez money help (used to pay "Socialists" Union Leaders), creating small amount bonds for poor people, encouraging the hate for "Capitalism" and "yankees" thru government propaganda media (most of the media is now controlled by government), prosecuting opponents, using the state money (and Chavez money) in discretionary way (he don´t report budget expenses since he take government), cheating the election votes...etc.

There are many cubans and venezuelans agents controlling bolivian intelligence agencys, key institutions and media propaganda.

And don't you dare to call Morales a bloody dictator. If you do, you will suddenly find surrounded by insults from him and his "friends" (Chavez, Ortega,Correa, etc.) calling you racist, imperialist, capitalist... and all the "ist" they can find.

Sorry for my english.
Ruben Mundaca Wrote:Sorry for my english.

All things considered, I'm rather more sorry for your dismal CIA politics. Things a little slack at Langley, then?
Ruben Mundaca Wrote:Hi.
Maybe I can give my contribution to inform about this thread.
Investigative journalists in Bolivia has done good research in this issue. Slowly things are more clear. The picture here is horrific.

Evo Morales has been claiming that there where people wanting to kill him almost since the first day his asumption as president of Bolivia. Seems this is common to all the latin american "Socialists", to keep the people in tension an to increase the hate to USA, coz they blame USA to be the head of any conspiracy. But bolivian people begin to laugh every time Morales complaint the supposed conspiracy in his frequent speeches.

On the other hand, there was intelligence reports that opponents in some regions (Santa Cruz region, specifically) wanting to organize a military resistance in order to stop "Labor Unions" (mostly coca farmers) controled and payed by Morales (with Chavez money) who used them to siege cities and regions opposed to Morales, by blocking roadways and preventing to city people recive food and goods during many weeks. Police forces are banned to take part, because they are controlled by Morales. There is no local police force in Bolivia, only one controlled by national government.

So, Morales government intelligence contact and hire Eduardo Rosza Flores as a double-agent. He went to Santa Cruz to contact opponents showing his war experience and his allegated capacity to organize a military resistance. Many oppositors take the bite and begin to give money and recive some training from Rosza, who begin to live a good life in the companion of his foreign friends (Michael Dwayer,Arpad Magyarosi, Elod Toaso) introduced as "military experts". But people begin to be tired to give money and recive allmost nothing, so they stop founding Rosza, specially when Rosza try to intimidate the catholic church cardinal by placing an explosive device in his residence while he was out of the city. Rosza do this as a way to justify the money he was reciving (without consulting his founders), telling people that they can blame the government, and asking more founding. By the other hand, he was asking more money to his real contractor ( the Morales government), threatening them to reveal the plot.

That lead to trigger the order for the asesination of Rosza and his friends. They where executed by a special force of assasins (UTARC) controlled by Morales and vice-president Alvaro García Linera, force that has intervened in other killing situations in Bolivia. Also, the bolivian government controls the official prosecutor who shamelessy violate bolivian laws catching oppositors according a list provided by Rosza and tortured them, in his attempt to involve the main opponent Ruben Costas (governor of Santa Cruz region) and Branko Marinkovic, civic leader, and any other. This subject has become the perfect excuse for the Morales government to prosecute political opponents, no matter if they where not involved. They are still chased (and blamed publically by government press) for "investigative reasons".

As a data: When he was in Europe, Eduardo Rosza where roommate of the brother of bolivian Vice-president Alvaro García Linera and a high leader of the MAS party in Santa Cruz, the political party controlled by Morales)

There is no way to legaly stop Morale's abuses, because in his first year of government, he take care to dismantle the Constitutional Court and many judicial institutions. The ones that remain are under shameless obediance to the government or under siege.

This situation will be worst. Morales is wining elections with Chavez money help (used to pay "Socialists" Union Leaders), creating small amount bonds for poor people, encouraging the hate for "Capitalism" and "yankees" thru government propaganda media (most of the media is now controlled by government), prosecuting opponents, using the state money (and Chavez money) in discretionary way (he don´t report budget expenses since he take government), cheating the election votes...etc.

There are many cubans and venezuelans agents controlling bolivian intelligence agencys, key institutions and media propaganda.

And don't you dare to call Morales a bloody dictator. If you do, you will suddenly find surrounded by insults from him and his "friends" (Chavez, Ortega,Correa, etc.) calling you racist, imperialist, capitalist... and all the "ist" they can find.

Sorry for my english.

To Ruben Mundaca

I was wondering what line the defenders of the ethnic cleansing dog of war, Eduardo Rosza Flores, were going to come up with. To suggest he was hired directly by Morales is a pretty pathetic argument.

Rosza Flores was a self-proclaimed National Anarchist. The National Anarchists are black sun-worshipping neo-Nazis, in the tradition of Miguel Serrano's "esoteric Hitlerists". This Nazi streak may partly explain Rosza Flores' hatred of Israel. Another possible root may be found in Rosza Flores' acknowledged work as an agent of Opus Dei, and the patronage of St. John of Jerusalem Knights of Malta Sovereign Autonomous Priory Association. And then there's Rosza Flores' links to the far right Hungarian group, Jobbik, who are close to openly encouraging ethnic cleansing of the Roma people.

Of course, the Croatian Ustaša rump, elements of which Rosza Flores must have mixed with during the Balkan Wars, don't like "gypsies" either. They created concentration camps such as Jasenovac to mass murder Roma, Serbs, Jews and members of the resistance.

Rosza Flores' politics may seem confused because of his support for the Palestinians and the MSM attempts to frame him as "the last anarchist". In reality, his National Anarchist, Croatian Ustaša, Jobbik, SMOM and Opus Dei links unequivocally show him to be a creature of the extreme and violent fascist right.

Rosza Flores' father, (note the full name - Jorge Rózsa Obermayer, born to an Austrian mother and Hungarian-Jewish father), arrived in Bolivia in 1952, funded by the French government to investigate the ethnographic French music of the Andes.

Seven years after WW2, with the Paperclip ratlines of Nazis to Bolivia increasingly known to the world's intelligence agencies, the French government sponsored an Austrian/Hungarian/Jew to investigate the "French music of the Andes"??????

That's almost as flimsy as his son's later journalistic cover story in the Balkan Wars....

Becuase, yes indeed, in the early 1990s, Eduardo Rosza Flores obtained cover as a BBC stringer in the Balkans. But he soon openly abandoned the pen for the gun. Rosza Flores formed a notorious paramilitary Brigade (Zenga aka the "International Brigade") which was repeatedly accused of committing atrocities against its own side and then planting evidence to blame the Serbs. For these false flag crimes, and for alleged acts of ethnic cleansing, the butcher and mass murderer Tudjman made Rosza Flores an honourary Croatian.

Oh yeah, Rosza Flores is also believed to have murdered at least two journalists.

Quote:Eduardo Rozsa Flores, a journalist of Spanish-Hungarian extraction and a citizen of Hungary and Croatia, recently requested accreditation in the U.N. headquarters in Zagreb but was refused. A civilian UN official said that he had been vetted and that it was established that the said journalist was suspected of having committed war crimes and two murders, and “persons suspected of having committed murders are not given press accreditation”.

After a long investigation, the international journalists’ association, “Reporters without Frontiers”, prepared a comprehensive material and forwarded it to the United Nations Security Council which the expert group in Geneva published within its resolution 780. The essence of the said material is that Flores, the correspondent of the Catalonian weekly “La Vanguardia” of Barcelona and the commander of the “International Brigade” within the Croat Zenga’s which operated in Eastern Slavonia [under the leadership of self-declared Ustasha and indicted war criminal Branimir Glavas] at the end of 1991 and in 1992, is directly responsible for the death of two foreign journalists, Swiss Christian Wurtemberg and British photographer Paul Janks, who worked for the German EPA news agency.

So, what were the politics of Rosza Flores on his return to Bolivia in 2006?

An interview recorded before his death sheds much light:

Quote:A Posthumous Interview
The outpouring of speculation was fierce and pointed in every direction. The versions multiplied while each of the political actors looked to turn things to their own advantage for their face off in the December elections. But the bubbles of misinformation were slowly bursting. The complexity of the case, fuelled by the multifaceted and contradictory life history of Rózsa Flores (see footnote), began to unravel when a Croatian journalist, András Kepes, released a posthumous interview with the terrorist that took place in Hungary, a kind of "last will and testament."

In it, Rózsa Flores revealed that he had been called by the authorities in Santa Cruz to form a militia to fight the central government, so that if Santa Cruz was not granted a greater level of autonomy, it could declare independence and create a new country. The phrasing throughout the 49 minutes of the interview was unequivocal:

"I will travel from Brazil to Bolivia and I will begin to organize the militia, based on the decision made in Santa Cruz" to gain autonomy through separation from the federal government.
"If those in government do not permit the autonomy of Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz is ready to secede from Bolivia."
"The organizers will provide the financing and weapons, which will be obtained illegally. Probably from Brazil since the arms trade is not legal in Bolivia."
"We will not march with flags or bamboo sticks; we will do so with weapons."
"I will not go to the Bolivian jungle to play at being Ché Guevera."
"I am not going to launch an attack against La Paz, and I will not help launch an offensive against the capital, nor would I overthrow President Evo Morales. We will organize a defense and resistance …"
However, by all indications this last statement by the mercenary was modified with time as different investigations uncovered meticulous plans to take the lives of the president, vice president, the full Cabinet, and even the prefect of Santa Cruz.

Marcos Farfán, the vice minister of the Interior, stated that in the hotel they had found "charts, plans, and documents that point to the fact that the attempts were not going to conclude with Cardinal Julio Terrazas' house, but rather there was a chain of planned terrorist acts. There are reports that when President Morales met with his Cabinet in Lake Titicaca, the terrorists tried to plant an explosive device on the multipurpose Bolivian Armada ship on which they were traveling." That was on March 27.

Farfán added that the group followed Morales to various public appearances in order to study his security system. "Even Prefect Costas was among the targets pursued by these terrorists," he added. Clearly, the strategy of the cell was to create uncertainty, confusion, and chaos.


An overweight Rózsa, appearing on a publicly broadcast video, says "Shit, if only I had known in time about the government session in Titicaca the other day. I would have sent one of these guys (an image of his comrades Dwyer and Arpak, along with Tadic next to a column, appears) in scuba gear to blow up the boat. Every single last one, every single last one of them was there; not one was missing," Rózsa says with the boastfulness of a leader.

Eduardo Rosza Flores' blog, when I first looked at it, as the news of his death broke, linked to the Camba Nacion. The Camba Nation has financial backing from the non-indigenous landowning elites, often of European origin, and is notorious for co-opting the language of "indigenous secession" and "human rights" in the service of the far right agenda.

Bolivia is rich in certain key natural resources. The successors of the United Fruit Company and IG Farben want to ensure that the Aymara and Quechua are stripped of the fruits of their inheritance.

Which brings us to Philip Goldberg, "America's Ambassador for Ethnic Cleansing".

Quote:On July 13, 2006, Leopoldo Vegas, a journalist with El Deber of Santa Cruz, published an article stating that "according to three political scientists consulted after the White House appointment, the experience acquired by Goldberg in Eastern Europe, where ethnic struggles occurred after the separation of the former Yugoslavia, can be used in Bolivia, given the changes the current government intends to introduce."

One of those interviewed by Vegas was Róger Tuero, an academic and former director of Political Science at the 'Gabriel Rene Moreno Autonomous University' (UAGRM) in Santa Cruz, who stated that the experience of every ambassador is crucial to American diplomacy.

"It is not by chance that this man was transferred from Kosovo to Bolivia," said Tuero.

Ambassador Goldberg is now a major political and logistical pillar of the Prefect of Cochabamba Manfred Reyes Villa, who set up the worst ethnic, social, regional and institutional crisis ever to take place in the history of Bolivia.
Who is Philip Goldberg?

According to the resume officially circulated by the U.S. Embassy in La Paz, Philip Goldberg participated from the beginning of the Yugoslavian civil war that erupted in the nineties, to the fall and prosecution of Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic.

From 1994 to 1996, he served as a "desk officer" of the State Department in Bosnia, where the conflict between Albanian separatists and Serbian and Yugoslavian security forces arose.

In that same period, he served as Special Assistant to Ambassador Richard Holbrooke, the architect of the disintegration of Yugoslavia and the fall of Milosevic.

"In that position," the Embassy stated, "Goldberg was a member of the U.S. negotiating team in the preparation of the Dayton Peace Conference, and head of the U.S. Delegation in Dayton."

Ambassador Goldberg was also a political and economic officer in Pretoria, South Africa, and a consular and political officer in the U.S. Embassy in Bogota, Colombia, where he first became interested in Latin American politics.

After serving as Deputy Chief of the U.S. Embassy in Santiago de Chile from 2001 to 2004, Goldberg returned to the Balkans to head the U.S. mission in Pristina, capital of Kosovo, from where he supported the prosecution of former dictator Milosevic at the Hague Tribunal.
From Kosovo to Bolivia

Before his transfer to Bolivia, Goldberg worked in Kosovo for the separation of Serbia and Montenegro, which occurred last June as the final act of the disappearance of Yugoslavia.

The disintegration of Yugoslavia took place during a decade of bloody civil war led by processes of "decentralization" and "autonomy". These were finally imposed with American military intervention and the presence of troops from NATO and the UN who occupied the Balkans to pacify the region.

The Yugoslavian civil war was characterized by "ethnic cleansing", consisting of the expulsion and annihilation of traditional ethnic groups who formed the territories of Yugoslavia. The most cruel racial extermination took place between Serbs and Croats.

Just three months after the arrival of Ambassador Goldberg, Bolivia, like the Balkans, began to undergo an exacerbated process of racism and separatism, directed from the eastern city of Santa Cruz. Santa Cruz is governed by an elite composed of, among others, businessmen of Croatian origin who created a federalist movement called "Camba Nation."

One of the main Cruceño leaders of the separatist movement is Branco Marinkovic, an agri-businessman and partner of Chilean capitalists, who in February 2007 will become the head of the Civic Committee of Santa Cruz, the organization driving the process against the government of Evo Morales.
Separatist Autonomy

Beside Santa Cruz, Marinkovic's "Camba Nation" encompasses the departments of Beni, Pando and Tarija (home to the biggest natural gas deposits in Bolivia), whose populations voted for departmental autonomy in a referendum held in July 2006. Together, they form the so-called "Crescent" region of the eastern half of the country.

The western departments of La Paz, Chuquisaca, Potosi, Oruro and Cochabamba voted No to this autonomy, maintaining their direct link with the central government of Evo Morales and distancing themselves from the four departments of the autonomy-seeking "Crescent".

This movement of separatist "autonomy" intensified through an impromptu decision by the government of former president Carlos Mesa in 2004, when "Camba Nation" pressured for the direct election of Prefects (departmental governors) through town meetings and strikes. Previously, prefects were appointed directly by the President to maintain the unity of the Executive Branch. Now, new President Evo Morales is not able to exercise this power and is instead forced to govern almost separately from the four autonomic Prefects.

In Cochabamba – a Department located directly between the eastern and western regions of the country – prefect Manfred Reyes Villa, abusing his elected status, tried to ignore the results of the July 2 referendum and force a new one that would unite Cochabamba with the 'Crescent', breaking the fragile balance between those for "autonomy" and those against. An alternative to separatism was in fact beginning to take shape in Cochabamba – an 'integrative megaregional' approach that contrasted with the model of Departmental autonomies.

The Attack in Cochabamba

Despite having already been decided by the ballot-box, Reyes Villa tried to force through this new autonomy referendum, mobilizing the most conservative urban sectors of Cochabamba society.

The popular movement and particularly the agricultural and indigenous organizations of the 16 provinces of this Department who had been demanding peasant co-management in the prefectural administration instead of the exclusive and corrupt way that Reyes Villa had ruled from the city of Cochabamba (the Department capital), arrived in the city to demand changes to the Prefect's policy.

Ignoring the just demand of the provinces, Reyes Villa promoted the organization of fascist youth groups, aided by the Cruceñista Youth Union which operates in Santa Cruz, in order to "expel the native indians from the city." This is how the fateful day of January 11 erupted, when a violent raid took place that ended with two people dead and 120 seriously wounded, most of them peasants. On this day, when thousands of "Sons of the Fatherland" armed with truncheons, baseball bats, golf clubs, iron pipes and even firearms made their attack, Reyes Villa left the city and went to La Paz to meet with the four autonomic Prefects and representatives of the American Embassy.

After those tragic events, the September 14 Plaza (the seat of the Prefecture and Departmental symbol of power) was occupied by more than 50,000 indigenous people from the 16 provinces demanding the resignation of Reyes Villa.

Although the government opened all possible opportunities for dialogue, Reyes Villa systematically refused to meet with provincial representatives, and instead "exiled himself" in Santa Cruz, from where he now seeks to turn the problem into an explosive national conflict, threatening the stability and democracy of this country governed by an Indian President.
The CIA and Reyes Villa

The influence of the CIA and of Ambassador Goldberg in the political conduct of Reyes Villa (a former Army captain linked to the dictatorship of Banzer and Garcia Meza) is unequivocal.

The separatist Prefect has systematically prevented the peaceful settlement of the conflict and his people have developed a malicious disinformation campaign that seeks to create the conditions for a confrontation at the national level.

The American Embassy is deploying a plan of collective indoctrination against the indigenous uprising, promoting a racial and separatist hatred that was clearly demonstrated on January 11. They are also working in conjunction with business organizations like the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (Cainco) of Santa Cruz, who openly supports Reyes Villa and his "advisers".

But American interference in this conflict occurs not only within the far Right, but also through infiltration into the MAS government itself.

Last weekend, La Razon newspaper in La Paz published a photograph that revealed that food belonging to the state Civil Defense agency, normally used for victims of natural disasters, was being diverted to the peasant masses concentrated in the September 14 Plaza.

It was proven later that Juan Carlos Chavez, a former agent of NASDEA (the logistical and financial body of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency) and an adviser to the Ministry of Justice, had interfered in the Civil Defense agency without having any jurisdiction in that area, in order to carry out this diversion of State resources. Curiously enough, the photograph taken of this illegal act was published by a paper in La Paz, more than 650 kilometers away from Cochabamba.

Chavez was removed immediately, but how a former DEA agent exercised such a high influence within the Ministry of Justice must still be clarified.

The media smear campaign against the indigenous mobilization of Cochabamba is part of a psychological war typical of the CIA, and is a mainstay in the separatist strategy directed from Santa Cruz by Manfred Reyes Villa, who is still the Cochabamba Prefect.

The balkanization of Bolivia appears to be starting.

Evo Morales rightly expelled Goldberg, who is now openly serving as a senior director of American intelligence, as Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of Intelligence and Research.

It is fascinating and revealing that the first known act of violence of Rosza Flores' dogs of war was an attempt to assassinate the right-wing Catholic Archbishop of Santa Cruz.

But not surprizing.

Rosza Flores' speciality has always been false flag attacks.

Not in the service of Hugo Chavez and Evo Morales and the anti-capitalists and anti-Yankees, as Ruben Mundaca claims.

Eduardo Rosza Flores is a creature of Gladio. Of the deep black, eugenicist, far right elites.

Here are some of my earlier comments in this thread. I stand by them in their entirety.

Jan Klimkowski Wrote:Fundamentally, we seem to be talking about a Gladio-inspired Strategy of Tension.

Eduardo Rozsa Flores himself, rather like Lee Harvey Oswald, could superficially be described as right or left-wing, as Catholic or Muslim, as anarchist or national socialist.

The subterfuge, the muddying of the tracks, is implausible though.

Rozsa Flores and his gang have far right Opus Dei/SMOM/wandering bishop links. Rozsa Flores himself was an ethnic cleanser, an assassin, and a specialist in dirty tricks. An expert in committing atocities against his own side and blaming it on his enemy - which is precisely what he did when executing journalists in the Balkan Wars of the 90s.

A strategy of tension and false flag attacks seem to have been part of the Bolivian plan. Rozsa Flores & his gang would commit atrocities against members of the right-wing separatist movement (his own side) - presumably so these acts could be used by propagandist neocon thinktanks and hired MSM hacks as a means to destablize the government of Evo Morales.

The far right foreign landowning separatist movement, led by fascists from Italian, German and Croatian families, were also backed by the USA - both covertly and overtly.

Here's the overt use of American taxpayer dollars:


From: Eva Golinger < >

By Eva Golinger
12 May 2009

Recently declassified documents obtained by investigators Jeremy Bigwood and Eva Golinger reveal that the US Agency for International Development (USAID) has invested more than $97 million in "decentralization" and "regional autonomy" projects and opposition political parties in Bolivia since 2002. The documents, requested under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), evidence that USAID in Bolivia was the "first donor to support departmental governments" and "decentralization programs" in the country, proving that the US agency has been one of the principal funders and fomenters of the separatist projects promoted by regional governments in Eastern Bolivia.


The declassified documents in original format and with Spanish translation are available at:

Jan Klimkowski Wrote:I am also specifically thinking in terms of the know modus operandi of Gladio. A few examples:

i) The types of front companies/groups/individuals involved - eg infiltrated or intelligence-created terrorist groups, (im)plausibly deniable "adventurers";

ii) the absolutely ruthless End justifies the Means ideology, with the aim often being simply the creation of fear and terror in the civilian population itself;

iii) the commission of atrocities, often on "one's own side", as part of the Strategy of Tension. As part of the MO, clues are left enabling the blame to be put on the ideological opponents of the Gladio operation. Eg in Italy, blaming Italian leftists for bombings committed by right-wing Gladio groups. Eg in Bolivia, Rozsa Flores' apparent plans to assassinate and/or bomb prominent members of the right wing, foreigner-led, "Camba Nation" separatist group in Santa Cruz;

iv) the nature of the movers and players behind the scenes - ideologically far right wing, with strong links to international finance, extremist factions within intelligence agencies, Nazism and arcane religious groups such as Opus Dei, SMOM, and American Orthodox Catholic Church wandering bishops. However, it is provocative that Opus Dei member Rozsa Flores declared himself a muslim convert and a friend of Palestine, despite being a Jew - suggesting that once again the End justifies the Means. But then Rozsa Flores was, allegedly, once the interpreter of Carlos the Jackal, whose true masters are also shrouded in Gladio-esque mystery;

v) indeed, the ultimate raison d'etre appears to be geopolitical Power and Control achieved through Terror: the Strategy of Tension as the oldest magician's trick.

Gladio in Italy seems a near perfect template for the Strategy of Tension:

Quote:2000 Parliamentary report: a "strategy of tension"

In 2000, a Parliament Commission report from the "Gruppo Democratici di Sinistra l'Ulivo" concluded that the strategy of tension had been supported by the United States to "stop the PCI, and to a certain degree also the PSI, from reaching executive power in the country". A 2000 Senate report, stated that "Those massacres, those bombs, those military actions had been organized or promoted or supported by men inside Italian state institutions and, as has been discovered more recently, by men linked to the structures of United States intelligence." According to The Guardian, "The report [claimed] that US intelligence agents were informed in advance about several rightwing terrorist bombings, including the December 1969 Piazza Fontana bombing in Milan and the Piazza della Loggia bombing in Brescia five years later, but did nothing to alert the Italian authorities or to prevent the attacks from taking place. It also [alleged] that Pino Rauti [current leader of the MSI Fiamma-Tricolore party], a journalist and founder of the far-right Ordine Nuovo (new order) subversive organisation, received regular funding from a press officer at the US embassy in Rome. 'So even before the 'stabilising' plans that Atlantic circles had prepared for Italy became operational through the bombings, one of the leading members of the subversive right was literally in the pay of the American embassy in Rome,' the report says."[22]

General Maletti's testimony concerning alleged CIA involvement

General Gianadelio Maletti, commander of the counter-intelligence section of the Italian military intelligence service from 1971 to 1975, alleged in March 2001 during the eight trial for the 1969 Piazza Fontana bombings that the CIA had foreknowledge of the event.[23] According to the Guardian, he said:[24]
...his men had discovered that a rightwing terrorist cell in the Venice region had been supplied with military explosives from Germany. Those explosives may have been obtained with the help of members of the US intelligence community, an indication that the Americans had gone beyond the infiltration and monitoring of extremist groups to instigating acts of violence...

General Maletti told the Italian court that "the CIA, following the directives of its government, wanted to create an Italian nationalism capable of halting what it saw as a slide to the left and, for this purpose, it may have made use of rightwing terrorism," and continued on by declaring: "I believe this is what happened in other countries as well." Gianadelio Maletti also said to the court: "Don't forget that Nixon was in charge and Nixon was a strange man, a very intelligent politician but a man of rather unorthodox initiatives."
General Maletti himself in the first Piazza Fontana trial received a four year sentence for providing a false passport to one of the accused bombers, this sentence was overturned in 1985.[25] Maletti received, while in exile, a 15-years sentence in 2000 for his role in trying to cover up a 1973 bomb attack in Milan against the Interior minister, Mariano Rumor (DC - 4 killed and 45 injured), but was acquitted on appeals.[26] According to the court, General Maletti knew in advance of the plan of the attacker, Gianfranco Bertoli, allegedly an anarchist but in reality a right-wing activist and a "long-standing SID informant" according to The Guardian, but had deliberately failed to inform the interior minister of it.[24]
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war

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